A boring life at school, or maybe…

Chapter 40: Chapter 37 – Rest and peaceful moment….or not

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I slowly sneak from the others and head to the storage room, there is a small couch that I could rest for the night. I manage to took one of the journal book of Yukimaru, tried to read his observation about Sabah.

Based on the observation in the 1920’s the history of the Murut lived in long houses, and the current British government, claiming them as barbaric due to skulls hanging in their houses symbolising power.

One thing that I’m interested is about the language they learn. About half an hour that I have read the journals and I taking a short nap. Dreaming of Natalie walking together at the same time, I saw Sylvia’s face as well walking, what the hell am I thinking about now! Is it because I’m confuse about things. Natalie was there as well, is this heaven or hell? Am I dead?

When I woke up, Sylvia is right in front of my face. Looking at me while smiling.

“I did give you some room because of a tournament and dating with Priscilla…” she sitting right next to me. I woke up and said to her

“What about the others?”

“Well funny thing is they all are asleep…” yeah right, I’m pretty sure they all are right outside of that door.

“How the hell did you find out I’m here…?”

“Well, mother told me that you are a like a cat” dammit mom, this is my place of zen

“Then beat it…”

“No can do…” she is smiling again

“Since you did told me to bring me on a date…when would that be?” Yeah I did promise her to date with her.

“uh…maybe tomorrow?”


“yeah..” I had to make her leave this place before others coming in.

She is still sitting there. But this time its different, she is wearing a tight shirt which could seen her body shape, with a short pants of hers. Leaving a sexy air surrounds it. Darn it, I could feel that Natalie is trying to kill me now.

“uh..I need to sleep now…”

“Go on…”

“uh…please leave me alone?”

“Nope…” she suddenly lying down next to me

“Is just I felt really safe here…” I wonder during my time when I brought Priscilla in Long Pasia

“Did you…” she suddenly close my mouth with her finger.

“About my family, its settle..but..” she is really close to my face.

“I really can’t hold it any longer…” she suddenly wanted to kiss me

“uh…I think is not the right time…” she smiling and said to me

“I’m really fallen for you…really bad…” dammit, I had to get out of here. But she is beautiful, even for a 14 year old girl, a mature air from her. She suddenly hugged me to her chest. Dammit her boobs is huge, and I could feel her bare boobs. But I could hear her heartbeat.

“That is how is my heart is…that is what I feel about you…” shit this is getting close.

“Hey, Sil…you don’t feel left out…I don’t hate you…got it?” Sylvia tighten her grip to her chest

“I don’t care anymore, because you are family…” something is really happening

“Hey, Sil…what happen?” She suddenly crying

“Mom….she did not change…” is it just me or she is trying to get attention, yeah maybe that time when she and Steward went back. Geoffrey also avoiding the subject.

“Hey…I can’t breathe you know…”

“Now she want me to married someone else…” huh? Out of nowhere, I got to calm her down, I pull out my face from her chest and tried to listen her story

“I’m listening…just don’t just emotionally blast out”

“………..” she suddenly doesn’t want to say it. This is getting annoying.

“then….” She just walk out but out of instinct I hold her arm. What the hell am I doing? She is going to be wed, is not something I’m going to involved. That is something that I’m going through the same shit again.

“Just leave me, let me enjoy the moments here…”

“Ceh…that’s really pissed me” she turn to me and look at me

“please…” she is stupid, in her own eyes she is crying for help again. She left the room, and I’ve got find out what really happen. But I know is not something that I wanted to be involved again. The next morning she left the house. After the subuh prayers, mom approach me.

“Mr George explain that to end the feud between what happen between her family including Melissa, she sacrifice herself to protect her family by engagement with a family members of the house.”

“What a stupid traditions..”

“It may look stupid but to them is the law….” It is stupid, because its just taking her own freedom. But I really don’t care about it, because that is her decision.

“Sylvia is not just your friend…I know that, mom could feel it, because she is in pain of protecting someone.”

“What a kid like me could do?” Just I’m about to have my own peace and quite this comes out, do they think I’m superman..

“I’m just telling you, only you…” darn it mom, you also telling that I have to save her. I feel wanted to take some air, Mr George visit our home but I could not find Sylvia. He wanted to talk to me

“Hey Alex…”

“Hey uncle..” He only smile and sit next to me

“We went to a family meeting with Geoffrey, but his family walk out, in anger because of…”

“traditions…” he nodded

“You know, I think its best you could of think about moving out from this country, start a new life…did uncle realise that this could traumatise your own children, do you want she went through what I went through?” He is silent

“Damn it, I’ve got another game that I need to compete.”

“Promise me one last time again….”

“What is that?”

“Walk out of this case, just start all over again uncle because this job of yours is hurting your own love one.”

“What are you doing?”

“Melissa know about it right? Well…” I walk out and ride my bike to find Melissa.

“Adults like you should think about family more than your own career…” after this I’m pretty sure I’m going to jail. Mom don’t blame yourself about this.

I arrived at Meow cafe, and William is there.

“Hey Alex!! Its been a while!! Interested working again”

“Yeah.. do you know Melissa family home?”

“………” seems he knows about it.

“Why do you want to know about it?” Melissa

“Just wanted to know the place…”

“Is it because of my cousin?” I look at her and she know that I’m really pissed

“Tradition…..rules…..law…….heritage….bullshit….bunch of bullshit…”

“Its just that…..”

“You left that family…..I wonder where is that place…”

“What are you going to do about it?”

Mariam and Amin suddenly called me

“Hey, you doing something crazy right?” Amin

“If you want to save a damsel in distress again, just let us join the fun” Mariam

“Ceh…this is girl trouble, just don’t get involved in it”

“Nah….I’m pretty sure you doing something stupid again” Mariam

The three of us reach an agreement but I really wanted them not to get involved.

“Their place is in Papar, here is the address” Melissa give me a note with the address of the place

“Thanks” we head out the place

“Hopefully after this ended once and for all..”

Priscilla also join in as well

“Don’t you fucking left me behind, she is my friend as well”


We head out to the place, looks like the place is guarded, and I saw a lot of cars here. Must be something is going on here.

“Hey this is really look like a mafia story shit here…are you telling me that Melissa family is…?” Amin

“Yeah one of the Chinese Triads…Sylvia and Melissa is a triad child…”

“Maybe that is the reason she is rich eh?” Mariam


“Well at least what is your plan?” Priscilla

“This is an organise crime and we only need her out of the family, cutting ties with them”


“like my own family before, there must be a penalty but we freed her from it with a distraction”

“You know that this is a crazy thing” Amin

“You’ve got any bright idea?”

“We just need to kidnap her right?” Mariam

“Yeah…just like that…”

“Oh yeah, call your dad Amin because make it like a crime because once this starts at least they won’t take any opportunity for this…”

“So we just take Sylvia from this place eh?”

“Yeah..just like that”

“fine…let do this then” we tried to sneak in the place. Look like they having a meeting now, Mariam understand what are they talking about.

“Looks like they discussing what are they going to do with Sylvia” I see her mother is there is well. Looks like they are doing something here.

“Hey they say something about regaining the honour of the family”

“Stupid traditions again…”

“Well this is the craziest thing we have done here…” we reach to a room where Sylvia sat down there, wearing a cheongsam.

“That is one sexy dress” Mariam, even Priscilla is impressed


“You must be flustered right?” Mariam

“uh…aren’t we trying to save her?”

“Ummm..yeah” Priscilla

“Right…” Amin

“So lets do this…” Mariam

Something I learn during in the streets of LA breaking in to a house especially a lock like this. We manage to open it, and Mariam and Priscilla took her in.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?!” She is crying, see just as expected

“Lets get out of here…” I’ve got other plans but I want them to escape safely without notice, one thing I know about being a gangster, once they see you, they will do anything in their powers just to get it done.

“Alright we manage to leave this place…” looks like this is where we part ways. Because one of them saw me

“Hey!! What are you doing here?” He look really dangerous

“Huh!? I’m just hanging around here!!”

“This is not a place for a kid!!”

Hopefully they manage to get out from there. This is not part of the plan but I’m really curious about this family why Melissa left the family. Well this is it then.

“Come here kid!!”

I entered it’s a round table. They looked at me and asking me

“You must be Alex…”


“This is not something for you to be involved”

“Hey, I don’t what are you talking about”

“Really…I though that you want to save her…”

“Oh…isn’t that she the one that wanted it?”

“Funny with jokes huh…what is it for you then?”

“Nothing, because she is a friend”

“You are like a pest!! Always messing with my family!!”

“Silence!! Because of you that we all in this mess!! If you did not involved with that family!!”

“Is because of my family that she is in this mess but how about we make a settlement”

“You know we are the descendent of the Zhao family, Zhao Yun is our founder of the family”

One of them suddenly offered a peace solution

“There is only one”

“and that is…?”

“a prove of strength, whether you are worthy of her” damn it, not a marriage proposal again

“What about just proving that I strong enough to protect her then not marrying her?”

“HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, you are interesting!! Fine!! Show me then your resolved” that simple solution a fight until they satisfied. Fine then

“What is the condition?”

“A show of strength requires 10 bout against our best fighter” sound simple but I’m not sure I could handle that but whatever after this done I just wanted some peace and quiet

“Then if I pass all of it, then you spare Sylvia’s family and Melissa then right?”

“Yes they will be banished from the family not to get involved again”

“Then I cool with it”

I stand in the middle one of them approach me

“Come child show me”

He is strong a single punch and I could feel it, this is the real deal. I hold his ferocious strike, I found an opening and I grab him and knee to his stomach, and elbow him down to back. Instantly I punch his face. He is down. But he is still standing, I know that is wushu. He punch me and kick me off but, I remember what Mr Marcus taught me. Kinda think about it, this maybe a good training for me because gotta prepare when I’m in America.

But I could feel that I could beat him, compared to the Yahya from the army. When he roundhouse kick me, I grab his feet and slam to the ground, instantly punch his face. He is knock out all of them are surprised

“He is a wushu fighter never seen him beaten down like that, then the next fighter, Wun Yu!!”

This time he is a muscular guy, but he is good with his kick, looks like the training from Mr Marcus paid off. He movement is really slow. But his kick packs a punch!! I punch him but he grab me I slam him down to the floor he is still grabbing me, he wanted to break my arm and I headbutt him, he is down as well that was fast. Did not realise that his weakness is his head.

“You are interesting boy!! Next!!”

Another guy but he is slender, he is also a kicker and his multiple kick trying to be me down, I grab him and does the CQC to him. I gather my strength into one hit and it landed to his stomach, I lifted him and slam him to the ground.
“you are strong child!! Next”

Until one moment I did not believed myself that beaten 9 of them until the last one.

“Always wanted to fight someone like you!!”

“Aren’t you too old to fight, find someone my age old man…!!”

“Mocking before a battle but I’m really impressed with you, I really wanted you to be my right hand man”

“Not interest!!!” I block my punches and he punch to my stomach it hurts like hell, I vomit blood because of it. But he did not realise that I punch him too.

“interesting….to counter like that!!” He vomit himself

“Slow but powerful”

He instantly punch like bruce lee, his round house kick hurts a lot, I could feel in my bones. That he could do that. I just have to hold out but I know he is really strong, his punches is like Mr Marcus. His punches is like a machine gun. But I could not hold it any longer and grab his fist and punch his stomach and legs. He feel it, he is stumbling through. I realise that I’m haven’t gone berserk and calmly beating them. I hold my fist and waiting for a chance. He constantly punch and kick me while waiting for a chance, I landed a punch but he block it, but he is thrown out but the shockwave I did.

“Our leader is down!!”

“He is strong!!”

“There I’ve done it!!, I hope you turn to the agreement”

The elder wakes up

“That is enough he earn it, fine as promise I will not touch them or your friends and family!!”

“Good enough for me”

The police arrived and called us to be arrested

“I’m the one that picking a fight with them!!”

“Hey wait kid”

“Don’t waste it, and you will honour it or else I’m going to find your family…”

“This is my fault…”

The policeman handcuffed me and I went inside the police car. The elder approach me “why gone for such lengths?”

“Because she is a precious friend…”

He then hold my shoulder “very well you’ve got my respect and he shouted to them “he is already a part of our family!!”

This is the 4th time I’m inside a police car. Once reach there they sent me to a lockup and waiting there

“A trouble maker beating people around…”

I wonder where is this place though i went inside the lockup where the police had taken my reports and details

Inside the lockup there’s a guy sitting there as well, he introduce himself he does not look like asian but a caucasian i wonder what the hell happen to him going in to place like this

You are reading story A boring life at school, or maybe… at novel35.com

“The name’s Flint i’m a journalist..”

“Uh….i wonder what you took then?”

“Well i forgot here is a bit sensitive taking sensitive shots”

“Uh huh i’m Alex….”

“You look young…what the hell you end up here?”

“umm…just having a fight…”

“must some fight getting you in here”


“Well then I’ve been here since last week” we hang around for a while, I went to sleep. At least I got some peaceful rest for a while. Days have passed, we been provided food for our lockup here. Its really damp and cold here, not like in the States where the lockup is at least decent. We were given food along the way for a while. Then one of the officer called me.

“Alexander Imran, please come to the office”

He open the cell doors, and led me to the office. An officer said to me

“Seems that all had been cleared and you are now allowed to leave this place”

“i wonder what about that journalist?”

“He is…somewhat a special case, but are you interesting staying here?”

“uh…never mind sir…thank you…”
“leave then get out of here”

I leave the place, what really surprised me is that the elder of the Zhao family is outside of the police station.

“I want to know something from you”


“What is it for you for Sylvia?”

“Nothing just like I said, she is my friend…”

“You know I started to think that if I wed you with her, at least you are much worthy than the man that her mother wanted her to wed…”

“Geez….marriage is all that she is, she is not a cow…”

“hahahaha…you are something…”

“Then…Sylvia and Melissa is not involved with the family right?”

“yes…as agreed”

“But if you looking for some things that is not involving killing someone look for me then…”

“you are a kid, but what is your job then?”

“You could say jack-of -all-trades…”

“Interesting, I will take that offer…”

“Her voice is beautiful…”


“Maybe she could be a good choir singer for the church…”

“Yeah…I have to agreed with that…” he is different compared to the others, he has this Uncle Usman vibe within him.

“Then all ends well ya? I wonder what will happen with her mother?”

“Well she still could not accept this but her father agreed to an agreement to divorce her”

“Damn that is deep, now I feel guilty because of this…”

“She talk to me, and I let her be free from this family, and if she wanted you badly, I will do within my powers to make you belong to her” oh please don’t I have a fair share of craziness with them.

“uh…could let me be at peace at the moment.”

“Oh, I ask her father to transfer to another place because at least he is not attach to any kind of trouble again…”

“Yeah I had to agree with that..”

“Oh one thing, about your bike I have sent it back to your house…”


“I’m really glad that she is with you…she went through a lot for a 14 year old”


We shake hand and he suddenly said it

“I’m serious, she is one in the million, don’t regret later in life…”

“I had a fair share of chances….” I really don’t want any of it, my life will get shorter by the minute

“Sylvia and Steward is one of my favourites grandchildren but their life is filled with thorns…at least you manage to ease their pain…”


I head back, which is this place is Kepayan Police Department. Damn did not realise that I stayed that far. I took walk where I head out, Amin and Mariam is waiting outside.

“Here goes our own convict” Amin

“At least is not in the hospital…”

“so you rather let me in prison rather than a hospital eh?”

“At least, you sleep well there. Kinda gives me the creeps looking at you filled with tubes and machines..”

“Ceh!!” Look like Amin and Mariam took a bus ride from my house. We head back, and mom is waiting for me.

“Here is your favourite…” ahh finally a drink that I missed a teh Tarik, but I don’t see Sylvia anywhere. Mom explain that she is in her room. Must be sulking because I did something that she did not like.

“Babe…since its a day before the big game, what do you think?”

“Huh…yeah I forgot about that…what is the result of the league…”

“We won, like the usual”

Amin showed the result

MBSPL (Malaysian Basketball Semi-Pro League)

Sabah region

Daggers (SIGMA Institution) 4 win 1 draw Wild Cats ( Sports school Likas) 3 win, 2 draw Saturn (SMK Putatan) 3 win, 2 draw Kings ( KK Highschool) 3 win, 1 lost, 1 draw Sharks (UITM- Sabah) 2 win,1 draw, 2 lost, Eagles ( Borneo College) 1 win, 2 draw, 2 lost Cavalry (ANZAC Insititution) 1 win, 1 draw 3 lost Raflessia (UMS) 2 draw, 3 lost

“We at the top of the league never expected that!!”

“When you were in the lockup, we’re up against Sharks and Eagles they had an easy game but with Mikhail and Danish is injured due to long strains or you could say muscle sprain”

“Uh huh…well at least they could handle without me”

Sylvia is not to be found and mom called me in the kitchen

“Alex, could you call Sylvia because I need her help in the kitchen…”


“At least you understand what it means about tradition”

“Yeah, kinda stupid because of tradition making kids involved in it”

“yep…are you sure you’re my mom?”

“Huh?!” Like to tease mom for once.

“Letting your son in lockup like that?”????

“You’ll do just fine, this is not your first time wasn’t it?”

“uh…???? yeah….fine, I’ll call her, hey where is Hana?”

“Ummm she is with Sylvia and Sam, Sam is not well”

“Uh huh…”

I knock the door and Sylvia open it, where she is carrying Sam, having a fever.

“Huh? Your brother is sick had to nurse him”

“Mom called…”

“Ok, look after Sam for me will ya…Hana come on”

“Got it big sis!!”

I touch his head, yeah just a slight fever. I wonder what have happen. But I saw Sylvia is avoiding looking at me. Wondering what have happen? Whatever I carried Sam, and brought him out from the house for some fresh air. He still smiling at me.

“Yeah…we are mens right, a fever like this is nothing with us.”

“uu…” Sam is smiling at me. Letting him look around the place at least calms him down. His body heat is down, looks like he doesn’t have a fever any longer. Sam wanted to walk and I letting him walk.

“All he need is just fresh air and a sunlight….right Sam?”

“Uu…”???? Sam is just playful as ever.

Hana meet me and said to me

“Sam!! Big Brother!! He is sick!!”

“I don’t think that he is sick..” Hana ask me “what do you think of Big sis Sylvia?”

“Huh?! What the hell is going on?” I wonder what really happen here?

“uh…just like a little sister to me….?” Yeah I believed that as well

“uh…what about Big sis?” Huh where is this comes from? Oh ya but I believed that we both cared for each other.

“She is special to me…”

“But I believed that big sis Sylvia is also special for big brother even though she is annoying but she is family…” Sylvia and Natalie they are the person outside my family that I cared the most while Mariam and Amin is a friend that is irreplaceable. Like in America I had Damien and Natalie but here is them.

I hold her head and convince her

“Nat is still in my heart…is just that big brother rather focus on myself….”

Hana smile and said to me

“Well then, I approved Big Sis Sylvia then…” huh, I’m seriously need to find out what really happen when I was in the lockup.

Sylvia sat there looking at me but she is not herself and she went down. Hana said to me “Big sis wanted to talk to big brother…” Hana took Sam and eyeballing at her and give the I’m watching you gesture. Sylvia smile and sit next to me. A few moments she did not said anything, this is getting awkward and creepy with her ???? always smiling at me. I could see hearts going out from her head.

“When are we going for a date?” Oh yeah, I remember that I promise her that I will date her.

“Come on then…” I unconsciously take her hand, and ride the bike.

She only wore a normal t-shirt, and shorts, while I wore a t shirt and shorts as well. We reach to the place that we went before. She is look at the church and said to me

“You know Alex, you are the only person that see me differently but I wonder…if you compared with Natalie?” Well the only thing come to mind, because she is beautiful, Natalie is also beautiful but the reason I fallen for her was her spirit, her passion and when she look at me, her beautiful eyes. But for Sylvia she does have something that I fall for her but one thing is her passion to share her feelings to someone.

“Could you sing again?” She only smile at me and look at me closely

“Anything come to mind?” I could not help it, her gaze towards me makes me bashful towards her, something that even Natalie could not have. Her look that wanted to be loved, and cared. Ever since the 1st day I met her, is the only thing that I could not stop thinking about it. If I did not met Natalie, I would fallen in love with her, deeply in love with her. She started to sing where I become mesmerise she is beautiful. Tears flow to my cheeks, I know that Natalie is connected to me, I could feel that she is crying. I started to feel that I wanted to meet Natalie because I could not let my feelings waver again. I really don’t want to hurt both of them, Mom let her in for a reason because one day If I want to marry anyone, she could cared for me. Her melody, her voice is something that fallen for her.


“Huh?” Oh shit, I said it out loud. Damn it Alex get it together!! Will ya!!

Sylvia hold my hand. And said to me

“Alex…thank you…for being my saviour, for being my friend, words could not express what I feel now..Alex, I confess to you..I deeply in love in you…for all my heart. I know that Natalie is always in your heart but I really wish that you have me in your heart.”

Damn it Sylvia, you making me felt even guilty now… yeah I had to confess myself that Sylvia is in my heart, because she is the one that filled my lost gap, the crazy things that happen surrounding you always there for me, I know you wanted to protect me never once you waver. That is one of the things that I fallen for her.

“Dumbass…” bashful in my face and I look back and said to her

“You are in my heart, you don’t know how much I meant that for you..Slyvia…”

She hugged my back, I could feel something wet.

“Thank you…Alex…if Natalie dump you, I’m going to take you and not letting anyone have you…even if Natalie wanted you back, I will make sure you not going to hurt yourself again..”

Luckily is fasting month if not I will definitely kissed her. Thank you Allah for testing me.

“During Hari Raya, just come to my place to celebrate got it?”

“emm…” she hold my back. That strong feeling in me is now manifested, one thing is that I’m growing up. I really hope that I won’t destroy her feelings.

“Maybe during at night we going out a place that I wanted to hang around…”

“sure…” we head back to our home, realising that I have done something I could not go back again because I’m going forward.



“Is it ok, if I wanted to talk to Natalie?” That is something I wanted to avoid but

“Gotta ask her best friend, ask her opinion about this because its something I rather not wanted to make it worst.”

“Got it..”

We head back, Mariam waiting outside of the house along with Amin playing with his guitar. But what I saw is her serious look in her.

“Sil…” Mariam looking at her seriously

“I know…”

“To me Alex is like brother to me…Nat is my best friend..”

“Mar…” I tried to talk to her, Amin is playing his guitar without care

“Don’t Alex…because its something I need to ask her personally…” she brought Sylvia, I tried to stop them

“Don’t bro…Honey wanted to ask something that even I could not stop her, just let it…you know honey right, once she wanted to settle something, she will settle it”

Sylvia and Mariam went behind, shit that is really makes me concern. We sit there while listening to his music, but I could not hold it and I brought my saxophone and played it.

“That is something bro…never know that you had it in you…”

Without care, I just played it..something that I wanted to express myself with music. About an hour after that they went back, Mariam is really smiling at me????.

“Kukuku….I’m happy for you…” Mariam is sneering at me

Sylvia just blushed and did not look at me and went straight inside. I wonder what have happen.

“hey…what did you do?”

“The best thing of my life…” I saw she brought a phone, don’t tell me. She called her.

“Yep…that is the sweetest thing I heard in my life…”

“honey…?” Mariam whispered to me

“Natalie is challenge now…”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Yep….they had a cat fight….” ???? holy shit!! That is what I don’t want to happen!!

“Mar!!! What the hell!!?”

“kukuku…that is the first time I heard in my life she is really confess everything to me and Sylvia….”

“wha….what did you do!!?”

“Kukuku, now you have two offers, kukuku????” oh shit she does it again!!

“See told ya, she is being unpredictable…” shut up Amin, you’re one the one that is going to have a short life.

“What the hell you did Mar!!”????

“Well….I just wanted to ask her what does she thinks about you but suddenly Natalie called so I let her talk to her, and it went ballistic…”

“you know that I’m going to die right?”

“yep…Nat is really is pissed and she said to me that she is not going to lose…” god dammit!! Mar!! Now how the hell am I suppose to face Nat then!!

“Damn it!! Now I really don’t want to meet her in LA later on…”

“kukuku…you have to face fact then…”


Mariam laugh while Amin tried to calm things down. The only thing that come to my mind now what message I will received from Natalie soon. Maybe I got to ask Damien about this. When I reach my computer to check my email, my premonition came true. Natalie sent a message, and Damien also. I start with Damien

‘Yo bro…whats up…I heard rumours that you dated with the girl that I met in the hospital right…Nat called me and she went ballistic but I heated things up that the girl is hotter than her. That will pissed her off. But just between you and me, THAT BABE IS REALLY HOT, I just don’t believed in Malaysia I seen hotter girls than her. But anyway good luck homie, hope you could survive this path though lucky me that I’ve not face any girl trouble..”

shit…he did that just pissed Natalie off, now its Natalie’s turn

‘Alex…I miss you…” only a picture of her wearing a lingerie!!???? what the fuck? Oh shit this is not going well with me…suddenly Mar look at my computer

“kukuku…see told ya she is crazy for you….don’t worry a thing my brotha…” she tap my shoulder and smiling at me????. The worst thing now is Priscilla and Sylvia see this picture, which now Amin’s turn but Mariam push him aside.

“This is grown-up things, you’re not suppose to see that!!???? or else you want me take a picture of myself wearing a bikini?”

Amin eyes turn into a hulk

“UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!ARGHHHH!!!!! DON’T HONEY!!!!!!!!” Amin is really fired up by this.

“Fine then I’ll do it…” huh?! Don’t just blurt things out!!

Priscilla and Sylvia look at my computer and now things getting worst.

“So this is Natalie…she is hot…” Priscilla look at me ????

“darling….” She closed my eyes and said to me

“I could do that if you want to…”???? this is getting even worst!! I shut down the computer and starting to leave the place.

“Call your dad Amin…just let me into prison again please…”


“Just do it!!!! Let me stay there at peace!!”

They never give me a chance to be at peace..????

You can find story with these keywords: A boring life at school, or maybe…, Read A boring life at school, or maybe…, A boring life at school, or maybe… novel, A boring life at school, or maybe… book, A boring life at school, or maybe… story, A boring life at school, or maybe… full, A boring life at school, or maybe… Latest Chapter

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