A Blooming Soul

Chapter 36: Chapter Thirty-Four: Clear as Mud

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As the story concluded, the hologram that Master made fizzled out.

She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

“So?” she asked, reaching across the table.

“I know that your face doesn’t show it,” she poked my cheek. “But inside that little head, your brain is brewing with questions. So out with them.”

Swatting her hand away, I thought about what question I would like to ask first.

“Let’s see…I guess we can start from the beginning. How would anyone know what happened before the…what was it..the entity made the universe? What you said sounds more like a legend than fact to me.”

“Huh? Oh right. That’s my bad. That part is more or less a legend, it’s just so widely accepted, it's hard not to remember it's not a fact.”

“Mhm, okay then,” I said taking in a breath. “What happened to the Imerza? And the Flamua too? Are the factions the same as the collection of races you talked about? And why did the entity become the tree? And why did it choose this planet? Why didn’t it stop them? Did the tree really die, and if it did is it really back? Why do not you all know? Don’t you have access to Hell?  And what does this have to do with me?”

“Fufufu. Slow down Maua,” Ms. Kna’Ve said as she placed some more books on the table and took a seat. “I think you might have shot out Rua’s brain with the rapid-fire questioning.”

I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized I let my curiosity get the better of me.

“Alright, I’ll answer what I can while we wait for Goldie to reboot.” the two-headed lady giggled. 

“Hey!” Master protested.

Ignoring her girlfriend, Ms. Kna’Ve started speaking.

“Let's see, the Imerza, huh? After the death of the main members of the royal family, as well as their most powerful guards, the empire collapsed. From its death, the formation of several kingdoms came about. One of these is ruled by the lineage of the original royal family. All things considered, they been pretty quiet since the Beginning of the End, at least by Imerzian standards.”

“‘By Imerzian standards’? What’s that mean?” I asked.

“Well, they haven’t tried to take over the entire world again? They’ve only gotten into a couple of scuffles. Pretty tame for people like them.”

“Mhm. Okay, I understand.”

“Now it was the Flamua next, right? To put it simply, we don’t know. A lot of them were killed in the march. Even more lost their lives in the explosion. The rest of them vanished. And I’m not sure if Rua told you, but Flamua are a bit different than the other factions. They weren’t actually not a particular set of species, but rather something else. We’re not sure what exactly distinguished a Flamua from the rest of their original species, due to a lack of information, but there was something.”

“That sounds a lot like the Bloomed doesn’t it?”

“Whoa, it does doesn’t it? We never even thought about that! Interesting, I’ll have to look into that further. Anyways, some people think that the remaining Flamua actually travelled to Hell along with the tree, but that’s just a idea with no evidence to support it.”

She quickly jotted something down on a paper than she grabbed on the table.

“Moving on, the factions are pretty much the same. There’s a little bit less distinction, and a bit more friendly ties, but yes they’re more or less the same.”

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“So this Kingdom is part of the Beashua Conglomerate right?” 

The two headed lady nodded.

“Right. Skipping to the Hell and tree questions. We don’t really know if the tree is back but, we can sort of feel it? And yes, we do have access to Hell, but for some reason, we can’t get pass a certain level…I think it’s the sixth?” 

‘Huh? So they don’t know about the tree on the ninth floor? Uh oh.’

“As for the rest of your questions-”

“We’re actually hoping for your help for those.” Master spoke, cutting off her girlfriend. “That pretty much leads into our theory. You see, we got the idea from the name of your species…Edenite. Edenite…Garden of Eden. We’re thinking that you had some sort of involvement with the tree or at least the Flamua in your past life.”

“Past life? So reincarnation is a common thing around here? I know it was a part of the story, but I thought it was just a part of the legend.” I asked.

“No, it’s true. Well to some degree at least. Everyone is reincarnated, it’s just some people remember more of the past than others. Some don’t remember anything at all.”

“So what about you, Master? How much do you remember?”

Seeing the grimace on her face, I immediately regretted asking.

‘She’s that opposed to telling me? I guess we’re not that close as I thought.’

“Sorry, I overstepped,” I apologized.

“I should be the one apologizing. My last life just ended abruptly, and probably traumatised someone dear to me. I’ll tell you all about it some other time…anyways, do you remember anything about the Flamua or the tree?”

‘I’ll tell her about my past when she tells me about hers then. But looking at it, the story didn’t clear up anything, if anything it made everything muddier.’

“No, I don’t.”

“Ah, bummer,” Master slumped down in her chair. 

Ms. Kna’Ve whispered something in her ear, and the dragonoid sprang right back up and out of her chair.

“That’s right, we can go to the fun part now!”

“Fun part?” I asked.

“Soulia training!” she said with an evil grin, scooping me up and rushing out of the library.

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