2042 – World’s War

Chapter 1: 2042

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What looked like innocent shooting stars were actually something humanity was not ready to face.

In the year 2042, a hitherto unknown alien race has begun a massive attack on Earth. No notice, negotiations or introductions. Their goals were the complete annihilation and harvesting the planet's natural resources.

No prisoners were taken, all combatants and civilians were killed at the mere sight. Men and women, old and young. No one was spared the fierce battle that has set upon us. There was no time to bury those who perished, no roses on their graves or pretty words given in their memory.

Even if in smaller numbers, alien technology guaranteed them progress, albeit slow. Laser firing guns, giant humanoid machines and aircraft so fast that made our fighters look like they were standing in midair. The soldiers knew it was a losing fight.

All we could do was delay their advance.

Extensive war planning was done against us, so analysis revealed. All the communication systems we had were destroyed during the invasion. Satellites around the planet and underseas wiring were attacked and limited our defensive organization capabilities. Our radios were also affected by waves emitted from towers that fell alongside their troops.

The United Nations League was created to manage the war effort and the allocation of people over time, replacing the governments of each country and all peoples were unified under one flag. The few who managed to escape needed to go somewhere else, after all. Politicians were now worth as much as anyone. The military was in power and controlled everything. Profound changes in society were put in place. Young people received military training in schools, food and water were tightly controlled by person, and the sick were left to fend for themselves.

It's been two years since the first attack and much of North America has been conquered, as well as North Asia and Europe. An intense technological race led by the UNL in search of a way to defend ourselves has begun, using reverse analysis of what little alien gear we were able to recover, as well as what was possible with our eyes and equipment.

At the cost of billions of lives and trillions in resources, military weaponry was improved and new weapons were created. Our versions, although weakened, of the laser weapons given to soldiers, new engines and fuselage for the jets, and the human's first mecha.

"Nozomi" was its name. And with it, humanity's hopes to fight the oppressive invading forces.

A young man was given the heavy mission of piloting such machine. It was me.

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