A boring life at school, or maybe…

Chapter 44: Chapter 40 – another day during Syawal and the secret beach

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We were busy helping setting up, Mariam’s open house. Since early morning since mom sent us to her house, Mariam is like a mad-woman ordering us like slaves while she is doing the cooking. Maybe mom taught her something, because now she is really good at cooking while her mom, is struggling helping her making dishes. Her maid is even struggling in her ideas of a Eid celebration.

“Hey guys!! Hurry up will ya!! Even this house is small but I need it ready soon will ya!!”

“Ah…” everyone

She is really squeezing us in preparing the open house. Her mom is already fainted on the sofa while his dad is looking around like an idiot. Must the stress of preparing by Mariam, she is not holding back as well.

We running back and forth to setup the place. Until the evening, where Amin had already reach his limit and he went down at the sofa. Leaving me and Mariam still standing. We are rushing to prepare the food the she learn from mom.

“Hey Bro I need your help in making teh Tarik got it!!”


After almost another hour of preparation we manage to complete the task. Mariam asked me and Amin to freshen-up and give her dad’s clothing. But I already have a butler suit that I have from William. Mariam then change to her baju kebaya and we started to relax in her living room.

“That Nat she is now an assistant designer for Luca Dolores…”

“uh…what is Luca Dolores?”

“bro…she is equivalent to Armani you know because she is a small time luxury dress maker and fashion designer I’m pretty sure her design worth thousand of dollars” Amin know about her as well

“I’m pretty sure you must be surprised from her eh?”

“Really…I just wanted to see Nat wearing that dress not anyone else..” Oh shit I blurt out loud

“kukuku….better make a phone call again”

She instantly took her phone and called her. This time she is not offering to me, just letting me hear it.

“Nat…you know what, your boy her really wanted to you in that dress…”

“Hang on, I’ve got something else for him…ask him to check his email”

Mariam showed me her powerbook and I check her email. Shit, she is stunning, the dress with white dress, and she fits perfectly.

“Babe!! You look stunning!!!”

“my dress for the fashion show next week..”

“What your runaway show!!! That is sick!!”

“This is my first big thing in LA!! Plus they asked me to part of the Hollywood Grammy Awards ceremony”

“Kukuku….i’m pretty sure you boy here is going to get extremely jealous if any guy wanted to escort you…”

“Ugh….I asked my dad to accompanied me” thank you Mr Hawk!!

Natalie seems to be having fun. I just felt that I wanted to be with her.

“Just make sure that you don’t lose your focus during the fashion show…”

“Bro, you got a really hot girlfriend you know…” yeah you better be careful if Mar listen to that.

They just having a chat for a while, I went out from the balcony and look at the beautiful view from the sea. Where they just getting close to sunset. I could only hear a camera sound but I ignored it. Because that view itself calms me down. Mariam then called me signalling me. I approach her and she explain to me

“She said that she is keeping that picture of you standing at the balcony looking at the sunset.”

Darn it, my family arrived first including Sylvia’s family. Sylvia wore her baju kurung that mom give to her. She look stunning as well, when she approach me and said to me

“How do I look?” Yep she is beautiful

“Kukuku…she is beautiful” she took a picture of her, while sending to Natalie

“She is hot right? You could use this as an inspiration, uh…Alex..he is flustered now…but in control..”

Mariam is looking for trouble again????, she having fun chatting with her, while Sylvia then approach her. Seems to be Mariam is planning something again, and she give her phone to her, but they went a bit farther where I could not hear what are they saying. The only thing I could hear is Sylvia is getting angry

“That bitch, she is getting a special dress from Natalie”

Mariam approach me and said to me

“Nat and Sylvia is now become a friend…” huh what the hell is going on now? I could hear from Sylvia smiling at me and Mariam is sneering at me. What the hell is going? Are they suddenly become allies?

“Yeah, he is here how about we make a deal…hmm.hmm.hmm…okay done deal, remember the deal okay?” This is getting scary, I could feel in my gut telling me to run away.

“Mar…do you have that Nat told about?”


Instantly she took a leash on my neck. And a loud speaker from Natalie and Sylvia said to me

“A stupid idiot like you, need to put on a leash especially when it comes to girls…” Natalie and Sylvia said together.

Mariam is with mom and she said something to her

“Never expect to see this, two of my favourite choice is now joining force to make sure my son is at his place…” oh shit is this Mariam’s plan

“kukuku….this is the best day of my life…” this bitch!!???? my life is getting shorter by the minute. With Priscilla arrived alongside Lord Newman. Mariam then said to Natalie

“Hey babe..there she is…well then see ya”

“Remember the deal got it!!”

“Yep…a deal for a date from Alex”


Is this what are they talking about. Goddammit. This is getting bad for my health. I better bolt out from here. But I’ll ignored it, because this is Mariam’s open house is something that she never had experience before.

Everyone is here, and they enjoying the hospitality from Mariam’s family. I just hang around the balcony. Looking outside from the large sliding window. Is just that I don't feel like hanging around. Mom approach me

“You really don’t like crowd is it?”

“Yep…kinda claustrophobic seeing it….”

“So living in Long Pasia is better is it?”

“Nope…kinda miss someone else…”

“But now your friends here, go hang around them you know…”

“I rather stay here mom, don’t worry about me mom because I feel comfortable with the fresh air outside…”

She just smile and said to me

“Both of them remind me of Frederica that is the reason why…”

“Really mom…just that?”


“What are you planning after this because there are still a few days before the start of the new semester…”

“Maybe a date with Sylvia because I promise her..”

Mom only smile and said to me

“Well then don’t go overboard then…”

“Yeah…but I’m going somewhere a bit far north…”

“Oh..I’m pretty sure your friends is going to find out about it…”

“Don’t tell them mom…”

“Fine then…oh can you asked Mariam to stay with me”

Everyone is chatting including chaotic moment where Sylvia and Priscilla is having a cat fight. Time move fast as it ended. Everyone leave the place including Amin. But I stayed back here to help her clean the place. Mariam suddenly asked me

“Amin had to return back because he need to visit his family in Peninsular Malaysia in Pahang”

“Oh..must be pretty bored..”


“Mom asked me that you hang out in my house for a few days”


“Mom asked me that…”

“Fine then kukuku…”

I decide to head back while Mariam followed my back in the bike. Once reach there, Sylvia is here as well. Mariam look at me and wondered

“I’m really curious about this.”

“About what?”

“Your mom planning though…because she is the one that wanted it”

“So we heading to Kudat never been there before…”

“Mom said that she wanted to visit a village there near the beach of the northern tip…”

Mariam head inside to the girls room. Instantly a loud commotion inside. I could hear Sylvia and Hana is arguing alongside Mariam.

“To hell with big boobs!!”

“Waaa!! Big brother!!! This bad girl is stealing him!!”

“Grow up will ya Hana!!! Your big brother is a man!!”

“Big brother belongs to big sis!!!”

“kukukuku….this is getting crazy, Tama what are you doing now!! Stop striping here will ya!!”

“Its getting hot in here….I want to get out from this room….” Oh shit is she is naked?

“Hey don’t get out from the room!!!”

Someone opened the door and to my shock, I could see Hana wearing only her underwear, Sylvia with her lingerie, and Mariam with her sports underwear. I was taken aback and felt my vision blur as I heard Mariam's voice calling out to me. In that moment I was unable to comprehend what was going on, my mind clouded by the confusion of the unusual scene. I felt myself standing there, my eyes still unable to focus on anything as the shock of the situation slowly sunk in.

“Pervert!!!!” The girls

When I woke up, I was laying in bed, with Sylvia and Mariam resting peacefully in my room. Confusion clouded my mind as I wondered what was happening. Mariam looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. It was then I realized that something strange was going on, and that I was in for an adventure. She look at me and said

“Kukuku…you’re a naughty boy…”

Huh!?” I noticed Sylvia is lying close to me in my bed. She is really only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Why the hell not? I veered away from her cautiously. Mariam is starring at me as if I had committed a mistake.


What in the world is it going?

"Well, I kicked you in the head and knocked you out... Kukuku! Immediately, she carried you to the bed, but she did more than that. Kukuku….” I honestly pondered what was actually going on as Sylvia snuggled next to me in bed. What if my mother finds out? She'll murder me for sure. She is sound asleep in bed, and I talk to Mariam about what I'm going to do as I step away from her.

Hey, Mar.

“Yeah?” She is still sleepy, and I fully understand exactly. She has now been working like crazy to preparing for the open house.

“You are aware that I intend to date Sylvia, right?”

“kukuku…I'm aware of that moron. Nat reluctantly approved to it, however she actually told Sylvia and me that should she touch more than that, the agreement is off.” What on earth world am I some of them a toy or a piece of the deal? This is heading nowhere, shit.

"Ugh, fine, then…As long that you're with me, I'm covered from all of this mayhem.”

“Don't worry, your mom has everything planned out—at least what I wanted to know about you back then.”

"ceh...like I'd even be curious to be seen."

Mom told me that there is a secret beach in the north with still-pristine seas. Hana will least take pleasure at the seashore. Mom sits at the dining room table staring at me as I leave the bedroom, and Mariam is with me. She is glaring at me while sipping her teh tarik.

"You saw them naked, I heard from Mariam,”

No, they were the ones that opened it, and I saw it by accident—not that I wanted to!????”

“Really…because that’s not what Mariam told me about”

“Hey!! What the hell is going on here?”

“Anyway, get ready for our family trip to Kudat, we had a motel booked through that location. You take the bike, and I'll drive my pickup with the girls.”


Oh, Steward is joining, I take it? Mariam?”

“yep, Aunt Mas”

While Mr. George arrived and sent Steward with us, we assisted Mom by carrying the items behind the pickup trunk.

“Hey everyone!”

“Hey, Mr. George!” He appears to have a lot of spare time now that he has left the police service. He is concentrating on getting his wife and himself divorced by the court. which through a protracted process that will take time to resolve. Mom wanted them to stay with us because she knew how Steward and Sylvia would be impacted by this.

"I've learned that you've been recommended to the Vatican Police force. A friend of mine helped me set up the referral, so in essence, you're going to move to Italy soon.”

Thank you Puan Mas, without your assistance, who knows what would have happened to my family.

"Hey, son-in-law, thanks for looking after Sylvia and Steward for me," he's just making assumptions!! since when my marriage to Sylvia? Mariam gives me a friendly smile.

“You understand that Nat will surely visit Malaysia and kidnap you to return to Los Angeles if she finds out about this, right?”


“that is an alluring offer, but I have to look after my family here.”

“You are stuck in the centre, and that is what I adore about you, Kukuku. She chuckles and taps my back.”

Sylvia saw his father and greeted him. She exuded excitement as she spoke to him. Mom comes over to me.


“Could you help us take a few large coolers into the storage room?”

“Got it”

I went to the storage room, carried the large coolers, and then returned to the pickup truck. Mr George is bowing to my mother when I arrive. I begin to wonder what the heck is going on? Mariam smirked at me, "Kukuku....looks like there's nothing for you to escape..."

"What the hell happened?" Do I appear to be the type of person who should marry? I ignored them while Mom and Mr George were discussing something with Sylvia.

"Don't worry about Mr George; Alex is here to look after them…"

"Many thanks, Alex!!" In relief, he clasped my hand.

"It's fine, nothing to worry about."

"Yes, thank you because I'll be leaving to Italy after this court case, in the meantime I need time to settle-in there before bringing them to Italy. But I'm relieved that someone is here to look after them."

"It's all right, Mr George...

She's in good company." Oh shit!! Why did I say that? Since they will believe that I am looking after them. Shit!!

Mr George had gone, and Mom had called all of us.

"We heading for 3 day trip before the school starts, well is not formal though is just that the place is a hidden place, with a beach. There is a villa there where we could all stay for a while, but be warned: the place is a little haunted because it was once a battleground between tribes, including lost sailors. So be cautious when you swim in there..."

What is the point of this trip? It appears to be dangerous!! Typical mom!!

"Hey mom!? We did a skydive the last time we did this, and now we're going ghost hunting?"

"Hehehehe nope, is just a place you have to experience, including with them. I'm sure you're not affected by it because you're not afraid of it, but they are....hehehehe."

Mariam, Sylvia, and Hana are terrified after hearing it. Steward, on the other hand, appears to disagree.

"Ummm, ghost is just a fiction of the mind, we always think of it and all of this is just rubbish. Even if we went to a graveyard, nothing would happen. Pure nonsense."

"Hehehe, at least Alex believed it, because I know you definitely saw it when you went into the deep jungle of Long Pasia..."

"Oh, you mean the stupid laughs that I had to push aside that crazy girl because I wanted to sleep in the tree?" At the very least, I’m going with the flow because Mom is teasing them.

"complete nonsense!!"

"Perhaps because there's nothing to be afraid of..."

Mariam is terrified as she embraces Hana.

"Big bro....!!"

"That's not funny at all!”

Sylvia began moving her hands in the shape of a cross as she chanted her Christian prayers.


“Hahaha…come on people…”

"Alex, they're still not used to how I treated you when you were younger. Hardly anything you were afraid of the last time you and Natalie went into that terrifying mansion that Mr Hawk warned you about."

"Ceh...not that's funny mom, we almost got killed by a poltergeist, a bunch of old spirits, and crazy confederates…"

“Hah!! Have you ever been in a situation like this? "How old were you at the time?"

"12-13 like Nat's idea wanted to visit the place, hearing rumours of an old victorian dress that was still intact, yeah we managed to take it but with consequence to the point Mr Hawk had to cleanse her away including having to use the dreamcatcher just to make sure Nat is not going to get possess”

"Geez....I've got to call her..."


She literally asked, and I could hear a loud noise from the phone in an instant.

“Hey!! Nat wanted to talk to you..."

“Babe!! You are not like them!! You must ensure that they are truly safe!! This isn't funny, and Mariam is always drawn to it, as she did with Oujia!!"

“Huh? "Are you serious? That thing is real?"


make sure she doesn't do anything stupid....at least you know what that is..."


"One thing....only touch....got it..." Oh shit she knows, I had to be careful with what I had to say after this.

"Uh, don't worry about it."

"Got it…."


"Let me talk with Mariam; she can't handle the supernatural, otherwise you're going to have a problem there later on.”

I hand over her phone to her. While she was still with Natalie, she was talking a lot to her.

"Mariam always called her, I wonder what the phone bills were like when her parents received them"


"Anyway, all set, let's go"

I rode the bike while Mum drove the pickup truck, a large truck she brought from America, a Dodge Ram heavy duty with a double cab capable of carrying more passengers for an Asian size. I had to ride a motorcycle because I'm a big guy. Because Mom took the highway, I had to take the back road to avoid the cops. Mom points me in the direction of where I took it. Since we split, I've been driving like a madman. I haven't driven down this road in a long time. It's Arie and Zuan on the bike, I see.

“Yo!! "Where the hell are you?!?"

"I have to take my family to Kudat."

"Race you there at Sepanggar Point!!"

"Got it!!"

We raced down an empty road, and all I could hear was the wind and the roaring engine from the bike. Zuan appears to have a new motorcycle, a Honda NSR. While Arie is out riding his new Yamaha TZM. It's a winding road. We attacked the corners while leaning down close to the road on curvy roads. We're almost to Sepanggar, where there's a fuel station nearby where we'll stop and a bunch of bikes park there. There is seems to be a convoy is going on. Bunch of Harleys and super bikes gather there. One of them called us

"A Victor, that is a sick classic!!"

"Damn, that engine still sounds pristine!!"

"Nice kid, take care of it, that bike is a legend around here."

"Thank you," but I need to refuel the bike. I refuelled the bike while waiting for them. Zuan and Arie informed me that they would be joining the convoy for the journey to Kudat. In the north, there is a large surfing competition and jazz festival. Maybe Mom is aware of this. When they arrived, they were also refuelling the truck, which surprised everyone because you don't see an American vehicle like that.

"It's a Dodge Ram!"


"That lady over there is special!"

Mom goes to the counter to refuel, while Mariam and Sylvia in their shorts goes shopping.

"They're really cute, man..." I had to respond, dang it.

"Sorry about that, that's my mum and my friends."

“Serious!! Arie?!”

"He is, indeed."

"Your mother is awesome!"

"Hey, kid, I have to give you this; I don't use it anymore because it's a classic."

A vintage helmet with no visor. With a demonic symbol.

"I'm also a victor junkie, so we're comrades!!”

He appeared to be the convoy's leader, wearing a black leather jacket and shouting at mum.

“MAS!! "Rock on!" He makes a bull horn hand gesture, and mum responds with a bull horn hand gesture as well; who knew mom was so cool? While Sylvia and Mariam were bringing snacks and drinks, Sylvia handed them to me.

"Here you go, darling..."


Arie and Zuan were looking directly at me.

"Yeah, you know the singles guys here, Alex..."

"shit....a he's lucky bastard."

While the leader approaches mum, all the guys are staring at me. They shake hands as if they were comrades. And then my mother approached me and introduced me to him.

"This is Alex, my son..."

"How are you doing, kid?"

"Fine, sir..."

"You kid is really something riding a bike like that..."


He found it somewhere in the junkyard..."

"But thanks to Arie..."

“Hahahaha!!! That's what being a man is all about; we don't need anyone's help!!" He is, to put it mildly, stoic. But he appears to be in good spirits..

"Alex, he's my boss..."

"Hah!? What the hell!!?"

"Yes, he is the director of the Borneo Foundation, but this is his pastime... He sponsored an event in the north, and with a surfing competition and a jazz festival, you won't be bored."

"Really, Aunt Mas?" Yay!!! "I love you, Aunt Mas" she enjoys any musical event

"You surf, Alex?"

"Not at all, Mom, since when?"

"You used to do that when you were younger..."

“Mom!! That was in LA, and you went surfing, not me!!"

"Does your mother surf?"

"Yes, big sis mom is a surfer, and she loves riding the waves!!"


"Alex, it's your turn now....don't let me down..."

"What the...?"



“Okay, then…Don't be dissatisfied!”

But there's no surfboard there, and suddenly Mr Rahman appears, driving the convoy in his Land Cruiser.

"Is this the surfboard for your son?"


"Haah, one of your skills, Alex?”

I say, giving him the middle finger.????????

"Fiesty as usual,”

The convoy takes the lead, and mum tells us, "We're going to follow the convoy!!"

“yaay!!! This really is loads of fun!!"

"Alex, lead the way!!"

"Umm, I'm following them as well!!"

"Don't ruin anyone's mood!! Just go!!" This excites Mariam. We stick with the convoy. They open the window roof of the pickup truck while Sylvia and Mariam smile. They're waving at me, while the guys are staring at me.

You are reading story A boring life at school, or maybe… at novel35.com

"Just bear it with bro..Arie seems pissed though," Zuan says.

"sonava...a he's lucky bastard"

The leader appears to slow back towards mum and say something to her.

"Hey, Alex, we have an activity here that most of them enjoy."


"A quick sprint to the Kota Belud straight, and you'll see what I mean.”

When we arrive at the beautiful sight of Mount Kinabalu, Mariam takes a picture of the view with her camera. While some of us are getting ready to race. Where some of them parked their bikes. Mom asked the starting point girl, Mariam, while Sylvia is at the end.

"Kukuku, honey is going to be pissed..."

"Wait, did you call him?"

"He is now..." She is contacting him.

"Honey, no!" You're having a good time there!!!! Alex is racing!! Dammit!!! I wanted to participate!!! wa!!!”

He is now sobbing.

"Don't worry, honey, Alex is also going surfing there."

“WHAT!!!! No way!! Dad!! Allow me to rejoin Honey right now!"

"Come on, son!! You must receive your training here!!"

"What kind of training?"

"Being a husband...have fun, Mar!!"

“Okay!! "See you later, honey!!"

“NO!!!!” She got off the phone, damn that's cold-blooded.

The road is narrow, and a large number of bikes are taking part in the race.

"Hey, this time is not going to be lost," Arie said.


"But don't forget about me..."

"All right, gentlemen, play it clean, got it, and stay safe!!"

“Oh!!!!” Everyone

We've arrived at the starting line, where Mariam and Hana are waiting for us. Mom is looking at us from the finishing line, which is 5 kilometres from the starting line. We revved the engine while we waited for the signals.

"Those who win this, I'll give you RM 1000 cash," the leader said.

“OH!!!!!!” Everyone is pumped up right now.

Mariam giving her hand signal, we are looking at it

“Ready!!!” Mariam shouted

“SET!!!” Hana shouted

We revving the engine even harder

“GO!!!!!” Mariam and Hana drop her hands and we off.

Me and Arie, along with Zuan, are doing the wheelie while blazing off to the front, one of them on a powerful bike. We're getting closer. Arie then charges ahead. I accelerate once more, getting closer to him. Zuan isn't far behind either. Close to the 5-kilometer mark. Sylvia and Mom also showed up at the finish line. She is yelling at me. We're almost there, but there's someone behind us speeding through its a Zephry. Don't tell me it's her.

When Sylvia signalling the winner, she opened her helmet to reveal Priscilla. Sylvia, on the other hand, has other plans, the winner is Arie and Alex, Priscilla storms towards Sylvia "Hey!! I won! Bitch!!”

"I don't think so because you appeared out of nowhere!!"

While they were arguing, the leader said to us,

"It's fine!! She won right and left!! Don't be worried about that young lady!!”

“Hphmmm!!” Sylvia walks out from the end while mom is speechless while laughing.

Following the event, we depart for Kota Belud, where the leader will provide us with lunch. There are over a hundred of us who are curious about the catering that has been arranged for us. And we parked in a field with a canopy and food already prepared for us.

Me and Zuan hang out with Arie, while Priscilla hangs out with the girls. Sylvia is still staring at her. She is doing everything she can to ensure that nothing bad happens here. This is getting better now that Priscilla is here. We took a picture with Mariam's camera, another memory captured here. After that, we drove for another two hours to Kudat. Once there, we arrived in the town of Kudat. The convoy comes to an end here, but mum says the villa is not there, but somewhere else. Arie and Zuan wave goodbye and head to Kudat Beach Resort, while we return to another location where the road is gravel. It is deep within the jungles, and when we arrive, it is the most beautiful sight to behold. Where there are pristine waters and waves suitable for surfing. But it appears that a stage has been set here, as Mom proceeds to another road deeper, which is on the other side of the tip. On the other side of the beach, there is another beautiful beach with a villa.

We unpacked from the truck and head towards the villa, Mom tell us.

“What do you think?”

“This is off the charts!!!” Mariam is really excited

"This is a private beach; the owner of the land and I shared the land rights, so this beach is ours to use.”

“Yeah!!!” Everyone

"Oh, remember to transfer the frozen food from the cooler from this fridge, and it's now 1pm, so it's a little hot, but it's up to you people whether you want to have fun on the beach.”

Mariam and the others changed into their bikinis immediately, Mariam this time is really sexy she wears the two piece red bikini, Hana wore the typical pink bathing suit, Priscilla wore a sexy purple bikini, Tama wore a green bikini, and Sylvia wore a two piece bikini as well, shit this is making me nosebleed from this. Because of my tortured body, I change into a shirt and short swimming trunks. There appears to be a kayak and snorkel set here. I'm curious about this location. The owner then approached us and said to us

"Greetings, everyone!! "Greetings, Puan Mas!!"

"Hello, Gordon!!"

"Seems like the place is clean because you made sure no one saw it or else it would be dirty."

"Yeah, but there's going to be an event on the other side of the beach."

"Be cautious, Puan Mas, because the locals are wary of this."

"Perhaps I should meet them.”

“Alex look after them, I’m going to visit the villager on the side of the beach okay?”

“Got it”

I ask Steward to play at the waters because it is extremely clean in comparison to the other locations. Mariam was already swimming in the water, while Priscilla donned her snorkel and dove beneath the surface. While they brought a water ball to play with, Sylvia wanted to play with Hana. Sam is building a sandcastle in the sand with the help of Steward. I had to keep an eye out to make sure nothing bad happened while I was watching.

The day is scorching, but at least it isn't cloudy, because I'd rather have sunlight than rain. The owner asked if I wanted to go fishing. And I'd like to go fishing.

"But It has to be at night because of fish here gathers at night but there is another interesting legend here, because there is sighting of mermaids here, but we need to be cautious if they started to sing because once they sing we will bewitch from it. You look strong; perhaps we'll get a chance to see it tonight; they only appear during a full moon.”

Because the event is tomorrow, there will be plenty of time to hang out, especially at night. Mariam emerged from the water, looking very sexy with her smooth brown skin and slender body. Shit Amin is extremely fortunate to have Mariam as his girlfriend.

"Kukuku....are you enthralled to see me in like this!!" She strikes a sexy pose as I try not to look at her. Then I received a phone call from Mariam's phone, which I answered.


"Yo BRO!!! "Where have you gone?!" its Amin


"I'm already on my way!!" "I'm on my way to Kudat now!" If he's that desperate to be with us, he must really want to be with us.

"Yeah, but this is a secret place; I'll meet you later on the Pantai Bak Bak road."

"However, I'm taking a flight from KK to Kudat Airport."



"I'll have Mom pick you up."

I called my mom using her phone.

“Huh!? Is Amin on his way? good!! At least I've got some guys to keep us company!!”

I called Amin once more.

"Hey mom, will you pick you up?"

“Thanks!! "What is Honey up to?"

"She's dressed in a two piece..."

"............shit.....could you tell me how she looks now?"

"Really sexy..."


"Please, sir, calm down from this plane and turn off the phone right now!!"

"Uh...sorry...got a little excited…"

"Well, see you later!!" I just finished my task with my family and left the place."

"You left your family like that, man?"

"Well, I'll see them later...

I'm getting tired of seeing that place, and Grandpa is introducing me to a lot of girls in that village, none of whom are my type.”

"All right, then, see you soon!!"

“Bye!! Don't tell Mar about this; I'm going to surprise her; I know she's bored right now because of how crazy she is."

"I understand; please hurry up.”

"got it!!" He got off the phone. Mariam is still swimming far away from the beach, so I called her again. But I noticed something strange about her; she appears to be struggling, so I immediately jump and swim towards her. And carried her; she has been stung by a jellyfish, but it is not a lethal type. She must have gotten cramps from the constant swimming while I carried her to the beach. I asked the old man for vinegar to treat her wounds, and he gave me one. I pulled out the tentacle and poured vinegar on it, then dampened it with hot water. At the very least, she is unharmed.

"Damn, thanks bro."

"It must be a curious red jelly fish, which we rarely see here, and sharks here are also juveniles due to the strategic nest for them to grow."

"I requested a beer from him because it aids in healing."

"I pour the beer, and she is in agony."


"All right, all right, you could swim back if you want."

"Got it!! She simply jumps off the beach to play with Hana and Sylvia."

"Priscilla leaps from the water and pulls a large shell from the surface."

"This is an abalone, and I wanted to learn about it." She is fascinated by the ecosystem of these waters. While she was studying the shell, mum arrived, and Mariam was still playing with them, Amin changed into his swimming suit and slowly approached her. Mariam immediately hugged him and exclaimed, "Honey!!!! "I'm missing you!!!"

I'm pretty sure they did something to be so tight. But I'm happy, Mom said, "If you want to explore the jungle, go ahead, the ocean isn't something you're interested in, right?"

"Perhaps, but I'll take it."

I went exploring in the jungle's deep bushes. I slowly walk deep on the side of the beach, seeing the trees here are untouched with countless coconut trees, and I saw a large coconut crab, which I know we can't eat. Then It was a girl I saw standing on the beach. While walking towards the waters, I noticed her crying. They couldn't see it because it was so far away from the beach. She leaps from the water and dives to the bottom. Shit!! I dove down, and she sank to the bottom of the sea. It's about 10 feet deep, so I pulled her out of the water and carried her to the beach. I performed CPR on her and blew air into her mouth because she was not breathing. She coughed up water at times and looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked.

“emmm….” She simply nodded.

"Where are you from?"


"Come on, this place isn't safe..."


I had to let her out because I knew she just wanted to die. I signal with a whistle that my mom taught me, and my mom arrives, surprised to see this.

"What happened, Alex?"

"She just jumped into the water, and I have to save her..."

"This is a nightgown... She must have lived nearby..."

"Yeah, but she's not going anywhere from there..."

"Please let me die..."

"Come on, child...there must be a way other than dying..."

"PLEASE JUST LET ME DIE!!!!" She jumps out again, and I couldn't take it any longer, so I punched her in the gut, knocking her out.

"That's one approach, but let's meet the owner first."

"Got it," I said, carrying her while the others played, and we went there without them noticing.

"This is Erica!! "What exactly is she doing there?!?"

"Do you know who she is?!?"

"Yes, she lived in a small house near the beach not far from here...but there must be something going on from there…"

"Should we go there then?"

“Yeah of course…”

We went there, and I asked Amin to keep an eye on them.

"Got it!! "What's up, Bro!"

"Something's going on, have fun there, and remember to look after them!!"

We go there, and then to a small house near the beach. An elderly lady appears to be in distress as she looks around. When we approach her, while I carried her. She is shock to see her.

"Sorry, ma'am, she was drowning in the waters around the beach.”

“Oh dear!! Thank god you save her!! Come in, we need to change her, I need your help”

We went inside the house, its a simple house but I wonder where is her parents. The old lady explain to us

"She is an orphan and my granddaughter; she is unique in comparison to others."

"Uh huh…

Sorry for asking, but what is going on?"

"Today is her birthday, the day her parents died here in a storm."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"No child, her parents are seafarers, and they were lost at sea when a massive storm passed here."

"Must have been Typhoon Greg in 1995."

"Yes, it's a terrible storm, and she's always looked out at the sea waiting for her parents to return..."

"It must have been extremely painful for her to overcome it..."

"I'm not sure son, because she's always blaming herself for not stopping her parents from going out to sea, you could say she's clairvoyant.”

“Interesting… I've never seen anything like it... But, ma'am, in what way?"

"Every time she has a dream, it becomes a reality, just like today when she told me that someone will save her from the waters...,"

We sat there waiting for her to wake up. Looking around the house, it appears that she is a very cheerful person. Every picture has a smile on it, so they must be a really nice family.

“She always smiles when her parents come back from the sea. She would stand in front of the beach, eagerly awaiting her parents' return from the sea.”

As a thank you for saving her granddaughter, the elderly lady offered us refreshments. Mom inquired about her age, and she revealed that she is only 15 years old, the same as me. A young native Sabahan of Rungus ethnicity from a fishing family who suddenly lost everything. The elderly lady entered her room and summoned us.

"Come on, everyone, she's awoken."

We enter, and I recognise that look, her own eyes, which reveal death within her. As if there is nothing in this life worth living for. Mom tried to talk to her, but she only remained silent, but she looked at me and suddenly grabbed my hand. Her hand shivered and she asked,

"Are you my prince?" Huh? What in the hell is going on? She asked that question unexpectedly. While I was trying to think of something to say to her.

"Uh...you must be dreaming…" gotta make sure she is still sane.

"I see.. then..." She unexpectedly kissed me, mom and the owner was taken aback. That caught me off guard, so I backed away, but she hugged me tightly and said,

"Help me..." tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes telling me she needed someone to understand her, but I'm at a loss for words.

Mom looked at me and said, "You are a natural-born lady killer..." Yeah, mum, I got that, but it's not going to help me in this situation. The elderly lady attempted to calm her down, but I needed to settle this, so I began the conversation with a name.

"What is your name?"


"My name is Alex..."


"All right, Diana...

"How about this, we're having a festival tomorrow in this cliff, would you like to come?" Mom is using the event card to entice her to participate. But she suddenly grabbed my arm and looked at me, saying,

"Please help me...you are the only one who can help me..." I'm caught off guard once more, wondering why I'm involved in this.I respond to her question.

"I'm not sure what I can do for you, but you need to explain what the hell this is all about.”

"It's just that... We must wait until the night because I have a strong feeling that you will not be affected by the spirit here... I really need your help... Only you..."

"Uh...Alex, perhaps you could assist her; I assumed there must be a reason why you met her at the beach unexpectedly."

"fine...but I need Mom to keep the others in the dark because I just want them to enjoy the place."

"Okay, son, maybe this is one of your unique qualities that attracts people to you."

"Yeah, it's a trouble magnet..."

Mom laughed as the elderly lady said to me

“thank you child for understanding” I’ve got a strange feeling that she is not telling me everything. Maybe I could wait for mom and the owner to leave.

“Mom is it okay that I could talk to Diana?”

“Sure, be back before midnight okay and no funny business, or else someone else will start to worry..”

“Got it mom, and don’t worry about a thing because I need to go through this alone”

They left, leaving me alone with her while her grandmother went out of her room. I began a serious discussion with Diana.

"I know you're hiding things; I won't help you if you're not telling me the truth..."


"Yeah, at this point, I'm going to believe it"

“well then…I had a vision that you would take me to the beach where I was waiting for my parents, but tonight it will be fogged in, blocking our view of the ocean because the spirit is angry..."

"Why are the spirit is angry?"

"Because they need sacrifice..." sacrifice? Who?“They need me to be sacrifice to the ocean to calm the oceans or else another storm will hit this place…”This is far beyond my expertise. How am I supposed to help her?

"Then what do you need me to help you with?"

"Take me there... I'm ready to make a sacrifice..."

"You stupid aren't you, if you wish for that, I'm not going to help, I'm not going down as a murderer…"

“no… Grandma will be next because I don't do it. "I'm not going to allow it to happen."

"You know... It's best if you leave now because it's not going to help you. With this loss, you went through a lot."

Diana gently touch my cheeks I recognise how cute she is in this way, with her fair skin and silky black long hair, even though her body is still that of a child. What on earth am I thinking?!

"There must be another way!!" Because I'm not going to let you die!!"

"If there are, I'd like to."

"Perhaps you should dream again…"

"It's not like I planned it; it just happened."

"I'll stay here until you go to sleep!”

She looked at me and hugged me.

"Then lie down with me..." Shit!! This isn't what I expected from her.

"Um...is it okay if I sit next to you?"

"Nope," she just laughed, is she that desperate? This is spiralling out of control by the second.

"Or maybe I can knock you out like I did the last time?”

It gone into an awkward silence; did I hit the mark?

"I have no one to turn to for help..." dammit!! That expression bothers me.

"Fine, I'll go with you, but I'm not going to let you die or kill yourself because of it!!"

"Thank you," she says, clutching my arms, but I can tell she's terrified.

We waited until nightfall, and her prediction came true: it was foggy, and I couldn't even see the beach. I clutch her hand tightly. Making sure she is not out of my sight, because who knows what will happen in this situation. I know she's terrified, so I hugged her and told her, "Well, at least you're not alone, I'm here at your service..."

"Thank you...my prince..."

"Ugh...just the dropping the prince thing...

Just call me Alex, please."



We reach the place where she wanted to, and we wait. Until a few moments, a light from the fog appeared before us. I shield her from it, and I looked at it. She suddenly started to cry.


It seems to be her parents but I wanted her to be with me, while her parents only smile. I could hear a whisper from them.

“Diana…we are sorry that we could not be with you…”

She suddenly run towards them, while I followed her we are in the waters.But it's still shallow; she hugged them, and I realised something about this strange feeling I have when I'm with Frederica. She's talking to them, and I can tell the fog isn't ominous but rather warm; this fog must be her parents calling her; it appears her vision is a little off. She's like a small child having fun with her parents.

"At least she's happy..." The old lady next to me is giving me a heart attack.

"How the hell you know we went out?" She only smiles and says something to me that I don't understand.

"I lied to you all, she died but her spirit did not..." "During the storm, the waters reached my house, and I saw the wreckage of the boat, my son and daughter-in-law lay lifeless, but she also did not survive..."


I'm at a loss now, old lady, because I don't understand anything…"

"I begged the sea to spare her life, and they granted my request...and she suddenly coughed out water from her mouth..." She had no recollection of what had happened, so I made up a story in which she did not accompany them to the sea and her parents drowned..."

"So, where is their grave?"

"We have a tradition that if we are born at sea, we will return to sea..."

"Do you just throw them into the sea?"

"Yep..." man, how the hell could she accept that if she knows? But I couldn't ruin her mood because she's getting a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet her parents. Then Diana introduced me to them.

"This is Alex, my prince..." Geh!? ???? No way!!, you're going to give them a different idea!!

Her father approached me and smiled, while her mother said,

"This is for you..." It's a clamshell, but it's so beautiful that it glitters like a rainbow. Her parents said that it is time for them to leave.Diana appears to understand and tells them,

"Don't worry about me because Grandma and Alex are here!!"

They waved goodbye, the old lady cried, and the fog lifted, revealing beautiful skies with a full moon shine. Diana knelt on her knees and sobbed.

"Hey!!" I said the old lady because she push me,

"please be her prince for tonight..." This will never end, I swear. I approached her and looked at her.

"hey...look at the skies!" Diana looked up at the sky, and her sadness turned to joy.

She smiled and said, "THANK YOU MY PRINCE!!" Her smile makes me think of Frederica. We return home, and the old lady extends her hospitality by allowing me to stay in her home. But I have to return to the villa. Diana said to me,

"Please...stay with us for a while," and that look is going to cause me a lot of trouble. I call my mom.

"Well, well, isn't my son a smooth talker, but don't worry because you're going to miss all of it"

"Um...well, it's a little far from the place, so I'll stay here for the night."

"Don't be a pervert, son..."

"I WONT!!" I hung up the phone.

comfortable place to be. While Diana remains with me.

"There mission has been completed."

"Yes, my prince..."

"I'm just curious why a prince?"

"You are my light..." oh no, not another girl

"But I've also seen a really scary darkness behind you...but whatever, you are strong, you are not even afraid of what we went through"

"ugh...nothing..." it's I was falling asleep due to the commotion when Diana kissed me and said,

"Thank you...for being there for me..."

We both looked up at the sky, where a star could be seen, and it was even more beautiful than what I had seen in Long Pasia, as if her parents had returned to the stars. 

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