3 Bodies 1 Soul

Chapter 25: 25- Summoned Heroes?

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I would have loved to waste more time but unfortunately, Kildor wasn't in the mood for that, and we had orders from the Demon King anyway, I couldn't possibly ignore that no matter how much I would have loved to. I was going to hold into this mishap and use it later when I needed to pressure him into something. That was for later though, so I first chased Kildor out before getting up and changing my clothes then left the tent.

Outside, I saw that almost everyone was ready to start moving already, with most tents down. Like the morning before, I headed straight to my carriage with Gorduf and Deraan following behind me, I found myself avoiding looking at the huge fiyavtic unconsciously, the memory of what had happened just an hour ago still fresh in my mind, jumping to make itself apparent whenever I saw the huge fiyavtic.

I soon made it to the carriage and sat there in silence. Not wanting to remain alone with my thoughts, I turned to Gorduf who was sitting next to me and said:

"I'll try to sleep for a bit, don't wake me up unless something big happens," As I said that last part, I remembered something and continued in a half-angry tone, "and don't try to pull any of that shit on me again, if something happens, tell me straight away, I don't care what that monkey tells you to do, come and tell me, understood?"

"Und- Understood," Said Gorduf as he gulped loudly.

"That's good," I nodded before closing my eyes.

Again, I wondered if I should start meditating with someone sitting next to me, but I threw those fears aside and concentrated on meditating and separating myself from the world around me. Soon enough, everything fell away and I felt sleep claiming me.

At that moment, on Denethor's side, I was already sitting in Chief Mirodar's office, taking the chair to the side while he sat behind his desk with a serious expression on his face. On our way there, things that I would have usually missed kept on making themselves clear to me as we walked, like how absentminded and nervous Chief Mirodar was, they were all conclusions I reached from observing him and comparing that to the image of him in my mind, his mannerism and all. 

So knowing that this coming meeting most likely had something to do with the demon's invasion, I was more than interested in knowing how it would end, elves had a say in how the world operated, and they had the power to have the demons retreat if they wanted to, and that's what I hoped for.

"Remember what I've told you, Denethor," Chief Mirodar said as he messed with a few glyphs that were on his desk, "don't make any sound, you aren't allowed to speak if not spoken to. I've talked to the council about having you join this meeting today and they didn't refuse, but that doesn't mean that you can just interject whenever you feel like it, you should understand that," He gave me a deep look.

I again smiled gently at him and nodded:

"Don't worry Dad," I said, finding it a bit hard to say the word, dad, not that that appeared on my face, "I'll just watch from here."

Chief Mirodar nodded at that before he waved his hand over one last glyph, with that the whole room deemed as the curtain closed off, and then a few blurry shapes started appearing at the centre of the room. A few seconds later the blurry shapes became clearer, showing a big semi-transparent round table that Chief Mirodar's desk became a part of, and 5 transparent figures sitting around the round table.

I knew from Denethor's memories that those people, along with his father, were the leaders of the 6 elven cities who made up the Council of Elders, the organization that directed the elves and in a sense the world. 

"Greeting everyone," Chief Mirodar said as he bowed his head a tiny bit, "Sorry for being a bit late, had a few things to deal with on my side, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long."

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A series of 'no' and 'it's alright' sounded from all around the table, Chief Mirodar then said, 'thanks for the understanding' before continuing:

"... We can now go on with what we talked about last time, how to deal with the demons' invasion of humans, and if we should intervene."

I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard Mirodar's words. I expect it to be about the invasion but expecting something and having it be proven were two different things. The elves did know about the invasion, which meant that there was a big chance that they were going to intervene and stop this whole thing like how they did many times before.

Eager to see the reactions from the Elders, I looked at them and saw a series of nods and frowns from everyone around the table, their reaction made me feel as if something wasn't right and lowered my excitement quite a bit. It was then that a slow and calm voice sounded:

"As I said before," The speaker was an old lady who had a wrinkled face and long silky white hair that reached her shoulders, "we should head out there and stop this madness, we can turn a blind eye to other minor skirmishes led out by both sides, but this is another thing entirely, this is a full-blown war, we can not have that!"

The speaker was Drusilia Tarsis, the Cheif of the New Center and also the oldest member of the council, and possibly, even among the whole elven community, she was still one of the oldest. Some people even said that she was there when the real Central City disappeared around eight hundred years ago.

"Elder Drusilia, things this time are different," A middle-aged man who sat to Drusilia's left said as he rested his chin on his linked hands, "we have much more things to worry about, and besides, it might be time to let the world move freely, we can't always move to stop those low lives whenever they do something, we should let them be and choose their own fates."

The speaker was Ahlyth Alderstub, the Chief of Meadowsea, the City that had the least contact with outsiders, they were a secluded bunch and they rarely let any humans or demons get close to them.

As I was getting a bit worried about how it seemed that the council was not united on their stance about how to deal with the demons' invasion, I also had a weird feeling about what was happening and the speakers' mannerisms as they argued, but then what was said next threw all that off my mind:

"Just let them be?" Drusilia said in the same tone of voice as before, but it had an undercurrent of anger that became more and more apparent as she spoke, "you do know that we are keeping the balance of this world with what we are doing right? That after the disappearance of the Central City we have no way to get new heroes, we can't risk it."

Something she said caught my attention, it even made me stop my wondering thoughts over how it seemed that not everyone in the council wanted to move to stop the war. The Central City that disappeared 8 hundred years ago and Its heroes flashed through my mind like lightning. With different thoughts about the disappearing city in mind, I dug a bit deeper into my memories to see what that was about. Because it wasn't something pressuring at all, the disappearance of the Central City was just something that happened and that my bodies knew about, I didn't have a reason to notice this single event out of a ton of others. But as I looked over what I knew about such a place, I almost jumped up in surprise.

The Central City was the biggest and oldest city in the whole history of the world, it was the capital city of not only the elves but also the demons and humans. At that time all three races were under one governing body, led by what was called the High Council which didn't only have elves, but also demons and humans among its members.

Of course, that wasn't why I was that surprised, no, that was because the Central City had another name when it was still around, the City of Heroes, it was that name and what it implied that froze my mind for quite a while.

The City of Heroes was the place where the High Council members, who were usually some of the strongest people of their ages, summoned heroes from other worlds to fight for them when the situation turned dire. I could feel the blood leave my face and my temperature fell down as I realized what all of that meant. 

Around 8 hundred years ago, a city that used to summon heroes from other worlds disappeared, and that was also the last time any hero was summoned at all. That meant that possibly, way back in the past, the High Council of the Central City might have summoned someone from Earth. And maybe, just maybe, if I searched for more information about the Central City, I would find out why I was there and possibly even how to return home.

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