A Blooming Soul

Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty: No More A-Voiding

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As the liquid flowed up my throat, I felt a strong pain make its way through me.

It hurt. 

It really hurt. It felt like someone took out my insides, threw them in a blender, and poured the mixture back into me.

My consciousness began to wane as the pain rampaged throughout me, but I fought to stay awake.

Even in my altered state, I quickly put together the situation.

‘The food was poisoned. Presumably by the waitress, as Master and Ms. Moni seemed to have a good relationship. Why would she do that? Beats me, but it’s probably a really stupid reason.’

As I thought, Master vaulted over the table, gingerly scooping me into her arms.

She tried to smile at me, the facial expression failing, as she caressed my head.

She whispered words to me in what looked to be an attempt to soothe me.

The pain ravaging my head, I couldn’t quite understand what she was saying. However, even with a clear mind, I might have completely ignored her anyway.

That’s because something else had completely seized my attention. 

That something else was something between me and Master. A line of what looked to be a whitish smoke, connecting the two of us. If I had to describe it, I’d say it looked almost like a fishing line.

I was certain that I couldn’t see it before, but it was very apparent now. I swatted at it, trying to confirm that I wasn’t hallucinating. The line wafted like smoke, as my hand passed through, and reformed.

‘Well, that was really…helpful.’

Even though my action didn’t really help me, I felt something resonate through me. Through my soul.

As the feeling passed, I instinctually knew that the connection between me and Master was real. It was actually not all that different than the connection between me and my tree body.

I also noticed that there were lines connecting me to Mayari and Ms. Kna’Ve, they were just fainter than the one between me and the golden dragonoid. 

Satisfied with my observation, I turned my head upwards again, looking at my master. I was surprised to see her looking directly back at me. Her golden eyes seemed to be filled with determination.

She looked away and said a few words to the other two, before handing me off to one of them.

The darkness that I was fighting to stay conscious and afloat suddenly took over, engulfing me entirely.

‘Did I die…. again?’

Was the first thought that made its way through my brain.

‘No, there’s no way. I must just be asleep. Master will save me…right?’

I found myself surrounded by darkness, which reminded me a lot of when I first woke up in this world…as a seed.

This time, I couldn’t feel the presence of dirt or anything at all.

Instead, I had control of my body…not that I could do much in a dark void.

So, I sat there in the silent dark solitude.

After some time, the specifics of which were extremely hard to gauge. My belief started to crumble.

‘What if that look she gave me wasn’t one of resolution and determination, but one of resignation as she had given up on me?’

Doubt began to seep through the cracks in my faith that had been eroded by time.

It first came as a light trickle but steadily intensified.

‘I don’t want to die again.’

You won’t.

A voice replied to me, but I ignored it. I was scared. The first time I died was abrupt and sudden. I didn’t have time to prepare for it. Nor did I really have anything to lose.

This time was different. It hadn’t been long, but I had met people who I cared about and who cared about me if the connections I felt were real.

 Fear flooded the void, threatening to drown me.

Then I saw it.  One of the connections I was just speaking of appeared right in front. It swayed with a faint ethereal-looking glow.

Grab it, trust in your Master.

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Desperate for anything, I listened to the voice and grabbed at the line.

Unlike the last time, I caught it in my hand. I quickly added in my other hand and yanked on the connection as hard as I could.

The fear drained as if someone had pulled the lever to flush the emotional toilet.

I let out the breath that I didn’t even know I was holding in.

The dark nothingness began to lighten up. The light quickly began to grow. It became so bright I reflectively shut my eyes in an attempt to preserve them.

After a few moments, I cautiously opened my eyelids. Instead of the blaring light, I find myself looking at another unfamiliar ceiling.

Before I could try to figure out where I was, I was bum-rushed by two figures.

They wrapped me in a tight hug, rubbing their faces against my cheeks squealing that I woke up.

One of the people I immediately recognized by her fiery red hair and her voice…Mayari.

The other person…not so much.

She reminded me a lot of Master, but like the opposite? She was the silver to Master’s gold…literally. She had silver fins instead of Master’s golden horns, silver eyes as opposed to golden ones. She also looked to be a bit bigger, around the size of Ms. Kna’Ve.

‘Is she…’

Attempting to shrug off the hug, I turn to the silver lady.

“Are you Mrs. Tikta?”

“Oh so you’re as cute as you are smart,” she replied, tightening the hug. “You deduced it that quickly? You’re like a Lil Coralock Holmes. That’s sooo adorable! But yes, I am Tikta. But you will call me Tiki.”

“But isn’t that what your granddaughters call you?”

“Yes, but you-”

“Ahem!” Someone cleared their throat, cutting Tiki off.

Fighting against the hug, I look at the source of the sound.

Lo and behold it was my master. 

As I looked at her, I knew. It was nowhere to be seen now but I knew.

The connection that I grabbed onto was hers. Master had saved me. 

The emotions that I felt in the void came crashing back.


I called out to her shakily as I tried to hold my emotions back.

“It’s okay,” she replied, striding over to the bed, scooping me up, and rubbing my head. “Master’s here. You’re fine.”

The mental dam cracked, and the feelings flowed out violently.

“I thought, I thought I was going to die again!” I screamed into her shoulder. 

I turned to look at her as I fought back tears.

“But something told me that you’d save me. It was right.”

“I know we haven’t known each other long, but it feels like I’ve always known you, Master. I’m sorry for assuming you were a scary evil lady. I’ll put my faith into you for now on, I swear.” I continued.

I genuinely felt that way.  

'I'll be honest with her...and slowly tell her about the secrets I've been holding.'

Master didn't reply vocally, but I saw her eyes fill with resolve again, and this time I had no doubt.

I couldn’t see it, but I could've sworn I felt our connection grow just a little bit stronger.


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