A Cliché Multiverse Story

Chapter 502: Chapter 532: Freya’s new job

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Fubuki gazed out of the window while her subordinates stood there, assuming a straight posture even if their legs shook. The pain was reasonable, considering they stood in the same position for hours.

Eyelashes cleared his throat. “Fubuki-sama… when will he come?”

His question brought everyone out of the melancholic air set by their leader.

“Who knows?” Fubuki answered absentmindedly. “He might not come today.”

She had assumed that he would come today, but there wasn’t any word from his side about it.

‘He might be messing around with others.’

Fubuki gnashed her teeth, her features twisting in frustration. She never thought she’d despise a man more than her sister. And it had only been one day since they met. In that one day, he put her through a roller coaster of emotions. The struggle wasn’t all without its rewards. He rekindled her affection for her sister and her own life.

He made her appreciate what was important to her. For that, she was a tad bit grateful.

“Fubuki-chan, girls shouldn’t be making those kinds of faces.”

She spun around to the ever-so-hateful voice and her mouth hung open. Asahi stood there, carrying a maid with silver hair. 

Fubuki’s self-confidence crumbled in front of the maid, exuding the charm of a goddess. Despite a lacking sense of fashion, the goddess-like woman displayed a natural grace and charm surpassing every woman in the world.

Fubuki felt like no amount of dressing up and makeup could bring her close to the maid before her.

Asahi let down Freya. Before she could sneak away, he grabbed her hand. “You are not going anywhere.”

Freya pouted her cheeks. She wanted to run outside and see the world outside this space. Alas, he had other plans for her.

“Possessive Master.”

Her pouty face enamored everyone in the room. Without even triggering her charm divinity, she took their breath away.

Asahi wasn’t surprised. In fact, he foresaw her charm taking over the Blizzard Group in seconds. He had Klyscha create an artifact to prevent Freya from abusing her charm.

Asahi made Freya turn to him and set a pair of thin-rimmed glasses on her face. Her charming fragrance weakened the moment she put on the glasses.

Freya looked at him in disbelief. “What did you do?!”

She freaked out the moment she couldn’t use her charm or her innate ability to peer into souls. Her abilities stopped working as soon as he put on the glasses — she quickly grabbed the glasses but they refused to budge an inch.

“I suppressed your divinity,” Asahi explained plainly. “Now be a good girl and keep them on. It’s not like you can remove them without my permission.”

The seemingly simple glasses were ‘Divinity Suppressor.’

Fubuki noticed the difference in Freya’s aura. Previously, the maid appeared a goddess out of her league. Although the maid was just as beautiful, Fubuki felt like she could approach the maid without thunder smiting her.

“That’s unfair. So unfair! Master, how will I live like this?” Freya whined begrudgingly.

Her charm became her second nature after using it for countless centuries. She used it when talking to people, when walking down the streets, or during tough situations.

A life without her divinity was impossible.

Asahi folded his arms, pinning her down with a sharp gaze. “If you want your contest, follow my orders. If not, I’ll take off those glasses and you can leave.”

Freya bit her lips. She couldn’t decide between having sex with him and living without her charm. A tough decision. How else could she crush his pride and show him heaven if she never got the opportunity to do so?

‘I can do this.’

She wasn’t just Freya. She was also Syr, her commoner identity where she had less freedom with her divinity.

“Stop bullying her, you fiend,” Fubuki butted in and stood before Freya with her hands spread. “I will not allow this.”

Asahi couldn’t suppress a chuckle. “How ironic of a bully to protect someone from bullying.”

Fubuki’s face turned a tad red. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“It’s fine, young lady,” Freya whispered in a meek voice, making Fubuki turn. With a saint-like smile, Freya closed her eyes. “Master’s words are absolute… I-I don’t want—”

Fubuki held her shoulders, righteous fury burning in her eyes. “Fight for your own life and happiness. Stop suffering in silence.”

“I can’t.” Freya pitifully shook her head. “Master can crush women like me under his fingers.”

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Fubuki fell silent. It seemed Freya also had a taste of Asahi’s god-like powers. “You can’t stop fighting.”

Asahi had to admit that Freya’s damsel in distress act was impeccable. She earned Fubuki and everyone’s sympathy at the cost of his reputation. “Freya, will you stop crying?”

“Young lady, he forced me to become his maid… You must not fall for his vile schemes!”

Asahi’s brow twitched. “Cut it out before I return you to your world.”

Freya covered her mouth and giggled in an elegant manner. “Apologies, Master.” She patted Fubuki’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for playing these mind games.”

Fubuki stood there, speechless. Even Asahi’s maid played a prank on her.

“Why do people have to work?” A heavy voice thundered outside the building. “Why do you have to pay money to eat? Can’t we all just share? Where is the freedom? I, Hammerhead, will overturn this world and achieve equality.”

“It’s those baldheads.” Asahi put up a barrier to silence the noises. “Fubuki and the rest of the Blizzard Group. From now on, you will serve me. Any doubts?”

Fubuki knitted her brows, crossing her arms to lift her sensual pair of breasts. “Why did you bring your maid here?”

“The feisty maid is Freya. She will report to you from now on.”

Freya’s eyes flickered with shock. “Master, why am I being put under the rule of a mortal?”

“Watch your tongue, woman!” Eyelashes growled. “Don’t refer to Fubuki-sama as mortal as if you are a goddess.” Turning to Fubuki, he bowed, his fellow subordinates following suit. “I’m sorry for being captivated, Fubuki-sama. We’ll be more competent!”

“It’s not your fault. The maid also entranced me.”

“We thank you for your leniency, Fubuki-sama.”

Fubuki’s recent change and her courage to stand up to an S-Class Hero made her more dignified in their eyes.

“Hoh.” Freya continued to look at Fubuki with a look of admiration. Fubuki earned her group’s loyalty without relying on any charm ability. This proved that her charisma to be on par with some of the best adventurers in Orario. Now that she was composed, she became curious about Fubuki’s specialty — what made this green-haired woman so special in Asahi’s eyes.

It couldn’t just be her beauty or charisma.

Orario had plenty of goddesses and women with more charisma and beauty.

‘What qualities does he look for?’

She could use that research to find her way to Asahi’s heart. When that day comes — Freya’s eyes behind her glasses glazed over with lust, her breath ever so slowly becoming labored.

Asahi, the Eromancer, sensed Freya’s rising lust. “The heck? Did getting your divinity sealed turned you on?”

Freya cleared her throat and turned to Fubuki. “Then I’ll be under your command as per Master Asahi’s orders.”

“This settles my job here.”

As he glanced at the window, Fubuki placed her hand on his shoulder and forced him to turn.

“Everyone in the Blizzard Group will rise in ranks from now on.”

She felt like she should reveal this news to Asahi.

“I’ll pat myself on the back for that.” Asahi chuckled. “Go ahead. Call me when you stumble on something you guys can’t handle.”

His generosity surprised her. “…What is your end goal with us?”

Unable to hold back her skepticism, she voiced the question lingering in her mind ever since the city destruction disaster.

Asahi smiled and lifted her chin with one finger. “What if I said I only want you out of this?”

She slapped his hand away. “Then I’d say ‘This S-Class Hero read the wrong guidebook on how to impress a woman.’ You don’t destroy a friggin’ city to gain a lady’s attention.”

Asahi let out a hearty laughter then bared his fangs in a toothy grin. Freya observed their interactions with keen eyes, obsessed with captivating his heart.

Somewhere in his heart, he found her passionate approach cute. She may not have genuine feelings for him, but she sure as hell would cross nine realms to have sex with him.

(That’s goddess of sex for you.)

Chuckling at Klyscha’s appropriate retort, he took out his phone and dialed Sekingar’s number. “What’s up, Chief Sekingar?”

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