“A Space captain From Another World” (Draft)

Chapter 2: “You Jinx it!*

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I Strap myself in the middle of the Ship where my chair Resides can't help but get excited as the Engines of this Beautiful Ship Roared To Life. Even though I have experience

Captain, Engines are Hot and ready Arthur Said

Begin The Jump! And Boom The Engine accelerated. And We Zoom Towards Our Destination.

They Are Located Millions Of Miles Away From Earth and it's Far Away, But Because Of the Advance Warp Drive Module Of The Crusader. It was just 11mins Away.

The GSU, Has Many Planets Close Too Their Location So Ships Can Stop There Too Either to Get Fueled Or Just Hangout in a Bar Somewhere, But they Didn't Stop Because They Were On The Most Advance Ship in the GSU's Arsenal 

Ship Name:

Age:3Years Old

Cost To Build:900 Million GSU Credits if Turned into Dollars Will Be 100 Trillion Dollars for Each Ship.

Ship Type:Experimental Battle Carrier

Ai Type:Apple Advance Ai System Type: A200

Core Type:Plasma Core Mixed With A Exploding Star
                     Manufactured By:Unknown (That's Classified as The First Of Its Kind it is So Powerful It Can Destroy A Whole Planet, I don't know How They Put this On The Ship Without It Going Off.)

Manufactured By:Tesla Heavy Industries(Yeah Its The Fun Smoker Pot Billionaire. Himself "Elon Musk" Or Should Say Trillionaire Now. Designed This Ship, Also He's A Robot Now, Hmmm Oh Well Technology)

Engine Type:Rolls Royce, Type P²-Plasma Long Range Experimental Engines.

Weapons:Two Massive Plasma Cannon.               (Experimental Burst Fire)

:26 Anti Aircraft Cannons(Plasma Experimental Cannons)

:Plasma Shield (Experimental Shield First in Its Time)

Aircraft Types: Freedom Class: 10,000 Unmanned Drone Fighters(Experimental...Issues Limited Range)

(Basically, This Ship Is A Experimental One and there is a lot of Advance Technology in it, That's new and expensive, Some aren't battle-tested



Huh, What?.Sorry I was thinking of something irrelevant.

We got a Live Call from Moonbase

Put it on. Said James in a commanding tone

On it Sir!!. Said, Arthur


As I was beginning to Recognise who's the person calling us, A familiar voice spoke

It's been a long time James nice to see you are well.

It's been a long time General. Lyam Grayson

Oh enough with

Lyam Grayson, A powerful man in the space Navy if it wasn't for his help I wouldn't be the captain of this beautiful ship, But he's also the A*sh*le who sent me on this long-ass Mission. We were Childhood friends back then, He was a quiet Kid and didn't have many friends cus He knew some of them only want to be friends with him because of his Fathers reputation, Me and he were friends when we found out that our fathers work on the same branch in the military we became close friends in many activities we always partnered up and when I went to college I thought our path has change he was Going to the Navy branch and me The Military because of my father but I still want to spend time with Lyam he was like a brother to me so I refused my father's order and went with him in the Navy and it was the best choice I made after we Graduated and Got out officer ranks He became the Youngest General of the Navy while I got the Captain rank, We had lots fun and I married his younger sister, So he also married my younger sister hey guess its a win². So he truly became my Brother

So how's my younger sister doing?

Jane, Oh she's fine still hot-headed as ever. Lyam said

We both laugh

Jane my little sister should I say my Nightmare disguised as my Sister. I can't fathom what Lyam got through with all her tantrums

Well enough talking about my Wife, So why did you come back the mission is still not over right? Lyam said in a Confuse tone

It was boring there. James said in an Annoyed tone

Hahahaha, I was surprised you endured it for this long knowing you if it gets boring you'll try any means necessary to escape it hahaha.

Hey, I'm an Army man it's my job. James said in an Annoyed tone

And here you are Escaping from it, Lyam said with a Smug grin

Well enough of this trivial talk.

You are right, how was no man's Land did you get many New species, Asteroids to be exploited with resources Or New Life?

Awful, There were many Hostile species from different planets, New Carnivorous plants, and Humanoid beings. And yes there is a Resource riched Asteroid belt in it about 100,000 space rocks to be exact. I'll send you the Data and Analysis and Reports we've got over the years.

I see, I will have the Tech team check on it later. Lyam said

How are the forces on the Frontlines Doing?

Well, we captured many High Valuable Defensive Positions, Cornering the Kryme's into their Home base planet, Even though we cornered them they still aren't surrendering They still have many people and ships to back them up and I don't think this war is ending sooner or later.

The Kryme's Huh...God Why Don't They Just Give up

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The Kryme's New in the ass for the GSU. They are a faction of different planets who hate the GSU There are also Planet Takers Exploiting another planet's Resources. I hate them so much because of my wife it's because she was one of their Victims she died when a Kryme's Battle Group Attacked the a Medical Ship that was transporting wounded Civilians out of the Warzone

been said it is a War Crime to Destroy a Medical ship in war, But that didn't scare the Kryme's, and they just don't care they will slaughter everybody they came across. But it was all my fault if hadn't Agreed to send her there even though it's her Duty as a Nurse. It was my fault if I had known the enemy infiltrated that ship she was on she would still be alive and that damn suicide bomber broadcast it all Live, I hate them I want to slaughter them all back then but I do that wouldn't I be just the same as them a Mass Murderer. I know it was only to Relieve my Anger, But my Wife wouldn't want that, Even though there were Enemies she will always treat them. After her death I didn't how to talk to my daughter I couldn't face her, and I don't how she will react, But my Sister was ahead of me she told my daughter she didn't came out of her room for 3 days so I talked to her when I came in her room she Hug me so tightly she was crying, When I saw her cry my eyes can hold it I cried as well but I promise Mina I will take care and Protect our Beautiful Flower always

A tear slid from my right eye as Memories of that day flooded my Brain, Before anyone saw I was tearing up I wipe it away as fast as I could and back to a professional demeanor.

Our Intelligence Agency Said The Kryme's are Cooking Something Said

Do you're team know, What those bastards are doing?

Sadly said in a Disappointed tone

But it will not take long for us to know. Lyam said



An unidentified Transmission sir! Arthur said

Put it on James said in a Commanding tone

Daddy!!! A cute little voice was heard by James and his Crew

It was no other than Liz. James Daughter

Oh, why it isn't my Beautiful Flower. How you've been? Is everything fine

Yes, I saw your ship Going past Jupiter. So I called Liz says in a Cute Tone

Hmm, I see Wait a Second How did you get Access to the GSU Radar System and How did you call me?

Oh, Uncle Lyam got this For me as a Present I really like it

Damn it Lyam Giving my Child access to the GSU. Ship Locations and this is Classified information!! James Said to no one she's barely 12.Sighs

I see, So you are having fun with it

Yes because I get to know when Daddy will Comeback so I can Hug him

All the Crew and James were on Awww of how Cute liz is and how thoughtful of her when it comes to there Captain.There where some wjo wants to make a Liz Cult To protect this Little Jelly bean.

Then James heard another Voice

You better come back fast before liz Gets tired of waiting there was another Woman with Yellow Hair and Blue eyes.

Jane its been a long time hows Life?

Its nice to see you to Big brother,Its been well got to spend time with liz and my Son Jason

I see hahahahha

And i almost forgot you still oh me Money you know.Jane said in Sinister tone

Oh yeah!!! I forgot don't worry ill pay it when i get back

You better be i will broadcast your baby pics back then.Jane said in a sinister tone

Wtf,Ok² i will do it i promise I need to go now bye.James was sweating bullets

Bye daddy Bye my little Angel ill see you soon Ok?



His crew was laughing at the back but he ordered them to stop

But another Voice butts in

Damn shes scary james said

But another Voice butts in

Indeed she is.Lyam said

Wtf your still here.James said suprise to see Lyam

Sigh,Why are you still here shouldn't you be Checking the Security or The War or Something?.James said in Annoyed Tone.

Relax,Its not as if a Enemy Fleet will show Up in  highly Secured Place like This-Lyam Said Before The Alarms At The Base Turned On And Someone Called His Name.

General Lyam,We Spotted Boggies South From The South of Pluto's position,A Green Colored Alien Girl Said.

Sh*t Lyam Said in a Angry Tone

You Jinx it!!!!.James said
(Yow this is Zy Author Speaking i just wanna Say,English is not Me First oh if you like the Story Pls Support me by Hitting the  i hope you have a Great Day See u on the next Chapt.)

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