A Cliché Multiverse Story

Chapter 464: Chapter 484-485: The Pledge

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Asahi sat in the room where Venelana lay, wandering in her dreams. Unlike her dream state, she was the same enchanting devil.

The calm and peaceful moment ended with a bang on the door. Serafall stormed in. Her chest lifted and fell ever so slightly, much like her long black twintails, as if she sprinted here all the way from her home.

Since the concept of magical girls didn't exist in this era, the lady of Sitri Household was wearing a blue dress with a ruffled skirt.

She pointed at Asahi with a hand that was wrapped in white gloves. “What will you do to her?!” Serafall Sitri asked in a hysterical tone. “Please don’t kill her… I beg of you.”

She went from angry and dignified to depressed and submissive in one moment. She rushed here the moment she received the news about Asahi coming to Gremory Clan from her servant. Serafall and Ajuka had spies all over the Underworld to monitor Asahi’s movements in the Underworld. They were terrified of their new ruler, and rightfully so.

“You’re right,” Asahi said calmly. “I’ll kill her. I’ll end the Gremory Clan to avoid future troubles.”

Serafall got between him and Venelana and spread her protectively. “You must kill me before touching Venelana. I-I have become stronger than Ajuka after continuous training.”

“Oh, is that so? Look at me. I’m shivering. You scared me.”

Serafall bit her lips, tears pooling in her eyes. “I… I’ll become your woman if you spare her life.”

It was a last-ditch effort to save Sirzechs’ mother and one of the nicest people in the Underworld. She couldn't save Sirzechs, but she would do everything to save his mother. She had witnessed his harem first-hand. A man with that many lovers was bound to have a strong libido.

She would appease his libido to plead for Venelana’s life.

Her resolve looked unshakeable. And to prove it, she pulled down the clothes covering her chest. Her tits bounced out of their confines, jiggling inches away from Asahi’s face. The pale nipples almost blended with her fair skin, and despite her petite build, she rocked a pair of D-cup.

“You’re a fine piece of art,” Asahi said, trying not to palm his face. “Serafall, wear your clothes.”

“Ah?” Serafall just stood, befuddled. “I’m not good—”

Asahi got up from his chair. Their dynamic instantly flipped, with Asahi towering over her. Serafall’s legs shook, becoming a puddle. She fell on the bed, gazing up at him in terror.

“Hide your chest already,” Asahi groaned. Seeing her unresponsive, he grabbed a shirt from his ring and put it over her.

He had a special place for oppai lolis. Serafall, despite being 160cm tall, qualified as one because of her youthful face and hairstyle.

‘Who would have imagined this scene?’

Never in a million worlds could he have imagined this scene. The sight of Serafall becoming hopeless to the point she offered to be his sex slave. The Serafall Sitri, who was always cheerful and vibing to the magical girl’s theme.

‘Being a villain is tough.’

He could get away even if he fucked Serafall right now. Heck, he could get away by fucking anyone in this universe. This level of power was too much for one man.

‘I might really turn into a psycho if I stay here for long.’

(Why don’t you come over tonight? We’ll set up the world and send you there for a couple of days. Let the girls handle the training.)

‘I think so. I’ll send a warning to the Greek and Shinto Gods before leaving.’

Asahi sat down and pulled Serafall to his lap. Rather than going for her voluptuous breasts, he wrapped one hand around her neck and rubbed her hair.

Serafall didn’t struggle against him, and the warm energy of his headpats skill dragged her mind out of despair into an optimistic side.

(Ddraig, why are you silent? You haven’t spoken since Ruby showed up in a new avatar.)

“I am… training.”

(You lost all your confidence, didn’t you?)

Asahi chuckled at Ddraig, but Serafall misunderstood it.

“You’re having fun?” Serafall questioned timidly as she felt warmth surrounding her. “You’re having fun dominating me!”

Now, this was the cheerful devil king he adored.

“I’m here to bring Venelana back from her disease,” Asahi whispered in Serafall’s ears, and the petite devil shivered. “Got it?”

Serafall nodded, ever so obedient before her emperor. Asahi grabbed her waist and picked her up like a child. Serafall swung her arms once Asahi moved her out of his way.

“Stay there until I’m done.”

Asahi returned to his thoughts, pondering over the root cause of the devil curse. He could easily bring her back to the real world, which Ruby could also do. Yet, she didn’t do it. She insisted on him treating Venelana. He even scanned Venelana’s body and found no abnormality, whether it was her body or the flow of her demonic power.

Meanwhile, Serafall stood in the same position, following Asahi’s command to a tee.

‘Why is he helping her?’

There was no reason for him to help Venelana. Unless… Serafall’s eyes widened at the conspicuous thought that emerged in her consciousness.

‘He is after her.’

Venelana Gremory, the Brunette Ruin Princess, the strongest woman in the history of Bael Clan — Her superior genes brought the strongest devil into existence (even though he died). Was the devil emperor trying to bring another incarnation of destruction? A small whisper rejected the notion.

‘He was so kind to me.’

Asahi’s kindness, even if little, had changed her perception of him. He wasn’t aware of any change in Serafall since the affection notifications had been disabled for a while.

Asahi wasn’t paying attention to Serafall after putting her aside.

‘Let’s wake her up first.’

He decided to think about the complicated stuff later. Touching Venelana’s forehead, he channeled his dreamwalker powers. A white jolt passed through Venelana.

Venelana furrowed her brows, and her lashes trembled. She opened her eyes and blinked as if she couldn’t believe her vision.

“It is my room,” she thought out loud, then turned to the man sitting nearby. “Your Imperial Majesty… You did it?”

“Do you feel alright? If you have any issues, speak to me.”

Venelana was about to dismiss Asahi. Her rumbling stomach didn’t allow her peace.

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“Sorry, Your Imperial Majesty, Serafall, I feel hungry… I might faint if I don't eat anything.”

“Ah, I’ll fetch something quickly.” Serafall dashed out in a hurry.

Venelana put her hands on her lap and gazed out of the window. The sky was blue, a vivid blue. A far cry from the crimson cry.

“It’s like my dream,” she said. “How? Am I still dreaming?”

After being stuck in her dream world, she couldn’t tell the difference between reality and dream.

“Look here.”

Venelana promptly turned and winced. Asahi flicked her forehead for the second time. Venelana covered her head, her teary eyes glaring at him.

“Stop hurting me, Your Imperial—I can feel pain?!”

“Do you need more proof?”

Venelana furiously shook her head. “I’m really here.”


Serafall was taking her sweet time with the meal. So, Asahi bought a simple drink for her to keep her busy.

Venelana accepted the drink and giggled. “Your Imperial Majesty, you’re a gentle soul.”

Asahi’s lips curled into a meaningful smirk. “Did you forget what I did?”

“How could a mother forget the death of her sole child? It is not that I forgot. It is more about your accomplishments. You united the Underworld without harming any commoner. You restricted the hands of greedy nobles at the top and stopped the Devil Kings from waging yet another war. You saved countless lives…”

Venelana wasn’t letting her son’s death cloud her views, not after he promised to bring him back. The devils were already on the decline. A war could annihilate their race. As a noble of her kind, she was more aware of this than the majority.

“As expected of the Bael’s Princess, you're amazing at these things.”

“You honor me, Your Imperial Majesty. I’m just a humble mother now. The Gremory Clan will be disbanded today. Don’t hesitate if you want anything. I’ll offer you anything, even my body.”

“You’re an amazing mother to sacrifice so much for that stupid kid. As beautiful as you are, I don’t do sexual favors.”

“Ah, our Emperor is a man of honor.”

Serafall returned with servants carrying numerous delicacies for their master. They bowed to Asahi and Venelana before leaving. Venelana immediately began eating. Her stomach rumbled again, but she remained graceful.

Serafall sniffled, her shoulders twitching. She was getting emotional over Venelana’s safety.

“Serafall, come here.”

Asahi’s commanding voice left Serafall no choice. She got up from beside Venelana. Asahi patted the space between his thighs. The crying devil didn’t think much and squeezed into his desired position.

Venelana watched in amusement as Asahi patted Serafall’s head as if he was a brother consoling his younger sister after she injured herself.

‘Oh my, they look together. Should I suggest Lady Sitri?’

The mature woman silently schemed a relationship.

After Venelana finished her meal, Serafall dove at her from across the room. “You’re back. Hic. You’re finally back. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I couldn't protect him.”

She pushed her face into Venelana’s breasts even as tears poured out of her eyes. The flaxen-haired devil hugged Serafall, patting her back to console her.

“You don’t need to worry. His Imperial Majesty promised to resurrect my son.”

“What? Whaaaaaaat?” Serafall’s head snapped toward Asahi. “Our souls are destroyed upon death. Resurrection for devils is impossible. How can you revive him?”

“It’s a family secret.”

“Serafall, let His Majesty protect his secrets. I only care about the result.”

Serafall didn’t know how to react. First Venelana and now Sirzechs. Asahi was fixing the biggest holes in her life. He, directly and indirectly, caused these problems, and he had zero responsibility as the winner and the strongest being in the Underworld. He still did the right thing.

“Asahi, no, Your Imperial Majesty,” Serafall addressed him with his title as she kneeled on his side. “Household Sitri will forever be in your debt.”

Gently lifting her chin, Asahi saw a sincere look in her aquamarine eyes. “You’ll be a loyal vassal.”

“I’ll… do my best to serve you!”

She was enthusiastic about it. She, Sirzechs, and Ajuka wanted to rid the Underworld of all the corruption. Asahi had intimidated most politicians into hiding. Some still couldn’t let go. As his vassal, she could accomplish that and more.

“That reminds me, I don’t have any name for my clan. Should I just name it after my surname? Marikawa clan… it sounds odd between the demon clans.”

Venelana and Serafall glanced at each other, communicating with their eyes.

“I have an idea,” Venelana spoke. “You can choose a new last name for yourself and your family members as a symbol of royalty.”

Serafall patted Asahi’s thigh. “I’ll sort out a list of potential names.”

“Good girl.” Asahi stroked her hair. “Here is your reward.”

Asahi took out a lollipop from his ring and shoved it in her mouth, causing her eyes to widen.

“It’s sweet…”

She innocently licked the lollipop. Venelana had flashbacks of not-so-innocent acts, and sadness flashed in her eyes.

Asahi, of course, caught her sorrow. But he remained silent, letting her deal with her loss.

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