[18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹

Chapter 46: How To Make A Friend VI

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Lirin watched the Overseer widened his eyes, filled with nothing but reverence. This was unusual as the Arena Master was a composed individual who did not easily reveal his emotions. The F4 instructor had half-expected this type of reaction.

Based on the test results and past training sessions, Lirin knew she had a special cohort this year. The possibility of a strong and cohesive class was promising. 

A few students had a unique background, special skillset or magical abilities that could be cultivated into something more. Perhaps, it could even peak them near the upper echelon of the Regulars. Thus, it was expected for many other instructors and faculties to be surprised, possibly at the idea of the lowest ranking garnering more potential than the previous F4 classes.

"What do you think of Group B's success rate?"

"Although there is a lack of teamwork across the members, they have the advantage due to their prior planning and strategy. Group B will accomplish the mission within twenty minutes if they maintain their current flow."

Lirin leaned back into the comfort of her lounge chair and nodded slowly.

"Agreed. I'm sure you have some thoughts about the swordsman."

"Without a doubt, his swordsmanship is most excellent. One of the best I've seen since Mari's enrollment. As expected of graduates from the Dojo."

"Hm...? Mari. I was having the same thought."

"Do you two still keep in contact?"

The change in his tone was much more casual than before, almost resembling a concerned mentor.

"Not since our Fifth Year Expedition."

"I have heard... I hope fate will provide you with another chance to reconnect. You two were such brilliant pupils back when I taught as an instructor. It was always entertaining to watch the two of you fight side by side while arguing over what trivial strategy—"

"—Old butler man, did I ask you to provide my life story?"

"Hahahahaha," he chuckled nostalgically at the sound of his past student-given nickname. "I apologize."

Fate. Lirin glanced at Onii for a few seconds and smiled lightly. Maybe you'll be the one.

The Overseer focused his attention back to the swordsman, who was deftly parrying multiple attacks from the Goblins. For some reason, Onii attacked only with his gun and not his blade. He stroked his beard and continued his assessment.

"For a first time Modern Weapon user, he is doing better than expected. Although his shooting skills were lacking to Shino from Group A, I can see how the pistol fits his fighting style. I see great promise if he continues to practice."

"How about Tsuko? The Shui Princess certainly shines in her own ways."

"A natural leader in the making. If she were to have more battle experiences and maintain authority within the class, I can see Tsuko leading F4 to victory in Battle of the Divisions."

Lirin could sense that underlying meaning in the Overseer's words — she should become the class representative for the F4 class.

Letting out a satisfied nod, the instructor agreed with his analysis wholeheartedly. In fact, numerous plans for the talented duo had already emerged in her head.

I wonder what's the best path for my class to take.

The Overseer turned his eyes back to the battlefield, specifically towards Onii.

"Still, I am confused. He could have easily annihilated all twelve Goblins all by himself and ended this thirty minutes ago."


"Then I'm curious to know why he has not done so?"

Indeed, he raised an interesting question. But Lirin could somewhat understand Onii's intention, especially noticing how he had been using his pistol to kill the whole time.

"Perhaps then it would be too easy," Lirin thought of what Mari said before every fight. "After all, there are those out there who prefer to savor the taste of cake rather than indulge it in one bite."

A gradual pause while the Overseer thought deeply about it. From that reaction alone, Lirin knew he could not fully understand that reasoning. As someone who absolutely despised war and unnecessary bloodshed, he would have used all his strength to end the battle. As fast as possible.

After all, those who had lost someone important would do everything to change the past.

"This is why I have my personal biases towards the Group Simulation Battle. It offers a false sense of reality, especially towards those who are still young and naive. I often worry about those Regular students when they encounter real monsters for the first time in their Second Year."

"The purpose of today's exercise was not to assess personal ability but rather improve group cohesion," Lirin reminded the Overseer of what her goal was. "Even if Onii were to kill everything by himself, Group B would receive a failure due to the lack of teamwork."

"You would fail them for that sole reason?"

"There's a time and place for everything. I rather my class try their best and fail rather than disregarding the purpose of their training."

"I'm assuming you will be preparing them during the upcoming retreat at Palm Falls."

"Mhm, along with the other three F-classes," Lirin paused for a moment. "I would prefer all of my students to be alive before they graduate."

The Overseer kept his eyes fixed on her and nodded.

"Disregard what I said earlier. I am but a retired veteran, mumbling my nonsensical thoughts whenever I have the chance."

"I already know, old butler man" she chuckled. "But sometimes, they can be insightful."

Lirin continued to examine Onii's moves carefully, which was best described as agile and full of poise. The various motions he deflected the Goblin's attacks were filled with experience and confidence.

Mari told me before that the Dojo assigned monster-hunting as part of their training. They had to fight monsters above their skill level to graduate.

But... his movements are too clean and he possesses excellent techniques and mechanics, far beyond his age group.

I wouldn't be surprised if he could go against some of the instructors here.

"Since twelve Goblins is the usual standard for the Regular class, this should be an easy victory for Group B. Unless you want to add a few more monsters?"

"Yes," Lirin leaned closely into his ear. "But you will summon this instead."

The Overseer instantly furrowed his brow when he heard the monster's name. The wrinkles on his forehead became more apparent as she explained her rationale.

"Their chances of finishing the objective will be reduced astronomically. And there is a possibility that the other three students might be wounded." He paused for a brief second. "Do not be influenced by what I said earlier, Lirin."

Instead, the instructor let out a sigh. It was one filled with disappointment.

"I already thought about it before the battle, especially with Jan and Onii on the same team."

"Were you not the one who purposely placed them together?"

"I was."

"Then I don't fully understand why it must be that monster."

"A school is a place for learning and self-growth."

Now radiating a mighty air of gravitas, Lirin crossed her legs and surmised her overall observations so far.

"It's a place for students to challenge themselves and surmount those obstacles. This is how people improve. For Onii, it's learning how to work with others. For Jan, it's overcoming his ego. For Tsuko and Aqua, it's learning how to fight and survive. Summoning a Veteran-level monster is the perfect Zone of Proximal Development for them. I want my Group B to take away something valuable from this experience."

The Overseer nodded slowly. He steepled his fingers in front of his pale cheek and mulled over the best choice to make.

It was clear that he was in an internal conflict.

But it was understandable.

After all, Lirin had specifically requested for a Potential-ranked monster to be summoned. That was not against the rule but it was exceptionally rare, especially towards students of the lowest Regular rank. Another instructor might even argue this was practically suicide. 

This might be an ethical dilemma if she did not handle it professionally.

"I will be there to apprehend the monster if necessary," Lirin continued with a sheer determination in her tone. "And I shall bear the responsibility of all the possible consequences. Of course, I do not think there will be any under the given circumstances."

The Overseer let out an uneasy sigh.

"You and your unconventional ways of teaching."

"What will it be?"

"I will ask you one last time — are you sure?"

"If I wasn't, then I wouldn't have requested in the first place."

"Then I shall summon it," The Overseer gazed at Lirin with a serious, worried expression. "Only because I know you have the history and healing expertise to support your pedagogy style. However, I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into, especially with the incident regarding your prior student."

"Of course, I've already thought about the potential risks but the benefits would far outweigh it."

"I understand. This is your class after all."

A beam of white light surrounded the Overseer's body as he chanted a series of incantation. With her amber eyes igniting, Lirin folded her arms and gazed curiously at Group B.

"Now then, what will you all do next?"

♦ ♦ ♦

As Tsuko and Aqua finished off the remaining Goblins attacking Jan, the ground rumbled ominously. Flocks of birds flew away in a hurry from the forest in the distance. Wanting to uncover the source, the Shui Princess placed the「Binocular of Prediction」on her eyes and searched within the woods. The lens switched to heat-seeking as she clicked the buttons on the side.

You are reading story [18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹 at novel35.com

A gut feeling told Tsuko something terrible was about to happen. 

Unfortunately, her intuitions were never wrong.

"Is this an earthquake...?! Uwah!—" 

—Aqua squealed as she fell right on her butt after a loud thundering rumble.

"Where is this sound coming from? I thought the mission was over after we kill the Goblins." 

Jan held onto a nearby brush for support while frantically scanned his surroundings. 

Tsuko's heart trembled deeply as she uncovered the source. The origin behind the strange tremors. Her voice suddenly changed into a cautious whisper, indicating that everyone should remain alert. 

"The binoculars appraised one monster inside the forest."

"Just one?"

"Yes," Tsuko answered her bald ally, who furrowed his bushy brows in disbelief.

"How is one monster making all this noise?"

"I believe it's a Veteran-level."

A long uneasy silence as the statement was being digested by the two. Once fully realizing the severity of the current situation, they let out a shocking cry in unison:

"A Veteran-level?!"

Tsuko nodded and continued in a wary tone.

"I had a similar reaction so I confirmed it again with「Celestial Eyes」. Similar to the binoculars assessment, I detected an anomaly in physical size. Its mass is gigantic, which will make combat extremely dangerous."

"Is it a Hill Giant?"

"Or a Lesser Demon?!"

"Uwah! That's so so so scary-! I heard from the elders back home that Enchanting Ents also live in forests too. Did we somehow upset them?"

"How freaking unreasonable. This is a simulation, not a real-life battle. What the heck is happening?!"

Wild guesses were rapidly thrown around by her teammates. Tsuko highly doubted it was monsters of those tier as she did not sense any ominous forms of mana. Plus, it would be suicide as the task would require a proper team composition of experienced students.

There's no way that Lirin will do something this farfetched.

It has to be within the spectrum of reasonability... I hope.

There were two likely possibilities within the context of this scenario. The first was a Goblin Warlord, a tough warrior known for its colossal size and martial arts to summon more underlings. The second was a Troll. Although dull in mental aptitude, it possessed an overwhelming physical strength that rivaled a Siege Vessel or an Elemental Golem.

The Shui Princess did not know which was worse as both were overwhelmingly frightening. Memories of horror stories told from her knights emerged in her mind, sparking even more anxiety.

"Where is it coming from?"

"Right in the middle of the forest," Tsuko responded to Jan's question and pointed at the clutter of greens.

"Okay, so what are we planning—"

—A large creature that was the size of a tree finally emerged. A grand entrance for a mighty monster. It broke the exterior of the branches and stood at the edge of the grassland, instantly evoking fear within Tsuko and her teammates.

We have to fight a monster of this size...?

How do we even start...?

Its bulky arms were massive and muscular. Both of its limbs dragged incessantly on the ground due to its hunchbacked pose. Wearing a light-brown leather hide around the waistline, its dirty orange skin reeked of a foul stench. Its rancid odor brought Tsuko back to an unpleasant memory.

It's the same when Logyn and the other knights captured that gigantic Mountain Troll for the experiment.

If the Knights of the Elite already had difficulty containing such a monster, then how can we ever hope to defeat it...?

We are practically noobs. Sitting targets... with no back-up plan or reinforcement.




Think positively.

Think of what you can do right now.

Father always said — a leader must remain brave, even in the face of death itself.

Announcing its intense aggression, the Troll lifted one of the tree trunks from the ground effortlessly and waved it around like a stick. A menacing wave of gust rippled the golden meadow.


Tsuko glanced upward to the azure sky, feeling anger from this unexpected event. This monster was not mentioned in the briefing earlier.

"Ahh... Is this how everything will end?" Aqua muttered to herself and looked up as well. On her face wore an expression of complete hopelessness. "Thank you for the good life, papa, mama, sister Rem."

"We will not die in a simulation that's supervised by Temple Academy. That's against school rules."

"Then tell me — why is a Veteran-tier monster standing right over there? Just look at how enormous it is! There's no way we can approach it without being whacked by that log."

Tsuko had no answer for Jan. While her mind arrived at a few hypotheses, it all trailed back to the source — Onii. One possibility was that Doctor Lirin probably wanted to test him by appraising his combat skills. Another was the trial of the unexpected. To truly test their cooperation and reaction skills in the event of the unforeseen.

Logyn did this a couple of times with the trainees too.

But that doesn't explain why a Veteran-tier monster.

The team had not discussed any prior plans and strategies for true emergencies. The worst-case scenario was everyone for themselves. And that would result in failure, especially when the purpose of Group Simulation Battle was to build teamwork skills amongst one another.

Understanding the personality of her teammates, the Shui Princess needed to assert her role as the field commander. After all, her older sisters would have done the same in this situation.

Tsuko returned her gaze once more to the monster, desperately thinking of a plan that would benefit everyone. She thought about their current situation and the Troll's motive.

Currently, the trio stood safely nearby the village and had finished off the remaining enemies. Onii was ahead by himself and the Goblins were no longer a concern. The Troll was walking slowly out of the forest. In about a minute, they will be in dangerous proximity.

Think Tsuko think.

What can we do as a team right now?

Use the Troll's slow movement and the grass terrain as your strategy.

But nothing miraculous came into mind.

She was not experienced like Big Sis Tsundere or strategic like Big Sis Tsunami.

She was just Little Sis Tsuko. 

The sheltered Princess who was all talk but no skills.

Tsuko cursed internally and blamed herself for being so inexperienced. As a highly-respected royalty, she had access to a vast field of battle knowledge and war veterans back in the Shui Kingdom. Additionally, she could even request a live demonstration with a detailed step-by-step explanation on how to kill a monster.

If I only took the time and opportunity to learn more.

Why did I not prepare?

In the distance, Onii quickly finished off the remaining Goblins with his blade. He discarded「Deagle」in his side pocket and prepared his「Katana」in a standard drawing position. Although in a closer proximity with the Troll, his attitude and posture indicated no hesitation against the Troll.

"Onii," Tsuko placed both hands beside her mouth and shouted with all her might. "Let's head back to the village and think of a strategy together!"

A tactical retreat...

This is the best option right now.

Maybe Onii will have some insights on how to defeat the Troll together.

If we can think of a plan together, then it might be possible.

But to her complete surprise, the swordsman turned around and smiled warmly. It was the display of a confident and reassuring smile. A smile that will forever etch itself in the Princess's mind during the moment when she needed someone to rely on the most.

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