3 Bodies 1 Soul

Chapter 6: 6- Breakdown

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After that, the meeting went pretty smoothly, even with me trying my best to mess things up by acting as bratty as possible and by asking as many questions as possible.

It soon ended and I found myself outside the tent with Gorduf and Deraan, we were told by Kildor that the army would be marching soon and that we had to finish our preparation fast. We walked towards my tent in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. 

Mine moved to my two followers, they were the closest people to Zagmuz by my side at that moment, and they had the highest chance of finding out that something wasn't right about me.

As my thoughts explored who my followers were and all that I could remember about them, I soon focused on something I kind of had at the back of my mind for a while, something I didn't voice nor did I put much attention on just because it seemed obvious; Demons weren't one species, they were a diverse group with each kind having unique features and abilities setting them aside from other demons.

Gorduf, my butler, was a type of demons known as a parudzu, they were quite rare among the demons, with most of them liking their privacy and living in secluded areas of the world. One of them reaching as high of a status as Gorduf did was almost unheard of.

Parudzu were, to put it simply, necro-parasites. When they are not linked to anything they appeared as short humanoid creatures, they are usually around 2.5 feet tall, and they have dark red scaly skin.

The parudzu's ability was that they were able to take control of the corpses of different monsters and beasts by linking to them. There were some limitations though, like how they weren't able to take control of sentient creatures, and also how there was a certain size range they couldn't go above or below. The bodies they are in control of still get to keep any special abilities they had before dying, giving the parudzu full control over them.

For Gorduf, what he got from the body of the Gliding Python he was in control of was the ability to fly for some short distances, and strong constricting power.

My bodyguard, Deraan, on the other hand, was a Fiyavtic. A type of demons that was quite well spread over the world, they weren't as rare as the parudzu and instead they were quite common. They were probably one of the first images that would spring to people's minds in this new world that I am in, when they hear the word, demon.

The fiyavtics could be considered half-giants, their heights averaged at around 2.5 meters and they could even reach 3 meters in some cases. They were well built with bulging muscles and black skin colour with red streaks all over it.

Something that didn't quite surprise me was that what set them aside from other demons was their strength and their regenerative abilities. Few types of demons could be considered stronger than them, and none at all had as strong of a self-healing ability as them.

Those two points along with their abundant numbers, made the fiyavtics some of the best soldiers the demons had.

Deraan himself was around 2.7 meters tall and was so muscular to the point that he made Zagmuz seem like a child, even though the latter wasn't that small. He was not wearing much in terms of armour, other than a triangular metal piece that he had over his heart, he only had a helmet hanging from his side. He also had a greatsword that was as wide as Dorian strapped on his back.

"So your highness?" As I was still thinking about all of that, Deraan spoke from next to me. Even though what he said seemed formal, It was clear from his tone that it was nothing but that, Deraan was someone who didn't give much attention to formality, and except for the Demon King, he held no one in high regard, not even Zagmuz.

"What?" I growled in annoyance as I looked around, noticing that we were in front of my tent.

"I see that you're not feeling well about any of this," he laughed loudly, "Don't worry about a thing, I'm here after all, anyone that would want to hurt you would need to go past me first, I doubt those twigs would even be able to hold their weapons when we come open them, let alone reach you."

I would lie if I said that his words didn't make a part of me feel relief, but as soon as I realized that along with what he had said, I couldn't stop a sense of disgust from filling me. That disgust soon morphed into anger.

With the fires of anger burning inside my chest and blinding me in an uncontrollable rage, I turned around towards Deraan who was to my right and punched him straight to the stomach, and as soon as my fist connected...


A small muffled explosion sounded as my vision was blurred by a cloud of orange originating from where my fist met his stomach.

I stared wide-eyed at the place where my fist hit, fire was burning around it and it had sunk a few inches deep, the skin around it was charred black and a sickeningly familiar stench of burned flesh hit my nose.

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"I... I..." I staggered back as I looked at the wound on Deraan's stomach in shock.

With me pulling back, my fist left the wound and I saw the deep burned flesh at the point of impact.

I wanted to apologise and fall down crying, I wanted to run and find somewhere where no one would see me and where it won't matter to anyone what I did, I wanted to just disappear and leave all this behind me. And I almost did, if not for a looming sense of unease and disapproval that I was feeling, along with it was a strong impulse that I didn't have the power to fight, nor did I want to.

Following what remained of my rational mind, I turned around and headed into the tent without further ado, leaving Gorduf and Deraan behind me. Once I was inside, my rationality and the impulse to keep everything as it should be got drowned and I shouted as loud as I could, hiding my fear, insecurity and uncertainty about the future with the anger that had been bubbling just under the surface ever since I found myself inside Zagmuz's body.

I shouted and shrieked as I hit and destroyed everything that came in front of me, from the full-body mirror to the chairs and table, any and everything that I laid my eyes on I attacked.

At some point, fire started covering my fists again and that made me stop in terror as I remembered what I had just done to Deraan, the charred flesh and the horrible stench flashed through my mind and I finally returned to myself as I flapped my hands around in a fluster.

When all of that was done and my breathing had returned to its normal pace along with my rational mind, I looked around at the tent around me in silence. 

There standing inside the ruined tent and looking at what remained of the previously extravagant quarter, I felt empty and void of emotions. I felt that I was just a husk, I could barely stay on my feet and soon my knees buckled under me as I fell down.

Only then did I have the room to get back to what was happening with Dorian. When I lost myself with Zagmuz, it was as if my whole person was on him, overshadowing all the other bodies and my control over them, the emotions I was feeling were so strong that I drowned in them.

For Dorian, I found that my jaw was clenched hard and my hands were locked into fists till my knuckles turned white. My breathing was also erratic as my eyes looked blankly straight ahead.

At that moment Lambert had one of his hands on my back while the other was holding my arm as he tried to get into me, trying to get me to leave whatever this strange state that I found myself in.

"It's alright, I'm back..." I said, as I thought about what just happened, it seemed that there was some kind of bleed between my bodies and their emotions, but that wasn't the time to think about that, I had to put Lambert at ease and get myself together.

"What do you mean it's alright?" Lambert shouted as he stood up and looked down at me, "do you have any idea how you seemed? I've never seen you like that."

His voice was loud and it was clear that he wasn't in control of himself at all, the people in the streets were looking at us, with some of the kids pointing and giggling as they watched wide-eyed.

"Lambert," I tried to plead gently, "please, I'm alright, I... I just have something on my mind... And... And I'll tell you about it soon, just believe me."

Lambert looked at me deeply for what seemed like a long time before finally turning his head around and saying:

"I will hold you up on that."

"... Thank you," I said, then I took a deep breath, stood up and continued in a cheerful tone, "let's get going, I'm sure that the captain is foaming right now."

"Yeah, let us," he smiled faintly.

The only thing going through my mind as we moved through the town was how to break this to the captain or anyone in the guards, and if that was a good idea at all, I didn't know how I would be able to break the news to them in a manner that wouldn't have them question how I got that piece of information, Dorian was a normal guard, maybe even below average, how would he be able to come up with something like this, something that remained hidden so well.

I had no idea how to do it, and worst of all, I didn't have much time. I either had to find a way to get them to believe me without catching their suspicions soon, or just shout it to anyone listening and wish for the best.

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