100 years before Divorce

Chapter 217: Mediation Before Divorce?

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Xia Sha was clueless as she slides into Guan Xian's car and eats her lunch in delight. She even makes Guan Xian get into a line of famous ice cream stores for twenty minutes before they arrived at GI's meeting room. 

Who would have known Guan Xian had prepared something that might make her jaw dislocated. 

Xia Sha swears she almost dropped her ice cream tone when Mr. Du, Guan Xian's family lawyer, carries a heavy load on file and put it in front of Xia Sha. 

"Miss Xia, this is the standard prenup from Guan's family. There are one thousand and one pages-"

"Just tell me the important things I should know," Xia Sha cut off lawyer Du's sentence as she opens the hardcover file.

Lawyer Du let out a relieved breath that Xia Sha did not ask him to read the whole file for her. With a kind smile, he explained the content outline. 

Guan Xian watched the interaction between lawyer Du and Xia Sha in satisfaction. His eyes filled with the warmth of Xia Sha listening to Lawyer Du carefully. 

"Mediation before divorce?" Xia Sha's voice wakes Guan Xian from his dreamy states. His eyes travel to lawyer Du in an instant as he wrinkled his eyebrow in wariness. 

Lawyer Du's lips twitched the moment he understands the gaze Guan Xian is giving to him. He needs to take another deep breath to relax before he turned to Xia Sha with a friendly smile. 

"Yes, it's the normal process everyone needs to go through before divorce."

Xia Sha raised her eyebrow and squinted her eyes as she moves her gaze to Guan Xian. A faint frown appears on her face after she said, "Really? As if meditation could stop me if I ever wanted one."

Guan Xian let out a dry chuckle as he nods along with Lawyer Du. 

"Yeah, babe. Sure do." 

"Uh-huh, God helps your little brother the moment I asked for a divorce," Xia Sha murmured as she flips through random pages from the thick file. 

Once again, Guan Xian let out a fake chuckle as his fingertips make a random rhythm against the wooden table. 

"So, Can I take this to my lawyer for another review?" Xia Sha asked calmly to Guan Xian in a low tone. The tone she always used for negotiations. Guan Xian knew it very well because Xia Sha always used it every time she wanted something from him. 

Guan Xian scratches his eyebrow that suddenly felt itchy. He closed his eyelids and could not help but nod his head when he meets Xia Sha's pleading eyes. 

"Fine," Guan Xian said without moving his teeth as he smiles helplessly at lawyer Du. 

Lawyer Du is smiling and nodding along while hiding the shivers he felt down his spine. Gosh! Never did he witness Young Master Guan become a hopeless romantic like this. Every time they meet, Guan Xian always had that furious expression. 

"Okay, I signed and gave the agreement to you before Sunday. It's that's alright with you, B-" Xia Sha closed her mouth the moment endearment almost slipped out from her mouth. 

Guan Xian's eyes dilated. He looked at Xia Sha in shock. He grabs her hand and swallowed lumps of saliva in his throat, "What did you say?!" 

Guan Xian asked in bewilderment. He could not believe Xia Sha almost called him baby willingly! 

Xia Sha got flushed as she glances at Lawyer Du that averted his face from them. He cleared his throat and collected a random paper on the table. 

Right now, Xia Sha wanted to dig holes and hide inside forever! 

"Lunchtime is over. I'm leaving!" Xia Sha stood up from her seat and ignored Guan Xian's questions. 

"What? Hey, not that fast. Let me hear you call me baby! Clearly," Guan Xian followed Xia Sha that has walk through the door. 

"Guan Xian, shut up! I did not call you Baby!" 

"Ugh, another lie. Come on, don't be shy. I called you baby every day. I am not embarrassed by that!" 

Xia Sha stops walking after hearing Guan Xian's remark. She shot him a deadly glare before she fastens her pace to the lift. 

The hallway is not empty. There are lots of people who could hear Guan Xian's loud voice. Xia Sha swears Guan Xian had the thickest skin in this world! 

"Can you stop following me? I'll go back on my own," Xia Sha hissed when she see Guan Xian followed her to the lift. 

Guan Xian had a mischievous smirk on his handsome face as he pokes Xia Sha's hot cheek. 

"Look at my shy baby. Have I told you that you looked cuter when you put on your salty expression?" Guan Xian wrinkled his nose. 

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Xia Sha looked up to him and scoffed roughly, "You and your weird vocabulary."

"Don't roll your eyes," Guan Xian reminds as Xia Sha about to roll her eyes. 

Xia Sha pressed her lips into a thin line, trying hard to hold her laughter as she averted her gaze from Guan Xian. 

"I could see your teeth, just smiles if you wanted to smile," Guan Xian teased her again, as giggles slip out from her lips. 

"Shut up!" 

"Bleh! As if you could stop me If I don't want to shut up," Guan Xian mimicked the same expression Xia Sha used in the lawyer's office before. 

Xia Sha clicked her tongue and pushed Guan Xian to create some distance between them. Guan Xian's laughter echoed throughout every corner of the lift. The atmosphere just felt perfect for him to stretched his arm and pulled Xia Sha under his armpit. 

"No! No! No!" Xia Sha had a horror face when Guan Xian had grasped her tiny wrist. 

When Guan Xia almost pressed his body against Xia Sha's face, the lift stopped and slid its door open. 

Xia Sha's eyelashes trembled when she sees Guan Lin Yi. 

What's more, he is not alone. 

Beside him, There's a man whose face shares a resemblance with Guan Lin Yi. He let out a fake cough as he glances at Xia Sha and Guan Xian back and forth. 

"Well, who is this?" the middle-aged man turned to father Guan. 

Father Guan had a smile on his bright face as he patted the middle man's back. 

"This is Xia Sha. She is my future daughter-in-law. Less headache than Xiao Ni, but she manages to make my Guan Xian head over heels. Xia Sha, this is Uncle Huang, Guan Xian's uncle," Father Guan proudly introduced Xia Sha to his cousins. 

Uncle Huang looks sours as he looked at Father Guan. He let out a heavy breath as he complained, "Keep doing that! Keep rubbing salt into my wound. I don't know why we need to be cousins still." 

Father Guan let out a laugh as they step inside the lift. Xia Sha leans into Guan Xian's side. Guan Xian knew the question she wanted to asked, so he deliberately tapped uncle Huang's shoulder. 

"Uncle Huang, Don't worry. I'll pray for Xiao Jian to find his love and get married soon too." 

"GET MARRY SOON? YOU ARE GOING TO-" Uncle Huang shouted. He stopped when he realized Xia Sha was watching him intently. 

"Pfft, Why are you so surprised? I always lucky with love, that must runs in our Guan's family gene." 

"Ah, including our Xiao Ni. Xiao Ni marries off early," Uncle Huang pressed his lips. 

Guan Xian almost choked his saliva when Uncle Huang mentions Xiao Ni. Xiao Ni's marriage is still a sensitive topic for Father Guan. Nobody in the house dared to mention it up, even though the vacancy Xiao Ni left is too palpable. 

"I guess that's the perk of being lucky about your love life." 


Father Guan and Uncle Huang left before they arrived at the lobby. Guan Xian has been telling Xia Sha about his cousin, Xiao Jian, Uncle Huang's children. He said he either wanted to marry his 'waifu' or he would not marry at all. 

Guan Xian helps Xia Sha carried their prenup agreement before he heads back to his office. He did not realize that Lawyer Du hasn't taken out the little note Guan Xian left for him. 

When Xia Sha accidentally hit a stack of files on her table, the prenup falls, along with the notes Guan Xian left. 

The sticky note weighs nothing, so it easily got sucked by the cleaning robot in Xia Sha's office. The noises make Xia Sha turned around and pulled the paper out from the machine vacuums. 

Xia Sha flips the sticky notes around, trying to read the content inside when someone burst out from the door. Xia Sha furrowed her eyebrow when her eyes meet the intruders' eyes. 

"Haven't you learn how to knock before?" Xia Sha asked sarcastically. She stood tall from her position and squared her shoulders in an attempt to look intimidating. 

The person ignored Xia Sha's question and shut Xia Sha's office door tight. With a distorted expression, he tells something that suddenly becomes Xia Sha's nightmare. 

"Xia Sha! Do you need to go this far? You wanted to join the Guan family, that's your choice! But this company is your family's legacy. How could you just sell it to the Guan so easily?!"

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