3 Bodies 1 Soul

Chapter 20: 20- Sneaking in

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We made our way slowly as we followed behind Lambert who was a few steps ahead of us. Soon we found ourselves in front of the wall circling the manor, where Lambert stopped and appeared to be listening for a long while before he finally turned back to captain Dunn and nodded.

Then following the plan we already set, he retreated a few meters back before breaking out into a sprint, he then climbed up the wall in a few steps till he reached the edge, grabbing into it and then pulling himself up. After that, and in one swift motion, he turned around and lowered his hand back to us.

Knowing that it was my turn, I retreated a few meters back too and then looked at captain Dunn, who had already made his way under Lambert and was ready for me with his ten fingers linked together and his knee half bent, he gestured for me to come, so I erupted into a sprint, when I was a few steps away from captain Dunn, I jumped and stepped on his linked hands, using them as a step to push myself higher, I also felt a force pushing me up, bringing me even closer to Lambert, who caught my arm and started pulling me up. Then I also took my place next to Lambert and lowered my hands. 

Downward, captain Dunn put his hands around Mrs Sam's waist and pushed her up towards us, we caught and pulled her too, before turning around and dropping her to the other side. Before I even had the time to turn around and lower my hand to captain Dunn, I heard the approaching sound of fast footsteps, when I finally looked, captain Dunn had already climbed the wall just like how Lambert did.

"Down, hurry," He said before jumping next to Mrs Sam, I and Lambert looked at each other before we too dropped down and half crouched.

"No one is close by," Whispered Lambert after closing his eyes and listening for a while.

"Okay, go on with the plan then," Answered captain Dunn.

Without further ado, Lambert kept himself close to the ground and hurried from one dark corner to the other, making sure to stay out of anyone's view while also making his way to his objective, while I, Mrs Sam and captain Dunn waited for him where we were.

A short while later we saw Lambert's hunched figure making its way towards us with something held under his right arm. When he stopped next to us and threw what he was carrying to the ground, I knew that the next and hardest part of our plan was going to start.

"Three male servant's uniforms and a maid's outfit," Said Lambert, "They were right where you said they would be captain, and I was able to get ones that would fit us perfectly."

"Well done, we will change into them then head out," Nodded captain Dunn.

Then we changed right there next to the wall, while Mrs Sam went behind a big tree and changed, of course not before teasing captain Dunn about how she needed some help with her clothes. With all of that done, we made our way slowly towards a dark corner that was quite close to our target, the kitchen. 

From what we knew, the basement was most likely the place the kalla was in, it only had one entrance, and that entrance was located in the kitchen. And although we hadn't seen the kitchen yet and we didn't have any clue about how things were there, it didn't take a genius to guess that the protection would be concentrated on that place, and that trying to get in unnoticed would be a pain.

With the help of Lambert, we moved from our initial hiding place to the unseen and deserted corner without being found. From there we were able to hear all the noise coming from the kitchen, and even though it wasn't loud it was enough for us to know that things weren't going to be easy, it seemed that quite a few people were there. After standing in the silence for a while, enough for all of us; especially me, to prepare ourselves for what was coming, and for Lambert to sense how things were inside, he suddenly started:

"I can hear 5 people inside at least, and all of them seem to be awake. Also, even though I can't hear or sense them, there should be some people down in the basement too, so we should be extra careful with the coming part and not to make a lot of noises."

"That's around what we expected," After hearing his words, captain Dunn fell into deep silence for a while before saying with the same usual expression on his face, he then turned to Mrs Sam before adding in a more tender voice, "Sam, are you sure you want to be in this?"

"Oh, don't worry darling, I have never been more sure, I can't possibly miss this~" She answered with a wink and a slight smile.

"Okay, we should get going then, remember the plan, we take them down fast and clean," As he was talking his Inheritance appeared on his hands again, except that this time its glow was much dimmer and it wasn't as golden as it was the last time he used it against me.

"Dorian," While I was still studying the golden sword that appeared in his hand, I suddenly heard captain Dunn mention my name, making me almost jump in surprise, "don't worry, everything will be alright, I know that you can do this."

Even though they were just some generic and normal words, and ones that should not affect me, but as I stood there looking at captain Dunn with his golden sword in hand I felt a strange emotion going through me, as if I was ready for whatever was coming, and most importantly, as if my fear and nervousness were decreasing. 

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If it was just me as Dorian, I might not have noticed this, or simply didn't give it much thoughts, but from the point of view of a  detached Denethor, I could clearly and objectively say that something was really affecting me, bringing my nervousness and fears down. All of that led me to believe that captain Dunn's Inheritance gave him the ability to affect morals, that most probably wasn't all it gave him, but it was a start to understanding it.

I nodded at him, took a deep breath and then headed to the kitchen, I somehow could feel the nervousness and anxiety mounting at the back of my mind, but whatever captain Dunn had done to me, it kept all of that at bay and made it so I remembered what I had to do and move to finish it calmly.

With the door of the kitchen before my eyes, I took a final deep breath, schooled my expression and headed in.

Once my right foot dropped into the room, all eyes inside fell on me, as Lambert said, there were 5 men in the room, all of them were wearing servants clothes too, yet there was something off about them, as if the servant's clothing didn't suit them at all. I only gave them a light glance before looking behind them, to the two doors there, I knew that one of them led to the basement while the other led to a small storage room, which was my target.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" While I was still looking at the place behind them, a man with a big moustache asked me as his eyes followed me lazily.

"Boss sent me here," I answered in a tired and annoyed tone, "he suddenly woke up and sent me to get him some fruits, you know how restless he had been this last few days."

We knew from Rodney that that were rumours going around that Bruce was barely able to function for a while now, that he was restless and in a horrible mood in general.

"Hehe, tell me about it," The man laughed, before nodding towards the storage room, "Okay, be fast."

I found it almost surprising how easily he let me pass, but one look at him and I knew that things weren't as they appeared, and that they might turn bad, and fast. With how his hands that were on the table when I entered fell below it and how he gave the other man in the room a glance, and how they all seemed to have pulled themselves up and looked at me in mock disinterest, my heart started beating a bit faster even with captain Dunn's help and my own interference from Denethor's side.

I didn't project any of my fears outward though, I just nodded at the man with the big moustache with a bitter smile then headed to the side compartment, where I knew from captain Dunn that some of the dishes were kept and started searching for something to use to carry the fruits, and I finally found a big porcelain plate. With it in my hands, I stood up and just as I straightened up entirely, I exclaimed in a quiet voice:

"Fuck!" Following that was the sound of something breaking.


The men were already putting their whole attention on me, and with my exclamation and the plate falling, even those who weren't before did so then, so when I threw them a glance after the plate broke, all of them were looking my way, with some even in mid-step towards me, not sure what to do anymore.

Then, by chance, my eyes met the man with the big moustache, and as if realising something from my gaze, his eyes shrank as his expression started changing, but it was already too late. I saw a flash of light pass by and hit the back of his head before his expression froze.

Then following that were another 4 similar lights making their way to the other four people in the room, once they were hit, I headed for the one closest to me and noticing how slow he was moving, I started choking him from behind, like how I dealt with the one from before.

At the same time, I kept my eyes on the people around me. Just as Mrs Sam had told us while we were putting the plan, the more people were under the influence of her needles, the harder for her it was to keep them frozen, so it was no surprise to see that even while hit by her needles, the men were still quite fast. Of course, that was without her interfering personally.

Just as that thought went through my mind, I saw captain Dunn, Lambert and Mrs Sam enter the room, with Mrs Sam heading to two men who were the closest to each other and putting her hands on them, freezing them entirely at the price of freezing herself too, while captain Dunn went for the man with the big moustache and Lambert to the last one.

With us being able to use our full power and having our reflexes and abilities unhindered, we choked the three men till their eyes flipped to the back of their heads. Then captain Dunn and Lambert headed for the remaining two and dealt with them in the same way.

"Well," smiled Lambert after the last man was dealt with "that, went better than I expected."

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