A Blooming Soul

Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-Four: How Cliché

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We walked slowly through the town, as the crowd impeded any faster movement.

I almost got sucked away, into the mass of bodies, several times. After about the third time, Mayari firmly grabbed my hand, preventing any other instances.

“Is it always this busy?” I asked.

“We’re actually avoiding most of the traffic,” Mayari answered.

Master seemed to have picked the most efficient route, forgoing scenery in an attempt to avoid an apparently bigger crowd.

Walking along, I could understand her reasoning…the three of them stood out entirely too much.

Before Ms. Kna’Ve told me that I was below average height, I believed it. Rather it would be pretty odd if someone 4’7 would be anything but smaller than the average person.

‘Unless the populace is dwarves or gnomes…Hmm, I wonder if they’re in this world….I’ll ask Master while we eat.’

Unlike me, and the possible gnome and dwarf populations, the three ladies accompanying me weren’t vertically challenged in the slightest.

I thought Ms. Kna’Ve was exaggerating when she said they were taller than most people…but she wasn’t If anything she kind of downplayed. Mayari, who was the shortest of the three, was at least half a head taller than at least seventy percent of the people we walked past.

“Why is everyone so much shorter than the three of you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“Have you ever heard of the term ‘deep-sea gigantism’?” Master asked.

I nodded.

“Well, let's just say it doesn’t apply to regular fish.”

“So does that mean you all come from the deep?”

“Yeah. ‘Depthers’ or ‘deeps’ as the bigots call us.” she frowned. “We’re pretty rare as is… but yes, my family as well as my team are all deep sea-kin.”

‘So there’s something like that here too. I guess some people are the same, even on a different planet. Looks like something happened to her because of it.’

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I must have brought up some bad memories,” I apologized.

She waved your hand dismissively.

“It’s fine. You didn’t know about any of that. Plus, you’re a good girl. Based on your response and how you conducted yourself from the time we’ve met…I knew you’d never judge someone for something so arbitrary.”

‘Guh, I got called a good girl…again. But it's really nice to be held in high regard like that. Back on Earth, I didn’t really have much access to much. Other than the old beat-up textbooks on history and science and the little they taught at school, I didn’t know much. But reading the atrocities that people committed against each other because of a slight difference in their appearance was astounding. I couldn’t believe it. When I was young, those three pounded open-minded into my brain. Because of that I always judged someone based of their actions rather than their appearence. That's something I'm glad that's followed me, even after death.’ 

“But it’s not bad here, the townsfolk are aware of our contributions and are thankful for them. However, some are more appreciative than they need to be, as you can see.”

Yeah, that much was apparent. Putting aside their intimidating stature, the ladies gave off a strong feeling that made you instinctively want to get as far away from them as fast as possible.

But that didn’t stop people from coming up with gifts, which were gently declined, and giving their thanks. Unfortunately, as Master was implying, there were less savory people approaching our group.

Like the drunk who was approaching my master. He had bright orange hair with white stripes…a clownfish man. 

‘Well, I guess sometimes, the jokes write themselves.’

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He approached with confidence as if he held complete power over Master, who was at least half a foot taller than him and much more menacing.

“ Muruaaa~” the creep crowed. “Where were you last niight? You knoow I don’t like getting stood up.”

‘Ugh. A drunk entitled scumbag. How cliché. Well, I’m interested to see how Master handles this.’

“For the last time Joe, I’m not your girlfriend. Never have been, never will be, so leave me alone.”

“Huhh? So yoou wanna denny ittt?” Joe slurred. “Fudgee you theen, yoou oveergrownn nighttmaree. I’ll justt go afteer those cuuties behind yoou.”

A shiver ran through my body as he lunged past Master, his hand extended to grab me.

Thankfully, that hand never reached me, as Master gracefully caught his wrist, halting the man.

She raised him up by his arm, bringing him to her eye level, crushing his hand in the process

“Did you really think that I’d let you get your grubby hands on my niece or my pupil?” she snarled as a golden flame ignited in her left eye.

Folding his arm back in an unnatural way so that he faced away from her, Master pulled back her foot, readying herself for a kick.

She dropped the drunk, simultaneously punting him up into the air.

‘Into the uprights….and it’s good!’

The fish man flew. If someone told me he was really a flying fish instead of a clownfish, I would believe them.

He kept rising and rising, and then he passed through the magic bubble barrier, suspending himself in the normal water. It was obvious even from here, he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

“Well, that does that.”  Master dusted her off her hands. “Now where was I…Oh right. Maua.”

“Yes, Master? That was super cool by the way.”

“Haha. Thank you.” she chuckled. “Anyways, you know you’re technically a deep-sea kin too right?”

'But I'm a snake? Well maybe she knows better than me...wait a minute!'

“Wait, does that mean!?” I shouted.

“Yeah, you might end up tall due to deep-sea gigantism.” She paused. “Just kidding.”

“WHA! How mean, stupid master!” I pouted.

‘This kind of exchange feels really familiar…and nostalgic. I can't place where I felt it before though…’

“Alright alright, don't get too mad. It’ll ruin your appetite. We’re almost there.”

“Fine, coming!” I replied, beaming internally. 


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