A Certain Asura Discovers His Origin

Chapter 3: The Outpost

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As soon as the conversation concluded, Shoto saw Nico's body tilt slightly forward. Before Shoto could even begin to react, Nico appeared an inch away from him. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Shoto cried incredulously. "Sorry young halfling, orders are orders." Nico said with a shrug of indifference.

Shortly after the handcuffs were clasped on, Shoto had seen shiroi make a strange but elegant hand sign, he pointed his index and middle finger upward and tucked his pinky and ring finger under his thumb. Immediately after he had finished making this hand sign, Shoto sensed a strange energy encircling him until his entire body was encased. He then began to float; his entire being was brought about an inch away from Shiroi. For five long minutes he didn't break eye contact and gazed deep into Shoto's soul. He peered into the abyss long enough for it to stare back, a glint appeared in Shiroi eyes; was it relief? It had disappeared as abruptly as it came.

"Child, just now I searched your soul, and your indeed an Asura. I have also determined what clan you belong to: your part of our Moon Asura clan, though It took me a while to search your soul for traces of our deity bloodline. How long have you been suppressing your bloodline, even if your a halfling it shouldn't be this weak?" Shiroi said in disbelief.

" Bloodline…Asura? What the hell are you talking about? Furthermore, who even are you?" Shoto said incredulously. "I swear to god I'm never taking drugs again."

The third man finally spoke. "Shiroi, he's confused; your not going to get any information out of him in his current state. It's not hard to imagine how he has arrived here and his actual identity but, we must also follow correct protocol, take him back to base and question him. I will arrange an audience with the Emperor, I believe he would want to see this." The man's voice oozed of complete confidence, he spoke in a calm refined manor; Shoto could tell he was the most respected person present so there was no need to raise his voice to command his subordinates. Shoto stared at his departing figure zipping through the atmosphere at shocking speeds. "This cannot be real, why does it feel so realistic?" Shoto muttered under his breath.

"Alright Nico you heard Souei, let's leave quickly." He turned to Shoto and encased him with more of this strange spiritual energy, shortly after the thee of them zipped into the distance.

The three individuals soared through the open sky at high speeds, the entire time Shoto had been absorbed in analysing the strange environment he'd found himself in.  Back on Earth it was the middle of winter but as he was taking in his surroundings, he realised that wherever he had landed was a dead in the middle of summer. This made his brain reel in confusion sending him down a steep rabbit hole; he gave in and decided to ask his captors some questions he's been dying to know. "Urm…excuse me but do you know exactly where we are on earth? "

"Child, we're not currently on earth we'… Wait, did you just imply you were from earth, Your not from the undying lands? Even as a halfling you should have been conceived inside the safety of the Exodus continent; Your entire existence is an anomaly but I guess it does make sense when you look at the resemblance you bare toward 'him'.

"Wait this isn't earth and who is this 'him' you people keep referring to?" Shoto asked while at his wits end. "Child, your questions will be answered, we have to get back to our outpost to make preparations for our trip back to the capital; I can't waste time answering questions here. You have my word that I'll satiate your curiosity when we arrive back. In return you must answer my questions truthfully or we will get nowhere, understood?"

"I guess. And stop calling me child, I'm 16 years old." Shoto said defiantly. A roar of laughter resounded from Shiroi unveiling a unrefined version of him Shoto thought he would never see. "Child when you reach the age of one thousand-one hundred-twenty two, then you are permitted to ask me of such a request"  Shiroi said not even bothering to conceal his obvious amusement.  Shoto stayed silent, his brain was in overdrive. "Did he just say he's one thousand plus years old?!" He cried inwardly.

A clearing in the vast Forrest they had entered 5 miles back could now be seen. Inside this clearing was a basic wooden shack that looked like it stored tools. What confused Shoto more is when they started to descend toward it. "Th…this is the outpost they were talking about" Shoto couldn't help but be disappointed. Shiroi picked up on his disappointment and laughed to himself, "wait till you walk inside" he thought inwardly.

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