A Certain Asura Discovers His Origin

Chapter 1: Shoto

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"How the f***k did it end up like this" Shoto uttered in a low growl. One stupid decision and a day later he finds himself shackled to a cold damp stone wall. Shoto was in what appears to be a cell underground. He was alone with nothing but his thoughts. He had to escape, there was no time to be regretful he must collect himself if he wants a chance at life. Shoto heard footsteps approaching his cellar, from the the sound he extrapolated that there were two individuals; Shoto had always had immaculate senses since he was a child: his vision was impeccable, he could always see further than his peers, his sense of smell was horrifyingly potent and he always had a knack for noticing things other people didn't. As the two individuals inched closer he was able to pick up on their conversation. "He's naught but a bloody halfling Shiroi, Why in gods name are we keeping him alive!?"an angry fellow yelled defiantly. "Nico, we cant possibly appose the Emperors just because of your flimsy whim. This is not up for discussion, now stand at your post and behave yourself ill be back in 1 hour to switch with you."

Shoto was horrified; the earlier resolve he had built up had dissipated. His head span and a tightness crept up his throat, shortly after a large amount of bile escaped his mouth. The fear had started to sink in, the last drop of resolve Shoto carried burned through his insecurities and allowed him to focus. As he was trying to think of a plan, he found himself reminiscing on how the hell he ended up in this place which was still a mystery to him.

"Shoto, dance with me. Its our graduation night loosen up." Tess exclaimed with a slight blush on her cheeks from the alcohol. " I think I'll pass" Shoto said shortly after. "Hey man, she's kind of right though, you do need to loosen up. C'mon, have one dance with us Sho." Shoto's right hand man mused before taking a massive swig from his red plastic cup. "I think its time to go home, you two are clearly drunk. Come on lets go." As the tallest in the group at a towering 6'3 at the age of sixteen, letting them rest their arms on him was a almost comical sight. They entered a cab Shoto had called preemptively and headed home to the apartment they all shared. " WE'RE FINALLY GRADUATES BABY!" Jake shouted in the cab before falling asleep completely. Shoto finally had a moment of silence and took this time to stare at his reflection in the window. His deep ocean blue eyes were almost glowing in the night and his tied up ash white hair made for a godly appearance. Unfortunately no matter how good he looked he was made an outcast for his appearance; no one understood why his hair was white, why his eyes were so intensely blue and why he was so tall. He had come to hate his appearance because of this.

The trio made it back into the house safely when Jake immediately pulled out a mysterious see through bag with three pink pills inside. He shook them menacingly while wearing a horrid grin on his face. "Jake, what the hell are those pills your holding?" Tess asked curiously. "I picked these up at the party and all three of us are taking one" he said with an amused look on his face. Shoto finally interjected. "I don't think those are safe, why should we trust mystery pills? Jake give it a break we're all tired." "Shoto its graduation night, plus how bad good it be? Come on, just this once and we will never try them again." Tess said with pleading eyes. "Is this what were doing now, two versus one?" Shoto said with a stifled smile. "Damn it okay okay but ground rules: One We must each take a different corner of the room, Two we must all remove any dangerous objects and Three we must lock all doors so we don't leave while high. Do you guys understand?" The others agreed in quick succession and all took one pill. "On the count of three, One...Two...Three." "Gulp!" A loud gulping sound resonated through the room as the three pills entered the trios system.

Ten excruciating minutes had passed and nothing had happened, the anticipation was getting too much for Shoto when his reality shifted and his world went blank. The sensation he felt was devoid of any time gravity or space. He felt like he had died, the only thing that remained of him was his consciousness that felt as if it was retreating into a shell. He didn't know how long had passed it felt like days but a few minutes at the same time. "WHOOSH!" Existence came back into being and a blinding light flashed against Shotos eyes; as his vision focused he realized it was a sun ray beaming across his face. Shoto assessed the situation: he was surrounded by bright green luscious grass and a boundless mountainous terrain. His eyes locked onto three humanoid figures in the distance flying at him at disturbing speeds. As they inched closer, Shoto was able to make out two distinct features on all three of the mens faces: deep ocean blue eyes and flowing White hair...

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