A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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She spent the rest of the day anxiously making preparations, hoping that they would be useful. She peeled several roasted nuts in advance, in case forming a magic seed was really demanding on her calories. She stored them next to her bowl, which she had filled with boiled water, just in case she needed it for some reason. She hadn’t really been able to figure out what that reason might be, but it seemed useful to have laying around just in case. Apart from that, she also got some smoked fish ready, as an extra bit of food if she needed it.

She recognized that, honestly, she didn’t think any of these preparations would be particularly useful. She was just trying to calm her nerves. She had no real knowledge of magic, and she was about to jump knee-deep into it in hopes that it would help her not get eaten. If she misunderstood something, or messed up, it might hurt her. But the clock was ticking, and if where one monster was, odds were pretty good that there were more.

Night came, and it was time.

She did her best to follow the hints and side-notes in which the author discussed magic seed construction, hoping that this wouldn’t kill her or cripple her or do anything else crazy. She had chosen to form a kinetic seed, so she focused on everything she remembered from her physics class.

The laws of kinetic motion, equations for force, and felt… something. She kept focusing on that sensation, trying to figure out what the hell she was doing while working with a patchwork understanding of magic, praying that this worked out. She had a vague sensation of trying to… push her understanding of motion and kinetic energy into… something, although it was very vague. After a few hours of trying to narrow down that peculiar sensation, finally, she felt something shift.

Suddenly, she felt something streaming through her, pulled out of the air around her like a compass seeking the north. She didn’t have a very good understanding of what was churning within her, but she felt something thrumming deep in her chest, right next to her heart. It beat in time with her heart and her thoughts, over and over again, like a second heart, and she could feel warmth and energy flowing deep inside of her with every passing moment.

It was like when she had suffered from mana poisoning, but rather than scorching flames and acid, this was more like a campfire, warm without burning her or hurting her. It was actually quite soothing, in a way, warm and friendly instead of hot and painful. She focused on that sensation, trying to focus on the sensation of the energy deep inside of her, continuing to imprint her thoughts on kinetic motion into it.

She was basically just throwing random thoughts and concepts related to motion at the seed, and it sucked it up like a sponge absorbing water. She could feel the seed becoming attuned to something, and with a growing sense of realization she could feel the seed beginning to interact with motion, along with the energy in the air around her.

She was finally feeling mana directly, and it was like taking a warm bath on a cold day, revitalizing her body and filling her extremities with energy that hadn’t been there before. It surged through her veins, and for a moment, she panicked, wondering if she had somehow lost control.

Then, with a sudden snap, everything began surging back towards her heart, like a yoyo snapping back towards the end of its string. Finally, everything settled into a single kernel of energy that pulsed and thrummed just behind her heart. The brief moment where she had been able to sense mana ended, and with it her ability to sense mana faded. Suddenly, she was blind again, unable to sense the mana in her surroundings at all. The only thing that remained was the tiny core of energy inside of her.

She felt a strange sense of loss at that, as if she had been blind her whole life, and for just a brief second she had been allowed to see colors before her newly formed eyes popped like soap bubbles and she was cast back into the dark. She opened her eyes, trying to fight off a strange sense of loss, and a System notification greeted her.

You have successfully formed a ‘kinetic’ magic seed (100%)

You have leveled up!

Explorer of Magic: 4

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