Chapter 1: Story 1: Itsmo Regno

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The first expedition seemed to be going well, a possible next success is what was in store for the Empire as they saw a wave of successes in the few weeks of the expedition.

The nobles, scholars, generals and members of the royal family who had come on the expedition were discussing inside the imperial base of operations, known to them as beatus castrum.

According to the texts captured by the legionaries, the year in this world was 1841, although the texts were written in a different language, it seemed to be not so different from Italic, perhaps a variant of it.

The scholars who had arrived with the expedition were trying to organize everything, the legionaries were anxious to find the booty they had been promised, but they had only been able to attack small villages and civilian settlements of the kingdom they had arrived in, subjected to the imperial will by force in the face of impetuous resistance.

They had arrived a few weeks ago, apparently just at the celebrations of the end of the previous year, winter had ended and spring seemed to have arrived, although the absence of snow in this kingdom seemed to indicate that its climate was mostly tropical.

The kingdom of the Isthmus or something like that, was called that place they now occupied, it was not a powerful kingdom, nor a commercial one, according to the texts written in paper and uniform ink it seemed to be a rebel state, separated from another state in crisis.

An easy target apparently, divided states, although armed, usually have incompetent organization and even greater fragility if you know where to attack, the empire had faced these situations before, the situation was not alien to them.

"When shall we initiate the attack on their capital?"

Was the question that the blond prince vociferated every minute inside the meeting to a subtle look of contempt from those present.

The blond prince constantly interrupted, he sought to make his opinion unique and unappealable, even with the advice put forward by generals, his tactics were better, his generals incompetent and with constant threats of dismissal or worse destinies, these gave in to his demands.

Even with the advice of the generals not to engage in conflict, the prince boasted of his military prowess demonstrated in the last word.

"To discard conquest reduces us to a weak nation that doubts of power, a general who does not wish to fight is like a horse that does not wish to run, a useless one" were his words.

The scholars for their part were trying to convince him of all the possible knowledge they could acquire through diplomacy, what so much they could know of this world, what so many wonders could be taught to them making the empire could be even more glorious without shedding a single drop of blood.

But the prince only replied

"On the contrary my respected sages, the empire cannot depend on others to achieve its glory since its glory would be overshadowed, to show dependence on others is a sign of weakness, imagine what your rivals would think to know that you depend on others to achieve your success."

Finally, the leader of the most important commercial city of the Empire, Count Colt Formal, who had arrived abandoning his domain in search of new products in the new world, tried to convince him again to take the diplomatic route.

"Your highness, although many kingdoms of this world seem to be not very strong, we have seen very extensive empires that perhaps can even rival our beloved empire, let us take precautions and trade with this world, let us let wealth and products pass through the borders instead of armies."

The blond prince frowned, looked at the count and after staring at him incredulously for a few seconds, he smiled

"You are a businessman count, but I think so many numbers have clouded your judgement" he said in a mocking tone

"Ignoring the blasphemy you said about the military capacity of my empire, I believe that by imposing ourselves militarily we could get better terms than with your idea, indeed, we could get whatever we wanted because you would have no way of refusing our demands"

"But your highness..." he tried to interrupt, but the prince stopped him.

"You act fearful, very rare from a man with great power within the empire" he said mischievously "perhaps it is because you have realized how limited you are from acting when you depend on the acceptance of another"

The count ducked his head, before the gaze of the others, the firstborn looked disdainfully at everyone present.

"I see the reason why my father sent me here, I doubted his ability to bring glory to Sadera, but I am now here to solve it, from now on my words are law and my requests are orders."

Before the eyes of all, including that of her sister, the young princess with reddish hair, they bowed to the future emperor of Sadera and the new world.

The meeting ended minutes later, and with a completely unilateral decision enacted by a single man, the prince proudly left announcing that the promise of glory to the legionaries would be fulfilled.

The next day in the morning, the legions were told that they would march to the capital, at the same time promising to announce the foundation of the principality of new Sadera, a territory where the legionaries could acquire land and a juicy booty.

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That news thrilled the legionaries, who celebrated the news, tomorrow their lives would change according to the words of the prince, they would be rewarded with the empire in a great way and they would be filled with a great prestige for being the first heirs of the new world.

The night drew to a close, and after an exciting night, the morning came, the legions rose with great excitement and in a short time were beginning the march to the capital of the kingdom.

The troops were counted by the score, it was not possible to visualize the end of the columns that advanced with emotion, the confidence was total and the prince, anticipating the events, sent a letter to the emperor.

Knowing that time passed differently at the gate, it could take days or weeks for the Emperor to hear the good news.

Around noon, the troops arrived at the gates of the city, with an army larger than the city itself. The defending troops, astonished by the sudden appearance of the army, armed themselves in militias, giving them muskets, pistols, improvised spears and other weapons that could be used by anyone who wished to defend their home.

For its part the imperial army surrounded the capital, the city was coastal, so, in the absence of ships, all the part that was on land outside the walls was taken.

The population that lived outside the walls was quickly attacked, the legionaries together with the semi-humans that served as auxiliaries in the imperial army, the great beasts and the wyverns attacked the civilians in a show of absolute cruelty.

The government of the territory that was inside the city tried to go to the port, their objective was to look for a ship and flee, they did not even try to negotiate with the imperial ones, from the first moment they gave to understand that it was not an option.

While the powerful escaped, the people stayed to try to defend their home, when they managed to easily break through the walls and the improvised barricades, the fight was looming in the streets.

The information gathered before the attack allowed them to be prepared, the sound of cannons and muskets was not something new, with the skirmishes to the nearby villages and garrisons they could know to be amas and plan countermeasures.

The wyverns initiated the attack from the skies, taking advantage of the lack of area superiority, the Saderans gathered information from the enemy to inform the troops on how to attack.

With the targets located, again the wyverns would strike from the rear, seeking to generate chaos, many times with only their presence while the beasts would initiate the assault together with the semi-humans as cannon fodder.

The enemy's weapons were very powerful, but slow and imprecise, an opportunity for the mass of semi-humans to rush against them forcing melee combat, while archers and crossbowmen brought a rain of arrows from behind.

When the melee had become more intense, it was time for the legionaries to shine, without the advantage of distance, the enemy hosts were annihilated, those who tried to take distance were harassed by arrows from the archers and the agility of the half-humans.

The terror and the blood flooded the streets of the city, before nightfall, the city had fallen, the imperial prince had consecrated himself with the victory and victorious, he gathered his new acquisitions.

Panama City, with less than 10,000 inhabitants, had fallen, many citizens were taken prisoner while others fought to the end, preferring death to a life of slavery.

Being the capital of the region, there were many documents that were left behind, much valuable information that did not take long to be acquired by the scholars of the empire.

Information about the country, data about the resources, names of important personalities, inventions, the knowledge of the creeds of this world, the history and relations of this world.

Also some information about important events, everything, absolutely everything was valuable information that could ensure the victory of the Empire.

Soon the prince ordered to classify all the information, to use it in any way that would give them an advantage, he needed that information, because he did not want to be remembered as just another Emperor in the empire, he wanted to be remembered as the greatest emperor of all, he wanted to be remembered as a God.

Quickly a section of all the information interested him, a world map along with a lot of interesting information, previously he and his subjects had seen maps, but they denoted a small region, but the world he saw was much bigger than he imagined.

The United States, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil; were some of the names of the kingdoms that inhabited this continent, possible future rivals, while, on the other side of the ocean, Great Britain, France, Spain, Prussia and the Ottomans, were kingdoms that were planned to be investigated to know how much of a threat they were to Sadera.

The great Qing, Siam, Persia, Korea and the land of Japan would soon all know the glory of Sadera in some form or another.

Anyone would recoil in fear at the sight of the vast world and all his potential rivals, but not him, he saw a chance to shine, a chance to prove he was the best.

Soon all would know the glory of one man, a man named Zorzal al Caesar.

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