A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks for the Imperial Examination

Chapter 2: CH 2

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After the village chief knocked on the door of the Xiao family that day, all people in the Xiao family seemed to be stepping on the clouds, with an extremely unreal feeling.

When the village chief heard the news of Xiao Ying’s being a marquis, he was stunned on the spot. After he reacted, he immediately came to report to the Xiao family. The Xiao family’s ancestral tomb was smoked. There was a marquis. Although I don’t know how long the new imperial court could exist, it was a marquis after all. Even if the official rank is low, Tongmu village can prosper for hundred years, not to mention a Huo Ye. The village chief staggered excitedly and threw himself on the road. But he got up and continued to run without caring. Seeing that the Xiao family was about to develop, he now had to make a good relationship with the Xiao family in advance and has to be the auspicious person who reported the news. Maybe Hou Ye1 of the Xiao family is happy and he will give him some benefits. It will be enough for his lifetime.

The village chief patted the door vigorously. Old Lady Xiao ordered her third son to open the courtyard door. She almost suspected that she had heard it wrong: “What did you say, village chief? What happened to Xiao Ying?”

The village chief ran with sweat all over his head. But he didn’t care about wiping his sweat. He hated the iron not becoming steel and looked at this ignorant family. He almost wished he could go to Da Xing City to enjoy their happiness for them. Oh yes, now it’s time to call Chang An City.

“What are you hesitating for? Hurry up and prepare. The nobles in the capital will come soon. Don’t let the nobles see the jokes of our Tongmu Village!” The village chief said eagerly.

This change woke up the whole family. Not only the Xiao family but also the lights of the neighbours are lit up. Xiao Yu Li and Xiao Yu Fang hid behind the door, poking their heads to watch what was going on in the yard.

Xiao Yu Li turned her head and spoke to Xiao Yu Fang in a low voice: “Sister, did you hear that? The village chief said that the uncle has become a marquis.”

“I heard it.” Xiao Yu Fang nodded, with an expression on her face that was both excited and apprehensive. She glanced in the direction where the big room lives and said to his sister with dissatisfaction, “Look, I already said it. Don’t mess with the big room. It’s alright now. He has become the son of Hou Ye. I see what you do.”

“You can’t only accuse me. I didn’t do the previous thing alone. Didn’t you take part in it?” Xiao Yu Li shouted angrily. She also remembered that at the beginning of the year, they designed to let Xiao Jing Hu ask the grandmother for money to buy a rocking horse just to embarrass Xiao Jing Duo. Because the grandmother is partial to the second room, the people in the second room are quite indifferent. They never thought of leaving a line for the big room. Just as they never thought that the uncle of the big room who had disappeared for ten years could be named a marquis. Now that the big room is about to develop, Xiao Yu Fang and Xiao Yu Li are a little panicked and worried about what they should do in the future.

Second Aunt Xiao naturally thought of this. She put on her clothes indiscriminately, and stood in the yard with her husband, listening to the village chief show off the wealth and honour of Hou Fu: “You don’t know. The temperament and grandeur of noble people, it’s more than we can imagine. I also heard the nobles say that Xiao Ying, the big man, has not disappeared in recent years, but has joined the army! Back then, that group of labourers rebelled halfway through. He went round and round and transferred to the army of Xuanguo Gongrong’s family. Then along with Duke Xuan’s expedition to the north and south to fight, they invaded Da Xing City together last year. They captured the rebels alive and established a new emperor. A few months ago, the new emperor ceded the throne to Duke Xuan, and Duke Xuan was enthroned. The country’s title is declared Xuan. The sage is very friendly to the ministers who have merit. Many generals who follow the sage to conquer the world have been named marquis. The great man, Xiao Ying, was named Marquis of Ding Yong by his military merit!”

The villagers who joined in the fun all sighed in admiration. Old Lady Xiao was so happy that she burst into tears. She kept reciting the Buddha: “Thank you Buddha for your blessing. I knew that Da Lang was clever since he was a child. He wouldn’t die outside for no reason. It turned out to be a marquis. Good! Good!”

The neighbours all gathered around to congratulate Old Lady Xiao. Second Aunt Xiao listened for a while. Her heart became more and more uncomfortable. Finally, she couldn’t bear it anymore and withdrew from the crowd.

Just after exiting, Second Aunt Xiao looked back with a feeling. Just in time to see Xiao Jing Duo standing under the eaves, looking at her with a mocking expression.

Second Aunt Xiao gave Xiao Jing Duo a stiff smile, with an ingratitude that she was unaware of. After that, she no longer wanted to face the big room, and immediately turned her head and walked into the room.

Xiao Ying has now become a marquis. In addition to complimenting Old Lady Xiao for giving birth to a good son, everyone is also looking at Xiao Jing Duo secretly. Originally, they thought that Xiao Jing Duo was just an orphan who lost his father. But now he suddenly became the son of Hou Ye. Everyone was secretly envious of Xiao Jing Duo’s good life. Those who were smarter had already surrounded him and became close to him.

As the village chief said, it didn’t take long before the convoy from Hou Fu to pick up Old Lady Xiao to Chang An arrived. The fat and strong horses parked at the gate of the courtyard. The gorgeous carriages blocked the entire alley in front of Xiao’s house. Even so, there were still several carriages that could not get in. The well-dressed servants had to get out of the car and move the boxes in the car to the yard. The beautiful and slender maids got down from the carriage gracefully and instructed the sergeant’s servants to move and put things away. For a time, the Xiao family’s not-so-small courtyard was crowded with people. It was even difficult to turn around.

A woman in a long dress that tugged on the floor came from outside the courtyard. The maids, who had just been eloquently instructing the next person to carry the box, saw her, all bowed their heads and respectfully saluted, “Sister Xue Lan.”

Xue Lan just nodded casually without looking at the crowd who retreated to both sides. She walked straight towards Old Lady Xiao.

When Old Lady Xiao saw the person coming, she was so nervous that her palms were sweating.

With a long robe and a warm fragrance, Xue Lan stopped three steps away from Old Lady Xiao. Then she stretched out her arms and gave a graceful bow, ” Slave Xue Lan, I have seen the old lady. The old lady is very happy and safe. ”

The old lady Xiao immediately became embarrassed. She hurriedly waved her hand, trying to help Xue Lan to get up, afraid of soiling her clothes: “You can’t do it, girl. Hurry up. I can’t let you salute this poor old lady.”

“Of course, the old lady can bear it. You are the mother of Hou Ye. Old Madam will be the ancestor of the manor. You can afford the courtesy of anyone.” Xue Lan stood up and smiled gracefully.

Old Lady Xiao has only dealt with people in the village all her life. Most of the village women are rude and straightforward. When have you seen such a delicate beauty? Xue Lan was beautiful. And she was quite good at talking to the Old Lady. After a while, Old Lady Xiao took Xue Lan’s hand and was unwilling to let go.

Xue Lan was led by the old lady to recognize people. When she saw everyone, she was smiling and polite. Xiao Yu Fang and the sisters all bowed their heads embarrassingly when they saw her, showing a look of shame.

When she came to Xiao Jing Duo, the old lady hurriedly introduced: “Xue Lan, this is Xiao Jing Duo, Da Lang’s son!”

“Oh?” Xue Lan raised one eyebrow, obviously a little surprised. Hou Ye has a son. Why didn’t she hear Hou Ye mention it? Xue Lan looked at Xiao Jing Duo calmly. She smiled and said “It turned out to be the son of Hou Ye. Hou Ye still doesn’t know. Xue Lan greets Da Lang Jun. When Hou Ye sees Da Lang Jun in Chang An, how happy Hou Ye must be!”

“Yes, yes.” Old Lady Xiao said aside, “When Da Lang left home, Xiao Jing Duo was not born yet. The eldest daughter-in-law was diagnosed pregnant only a month after he left. Speaking of which, the father and son are also poor. Duo er has never met Dalang and Dalang doesn’t know Duo er.”

“What’s so difficult about this? After returning to Hou Fu, Da Lang Jun and Hou Ye can recognize each other.”

Old Lady Xiao laughed. But Xiao Jingduo was acutely aware that something was wrong. He was the son of his father. Why did they have to recognize each other?

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But the lady Xue Lan stood in front of her with a faint smile. There was no difference in her eyes. Xiao Jing Duo was not sure whether he was thinking too much or whether Xue Lan had something to say.

Xiao Jing Duo didn’t bother about it. He reminded Old Lady Xiao dissatisfiedly: “Grandmother, you haven’t introduced my mother yet.”

“Oh yes, I forgot.” Zhao Xiu Lan, all these years, only thought she didn’t have this daughter-in-law. Now, when she is happy, she completely forgets Zhao Xiu Lan’s existence. If it weren’t for Xiao Jing Duo’s reminder, Old Lady Xiao still couldn’t remember her eldest daughter-in-law, Xiao Ying’s serious wife.

Zhao Xiu Lan’s body is still a little weak. But her face is crimson and there are faint tears in her eyes. She waited for nine years, and finally waited until Xiao Ying came back!

With a smile on Xue Lan’s face, she moved her steps slightly and saluted Zhao Xiu Lan with her hands folded. She squatted like this, just to show her graceful figure. Xue Lan’s delicate voice like a yellow warbler came out of the valley and said slowly: “I have seen my wife. My wife is very happy.”

Zhao Xiu Lan’s face was a little stiff for some reason. She looked down and glanced at her clothes. The grey-blue top, the washed-white bottom skirt, and a patch sewn on the cuff. Zhao Xiu Lan didn’t want to stand in front of Xue Lan for some reason. She turned her head and stumbled back two steps.

Old Lady Xiao looked at Zhao Xiu Lan with disgust. She scolded her inwardly as “disgraceful”. She had to laugh with Xue Lan on her face: “She is like this. A village woman who has never seen the world. Don’t care about her, Xue Lan.”

“Grandmother! ” Xiao Jing Duo frowned in displeasure, and said aloud, “My father splits the earth to seal the marquis, and my mother is Madam Hou. How can you say that to her?”

“As Day Lang Jun said, Madam is gold and jade. It is a life of happiness. Being able to serve the madam is a great honour for us servants.” After speaking, Xue Lan shouted behind her, “Qing He.”

“The servant is here.” A beautiful maid in green clothes came out.

“I will transfer you to Madam. In the future, you must serve Madam well. If Madam loses a hair on the way to the capital. I will punish you.”

Old Lady Xiao was frightened by this battle and murmured: “Zhao Shi can do everything by herself. How can you serve her!”

Zhao Xiu Lan also quickly waved her hand: “I don’t need it. You can go back.”

“Madam, that is bad.” Xue Lan smiled, “In Chang An, besides the wife, there are all servants like clouds. And those without servants will lose their status. We went out in a hurry and didn’t bring enough staff. So we could only give Madam a servant girl and wait until we got back. When you arrive at the Hou Mansion, there is a yard of servants for you.”

Zhao Xiu Lan wanted to refuse again. But Xiao Jing Duo held her mother’s hand and said, “A Niang, you can accept it.”

She didn’t dare to retaliate against bullying. But she listened to his son the most. Since her son had said so, she could only nod nervously: “Okay.”

Xue Lan’s smile deepened. She called two more people, saying that she would give Xiao Jing Duo servants. Xiao Jing Duo glanced at the two maids whose clothes were fragrant and refused without thinking.

Xue Lan persuaded for a long time, but Xiao Jingduo was unmoved. Later, Xiao Jing Duo simply said with a straight face: “If I say no, that means I don’t want it. Who is in charge here?”

Although Xue Lan was the one who actually made the decision, when Xiao Jing Duo put these words on the surface, she did not dare to accept them. Xue Lan didn’t expect this little master who appeared halfway to be so difficult to deal with. She was a little embarrassed. So she could only smile with all her might, “I didn’t expect Da Lang Jun to have such an idea. It’s my mistake. Please forgive me.”

“Duo er!” Old Madam Xiao stared at him angrily, dissatisfied with the embarrassment of Xue Lan. Even his mother showed disapproval.

In this regard, Xiao Jing Duo just snorted softly, but still insisted on his own opinion.

Second Aunt Xiao, who was eavesdropping on the sidelines, muttered in a low voice, “He doesn’t want someone to serve him. It’s really pretentious.”

Xiao Jing Duo had good ears since he was a child. He just happened to hear what Second Aunt Xiao said. He turned his face sideways and saw Second Aunt Xiao hiding behind the corner, pretending to be passing by chance. While the two sisters, Xiao Yu Fang and Xiao Yu Li, were also lying on the corner of the wall, staring at him both enviously and fearfully. Aware of Xiao Jing Duo’s gaze, the two of them turned their heads quickly. Xiao Jing Duo glanced at the maids standing by his side, and when his eyes swept over their fresh and gorgeous clothes, he showed a clear expression.

The second Aunt Xiao using Xiao Jing Hu to snatch her mother’s medical money is still vivid in his mind. The anger and grievance at that time seemed to be yesterday, but it had been a long time. And now even the most arrogant second room dared not look directly at him.

All because his father, who had been missing for nine years, had returned.

After the people sent by his father arrived at Xiao’s house, Xiao Jing Duo felt refreshed for a few days. As if the depression that had been pressing on his chest for many years had finally been vented. His father came back, and in a gesture that he could not have imagined. He came back with glory and honour. He couldn’t help but look forward to his father, whom he has not seen yet. Both his grandmother and mother said that he looks like his father.

When Xiao Jingduo sat on the carriage back to the capital, he was still thinking. This is so good. His father is back. No one will dare to bully their mother and son in the future.


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