29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely

Chapter 21: 20

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Vol. 1 Chapter 20

~ I decided to start producing something ~

Translated by Raizu
Edited by Mirp


[I somehow never get tired of it despite doing it everyday.]

I woke up laying down in the bed, entwined with both Marl’s and Fram’s naked body. It can’t be helped. We were all still young.
After getting dressed, we enjoyed a morning tea and had breakfast.
By the way, this morning’s breakfast was honey toast, milk, some kind of grilled bacon and salad.
It was a heavyweight menu for the morning.

[So, about today’s schedule.]

[Are we going to complete some requests today too?]

[That’s fine, but since we have a workshop here, I’m thinking of making use of it.]

My level had risen by two and I had 19 skill points.
I could raise blacksmithing or alchemy to the maximum level of 5 with 15 points. I wanted to quickly raise one of them to maximum level so that I could start producing something.
Maybe raise the blacksmithing? If I make a large number of powerful weapons, I could sell them to the market to strengthen humanity as a whole.
Moreover, by maximizing blacksmithing, wouldn’t I be able to craft myself a powerful weapon quicker than normal?
Refining a large amount of potions with alchemy would make it harder to die and would also lead to raising the overall quality of life.
However, that might end up crashing the market. No, I feel like it’s too late to bring a large amount of materials to the commercial guild.

[Come to think of it, does Taichi-san have knowledge of blacksmithing and alchemy? I’ve never heard of it before.]

[Well, if I say so, then it is so.]

Come to think of it, I confided in Marl that I came from another world, but I remembered that I didn’t say anything about acquiring skills.
It might be a good idea to talk about it and ask her for advice later. Marl might act like a silly idiot sometimes, but she’s a brilliant planner.

[Master, if I may?]

When I was talking about that, Jack-san, who was waiting by my side, spoke.
Ah, this was that, wasn’t it? I could tell from the air.

[I have received a message from His Excellency Marquis Zondark that he would like to be contacted as soon as the Master returns to the mansion.]

[I understand. In the morning, I will go out to the town and buy the materials necessary for the workshop, so would it be okay if I went to see Zondark in the afternoon?]

[Acknowledged. I shall arrange the appointment.]

After saying so, Jack-san stepped back.
Zondark should be busy since he was a close aide to the King, so there was a possibility that he wouldn’t be able to meet me in the first place if I suddenly visited him without any prior notice.
It would be better to have Jack-san arrange the appointment.

[So, it’s going to be shopping today, yes?]

[Yeah, we have the reward from yesterday. Come to think of it, I haven’t given Marl her share.]

Saying that, I took out a bag containing 20 gold coins from my inventory and handed it over to Marl.
Marl was wide eyed when she checked the contents of the bag.

[Isn’t this a bit too much?]

[Why not? You defeated quite a few big hornets on yesterday’s extermination quest. Even though I did most of the job with magic, I think it’s still a reasonable amount.]

[Hmm…then, I’ll put this all in our shared budget! It’s about 25 gold coins, if you include everything.]

Is that so? Well, if that’s okay with Marl, then I’m fine with it too. I’ll leave the management of the shared budget to you, so if you need it, don’t hesitate to use it, okay?]


Marl replied cheerfully, so I agreed.

If Marl wanted to manage the money I gave her in that way, then I had no reason to object.
Gulping down my tea, I got up from my seat. Let’s get things started.

[First of all, let’s go check the workshop to see what I need. Alright, to the workshop.]


[Hmm, so this is the workshop.]

Entering the workshop, the first thing that caught my eye were the two large furnaces. Both were magic furnaces that burned via magical fire instead of coal or charcoal. It seemed that one was for forging and the other was for metal refining.
In addition, there were tools such as hammers, anvils, and whetstones used for forging.
The workshop was divided into two rooms, and in the back room were preparation tables, beakers, flasks, and other laboratory equipment for alchemy.
It seems that this mixing table was also something that can be used using magic power. I think it’s used to add magic to potions and make it into magic potions…or something like that.
When I wondered why it was divided into two rooms, I found that the partition wall was enchanted with soundproofing magic. It appeared to be soundproof.
I guess it’d be hard to concoct something if there’s the sound of hammering nearby, so the partition was actually reasonable.
But, how much does this mansion cost? I would definitely not ask Zondark about the price.

As a test, when I tried to start it by pouring magic power into the furnace, the furnace immediately caught fire.
It appeared to be capable of storing magic power, then used that stored power as its fuel.
When I made blacksmithing level 1, I mostly understood how to use this equipment. This skill is amazing.
Let’s fill it up first for the time being. See how much do I need to fill it up until the storage is 80% full.
After consuming about 100 MP, the amount of mana stored in the two furnaces became almost 80%. My current MP reached 950, so I still had plenty to spare.
By the time we finished shopping, half of the expended MP should’ve recovered already.

[It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it?]

Marl seemed to be more interested in the alchemy tools in the next room.
Atelier Marl… Yep, safe. Barely. A certain word popped up in my mind, but I think it’s still safe.

[Would you like to try alchemy?]

[Huh? Me?]

After thinking for a while, Marl nodded.

[Indeed. While Taichi-san works on blacksmithing, I can try learning alchemy! Though I’m going to need to buy some textbooks.]

Marl clenched her fist tightly as she said so.

Umu, it’s fine if she wanted to do it. It’s a mystery whether Marl, who can’t even use magic, can master alchemy, but if she wanted to challenge herself, then I should watch while supporting her.
If she managed to learn alchemy, it might help a bit. Although I’m not expecting much.


We left the mansion and went down to the new town, and left our armor at the Peron Armor Shop for maintenance.
While I was at it, I asked Peron-san where she procured the ore to use for blacksmithing.

[From the Commerce Guild. However, they only sell to guild members. You’re going to need to register first.]

[Is it difficult?]

[Not at all. You only need to pay an admission fee. That said, it’s quite expensive. If I remember correctly, the admission fee was 3 gold coins and the annual membership fee was 1 gold coin?]

That’s quite expensive indeed.
But, that meant each member was at least capable of earning that much, or had good enough connections to be able to borrow that much from other merchants.

[You can ask the people on the guild for more details. They’d certainly be happy to tell you.]

[Ah, I see. Thanks, Peron-san.]

[Don’t mention it. However, are you learning blacksmithing to craft armor? Does that mean I’m going to lose a promising client here? That’s too bad.]

Hearing that from Peron-san, I simply laughed it off and waved my hand.
Ritz-san was still throwing envious glances at the counter. How much do you love your wife?

[Nah, I don’t have any confidence in designing armor or clothes. I’m learning it in order to make weapons.]

I’ve decided on it earlier.

This might change if I feel like changing the pace, but I’m pretty much going to focus on making weapons.

[Hee, weaponsmith, huh? If you make something good, feel free to bring it here. If it matches my standard, I might display it for sale here in the shop.]

[I will do my best to make things that reach your standards. Thanks.]

Saying that, I thanked Peron-san and left the Peron Armor Shop.
Marl was also looking intently at the corner of the shield. I wonder if there’s something she’s curious about.

The commerce guild was packed.
It seems that the merchants were already visiting to trade stuff from early morning.
As for me, I was sitting alone in the waiting chair of the commerce guild, waiting for my turn.
Marl went to the bookstore in the inner wall to buy an introductory book on alchemy and a beginner’s book for mastering magic.
There were guards here and there in the inner walls, and Marl herself already has the ability as a mid-level adventurer. I’m worried about her, but I think she’d be just fine.
But I don’t mean to be overprotective… no, I don’t know what danger lurked over there. So, I couldn’t help but worry.

It seemed that my turn had come while I was agonizing over those thoughts.
The clerk responsible for me was――

[Yo, you’re here early today. Did you want to buy something as well today?]

It’s Huey again. What a strange coincidence.

[No, I want to become a member of the commerce guild. To purchase ore for blacksmithing.]

[Even though you’re an adventurer, you also do blacksmithing? You’re certainly multi-talented. Give me your adventurer card- they share information with the adventurer’s guild, so I don’t have to write extra documents. Also, the admission fee is 3 gold coins. And how much ore do you want?]

Huey, who knew that I got a lot of money yesterday, immediately entered business negotiations while accepting the admission.
It’s a bit straight to the point, but it helped.
Well, what’s next? I still had no idea how much I would need after all.

[I’d like to do some warming up first, so definitely iron. Do you have any other recommendations?]

[Well, the ones that sell at a high price are the weapons made from Mithril. Other than that, it’s probably black steel. Orichalcum and crystal weapons sell for more, but they’re actually too expensive to buy. Between you and me, the guild seems to be running out of stock.]

Eh? Did he just say something that was not actually related to blacksmithing in this world?

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[Did you just say crystal? Are you saying that it’s possible to create weapons out of crystal? With blacksmithing?]

[? isn’t that normal?]

[Ye, yeah.]

Apparently it’s common sense here. I felt like I’m having a culture shock. How do you even process it? Like, normally smelt and hammer it?
I also think that this is the first time I heard something called black steel. Should I just buy some to see how it is?

[I’ll take a lot of iron, some mithril and black steel, and enough orichalcum and crystal to forge two swords. Also some leather straps. What else does a weaponsmith usually buy?]

[Certainly. Other than that…]

As a member of the commerce guild, Huey was quite knowledgeable.
Along with that, he also gave me advice on procuring necessary materials such as wood and leather used to make scabbards.
I bought 35 gold coins worth of materials, paid 3 gold coins as an admission fee, and left the commerce guild.
It seemed that the membership card of the commerce guild could be integrated with the adventurer card. How convenient.
In addition, it seemed that the commerce guild also provided a service that resembled a bank, where you could deposit money.
And now, since I’d become a member of the commerce guild, I can request for any item procurement without an additional fee. That annual fee of 1 gold was a bit expensive though.
Apparently they also loaned money, but I don’t think I’ll need it right now, or in the future. So I ignored it.

[What about the company name?]

[By company name, you mean… Ah, shop name, right?『Taichi & Marl Atelier』will do.]

I can’t help but smile when I say that myself. Its subtitle might be “The Hero of Another World and the Runaway Princess”.
Huey didn’t seem to notice me laughing, and he registered as I said.

[And that’s all. I’ll be going to prepare the item you bought…but there’s no need for delivery, right? Then, please follow me to the warehouse instead.]

Huey, who saw me taking out a large amount of materials from inventory yesterday, said so and started walking.

Putting the materials into my inventory as instructed by Huey, I deliberately placed them in a different spot and arranged them in order.
I looked at it with an appraisal eye, but it seems that there are various other ores. There’s an ore very light, or rather, it’s actually subtly floating.
I’m absorbed in moving various ores and materials, sorting them out while appraising them.

It wasn’t until an hour later that I realized that I was being tricked into organizing the warehouse under the guise of transporting materials.

[Well, that really helps. Ore-based materials are heavy and difficult to organize.]

[You owe me one.]

[Ahaha, alright, alright! I’ll treat you to a meal next time!]

As expected of a merchant, even if he fell, he won’t get up for free. Or rather, he had no carelessness or gaps. I parted with Huey and headed to the hall.
In the waiting hall of the commerce guild, Marl was waiting while reading a book. Besides the book she’s currently reading, she had a bag by her side that seemed to contain quite a few books and stuff.

[Ah, Taichi-san! I found a lot!]

[Okay, I’m also done with registration and procurement. Let’s go back to the workshop.]

[Alright! Taichi-san, listen! I found a magic textbook that said it’s possible to use magic right away!]

Marl closed the book she’s been reading and smiled broadly.
Looks like she’s having a ton of fun.
We left the commerce guild and started walking from the new city towards the inner wall.

[Ho, is that so? That simple?]

I got the impression the mages were valuable. But if it’s so easy to produce, there should be more of them around.
Does that mean Marl has talent in magic in the first place?

[Don’t worry. I looked it up a long time ago, and I actually have the talent. It’s just that I never used it at all. In the past, I felt like I was forced to learn. But now it somehow feels refreshing.]

Will it be fine?
Well, if she truly has the aptitude, since she’s been leveling up a lot lately, it might be unexpectedly easier to learn magic.

[It’ll be fine! I can certainly learn magic! If Taichi-san can help me, I believe I might learn it sooner! That’s what the sister at the mage shop told me, so it must be true!]

Why did that sound rather dubious?
And was there actually a shop that specializes in selling magic books, magic tools, or magic items?

[What kind of shop was that magic shop?]

[It’s a magic shop hidden away in a back alley inside the wall. There were a lot of books and other items that I’d never seen before, and it was bigger than it looked! I’m sure the inside of the house was expanded with magic.]

Is that really alright? I feel like that’s the kind of shop where you won’t be able to recall its location properly even if you traced back your steps to find it.
That kind of anxiousness lingered on as I and Marl walked home.


Once returning to the mansion, I immediately headed out again to meet Zondark.
Marl chose to stay behind to read the magic books and try out the alchemy tools in the workshop.
Accompanied by Jack-san, I boarded a carriage and headed to Zondark’s mansion in the Noble district.
Traveling around the city in a carriage… I felt like I’d become a celebrity.
No, in the previous world it was normal to travel by car, train or subway.
I guess I’m starting to get used to life in this Eriard.

When I arrived at Zondark’s mansion, I was greeted by many maids at the entrance.
All of them greeted me with “Welcome” in unison. Is it the world of movies or games? No, it was that kind of world.
Led by Jack-san, we proceeded through the mansion.
So big. The mansion where Marl and I live was huge, but it’s nothing compared to this place. How many rooms were there?

After walking through the corridor for a while, I arrived in front of a heavy wooden door.
Jack-san knocked on the door, I heard a voice from inside saying, [Enter].
When I went inside, Zondark was wrestling with documents.
A beautiful maid of unknown age was waiting by his side. Was she some sort of a secretary?

[Your Excellency, I have brought Taichi-sama here.]

[Oh, I’m sorry, just sit on the sofa over there and give me a moment. I’m almost done.]


I sat down on the sofa as I was told.
As soon as I did that, a maid appeared with a cart and poured me a cup of tea.
I’m not proud of it, but I didn’t have a great sense of taste to appreciate the taste of tea. However, even I felt that this tea was delicious.
The tea Jack-san brewed was delicious, but I think these tea leaves were different.

[I kept you waiting.]

Zondark, who seemed to have just finished his work to the best of his ability, sat on the sofa in front of me and let out a sigh.
He looked quite tired. I also noticed that the maid added more sugar blocks to his tea. Hopefully there’s no diabetes in this world.

[Today, I had Hero-dono come all the way here because I need to discuss something with you.]

Zondark took a sip of tea and wrinkled his eyebrows. It must’ve been too sweet. Don’t tell me. No, couldn’t be.

[Here’s the result. We contacted the temple, and they said they will confirm this with their oracle. We are also exchanging info with other countries.]

The expression on Zondark’s face as he said that was as if he was chewing bitter bugs even though he was drinking sweet tea. It’s understandable, because the Great Flood was expected to occur even though the 4th wall wasn’t completed yet.
Besides, if a Great Flood occurred, there was no way to predict how much damage would be caused in various parts of the country.
Of course, I’d never experienced a Great Flood before, so I don’t know. I knew it’s a big deal, though.

[And so, in order to raise the morale of each country, along with the announcement of the occurrence of the Great Flood, it was decided that each country’s Hero would be unveiled.]

[……I see.]

I have told him to refrain from making big announcements.
He must’ve felt uncomfortable because he had to break the promise as soon as he made it.
After all, some people in the Karendil Kingdom once sought to kill me. But being able to raise the morale of the country, that sounded like a good strategy.

[I don’t mind. I think we should cooperate. Wash away the grudges of the past.]

I said bluntly. No one would benefit from being stubborn here.
Besides, this means they’ll owe me a favor. Not a bad deal if I say so myself.

[…..I apologize. I’m very aware that our country is not in a position to ask for such a thing.]

[It can’t be helped, but just this once. However, I believe you know this already, but if something happens to Marl or anyone in the mansion, I will become an enemy of the Karendil Kingdom. Just keep that in mind.]

At my words, Zondark nodded with a solemn expression.
Thus, I held out my hand to him.

[Please let me know when you have a plan. Until then, I’ll make sure the mansion is not empty.]

[Alright, thank you.]

Zondark firmly grasped my hand.
We shook hands and had a sip of tea together. There was still one more serious problem.

[The problem is, Marl.]

[Yes, that’s right. I have a suggestion about that――]

After listening to Zondark’s story, I had one thought. It’s the only way.


Translator’s Note: Conversation between Marl and Maybel

[What are you reading?]

[As the cover says, a magic book! It teaches magic that can be learned immediately if you have a partner. It seems like very old magic though.]

[Is there really such a magic!? I want to learn it too!]

[You can’t. It’s not yet the time for Maybel-chan to learn something like this.]

[Eehhh!? That’s unfair! Please tell me!]

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