爱与坚持 Love and Perseverance

Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Back to Nanjing

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Xu Haoran replied in a cold monotone, "You can't."

Li Yingshan stared at him incredulously. "B- but- I don't understand. I'm trying to fix things!"

He slapped the desk, making her flinch, and stood. "You're still meddling! Can't you be satisfied with being a martial artist?! Is the Jianghu not enough for you?! Will your ambition never be satiated?!"

Tears welled in her eyes. She murmured, "It's not ambition."

He walked over to her. "Then what? Do you just wish to run through the princes?!"

Qiu Ling gasped and covered her mouth. Li Yingshan's bottom lip quivered.

"So you're still upset about that?" she asked quietly. "I didn't want that to happen."

"Well, it did. And now, you're messing around with the Ninth Prince. Will the same thing repeat?"

"How could you say that?!" she exploded. "I'm trying to make amends!"

"Amends to who? Yourself? Have you forgotten that you have a husband?!"

"I never asked for one!"

His expression turned dark. "Well then, why didn't you stay dead? That way, you wouldn't have one."

He shoved past her and stormed out of the study. Li Yingshan choked back a sob and dropped to her knees. Qiu Ling ran over to her.

"Young Master didn't mean it like that."

Li Yingshan choked miserably, "You're even taking his side now?"

Finally her maid admitted, "I never thought interfering in politics was a good thing. I understood you had to repay the Seventh Prince for his help, but not going so far as to committing treason."

A jolt of pain stabbed through Li Yingshan's heart. She turned her head away, tears streaming down her cheeks. Hanging her head, she shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

"So do you think I'm wrong in doing this also?"

"My Lady, you got your chance to free yourself of the capital. Why did you bother with going to meet the Ninth Prince?"

Li Yingshan shook her head. "I've already explained myself. There's no use in beating the dead horse any further."

She slowly stood up. Flicking her wrist, her ribbon shot out of the building and up into the air. She flew with it and left Xu manor behind. After exiting Longxin City, she headed southeast, back towards Nanjing. Her head turned, eyes filled with sadness, as she looked at her home growing smaller in the distance.

I guess I have nowhere to go now. I was also stupid enough to believe that anyone would stay with me forever. 

She closed her eyes helplessly and shook her head. When she opened her eyes, Li Yingshan continued on.

Halfway to Nanjing, she was ambushed by bandits. Drawing her sword slowly, she held it out.

"You'll regret crossing me," she said coldly.

"Hahaha, lady, do you think we're weak?"

Without a word, Li Yingshan shot forward with her qinggong. Her ribbon slashed in a blur. Within seconds, every single one of the bandits fell to the ground, not even giving them a chance to fight back. Hmphing, she wiped the blade of her sword with a handkerchief and sheathed it. She walked on.

The road to Nanjing was empty. No one travelled along it. The only sounds surrounding Li Yingshan were the rustling leaves in the wind, chirps of the various birds in the trees, and the chittering of squirrels running around. She walked on.

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The sun slowly made its way to the western horizon. As the air grew colder, Li Yingshan let out a sigh and saw the white condensation leave her lips. Sadness filled her eyes. She walked on.

When she was a day's journey from Nanjing, she sat down to rest and cultivate her internal force. As she meditated, Li Yingshan sensed a presence approaching. Slowly opening her eyes, she stood.

"Who's there?" she called out.

There was no reply. Obviously.

She let the handle of her ribbon drop down into her palm, preparing for battle. As her pupils narrowed, her lip began to curl.

Even when I'm believed to be dead, Heaven still tests me.

Just as she was about to attack, an arrow flew past her face. She gave a yelp and jumped from fright. The arrowhead lodged into the tree trunk just beside her. She heard a ruffling sound, but no one showed up.

They must've left.

Turning towards the arrow, she saw that a note was tied to the shaft. Li Yingshan unrolled the piece of paper and scanned the words.

Meet at Longevity Tavern in Nanjing upon your arrival

Confusion flickered across her features.

This had to be aimed at me for a reason. But I don't recognize the handwriting. If I go, will I be walking into a trap?

Nevertheless, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Making her decision, she opened her eyes and walked away.

When she arrived in Nanjing, Li Yingshan walked over to a local.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find Longevity Tavern?"

"Young Lady, why do you want to go there?" the old woman asked. "That place is no good. A nice young lady such as yourself should not go there."

"I'm meeting a friend there."

"No friend would ask you to that gambling den. Beware, it's not just money that is gambled away."

Li Yingshan's eyes narrowed. "Thank you for the warning, but I must go."

She turned and walked away. The old lady sighed.

Once in front of Longevity Tavern, Li Yingshan leaned to the side as a person came flying out. He  landed on their back and grunted in pain.

"How dare you!" he ranted. "I played fair and square! Give me what I'm owed!"

A second man, seeming to be in his mid-forties, appeared in the doorway. "What you're owed?! Hahaha! Dogshitin Chinese, it's actually "dogshit" instead of "bullshit"! I owe you nothing!"

The man in the doorway turned, still laughing. The man in the ground, flicked his wrist. Seeing the hidden weapons fly, she inwardly sighed.

This is the treachery and corruption of the Jianghu. People kill people needlessly. Favors are exchanged but never fulfilled. Every man seeks fame while slowly giving in to their darkest desires, losing themselves in the process.

Li Yingshan watched as the weapons imbedded themselves into the back of the man in the doorway. He fell forward; his body resounded with a thud on the wooden flooring. Seemingly unbothered by the scene, she walked forward and climbed the few stairs. She casually stepped over the dead body in the doorway and entered Longevity Tavern.

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