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Chapter 13: part 13

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"I appreciate it, but I have to refuse your offer for the safety of my crew." "As you can see, we only have little information about this world, but we would love to stay in this place for a few days if you allow us to," said commander Decken.

"Of course you can. We just want to make sure that you are safe," said the queen.

Commander Decken and his men felt at ease now knowing that they were safe. The queen then ordered her knights to show the visitors around the city.

"We also require disguises because we do not want rumors to spread in the city that could endanger one of us." said commander Decken

"We will need to find you something more suitable. Can't you disguise yourselves using your own clothing?" asked Queen Marielle.

"We can, but it won't look right. We don't need to wear fancy clothes; it might attract more attention." commander Decken answered

Commander Decken allowed his men to change clothes while the commander and the queen talked on the balcony.

"We don't mind pretending we are locals for the time being, but we must make it look convincing to the residents." explained Commander Decken.

"It's pretty surprising that you managed to find us first." said commander decken

The queen chuckled a little and looked Commander Decken in the eyes. His eyes appeared to be those of a dead person, and he appeared to have experienced unspeakable horrors that would eventually break a normal person. 

The queen got curious about the state of his soul. "Is it true that you come from a world where magic doesn't exist?" she asked with curiosity.

"Yes. " "Magic doesn't really exist in this world," he said. "But we have come a long way from the mere use of the spear, bow, and arrows to high-tech war equipment." Advances in technology have led to technologies that go beyond the thing you call magic, such as advanced computing, "big data" analytics, artificial intelligence, autonomy, robotics, directed energy, hypersonics, and biotechnology—the very technologies that ensure we will be able to defend ourselves.

Commander Decken looked again at Queen Marielle, who listened to him attentively with a look of confusion on her face.

Her expression seemed to suggest that she didn't quite believe him. Commander Decken explained the difference between magic and technology and how the latter would always be superior to the former.

While he was explaining, the queen seemed to become a little worried about what would happen in this world.

"don't worry, our goal is to explore, observe, study, and document previously unknown things and then introduce them to the public." Commander Decken continued his explanation. "I'm sure that you've heard of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Well, that theory applies to life as well."

"So, what you're saying is that you have evolved from a primitive state into a highly developed civilization, just like the dwarves and the Kingdom of Vordan." The queen replied

vordan? asked Commaner Dencken

The kingdoms of the dwarves and the Vordani have also made advances in science and magic. dwarves who have mastered the use of steam and gunpowder are another example. They are strong in both fields."

After hearing those words, Commander Dencken paused to gaze out the balcony of the castle and noticed several trade ships and cogs going back and forth along the city's extensive ports, where the sun was slowly setting.

Queen Marielle looked at Commander Decken with interest, but she remained silent for a while.

I think that's enough talk for today. I will look forward to staying in this city while waiting for new orders. said commander Decken

Queen Marielle smiled and exited the balcony, accompanied by her entourage.

"I didn't expect the queen to say yes so quickly," said Commander Decken.

"What do you mean?" asked Yaned.

"She said that she would let us stay here as long as we wanted." "why?" asked Yaned

Commander Decken looked at Yaned and said, "Probably because she doesn't want conflict; it would ruin her kingdom's reputation as the center of all trade."

Commander Decken then went to change into his disguise, which consisted of merely a double-layered cloak covering all of his military equipment from head to toe.

"Sir, our Majesty has reserved rooms," said a maid.

He was oalso told to go down to the ground floor and wait for an escort.

When he arrived on the ground floor, he was met by his crew, who were dressed in tunics and other native garb. Then two more people entered the room, one of whom appeared to be a knight and the other a scholar.

"My name is Sir Rudyard, and I and my men will show you around, and these scholars will help you with your questions."

"Thank you, Sir Rudyard," said Commander Decken.

They discussed for a few minutes before shaking hands and reaching an agreement.

Rudyard was a tall, well-built man with a balding head. He wore a thick breastplate covered in yellow and blue checkerboard pattern fabric, arm and leg greaves, and a metal skirt that gave him the appearance of a conquistador's armor.

Sir Rudyard and I agreed to split into two groups. Professor Abigale, Dr. Sarah, Kevin, Lewis, and Dr. Kyle will be guarded by Bacon and Sir Leonard.

the rest of the crew with me

The group then proceeded to the port as directed; however, Dr. Sarah's group preferred to remain in the city monastery. Sir Rudyard and his guards were followed by Commander Decken and his men. Commander Decken's crew was well-prepared, carrying cameras and other data-gathering equipment, but the scholars and Eranelan sodiers have no idea what they're doing.

While at the monastery library, where Dr. Sarah and the others were escorted to the library. They were given permission to enter the library by the librarian, who showed them around. There were many bookshelves filled with ancient manuscripts and scrolls.

But there's a catch: they can't read it. "It looks like drunk Chinese to me," Bacon laughed, opening the book closest to him.

"Hey, kid, could you kindly read that for us?" Dr. Sarah respectfully asked one of the scholars.

"wait you cant read those books?" asked the scholar

"Isn't it obvious they're from another world" said Sir Leonard to the young scholar.

"oh" the young scholar said "I'm sorry. the young scholar proceeded to read the texts in the book

The history of the Eranalu. The kingdom first rose to prominence when the kingdom of Eranalu served as a reliable naval ally, receiving many ships from other continents thanks to its two capses that protected the ships from pirates and sea serpents. Going to shore in an unoccupied location is risky at the moment because of the demon lord's devastating aura, which confuses every magical beast on the continent. When the great sodiers of Nul fought in the 4th demonic crusade with the great priests and locked away the Demon King, the great sun began to rise and warm the front lines. It took a long time for the seas to calm after the war, and the safest place for traders to land was in the kingdom of Erananelu, which also helped its economy grow; it became the greatest trading nation in the region and also gained fame for its excellent trading industry.

"That's impressive," said Dr. Sarah.

"Yes it is" said the young scholar proudly

While Dr. Sarah and her colleagues were talking, Sir Leonard tried his best to hold his laughter while standing in the corner. Bacon soon took notice, asking, "Why are you laughing?" As Bacon whispered, Sir Leonard laughed quietly and pointed at the book. "I can't read it," said Bacon. "Oh, sorry." It's really funny that they're reading a children's book; they look like kids.

"dude we're just trying to learn about your culture and history," added Bacon.

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"Is it rare to have a proper education in your world?" Sir Leonard asked

"Well, no, it's quite unusual to encounter someone who hasn't had a decent education. UNICEF aims to offer excellent learning opportunities that provide children and adolescents with the necessary information and skills." Bacon answered

"You mean, people who don't go to school?"

"Indeed, sir. Most of our population attend university or technical schools" said Bacon

"That's understandable," said Sir Leonard as the two watched Dr. Sarah and the Eranelan scholars read while Dr. Sarah's team just took down notes.

"Hey, Mr., what's that thing on top of the book?" A young scholar questioned Professor Abigale as a tiny ray of light traced the texts in the book.

"well that's a scanner it is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting or an object and converts it to a digital image"

"Wow, your technology is really impressive, probably outperforming the dwarves' and Vordan's current technology," the young scholar said as she looked at professor Abigale, who was working on his laptop.

Meanwhile, The Flying Dutchman's communications officer was doing his usual work while drinking coffee when he received a message from Dr. Sarah and Professor Abigale.

[yo! i got some good news i have sent you the file]

When the communications officer opened the file, he nearly spilled his coffee and immediately called Chief Commander Mcregor. When Mcregor viewed the file, he widened his eyes.

contact the UN immediately! shouted Chief Commander Mcregor.

Commander Decken, along with Sir Rudyard and his crew, were walking through the wide city streets, which were crowded with people carrying goods and merchants from other races, such as elves and demi-humans, buying and selling items.

"woah is look that guy has cat ears!" said one of commander Decken's crew pointing at it like a kid, while holding a camera taking pictures of the city's crowded markets.

The young scholar looked at the same merchant and said, "Oh, he's a demi-human." "His race is unique in this world; some kingdoms treated them as pests, but that is strictly forbidden in this kingdom, and they are treated with respect."

"So, that's a demi-human?" said one of the commander Decken's crew before taking a photo at the crowd

"They are considered half-beast, half-human creatures that have both magical and physical powers. Some are born with divine bloodlines and possess superhuman abilities."

"We should better get going," said Commander Decken."Sir Rudyard, we'd like to stop by the port to examine the merchant ships," captain Decken asked.

"Certainly. "You have my full authority to do so," replied Sir Rudyard.

As they made their way through the bustling crowds, a tall hooded figure followed them, her intentions unknown, and everyone in commander Decken's crew didn't notice because of the crowds and carriages moving along the busy road. The cloaked woman kept following commander Decken and his crew until they reached the port.

"So this is the port?" Ivan, one of Captain Decker's crew members (the person who was carrying the camera)

The port was massive, crowded with all types of ships, and the sheer quantity of movement and bustle in the air was overwhelming. Despite the fact that the port was crowded, it was impressively clean. Even Ivan, a seasoned sailor, was taken aback by the port's sheer size and vitality.

"This is indeed the harbor," said Sir Rudyard.

"The Eranelu Kingdom is known for its military power, especially its navy, and many merchant vessels come to trade with the kingdom.

Many ships were in the harbor, including large warships and merchant vessels from far-off lands, making it truly a sight to behold

"Look at the size of that thing; it's almost as tall as an Arleih Burke-class destroyer," said Ivan while taking a photo of the massive wooden steam ship as it towered over the harbor. It almost looked like a Viking ship; its hull was embedded with ornate carvings.

"Oh, that thing is the Grand Monarch; it's a merchant vessel that belonged to the dwarves; they're a pretty advanced kingdom; people rarely see this marvel of technology; they often trade with valuable stones and metals in exchange for barrels of booze." said the other scholar.

"It's really something to behold," Ivan said in amazement, as he marveled at the intricate details on the bow of the vessel

The crowd suddenly starts cheering and swarms around the vessel, anxious to get a better view. The majority of the observers were children.

"What are they doing?" asked Commander Decken.

"Those are the sailors who work on the Grand Monarch." "They're celebrating their arrival," replied Sir Rudyard.

"Well, most kids want to hear about the great adventures that they encounter; most of their stories are made up, but the dwarves are good storytellers." Sir Rudyard smiled and said, "The tales of the Grand Monarch are definitely something special. When I was little, I used to listen to the sailors' tales of the wonderful places they'd visited during their expedition to the south and the amazing creatures they'd encountered along the way. The dwarves were quite happy to share their stories of their travels with the children, regaling them with tales of orcs, sea monsters, and mysterious lands.

"Look," said the onlookers as the ships' crew disembarked, waving at the cheering crowd As the sailors stepped onto the docks, they were short, bearded people, and their clothing was full of fur and leather

"Let's have a feast!" said one of the dwarves. Everyone cheered and clapped, for these seafaring dwarves had traveled the world

As the rest of the crew's interest wanes, they widen their eyes as mechanical mechs descend from the ship, carrying crates on their backs, towards the town.

"What are those?" Ivan inquired.

"Oh, those are one of the dwarves' steam- and magic powered automata," said the young scholar

But Commander Decken wasn't impressed nor shocked as one of the automata walked past them with the sound of steam hissing from its mechanical foot.

"You don't look so impressed." Ivan chuckled

It does not look too practical compared to a tracked and wheeled vehicle that can travel at fast speeds compared to a mech that has too many moving parts; it must have been expensive to repair them.

"Well, they're used mostly for mining and lifting heavy cargo. Most caves in the north were full of dungeons and monsters, so it was not an ideal environment for wheeled or tracked vehicles. They're very protective about the technology that was used to create the mechs, so they made sure to keep their technology a secret, the same as the Vordans." said the young scholar

The crowd then stormed them, causing the crew to flee, but they quickly regrouped.except for Ivan

Meanwhile, Ivan, pushed by the cheering crowd, found a way out, taking a breath, and it was then, as he walked through the city's glowing streets in the middle of the night, that he realized he'd lost his way.





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