A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 78: Dream (1)

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Chapter 78 Dream (1)

translator/editor: astralmech


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[Rienne] “Is it really possible to finish it all……?”

Rienne wondered, feeling tired as her heavy eyelids started to droop.

[Mrs. Flambard] “This is…..”

She was about to say something, but the same woman who was so determined to finish all the embroidery within two nights suddenly looked very weak.

[Rienne] “What is it?”

The woman’s reaction seemed so subdued that it shocked Rienne back to alertness.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I forgot you hurt your hand, Princess. I got so ahead of myself, I accidentally made you suffer. How could I have been so short sighted…..But it’s too late to take it back now.”

Mrs. Flambard looked like she was about to start crying. Panicking, Rienne held out her hand, patting the woman’s shoulder and trying to comfort her wet expression.

[Rienne] “No, ma’am! Don’t cry, there’s still time.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What’s the point of a nanny who can embroider if she forces a Princess that’s about to get married to give up on sleep to do it with her…….! I don’t have the right to be your nanny, Princess.”

The poor woman was seconds away from openly sobbing now. Rienne quickly shook her head.

[Rienne] “No, no….This was my own selfishness. You didn’t force me to do anything, so don’t cry.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But I should have stopped you even when you said you wanted to do it!”

And then her tears burst forth. Seeing the woman who raised her since she was a little girl crying so profusely made even Rienne want to cry.

[Rienne] “Don’t cry…..You’ll make me cry, too…..”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What makes you want to cry…….sniff.”

The woman sobbed and sobbed, but never once did she let go of her threading needle. It was almost impressive and admirable how she still wanted to complete everything.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What should I do…..If the Princess’ fiancé wears such an outfit……”

It would be the biggest nightmare of this poor woman’s life.

[Rienne] “The two of us can just do our best! And I’m sure Lord Tiwakan wouldn’t mind if the embroidery was a little sparse.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I can’t allow that!”

But Rienne’s attempts to comfort the woman only resulted in her crying intensifying. Rienne shifted awkwardly in her seat, feeling her eyes start to water.

Knock, knock.

Then, there was a knock at the door.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Who is it?”

The woman stood up, sniffling and clearing her throat as she raised her body.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll, sniff, go see who it is.”

[Rienne] “No, I can go.”

But Mrs. Flambard sent a strong nod to Rienne, one wordlessly telling her to stay seated, as she headed off towards the door.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Who could it be at this hour?”

Before she opened the door, she was thinking that it might’ve been Black or Phermos, considering they were the only people who might have probable cause to disturb them at this time.

But the face she was met with was unexpected.

[Mrs. Flambard] “……? Do you have the wrong room?”

[Mrs. Henton] “I don’t believe I do.”

It was Mrs. Henton, peeking her head inside and glancing around the room.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then what are you doing here?”

Looking at her with an intense glare, Mrs. Flambard narrowed her crying eyes. For her, it was Mrs. Henton, not Rienne, who ruined the previous wedding attire.

[Mrs. Henton] “I heard about it earlier.”

But Mrs. Henton wasn’t discouraged by such a cold stare in the slightest.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you talking about?”

[Mrs. Henton] “The tailor went back crying.”

Mrs. Flambard gasped.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did that worthless lout also cry about what he did, too? His embroidery was such a mess, we had no choice but to send him packing!”

[Mrs. Henton] “If you have any spare needles and thread, give them to me.”

Though Mrs. Flambard was blocking the door with her body, Mrs. Henton deftly moved past her, entering the room with ease. Unconsciously stepping back, Mrs. Flambard followed behind her, lightly grabbing onto Mrs. Henton’s sleeve.

[Mrs. Flambard] “No, what do you think you’re doing? Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did last time!”

[Mrs. Henton] “If I were you, I would realize that finishing all of this work by the day of the wedding would be impossible, even if I worked all through the night. In that case, there would be no point in me ruining it. I have some skill with sewing so I wish to help.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What? All of a sudden?”

[Mrs. Henton] “The human heart is capable of miraculous change. I’m merely sick of being stuck in my room all day doing nothing, so don’t think so deeply about it.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You don’t seem like you’re taking this very seriously, are you?”

Seeing this conversation start to devolve into an argument, Rienne approached them both.

[Rienne] “Stop this, ma’am. And Mrs. Henton…”

Though to be perfectly honest, Rienne didn’t know either. What was Mrs. Henton’s motive right now? If she sought to ruin the wedding ceremony, it was unlikely because she held any resentment towards Black.

Like Mrs. Henton said, he was just an eight year old boy who couldn’t do anything.

[Rienne] “You must know, it’s not just my wedding, but Lord Tiwakan’s as well.”

[Mrs. Henton] “I understand that. But…….”

She suddenly stopped talking, instead smiling bitterly.

[Mrs. Henton] “My son said he wanted to live here. It was the first time he’s ever expressed a desire, so I wanted to honor that. You have nothing to fear from me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Ah…….is that true? He said that?”

[Mrs. Henton] “Yes.”

But from her bitter smile, the long standing resentment started to fade little by little.

[Mrs. Henton] “And he said those sweets were very delicious.”

[Rienne] “Oh…….”

The woman looked so exhausted that Rienne wanted to say something back, but she couldn’t find the words.

[Rienne] “I’m…..glad to hear it.”

So that was all Rienne could say in the end.

Mrs. Henton gave a modest smile, and then gestured towards the partially done sewing with her head.

[Mrs. Henton] “I’ve been sewing for a long time myself. With my help, a finished product is assured.”

Though no one said anything in return, the woman straightened out her back, sitting in front of the threaded needles.

[Mrs. Henton] “Are these needles alright to use?”

Meanwhile, Mrs. Flambard just looked at Rienne with a look of shock.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess……”

But Rienne just nodded, turning to her with a smile—though her eyes were undeniably drowsy and sleepy.

[Rienne] “Trust, ma’am.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “No, but…Ah, that’s my needle set. Use these ones.”

Feeling anxious, Mrs. Flambard pulled back with widened eyes seeing that Mrs. Henton had already gotten started without a single word.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Actually use these. If you can do this part up until here, I’ll be able to breathe easy.”

[Mrs. Henton] “Alright, then.”

No one could deny that these two women got off to a bad start, all things considered, but even their bad relationship could be ignored in the face of work that needed to be done.

Mrs. Henton certainly wasn’t lying when she said she’d been sewing for a very long time. With dexterous and skillful hands, there was no hesitation with her stitching.

Even without Mrs. Flambard nagging her, she was able to measure the thread length ahead of time, carefully matching the work that had already been done, moving along step by meticulous step.

[Mrs. Flambard] “……..I suppose you weren’t lying when you said you’ve been doing this for a long time.”

[Mrs. Henton] “I’ve lived an unspeakable life as a slave in someone else’s home for the last twenty years. Sewing is hardly something I find troublesome.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “By someone else’s home, then…..No, you needn’t say anything. I shouldn’t have asked.”

[Mrs. Henton] “I don’t mind, but it’s still not a good thing to talk about, so I would appreciate no questions.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Very well.”

In their silence, their work started to gradually speed up. It got to the point where Rienne felt like she was going too slow, so she started going fast too.

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[Rienne] “I think he’d be happy to know that you helped us, ma’am.”

[Mrs. Henton] “. . .”

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Mrs. Henton glanced up at Rienne as she sewed.

[Rienne] “He told me he wanted a home.”

And things like this felt like home. Like a family. So she was certain this would make him happy…….And it made her happy, too.

[Mrs. Henton] “Then that’s a good thing.”

Mrs. Henton’s voice was like a whisper.

After that, no one spoke anything else. They all kept a comfortable silence, quietly and diligently threading needles through fabric.

Yet somehow, the air felt warm, as if it was being kept alive by the light of a fireplace that hadn’t been lit.


* * *


It was around half past five in the morning by the time Rienne returned to the bedroom.

Mrs. Flambard had basically pushed her out of the room, saying that Rienne needed to get some sleep even if she had to be up in an hour. Mrs. Henton had even pulled the threaded needles out of Rienne’s hands before she was essentially tossed from the room.

They still didn’t seem to get along very well, but when Rienne looked back on all they had accomplished together, they seemed like they could be very good friends if given the chance.

But once Rienne gently opened the bedroom door, she was so tired, her eyes were almost closed.

I have to wash my face……

So she thought, but her body was already heading towards the bed.

He must already be asleep……So goodnight. I hope I see you first thing in the morning.

She thought trying to join Black in bed at this time would only wake him up, so she decided the next best place to collapse in exhaustion would be the next room over.

Without even thinking about getting undressed, Rienne thumped down on the bed.

And the moment her tired body made contact with the soft bed, her eyes closed. Her arms and legs were too heavy to move right now. Even though she knew she needed to take her shoes off, she was already half-asleep.

But then, like a dream—someone touched her foot.


With a quiet and subtle sound, her shoes were slipped off and set down on the floor. Then, the hands that were carefully touching her feet made their way to holding her body, readjusting her to a more comfortable position.

And then, whoever they were, they gently lifted her up, tucking a pillow underneath her head.

Who is it……..A household spirit? (1)

Her thought was so funny, she laughed even in her sleep.

Don’t laugh, the spirit said. I’m holding back because I don’t want to wake you up.

With a sleepy smile, Rienne whispered out—

[Rienne] “Take off…..my stockings too……I can’t do it….myself….”

I didn’t realize you had this kind of sleeping habit, the spirit seemed to grumble.

[Rienne] “Do…you hate…it……?”

Of course I don’t hate it. You should know by now that it’s the other way around, the spirit continued to murmur, moving their hands to push up the hem of her dress the tiniest bit, clumsily pulling at her stockings.

As if it tickled, Rienne cutely giggled.

This particular spirit apparently didn’t know how to remove a woman’s stockings.

[Rienne] “Not like that…..You have to undo the garter first…..”

The garter? The spirit asked.

[Rienne] “It’s….on my thigh…..”

She could hear the spirit groaning in exasperation. I’m not confident I can keep myself together at this rate, they muttered once more.


The hem of her skirt was lifted up as she felt both of the spirit’s hands reach up around her leg. They felt around for a moment, carefully moving underneath her skirt until they found the knot keeping her garter in place on the inside of her thigh.

Swip, thwip.

The knot unfurled, and the thin fabric of her stocking was pulled across her bare skin. The spirit’s hand continued to tug at it, pulling it down little by little.

[Rienne] “Ah, that’s…strange……”

Rienne shifted her body.


This spirit seemed like they were trying not to touch her skin directly.

They grabbed at the fabric of her stocking with their fingertips instead of the garter, taking twice as long as they should’ve just to pull it down.

Why does this feel so strange……

Feeling the sensation of her soft stocking being slowly drawn across her skin, she started to feel oddly anxious. Rienne let out a sigh, loosely biting her lip as her throat turned dry.

They weren’t even touching her properly……and because they were moving so slowly, even the easy task of removing her stocking was suddenly so much harder.

[Rienne] “Not like that…..Quickly….the garter…..Here..I’ll…..help you find it…..”

Rienne fumbled, reaching down and finding where the garter was on her leg.

After the spirit’s incredibly slow work, it was just above her knee, near her inner thigh. Rienne took hold of the spirit’s hand, guiding them to press their whole palm against the garter on her leg.

[Rienne] “You just have to grab it……and pull it down…quickly………Hm?”

But very suddenly, the spirit pulled away.

[Black] “……..I can’t do this anymore.”

The spirit’s voice, once as distant and hazy as a dream, was filled with an unexpected clarity—and they sounded like Black, who seemed very exhausted.

[Rienne] “Oh……Huh? What?”

As if she wasn’t about to just pass out from exhaustion, Rienne’s eyes shot open.

[Black] “Ask me to do something else.”

It wasn’t a household spirit—it was Black.

[Rienne] “S, since when…..?”

Filled with embarrassment, Rienne raised her voice. Glancing down at her disheveled appearance on the bed, Black swept his messy hair back over his forehead.

[Black] “I didn’t go to sleep. I thought you might come to bed later.”

Rienne was actually asking since when it was him rather than a spirit, but Black answered thinking she was wondering since when he was awake.

[Rienne] “No, wait, that’s…..So, it was you from the beginning?”

[Black] “What?”

[Rienne] “I thought it was a dream……”

[Black] “……No wonder.”

Black turned away his head, letting out a sigh that sounded very tired.

[Black] “I ended up doing something wrong that woke you up. Let’s just go to sleep now.”

[Rienne] “Wait, I need to take off my stockings…..”

Now that she was awake, she could take off her stockings herself. But just as she was about to, her hand suddenly froze in place.

In order to take off her stockings, one would either need to take off her dress completely……or slip their hands inside her skirt. Which was probably why the whole thing felt very provocative.

[Black] “Do you need me to close my eyes?”

Though he was asking her, Black’s eyes were already closed before she answered.

[Rienne] “I wonder, will I feel more comfortable with these sorts of things once we’re married?”

Rienne turned around, looking at Black who still had his eyes closed.

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I mean, taking each other’s clothes off so we can sleep better.”

[Black] “…….Perhaps.”

[Rienne] “I hope it happens quickly.”

Shifting her body, Rienne forced herself to start getting up from the bed, preparing to remove her stockings.

[Rienne] “But right now, it’s still so very difficult for me……It only went as far as it did because it felt like I was having a very sweet dream…….”

Truthfully, she wasn’t really sure what she was saying right now. Perhaps this was a bit shameless and strange of her to think, but she actually felt a bit sorry that her dreamlike feeling disappeared in the middle of it all.

[Rienne] “In my dream, you seemed like a spirit, doing everything for me so I didn’t have to lift a finger.”

[Black] “Then…”

Opening his eyes, Black quickly turned to Rienne and got closer to her without any hesitation.

[Black] “I guess we should both work hard from now on. To get you used to it.”

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T/N: (1) A “household deity” (also known as a fairy, ghost, elf, etc.) is an entity believed to exist in one’s home to watch over and protect the family or one specific member. They are a concept that is prevalent in many cultures and folklore, eastern and western alike.

The exact word used here was “집요정”, which could also be called a sprite or a fairy, but I went with spirit since many household deities are considered some form of spirit.

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