A Cliché Multiverse Story

Chapter 475: Chapter 497-498: Universal Level?

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All seven floors of Heaven lost its liveliness today. The always smiling Michael stood stoned on the Fifth Heaven, his smile nothing like his best days. The cause was the youngest and only female Archangel in Heaven.

In the training room on Fifth Heaven, Gabriel waved a wooden sword, attempting to mimic Sandalphon. If Sandalphon’s movements inspired awe and respect, Gabriel’s incited a wave of pity. She tried so hard but her swing appeared clumsy. Her massive swaying boobs made her movements clumsier.

Sandalphon shook her head in disapproval. “Lady Gabriel, you aren’t compatible with swords.”

“I have to try, Saaaaandy.”

Gabriel wasn’t after gaining physical strength for battles. She chased the goal of becoming stronger mentally and utilizing her current strength in a more optimal manner. She was confused. Her goals differed, but she felt like she could toughen up through sheer training, just like the protagonists in manga and anime… Protagonists came out with a different mindset after their training arc. Nothing indicated that she couldn’t follow their example.

“Lady Gabriel, this isn’t the way to improve your mental fortitude.”

“Then what is?” Gabriel asked. “How do I not stay a crybaby…?”

Sandalphon pondered for a moment. “You can’t force it with training, Lady Gabriel. It sort of comes with experience… Lady Gabriel is more mature than before.”

Asahi hadn’t been here for a few days and Gabriel had yet to cry or be depressed in his absence. It was plenty of improvement over her past self.

Michael took a long sigh. He had the thought of sending Gabriel outside to let her experience some hardships. But he couldn’t bear to see his little sister suffer.

“Sandalphon, come to my workshop,” Biblical God’s voice echoed at the opportune moment. “Right now.”

Gabriel wanted to reject and continue her training but Sandalphon stared at her with stern eyes.

“Father is calling for me, Lady Gabriel.”

“I know.” Gabriel pouted her cheeks. “I’ll try the bow and arrow next.”

Sandalphon neither refuted nor endorsed Gabriel’s self-indulgent training. She returned to the Biblical God’s workshop where he continued his research on different divine armaments.

“Any guess where Asahi is hiding these days?”

Sandalphon shook her head respectfully. “I do not know.”

Sandalphon had yet to converse with the secret goddess supporting Asahi. She was ignorant of his wonderful secrets.

“Fox… There is no guarantee I will find him out there. He has to come and stop Gabriel.”

Sandalphon couldn’t help the smile that snuck to her face. Biblical God cared about them. For centuries, there was this debate about Biblical God treating his children as nothing more than glorified soldiers.

‘Father also stopped Lady Gabriel last time.’

There was no denying it anymore. Their creator loved them. She also had feelings for him, albeit different from her feelings for Asahi. The former was akin to a calm pool of water, while the latter was like a tidal wave crashing against the shore.

“Father, we should not worry about Lady Gabriel. She seems to have her way of contacting Lord Asahi. I believe Lord is busy at the moment.”

Sandalphon was envious of Gabriel’s closeness with Asahi and the goddess associated with him.

‘It’s a given he likes her more.’

Gabriel was the most beautiful woman in the world, while she was just a warrior with a goal of carrying her teacher’s child.

“Busy doing what?” Biblical God asked.

“Fighting otherworldly monsters.”

“It can’t be helped then…” Biblical God shook his head. “Gabriel will learn how to be patient.”

Sandalphon agreed with Biblical God’s idea.


[Falna updated. Status is updating to reflect the changes…]

[Strength +53, Constitution +39, Defense +29, Dexterity +24, Magic +35]

[Congratulations on accumulating 1000 points in Magic.]

[Congratulations on accumulating 500 points in Strength.]

[Heavenly Path is combining the achievement reward.]

[Combined reward: Flawless Physique upgraded to next step.]

A divine energy coursed through him, nourishing his bones, flesh, and muscles. He reaped the rewards of having two goddesses supporting his cause by reaching an even more absurd level of power.

Flawless Physique (Silver stage) (Special Skill): The path to achieving a flawless body.

  • Impeccable Muscles: Increased muscle density and bone structure to resist physical damage. You can exert maximum strength with minimum energy.

Passive Effect: Strength+50, Constitution+50, Defense+100

  • Real Men Die Twice: No physical attack can kill you in one blow.
  • Harmony with Mana: 50% of mana reserves can be converted into any physical stat.

Asahi had just two words for the upgraded skill. “Just wow…”

His monstrous stamina reached an even higher state. He could hump any woman for years or fight without exhaustion for an even longer time.


(Yes, my love.)


Asahi Marikawa Lvl. 89

Current level progress


















Converting 500 magic into his strength and doubling it multiple times with the Boosted Gear — he could only imagine the havoc caused by that level of power.

‘Universal level?’


‘Mom, I’m powerful!’

“You’re already Level 7…” Astraea smiled wryly at her lover’s achievement. “Ryuu still hasn’t reached Level 6.”

“I descended with a divine spoon,” Asahi chuckled. “Ryuu will find her way around in the new world. I’ll check up on their progress later this week.”

Aimi, Saeko, Shiori, and Ray had raised the intensity of their training. Astraea Familia and Loki Familia were trained to the point they could barely get up the next morning. Even Riveria and Finn, the Level 6 Executives, could hardly move their limbs after the training.

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Astraea smiled. “I believe in my daughters to do heroic activities… Enough about my daughters. Have you decided who will take part in our wedding?”

“I mean the girls alone will make up a great audience. Then you can add Loki’s Familia and the rest of your Familia. Should be a decent amount, no?”

“When you put it that way, I can’t say no. I’ll get the Orario crowd. There are many requesting a descent from heaven. They want to attend our wedding. The admins are having a hard time there.”

 It’d be the first time a goddess officially marries in the mortal world. People from distant lands will come to witness the historic moment. Naturally, the gods were drawn towards the marriage as well as Asahi. He was a menace for completely shutting down the deities. No one could touch him or go against him.

“Oh, is Hestia coming?”

He was interested in meeting the famed Oppai Loli with black twin tails.

(Hestia has bigger boobs than me…)

‘Don’t worry, your curves are perfect.’

Astraea knitted her brows. “She might be. Last I heard of her, she wanted to see Fei Fei.”

Astraea wasn’t that close with Hestia. They didn’t interact much outside of stumbling into each other at times. She disliked Hestia’s overly lazy lifestyle.

“Fei will be happy to see her.”

“The reunion of old friends is always a heartwarming sight.”

Astraea sighed and leaned her head on his lap. Her walnut brown locks spread around. Whether it was the radiant hues in her hair or the warmly affectionate look in her eyes, Asahi couldn’t help but appreciate her divine beauty. He inclined his head and kissed her lips.

“I can’t wait to marry you.”

Astraea smiled. “I’m more impatient than you… believe me.”

He could indulge in his other lovers but she only thought of him while waiting for the fateful day. Her centuries of experience couldn’t increase her patience.

She had a tinge of regret for putting forth a condition like marriage, much like Alise. They both were in the same boat of having too much pride to break their vows.

“I will be meeting Ouranos soon… wish me luck.”

Ouranos was her elder, a respected figure by both the Guild and the deities. Despite Asahi’s infamy in Orario, Ouranos took no measures to stop Asahi. The Xenos’ words and Astraea’s deep love gave Ouranos the confidence to trust Asahi.

“Need me to accompany you?”

Astraea shook her head. “I can handle it. You should use the time to meet Haruhime. She has been working hard lately with your magic daggers. Some recognition will make her happy.”

“I’ll praise her in moderation. Can’t have her jumping through fire to get my praise.”

Haruhime was that kind of person. The moment she attached herself to somebody, she’d do anything to not disappoint their hopes. Asahi’s gentle treatment towards her classified him as that exact person in her eyes.

‘My angel wives and Father-in-Law must be missing me.’

He could imagine Gabriel struggling to keep her headpat urges in check.

(My love, check this out.)

Gabriel: One of the Biblical God’s finest creations and the youngest of Great Seraphs.

[Reveal backstory.]

—Favorability points: 590 [Neglectful Fiancée]

—Age: 5493

—Lvl. 159

—Race: Archangel

—Class: Light Magician, Headpat Lover


—Strength: 239

—Dexterity: 255

—Constitution: 310

—Defense: 223

—Charm: 69

—Holy Power: 580


[—Light Element (S-Rank)]

[—Unholy Resistance (A-Rank)]

[—Headpat Lover (Special): A manifestation of Gabriel’s insatiable desires for headpats.

    • Headpat Slut (A-Rank): She receives a 50% boost to all attributes if the target of her lust pats her head. However, if she doesn’t receive pats for a day, her stats are reduced by 20 percent. She also constantly feels drained.
  • My Lord is One (EX-Rank): If the target of her lust commands her, all of her skills temporarily move up a rank.

Asahi used to joke about Gabriel being a headpat slut but she truly evolved into one with the new skill.

‘She has busted skills but she is a noob in combat.’

(Gabriel, the Gluttonous Evil Lord, shall conquer the world for her true love!)

Asahi tossed Gabriel’s demonic queen-like image out of his mind. He loved her more when she acted innocent and childish.

After spending some fluffy time with Astraea, he teleported to Ray’s side. The Siren was perched on a branch, keenly observing Haruhime go toe to toe against a giant mammoth. The mammoth tried to skewer the renard with its spear-like tusks but she was too nimble for the gigantic monster. She slowed it down even more with ice cold strikes of the Frost Bead Daggers.

“Every time I come to see her, she is fighting a giant monster on her own.”

“Ah, Master,” Ray stammered at his sudden appearance. “You scared me.”

“Your senses have dulled. There was a time you used to be on edge just about every second.”

“Master, I used to live inside the dungeon… now I live safely with everyone.”

“I’m just pointing it out.” Asahi rubbed her head. “How is Haru-chan doing lately?”

“Great, she is loving your gift. She can kill monsters on the 19th floor with ease. She is overcoming the gap between Level 1 and 2 by properly using your magic daggers.”

Ray looked like a mother boasting about her daughter’s achievements. Her smug smile completely sold the act.

“She might become Level 2 in a day or two at this rate.”

The Guardian Bracelet he made earlier would finally come to use. The improved mana recovery had every use for the growing Haruhime.

“Ray Onee-san, I took it do—” Haruhime paused as her eyes stopped on Asahi. “Otou-sama!”

She made a quick jump on the tree, dashing along its wavy branches. At last, she threw her arms around him, staining his white shirt in monster blood. She was too absorbed in the moment to notice it.

“I slayed a giant mammoth, Otou-sama. The dagger’s skill is very effective against monsters!”

“Yeah, I saw. That was awesome.”

Asahi summoned a flow of water at his fingertips and cleaned her face. Her fatigue vanished as a cool, magical feeling enveloped her.

Haruhime’s smile became wide as she closed her eyes. “Un!”

He took her to the camp Ray built. Rini awaited there, cooking fresh meals for the young renard girl and Siren. The young woman showed no surprise when she saw Haruhime return with Asahi.

“Onii-san, I have a fresh change of clothes for you,” Rini said as she took off her apron, letting her bust jiggle before his curious eyes. She fiddled with her ring and brought out clothes for him.

Asahi didn’t know Ray was the woman in charge of their food, or the fact Rini carried his clothes in her treasure ring. He changed his clothes before the three women who reacted differently to his chiseled body.

Rini remained composed while her blue eyes flickered with lust. Ray gulped, feeling lightheaded from her brewing fantasies. Haruhime’s cheeks flushed as she averted her eyes from him. It made her recall the day she saw him with Kaguya naked. After being together with Ray, she naturally learned some things about being an adult. What she did was extremely wrong. Still, her adopted father never showed a hint of anger.

‘He is too good for me…’

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