A Cliché Multiverse Story

Chapter 485: Chapter 509-510: Domain of Insight

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The next day started with a piece of explosive news — the induction of a new hero into the S-Class. There was relatively little information on the new hero except for his face and his feat of stopping a disaster which could have destroyed a city. The journalists began hunting for the new hero’s whereabouts and his background like a group of hungry hyenas.

Sitting in the office of her group, Fubuki gasped. “It’s him! That fiend we encountered.”

Eyelashes cleared his throat. “He may be a bully to us. To the rest of the world, he is an S-Class Hero.”

They were strong and suppressed weaker B-Class Heroes. Being bullied might be the world serving justice to them. Not that he was going to change his way.

“Screw him,” Mountain Apes growled. “We won’t be bullied. Fubuki-sama, you must tell Tatsumaki-sama about this guy. Let her smack this S-Class Villain.”

Fubuki stared daggers at the mountain of a man. “No. I’ll take a demo for his teaching. If he can accomplish half of his words, I’ll be fine relinquishing Blizzard Group to him.”

The whole purpose of her faction was to surpass Tatsumaki and assist her in different ways. An S-Class Hero will join them if she transfers the group’s authority to him. A massive leap in strength which Fubuki welcomed with open arms. That was without taking her personal strength growth into account.

‘Where do I find him?’

The newspaper article lacked information about Asahi’s address or any way to contact him. She had a hunch that he’d come soon, or he wouldn’t have tried to take over her group in the first place.

Fubuki picked up the newspaper that also highlighted the new heroes in the B-Class, mainly Rika and Shizuka, the friends. “Let’s try to invite them.”

“Do we know where they are?” A soft voice interrupted them as Lily, a B-Class Hero of the Blizzard Group, made her appearance. She was a young woman in a professional suit and a white lily flower sitting upon her head of black hair. “Fubuki-sama?”

Fubuki scanned the newspaper for more information. “They have an address here. Okinawa Resort. These two are staying in the same hotel.”

“Okinawa Resort?” Lily’s eyes widened. “I have heard of it. It’s a luxury hotel. Fubuki-sama, these two may have a great background. Let’s not provoke them haphazardly. They could be the mistress of some influential man.”

Lily was the calmest among the Blizzard Group, despite being the youngest at 14.

Fubuki’s brows knitted in a serious frown. “I do not care. They chose to enter the B-Class despite knowing about the Blizzard Group. They bow to us or they fall.”

“For the Blizzard Group!” Mountain Ape cheered. “For Fubuki-sama.”

“For Fubuki-sama!”

Lily sighed and rubbed her forehead.


Ddraig winced and opened her eyes. She felt heavier than usual. She unconsciously rubbed her numb butt which stung.

‘I turned into human form and…’

The rest were memories that made her red to her ears.

‘I told him to dominate me. What was I thinking?!’

She may have gone too far this time. And Asahi too indulged her by spanking her butt red.

“Mhmhm, Asahi, dominate me. Yes, like that! Do me harder.”

A sultry voice echoed inside the room. A voice Ddraig found familiar but not at the same time. But she knew those words — they were her own. 

Ddraig turned her head to find Klyscha and her smirk that relished in the pain of others. Klyscha’s laptop was before her, playing clips of Ddraig and Asahi’s naughty dream. A dream that happened yesterday.

“Ddraig, you took his spanking like a champ. I never expected you to be this bold. Do all dragons turn wild in heat?”

“Yes, I did. It was fun and hot. He fucked me until I passed out. I can say he was more passionate with me than you.”

Ddraig wasn’t letting Klyscha have the momentary pleasure of teasing her, even if it meant admitting to shameful things.

“Silly dragon.” Klyscha giggled. “Asahi and my relationship isn’t about passion. We’re past the point of using sweaty sex to convey our feelings. It’s odd talking like this when we haven’t been together for a year… it’s like we’ve been together for centuries.”

“You’re just lying to yourself.” Ddraig’s mouth split with a grin. “He is interested in me more than he ever was in you.”

“Oh? Is that a challenge?” Klyscha crossed her arms and raised a brow. “You’re asking to be embarrassed in front of your master.”

“Ddraig?” Asahi’s voice echoed around Ddraig. “You there?”

Asahi unknowingly ceased their rivalry by waking up at the right time.

“Yeah. I am! Do you need something?”

“Did you have fun last night? Is your ass alright?”

Ddraig unconsciously clenched her butt. Her defense was lesser than her dragon form but it was still formidable. Just how hard did he slap her to leave marks.

“It’s… fine.”

“Haha, of course.”

“Asahi, I have a request.”


“I want to come out… in this body.” Ddraig smiled at Klyscha, knowing she’d be free from Klyscha’s oppression this way. “Can I?”

Klyscha didn’t even blink at Ddraig’s request as if she already predicted everything.

“You can.” Asahi took longer to agree than Ddraig anticipated. “On one condition. You have to hide your dragon traits like horns and tail.”

“Piece of cake.” Ddraig waved goodbye to Klyscha. “You should join me.”

The goddess swallowed her dejection and returned a grin. “Goodluck out there and don’t act like an idiot.”

Klyscha waved her hand and threw Ddraig out of the space. The silence that followed brought out a sigh. She may have developed a habit of teasing Ddraig. But Ddraig didn’t take her teasing kindly.

Shaking her head, Klyscha turned her attention to the laptop before her.


Ddraig found four pairs of eyes scrutinizing her as soon as she used her Soul Manifestation skill. Rika, Yuriko, and Shizuka were sitting close to Asahi. The way they huddled together spoke plainly about their sensual acts more than a painted sign.

“The lewd dragon,” Yuriko said with a mature smile. “Hey, Ddraig. How have you been lately?”

“The nude dragon, you mean,” Rika retorted. “Sheesh, look at those jugs. She is on Shizuka’s level.”

Shizuka shook her head without looking away from Ddraig’s bountiful bosom. “She might be bigger.”

The three women commented on Ddraig’s body while being naked themselves. Out of three, Ddraig only personally knew Yuriko from the time Yuriko used her magic spells on her dragon body. Her resilient body was put through a tough time.

The cold air caressing Ddraig’s skin reminded her of her naked figure. She yelped and summoned her scales in panic, regaining her entire dragon apparel — tail, horns, scales and all. “Asahi, what are you doing?! I thought you would be alone.” She turned to Yuriko. “Thank you, Yuriko. I’ve been good.”

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“Don’t be stupid,” Asahi gently chided. “You know I never sleep alone.”

Ddraig opened her mouth, then closed it without speaking. ‘How stupid of me to assume Asahi would ever sleep alone.’

Rika jumped off the bed and strutted around Ddraig, examining her scales and particularly her tail in great detail. She whistled through her lips.

“Wow, sexy. I’ve decided. I want to be a dragon. A mean dragon with a sexy tail.”

Rika could picture herself in Ddraig’s place with different colors of scales.

Asahi frowned at Rika in puzzlement. He thought Rika would go for cat ears. He didn’t even need to imagine her as a catgirl. She’d look just like a certain grim reaper girl who had a fetish for transforming into a neko with a male voice.

“Cat ears are boring,” Rika replied with a contemplating frown as if she could read his thoughts. “I tried them but they don’t look good.”

“It’s ultimately your choice.”

Asahi didn’t feel the need to dictate how she chose the body. The racial change wasn’t temporary but permanent. He wanted her to be comfortable since she’d most likely spend the rest of her life in the same body. For more than centuries or even millennials. He didn’t know how long he’d live.

Asahi’s phone buzzed. Only Yasaka and Sekingar ever called him like this. Yasaka, who had Lilith’s company, wouldn’t call him out of nowhere. It had to be Sekingar asking for help on some disaster.

“Ahem.” Sekingar cleared his throat. “Marikawa-dono, you’re all over the media today. They are asking for an interview with you.”

“I’m not in the mood today. That’s not why you called me, right?”

“You’re keen.” Sekingar chuckled nervously. “There is a mosquito outbreak in the City-Z. Heroes are afraid of approaching the region since the mosquito swarm is sucking people dry in mere seconds. Can you take care of this disaster that’s forcing the citizens to stay inside their home?”

“The Mosquito Girl showed up,” Asahi whispered. Saitama would take care of the problem since it was close to his home. “I can’t go right now. I’ll send my wives. They’ll deal with the mosquito swarm.”

He couldn’t trust Saitama to finish off Mosquito Girl. Not after the changes that came with his presence. Besides, it was a good chance for them to earn some Hero Points.

“I’ll send some B-Class heroes to support them.”

Sekingar wasn’t convinced of Rika and Shizuka’s ability to take care of this level of disaster.

“Don’t bother with that. Trust me, okay?”

“...I’ll take your word then.”

Asahi put down the phone and rubbed Shizuka’s bed. “Ready for your debut, Nee-san?”

Shizuka nodded as she pumped her fist. “Rika, let’s shower quickly.”

His Nee-san dragged Rika into the bath. Yuriko fell back on the bed and slipped into the blanket. “I’ll sleep a little more.”

Yuriko’s transformation to Fallen Angel came with its own caveats, one that reduced her productivity. She had become lazier than before.

“Ddraig, go wash up with Shizuka. Protect them if things go wrong.”

“Why aren’t you coming?”

“I have to upgrade an important skill.”

Asahi stood before Ddraig and patted her head. He caressed the horns he used as handles yesterday. “Just do it once without me. I’ll be there next time.”


As Ddraig left, Asahi sat back. ‘Klyscha, do the upgrade.’

(As you wish, my love.)

Klyscha’s voice was less enthusiastic. Asahi narrowed his eyes.

(It’s nothing, my love. I used too much energy to teach Ruby.)

‘You’ll sleep after this.’

(Yes! My love, prepare yourself. You will be overwhelmed. It’ll be like conceiving the world in your Wind Elemental Form, but with more information.)

‘I’m ready.’

[‘Multithreaded Processing’ and ‘Instincts’ are evolving together into a Special-Rank skill.]

A ton of information bombarded his senses. He could hear every individual heartbeat in kilometers around him, perhaps the entire city. People were dying to monsters, people were killing each other, and in the next neighborhood, people laughed in glee. The whispers, the screams of agony, the laughter of joy—he wasn’t prepared for the variety of voices. Klyscha wasn’t joking.

He let loose the full extent of his Multithreaded Processing skill, which eased the burden.

‘My reach is like fifty kilometers? Yeah, that’s it.’

Asahi reeled in his senses and looked at the notification.

[You learned a new skill ‘Domain of Insight (Bronze Stage)’]

[Domain of Insight (Bronze Stage) (Special): Creates a domain that grants you limitless awareness of the information within its reach. The domain’s reach is limited to protect your senses.]

“Nerfed Omniscience.”

Within his domain, he was like a god, knowing each and every movement made by whom. It was no wonder Klyscha set so many restrictions before evolving both skills.

(Exactly! You’ll unlock more abilities as you climb the ranks.)

Asahi expanded the domain to just their floor.

“Jeez, someone enjoyed Aa-kun’s spanking last night.”

“Rika! Don’t make fun of Ddraig-chan.”

Rika was having fun with Ddraig’s swollen red butt while Shizuka tried to stop her.

“Don’t touch me there!” Ddraig yelled as she swatted Rika’s perverted hand. “Focus on cleaning. We have to finish Asahi’s task.”

“Yare yare.”

“These girls…” Asahi frowned. Ddraig could easily heal her wounds and completely rid herself of any pain.

‘Did she forget or she likes pain that much?’

(She forgot…)

‘Klyscha, look after them. I’ll have a heart to heart with Fubuki.’

He trusted Rika and Shizuka with the Mosquito Girl. After cleaning himself with his water element, he flew out of the window, only to see a familiar esper coming out of a worn out minivan.

Fubuki found him at the right time.

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