3 Bodies 1 Soul

Chapter 14: 14-Mrs Sam

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Without thinking and without even registering it, my body moved on its own, my legs pushed on the ground as I drove my back backwards and hit the couch, tilting it back as it dropped, taking both me and Lambert with it and helping us avoid the captain's attack.

Just as I wanted to roll to the side and try to shout for help, something unexpected happened, Zagmuz's body woke up.

Waking up from a nightmare, suddenly jumping up while you were just seconds before sleeping, breathing deeply, still confused and with your heart beating fast, that was what I was feeling at that moment.

Zagmuz's body, which was barely sleeping, got woken up by the captain attacking me and the shock of certain death travelling to all my bodies at the same time. Putting more stress on me and making it even harder to concentrate on what was happening.

At that moment, the feeling I had was like the first time I woke up in this world, with all my bodies' emotions going out of control and me still in a mess, not understanding what was happening at all. Except this time, my mind's main concern wasn't understanding what was happening or trying to get rid of the confusion, instead, all I had in my mind was, how could this happen? And how to turn this for the better?

All these thoughts and more were filling my foggy and confused mind, I didn't think for even a second that the captain would be a traitor, from Dorian's memory, he was someone responsible, fair and trustworthy, someone who did his best to protect the people and always had their best interest in mind, for someone like him to be a traitor was unimaginable.

Yet there I was, getting attacked by him and not even sure about what was going to happen to me, with all my three bodies wide awake and at a clear disadvantage.

Barely functioning and moving, I threw myself to the side as I had Denethor start meditating and Zagmuz fall to the bed again to minimize the stress I was feeling.

I was afraid that captain Dunn would take the chance to attack again while I was confused and disoriented but fortunately, I wasn't alone.

From the side I saw that Lambert had moved with the couch's momentum, rolling backwards and stopping on his knees, with his hands making the motion of drawing a bow and aiming it right at where I guessed captain Dunn was.

I calmed down a bit when I saw that, I wasn't alone and I had Lambert with me, a man that got one of the best Inheritances our town has seen in a long while.

Just as a soft golden glow started filling the space around Lambert, and I felt like I could see the faint outline of a bow appear between his hands, I saw him hesitate for a second as a confused expression appeared on his face, following his line of sight, I blinked hard as I couldn't understand what I was seeing.

Exactly where he was the last time I saw him, captain Dunn was standing with his hands held high in surrender, as if he hadn't even moved once his attack missed.

I hurriedly stood up and moved unsteadily to hide behind Lambert. At that moment, Zagmuz's body was still awake, and on Denethor's side, I had to finish one complete cycle of meditation before it had an effect. So I was still controlling my three bodies without any means of lowering the stress I was under.

"Calm down, don't fight anymore, if anything broke my wife will skin you alive," Uncaring about what I or Lambert were feeling, captain Dunn said calmly as he threw a glance towards Lambert before bringing his eyes to concentrate on me again.

"Wh- what do you mean calm down?" I stuttered, my confusion clear as day, "you just attacked me, and admitted to being one of the traitors."

Then it hit me, why was I speaking with him? As soon as that thought went through my mind, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth and shouted as loud as I could:

"H-" Or I intended to.

Instead, my mouth was covered by a delicate hand as a woman's playful and gentle voice sounded from behind me:

"Can't you see that it's already so late? People are asleep."

I wanted to move unconsciously, but my rationality, and the fact that I literally couldn't, made sure that I didn't.

With my eyes looking straight ahead, I saw Lambert turn around at the unexpected voice and aim his bow, which had fully materialized by then, at her.

"Darling it's quite a company you found us tonight! I know I said we needed some excitement in our lives but this isn't what I had in mind."

"Sigh, Sam don't mess around, we might be in trouble right now, the excitement is coming our way it seems," Sighed the captain as he looked behind me.

It was then that I realized who it must be, the captain's wife, someone I saw on a few rare occasions when she came to the guardhouse to meet him. She was tall with long black hair and brown eyes and had quite an elegant air around her, she usually wore light, yet lively makeup whenever she was outside, something that set her aside from the other women in town.

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"Oh, really? What could it possibly be? I'm intrigued~" She answered curiously as she moved relaxedly behind me, even though I didn't see her, I was able to realize that she was putting me between her and Lambert.

I wasn't sure if captain Dunn was talking about being found out or anything like that, but his next words made me open my eyes wide and turned my head into a mess:

"There might be an army of demons coming our way."

If I wasn't already a frozen statue, I would have for sure froze from shock, what did he mean about there might be an army of demons heading our way? Didn't he just admit to being one of the traitors? Such thoughts kept circling inside my head.

"... Well, that's not the kind of excitement I had in mind either," murmured Mrs Sam unbelievably.

"What do you mean by that?" Lambert asked without removing his eyes from Mrs Sam, but also while slowly getting up and moving so he had both her and the captain in his sight.

"As I said before, we should all calm down," explained the captain, "I'm not part of this invasi..."

"But you just said you are?" Interrupted Lambert.

"I did," answered captain Dunn without any hesitation, then he continued as he looked at me, "but that was because Dorian was lying,"

I was sure that my irises contracted to the point that they were as small as needles when he said that, I was a bit thankful that my body was frozen at that moment or I would have for sure reacted strongly to what he said, but that thought soon disappeared as I heard Mrs Sam say:

"Oh, his heartbeats increased, it seems what you just said really agitated him, how interesting~"

Captain Dunn didn't react to what she said except by nodding his head lightly, before adding:

"I don't know what part he lied about, but I was able to see that he undoubtedly did, so I had to make sure myself."

"By attacking him? while admitting to being one of the traitors?" Lambert said what I had in mind, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"People's expressions are honest when they are about to die," said captain Dunn, "and that's what's worrying me... Even though he was lying about something, when I attacked him while acting as one of the so-called traitors, he really believed that he was going to die, that I was going to kill him to prevent him from stopping the invasion."

"What if you really hurt him? He could have died if things went bad," Lambert was still keeping his bow pulled and aimed at Mrs Sam.

"Little boy," Mrs Sam's playful voice sounded from behind me, "no one can possibly die under my roof."

With that, she removed her hand from my mouth, and I got control over my body back. Falling to my knees as I was unprepared for the sudden change, I looked behind me as I took deep breaths.

Standing there was the familiar face of Mrs Sam as she smiled lightly at me, she had a mischievous look in her eyes and her left brow was raised a bit.

"It's alright boy, don't worry nothing is wrong with you," she said in her usual voice, "even though you should start taking care of your body, you're quite weak."

I heard a sigh from captain Dunn's direction, turning towards him again, he finally said with a serious expression:

"You seem to truly believe that you said, that an army of demons is heading to our town don't you?"

"I do," I answered resolutely after taking a few deep breaths and as I met his eyes.

"Then..." He said, "what did you need my help for? What do you want to do?"

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