A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 25: Requiem (5)

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Chapter 25 | Requiem (5)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


* * *

[Rienne] “What?”

He wants her to delay the wedding?

Did he even know what he was saying? How could he think such a thing was even possible?

[High Priest] “No wedding can be allowed until the lady of Nauk absolves herself of her sins. If you ignore the will of God, no doubt a great tragedy will occur.”

[Rienne] “Do you know what you are asking of me?”

Rienne clenched her fists and bit back. Her actions didn’t escape the High Priest’s notice, but still he pressed on.

[High Priest] “The will of God is insurmountable, Princess. You must know this.”

[Rienne] “And you, High Priest Milrod, must know you are disgracing the royal family by claiming to know God’s will.”

The High Priest let out a huff of air hearing Rienne’s calm yet sarcastic words.

[High Priest] “I am a servant of God. As such, I represent God’s ideals, daughter of Arsak.”

[Rienne] “And what exactly did God say to you? Did you perhaps receive a vision in your dreams telling you to prevent the wedding?”

[High Priest] “You…… how could you be so dismissive of God? It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the trial set before the people of Nauk is to punish you, daughter of Arsak!”

The High Priest would never have dared to say something like this to her in the past.

This felt off. It was like he was trying to drive Rienne into a corner.

While she didn’t know for certain, Rienne had a sinking suspicion that the High Priest was sent here by the Kleinfelders to try and stop the wedding by any means necessary.

This was never about fixing the stairs. It was always about the wedding.

[Rienne] “Watch yourself, High Priest. This isn’t the Temple. You’re in my castle now.”

Rienne was good at keeping a calm face, even as she held back her anger through clenched fists. But this time, she couldn’t hold it back anymore.

[Rienne] “The royal castle isn’t bound by religious law. I have the right to punish those who dare use their tongues to insult the royal family.”

[High Priest] “Unfortunately, you cannot marry without the permission of God—“

Just as the High Priest started talking—

[Black] “I’m late.”


The sound of the reception room door cried out into the air as Black pushed them open with both hands.

* * *


[High Priest] “T..th..that…..”

The High Priests face quickly turned a sickly yellow color.

[High Priest] “W…why….why would a mercenary….be here………”

Immediately Rienne almost reflexively sighed.

Thinking about it, the High Priest probably didn’t see something like this coming. He likely just followed along with the Kleinfelders, letting them push his back to the castle—insisting this man wouldn’t be able to interrupt the meeting.

[Rienne] “Welcome, Lord Tiwakan. Please, take a seat.”

But instead of correcting the High Priest, Rienne invited Black to her side.

The act made official his position as the Princess’ betrothed as well as the leader of the Arsak family’s Guardian Knights.

Black quickly realized Rienne’s intentions.

Without a single word, he took the seat right by Rienne. He was so silent when it did it that it felt like the most natural thing in the world. As if it was only right.

[Rienne] “Now where were we? Ah, right. You were saying that God wanted you to sabotage the wedding. Did he happen to tell you how long we needed to put it off?”

[The High Priest] “I…..”

The High Priest paused and averted his eyes. He couldn’t even begin to look in Black’s direction, who was just sitting next to Rienne.

…..It’s working.

Though she didn’t realize it, Rienne gave a bitter smile.

She was happy to see the High Priest so flustered and put off, but she couldn’t help but find his sudden and obvious change in attitude a little bothersome.

It just proved how little the High Priest thought of her– that he saw her as someone who was easy to push around.

[High Priest] “The wedding will happen….once God allows it…..”

[Rienne] “And how will we know when that is?”

[High Priest] “A-as a servant of God, their words will speak through me……”

[Black] “So in the end, you’re the problem after all.” (1)

[High Priest] “Hu…h?”

The High Priest swallowed hard.

Black idly tapped the armrest of his chair with his fingers, the sound making the High Priest shakily raise his head up towards him.

Then as soon as he met that cold gaze, his body became like a statue.

[Black] “I will give you a choice. Either you use that mouth of yours to give us permission, or I will force it out of you.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

The High Priest’s jaw stiffened. It wasn’t immediately clear if he understood the implications of those words or if he was simply surprised he, as the High Priest, was being shown no respect.

[Black] “I must’ve phrased it too kindly. Then I’ll say it again. Open your mouth on your own or I will tear you apart.”

[High Priest] “Wha-what….. How dare you!”

Finally the High Priest found his voice, loud enough to make the entire reception room shake.

But in the end, it was all just words.

Black looked down at him, his fingers still tapping the armrest.

[Black] “Quiet.”

[High Priest] “……?”

[Black] “Don’t raise your voice in the presence of royalty.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

[Black] “Make your choice. Your own will or be torn to pieces.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

It wasn’t that the High Priest’s jaw had stiffened. He just couldn’t speak. He was terrified of ever allowing his voice to echo out in the room again.

[Black] “If you don’t choose, then I will.”


Black hit the armrest in a rhythmic pattern.




As soon as he heard the third sound, the High Priest squeezed out his voice.

[High Priest] “You can’t do this! You can’t do something like this to a servant of God……!”

But that was all he could manage.

As if those rhythmic sounds were a signal, the doors to the reception hall slammed shut.

[High Priest] “Wait!”

Quickly, the High Priest as well as the priests he brought with him turned their backs, but the firmly shut door remained closed.

[High Priest] “Princess, open the door!”

Amidst all of that, Rienne was the only person the High Priest could cling onto. A savage might be incapable of communicating normally, but Rienne wasn’t.

Even the royal family of Nauk had no right to make a fool of a servant of God like this.

[High Priest] “Princess!”

[Black] “If she wants me to open it, then I will.”

Black spoke slowly in his usual emotionless voice. It made him terribly hard to understand, but even so, one thing was abundantly clear.

Rienne was the only person capable of the controlling the leader of the Tiwakan.

[Rienne] “…….Thank you for the offer, but we’re still in the middle of a conversation. It would be best if we kept it closed until we’ve figured things out.”

Rienne was aware of that as well. More specifically, she was aware what Black was trying to make clear to the High Priest.

As long as the Tiwakan were present, the High Priest could never speak with such disrespect towards Rienne as he did before.

No, not just that.

If he wanted to leave safely, then he needed Rienne to help him, for the leader of the Tiwakan would never open those doors unless she asked him to.

[Rienne] “Now then, let’s talk properly. Why must we delay the wedding?”

[High Priest] “. . .”

Like iron, the High Priest’s face completely hardened.

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Never again would he say that the marriage needed to be delayed because God couldn’t tolerate the Tiwakan’s defiled existence.


* * *


After that, the conversation ended without any major concerns.

By the end of their talk, the High Priest had become like a different person. He only ever nodded obediently before quickly leaving.

Though of course, there was a price.

Black agreed to pay the full cost of repairing the steps to the Temple. Only then could the High Priest officiate their vows, as per the duty afforded his position.

The funeral that was interrupted was set to be completed that evening in Castle Nauk’s chapel, with a group of Tiwakan mercenaries being tasked to move the coffins.

Something like that made it impossible for anyone, let alone the High Priest, to claim that God couldn’t tolerate the ‘filthy’ Tiwakan. If the ‘filthy’ didn’t carry the coffins, then the bodies would be left to rot in the Temple until the stairs were fixed.

Rienne was a bit surprised by the outcome. It was the first time she’d ever negotiated things so one-sidedly, not making a single concession.

[Rienne] “This was a bit unexpected.”

Once the High Priest and his retinue ran off with their tails between their legs, only Rienne and Black remained in the reception hall.

[Rienne] “I didn’t realize the High Priest was such a coward.”

The bitter smile on Rienne’s face revealed so much of all she’d been through.

[Black] “I’m glad you’re pleased with the results.”

‘Pleased’ didn’t seem like the right word. It was too weak of an expression to describe how Rienne felt right now.

[Rienne] “But I think you agreed to take on too much financial burden.”

Rienne added, looking up at Black. It was something that had been on her mind the entire time.

[Rienne] “You shouldn’t have to pay for all of that, even if the High Priest was insisting on delaying the wedding.”

[Black] “It’s fine. I have enough to spend on whatever I want.”

[Rienne] “But still…..”

It was too large of a cost to speak of it so casually.

[Black] “Would it be rude of me to tell you not to worry about money in the future?”

Rienne thought for a moment before replying.

[Rienne] “……No.”

Nauk’s financial hardships were far too long standing to be prideful when it came to that. Rienne wasn’t even sure how much longer they’d be able to last.

Over the past year, all she could do was try and get through, day by day—praying for more rain.

[Rienne] “I don’t think it is.”

[Black] “Then don’t worry.”

It was amazing to hear him say that so easily.

That was probably why Rienne was starting to misunderstand him. She was actually starting to think he was a good person. That he was truly on her side and was doing what he could to help her.

But what does he stand to gain by risking so much to ensure this wedding happens?

[Black] “……If you can, that is.”

Rienne pushed down her feelings and simply nodded.

If Weroz returned, anything Black was trying to hide would be revealed anyway.

Then….until that happens…..I think it’s okay to keep feeling reassured by him.

Just for a little bit longer, at least.

[Rienne] “Thank you, Lord Tiwakan. It’s because of you that everything in regards to the funeral and the wedding is being dealt with so smoothly.”

[Black] “. . .”

Rienne’s thanks towards Black was sincere. She meant every word. But instead of speaking to her in kind, he stayed quiet and stared intently at Rienne.

[Rienne] “Is…..everything alright?”

[Black] “Interesting.” (2)

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Black] “I want to hear you say it again. I want to know if you’re being serious.”

….Was my thanks insufficient?

[Rienne] “You have my sincerest thanks. I mean this honestly and truly.”

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[Black] “Not that. I’m taking about the wedding.”

[Rienne] “Was there something wrong?”

[Black] “Is it true you don’t want to delay it?”

[Rienne] “Of course I……. Ah.”

Just a second too late, Rienne realized the meaning behind his words. At some point, she had started to treat the wedding as something that would happen no matter what.

As Rienne’s words stopped, her lips slightly parted, Black’s eyes scanned over her face. It was like he was looking for any sign of a lie hidden on her face.

[Black] “Of course?”

[Rienne] “Of course…..I don’t want to delay it.”

[Black] “. . .”

At Rienne’s answer, Black thought for a moment before his mouth began to tug on either side.


Now Rienne was the one staring.

He’s smiling.

It was such a small change but the difference was too much for Rienne.

I’ve never seen him make that face before.

[Black] “Then it’s not a waste of money.

Black said as his smile lingered.

This man could say something like that… with that kind of face. It made it look like he was actually happy to marry her. The idea made her feel… strange.

At this rate, Rienne really would start to misunderstand him.

Thinking he’s a good person is one thing….

..But to think he might actually like me?


Now, the wedding was only a few days away.


* * *


[Linden] “That idiot!”


Linden couldn’t contain his anger and slammed his fist against the table, shaking the ink bottle and spilling ink all over. Rafit glanced down at the dirty table, but kept quiet.

Eventually Linden gritted his teeth and straightened out the fallen ink bottle.

[Linden] “He couldn’t solve such a simple matter of delaying the wedding? Something like that should be easy for a High Priest!”


Linden got up, circling the ink-stained table and pacing around the room.

[Linden] “It can’t be helped. We need to find someone else who can do this properly.”

He brought up the nonsense idea of replacing the High Priest so casually that Rafit frowned and quickly looked up at him.

[Rafit] “What was that, uncle?”

[Linden] “My business with him is concluded. He is of no further use to me.”

[Rafit] “And how do you plan on replacing the High Priest?”

[Linden] “What are you on about? Something like that is simple for our family.”

The High Priest of Nauk was a permanent position.

Only when the present High Priest died could another one be selected.

What Linden Kleinfelder was trying to say was that he wanted to kill the present High Priest…and that he had done so in the past as well.


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T/N: (1) During this section, he refers to the High Priest as being a ‘mouth’, as in the mouth of God. Because of that, most of the threats were rooted in “opening the mouth” or having it forced open instead. None of that makes sense or sounds good in English without over explaining, so most of it had to be rewritten, but the energy is still there.

(2) He uses a term meaning something that is both a little unbelievable but also amazing.

astral comment: Does this count as Rienne’s fan-fiction italicized oh moment?

ghost comment: Like to talk to the artist about not making the CG of this chapter our man’s smile ;_;

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