A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks for the Imperial Examination

Chapter 6: CH 6

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It was his father.

Old Madam Xiao and Xue Lan were arbitrarily deciding Zhao Xiu Lan’s life and death when suddenly, footsteps sounded outside the door. When the maid who was guarding outside the house saw the coming person, her hands trembled in panic. She raised her voice to warn the inside: “Da Lang Jun is here!”

Xue Lan was shocked. She and Old Madam Xiao looked at each other. Both stop talking and look at the door warily.

Wasn’t Da Lang Jun be called away by Hou Ye? Why did he suddenly visit at this time?

After Xiao Jing Duo came out of the study, the first thing he did was to find his mother. Although he solved the poison quickly at the inn that day, Zhao Xiu Lan still took a sip of poison. Not to mention that Zhao Xiu Lan was not in good health, she became more and more sick these days. She was so weak that it was difficult to walk.

Besides, the murderer who poisoned his mother has not been caught yet. So how could Xiao Jing Duo rest assured to let his mother live alone? Xiao Jing Duo searched for a long time in Hou Fu. He went to almost every spacious courtyard, but he still could not find his mother.

Xiao Jing Duo did not dare to disturb his father with these trivial matters. So he could only come to Gao Shou Tang to find the old lady. Xue Lan was always by his grandmother’s side, and she was in charge of the entire Hou Fu. Xue Lan must know his mother’s whereabouts.

When Xiao Jing Duo walked quickly into the Gao Shou Tang, he felt that the atmosphere was strange for no reason.

He suppressed the strangeness in his heart. After saluting the old lady, he went straight to the topic: “Grandmother, where does my mother live? I have been looking for her for a long time but I have not found her.”

Xue Lan and the old lady looked at each other with surprise. Xue Lan was originally sitting on the couch, but at this time she straightened up and said softly with a smile: “Lang Jun, you are the young master of our Dingyong Hou Fu. Your status is noble. So how can you live in the same courtyard with other people? In the future, you will have a separate courtyard. The servants around you are also indispensable. You can’t be as casual as before!” 

After speaking, Xue Lan wanted to come down and hold Xiao Jing Duo’s hand: “Lang Jun has never seen Ning Yuan Court yet, right? Ning Yuan Courtyard will be the residence of Da Lang Jun in the future. It is located behind Hou Ye’s study. I have already sent someone to clean it up. Come, I will accompany you to Ning Yuan Courtyard to take a look…”

Xiao Jing Duo turned slightly and avoided Xue Lan’s hand. Xue Lan was stunned for a moment as if she did not expect Xiao Jing Duo to be so ruthless in front of others. How did she know that Xiao Jing Duo had identified her as an accomplice in poisoning Zhao Xiu Lan? He was certain that Xiao Ying would not spare her easily, so how could he still save face for her?

Seeing that Xiao Jing Duo had a bad attitude towards Xue Lan, Old Madam Xiao got angry: “Duo’er, what are you doing? Don’t you want to make amends with Xue Lan?”

Xiao Jing Duo turned a deaf ear and insisted on asking: “I don’t want to see what yard. Mother, she’s still ill. I’m going to see her.”

Old Madam Xiao frowned in embarrassment. She secretly glanced at Xue Lan hoping that Xue Lan could give her advice. Xue Lan stood behind Xiao Jing Duo and shook her head. The old lady understood what she meant. She said with a stern expression: “How old are you and still clinging to your mother? We will arrange for your mother. You hurry back with Xue Lan now!”

Xiao Jing Duo suddenly felt that something was wrong. His eyes became vigilant, and he walked around the old lady and Xue Lan: “Why don’t you let me see my mother? What happened to her?” 

The old lady’s eyes were visibly flustered. She didn’t dare to look at Xiao Jing Duo for a moment. Xue Lan secretly said that it was bad. She didn’t expect this Lang Jun’s vigilance to be so good. She quickly remedied: “Of course, Madam is resting in the yard. If Lang Jun doesn’t believe it, I will take you there.”

Xue Lan waved her hand to call the little maid and asked her to take Xiao Jing Duo away. When Xiao Jing Duo went out with the maid, he glanced back again as if he was aware of it.

The grandmother and Xue Lan behaved strangely, and the father’s attitude was neither salty nor light. Xiao Jing Duo had an ominous premonition in his heart. But he didn’t want to think deeply. Their family had just moved to Chang An. He had just met his biological father who had been away for nine years. Everything was going in a good direction, wasn’t it?

Xiao Jing Duo was trying his best to convince himself all the way. But when he stood at the door of the side courtyard, his heart sank heavily.

“My mother lives here?” Xiao Jing Duo turned around and stared at the maid who led the way badly.

The maid remembered Xue Lan’s order, hurriedly lowered her head, and said, “My wife is weak and needs to rest. Sister Xue Lan was afraid that the people coming and going in Hou Fu would disturb my wife’s recovery. So she deliberately placed my wife in a quiet place.”

Xiao Jing Duo glanced at the maid quietly and reached out to push the door in.

The yard is full of decaying grass. There are fences in the flower beds, but it has long been deserted. When Xiao Jing Duo walked into the yard, he smelled a musty smell like people had not lived in for a long time.

Compared with the Gao Shou Tang where the old lady lives, this place is rudimentary and miserable. Where is it like a place where the wife stays? Xiao Jing Duo had a nameless fire in his heart. He quickly ran towards the house.

Zhao Xiu Lan was leaning on the table, covering her mouth and coughing. When she heard the door open, she slowly lifted her head. Zhao Xiu Lan’s eyes lit up when her eyes touched the person who came: “Duo’er!”

“Mother.” Xiao Jing Duo walked to her mother and squatted down, not knowing what to say for a long time.

The maid who brought him over was still urging at the door: “Da Lang, you should go back. Tomorrow, Hou Ye wants to test your knowledge. You have to go back early to prepare.”

“Have you seen your father?” Zhao Xiu Lan smiled. He said, “He is willing to test your knowledge in person, which shows that he is satisfied with you. Go back quickly. Rest early today. Keep your spirits up, and don’t make your father angry tomorrow.”

“Mother!” Xiao Jing Duo raised his voice suddenly while Zhao Xiu Lan still looked at him suspiciously, not understanding why his son was suddenly angry.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Xiu Lan asked softly. She knew that big families were very particular about their sons. They could not live with their mothers. They were afraid that if they grew up with their daughters, their masculinity would be wiped out. Therefore, Zhao Xiu Lan felt that Xiao Jing Duo living in another courtyard was very normal.

Xiao Jing Duo felt helpless. His mother was soft-hearted and her mind was slow. She still hadn’t seen that Xue Lan and her grandmother were harbouring ill intentions. So Xiao Jing Duo was even more worried about letting her mother live here alone.

So Xiao Jing Duo turned his head and said in a very casual tone: “Mother is ill and can’t be separated from others. I will live here with my mother. You go back first.”

The little maid was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what Xiao Jing Duo was saying. She opened her mouth in disbelief: “Lang Jun, but Hou Ye…”

“I’ll tell my father. You can tell Xue Lan when you go back and tell her what I want. It’s decided, don’t persuade again.” 

The little girl bit her lip in embarrassment and stood at the door without moving. Xiao Jing Duo raised his eyebrows and said, “You’re not leaving yet?” 

The maid then stepped back aggrievedly, and as soon as she went out, she ran towards Gao Shou Tang.

The maid who led the way left. Only then did the maid Qiu Ju, who was assigned to serve Zhao Xiu Lan, dare to enter. She first bowed to Xiao Jing Duo and said, “Slave Qiu Ju, I have seen Da Lang Jun.”

A little maid of thirteen or fourteen, wearing a green narrow-sleeved shirt, stood by the door.

“Yeah.” Xiao Jing Duo nodded, stood up and said while walking, “You are the maid who came to take care of my mother? I will also live here these days. I will clean up the wing.”

“Lang Jun, how can I let you do it?!”

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After Xiao Jing Duo made an assertion, the old lady sent several groups of people to persuade him, but he sent them away. Then the next day, Xiao Ying, who originally said that he was going to test his knowledge, didn’t show up either.

Xiao Jing Duo was not surprised by this, disobeying his father naturally had to pay the price. Although he wanted to get close to his father, his mother’s crisis had not been resolved. So he wanted to stay here to protect his mother.

It’s funny. Xiao Jing Duo is only nine years old. So Zhao Xiu Lan, a mother, should protect her son, but in their family, it was the other way around. Zhao Xiu Lan has been living in a daze for so many years, and she has never figured out what happened in the station.

Xiao Jing Duo asked Qiu Ju, only to know that this desolate and remote courtyard was called Qing Ze Courtyard. This courtyard, like its name, is desolate.

There was only Qiu Ju as a servant in Qing Ze Courtyard. Qiu Ju didn’t talk much and was quick to do things. So Xiao Jing Duo had to endure the small flaws like she was not very smart.

Xiao Jing Duo secretly guessed more than once that Qiu Ju might have offended someone unknowingly. So she was pushed to his mother’s side.

After Xiao Jing Duo instructed Qiu Ju to take care of his mother, he went out by himself thinking of buying medicine for his mother on the street.

However, Xiao Jing Duo was not familiar with the structure of the new home. He walked around for a long time, but couldn’t find the side door leading to the outside of the mansion.

When passing through the corridor, Xiao Jing Duo saw a few servants carrying things into the mansion. He was overjoyed, knowing that these must be servants who had returned from shopping outside. If he asked them, he would know how to go out.

Xiao Jing Duo hurriedly ran down the corridor, trying to chase after the people just now. Before he could get close, he heard one of them say: “Hou Ye has a wedding event. This is too busy for us servants. I heard that the new lady is a daughter of an aristocratic family. You said that when the lady passes by, how much will she give us as the reward for the errands?”

Father is marrying? Xiao Jing Duo was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

“How do I know this! But the Wu family has been a big family for more than 100 years, and the Cui family of Qinghe is the backer. Even the royal family has to look at the face of the Cui family. The lady of the Wu family will be our mistress. The days to come will definitely be comfortable.”

“Hou Ye really has a good relationship…” The servant was about to sigh with emotion about the good luck of Dingyong Hou. He heard a hurried and clear voice from behind. They turned their heads and saw a handsome boy standing behind the rockery, staring at them motionlessly. This beautiful little man approached them step by step: “You just said that Xiao Ying, the Marquis of Dingyong, wants to get married. Are you married to a proper wife?”

The two servants both laughed: “Of course, can the daughter of the Wu family in Qinghe be someone’s concubine?”

“But he obviously already has a main room!”

“Hou Ye has a main room?” The servant looked at his companion. He glanced at him and scratched his head inexplicably, “I remember that the Marquis has not been married in these years. There is only one concubine by his side.”

The anger in Xiao Jing Duo’s heart rushed directly to his head. He turned heavily and quickly ran towards the study.

“Who is this little gentleman? Inexplicable…” The two servants were still murmuring in doubt.

Xiao Jing Duo rushed to the front yard in one breath. Several groups of maids were overturned on the way. He slammed the door open and looked at the man in the seat with burning eyes.

Xiao Ying and his concubine were discussing matters in the mansion. Suddenly the door was slammed open. Zhuo Ying, who was grinding the ink, was startled and screamed, and accidentally knocked over the ink. Xiao Ying frowned immediately and glanced at Zhuo Ying unhappily.

Zhuo Ying immediately fell down and confessed her guilt: “The slave is improper, please forgive the slave!”

Xiao Ying ignored her but looked up at the door.

Xiao Jing Duo stood at the door and stared at this scene with wide eyes. He almost immediately understood the identity of this woman. Xiao Jing Duo thought ironically in his heart. It turns out that this is the concubine in the servant’s mouth. So his mother can’t even be a concubine and can only disappear alive?

Xiao Ying was still slightly embarrassed when his son bumped into this scene. He waved his hand and motioned for Zhuo Ying to step back.

Zhuo Ying didn’t dare to say anything. She stepped back on her knees, stood up and left quickly. When she went out, she also closed the door of the study for Xiao Ying.

When there were only the father and son in the house, Xiao Ying also showed a majestic look: “When you enter the elders’ house, you go on a rampage. Is this your manner?”

Hearing the word “manner”, Xiao Jing Duo just wanted to sneer: “Father abandoned his original wife and married another high-class woman. Is this the manner? “

“Presumptuous!” Xiao Ying slapped the table heavily, causing a lot of dust to rise. “Who taught you to talk to your father like this? You are simply being made lawless by the Zhao clan. If I don’t teach you, you will sooner or later humiliate Dingyong Hou Fu!”

“Yes, you are the hero of the founding of the country. You are Hou Ye. But what about my mother? She is your first wife!” Xiao Jing Duo also raised his voice and complained, “She worked hard for you for ten years, and she raised me to such an age. Do you have the heart to bear her down like this?”

Xiao Ying narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiao Jing Duo dangerously: “This is your father’s own business, and you don’t need to worry about it. You go back immediately and copy the house rules 20 times. I can let go of what happened today. After Wu’s entry, you should learn the rules of the aristocratic family from her. Only the daughter of the famous Wu family is qualified to be the mistress of the Hou Mansion and your mother!”

“Heh.” Xiao Jing Duo sneered. He looked at the man in front of him as if he had just seen him clearly. “Yes, you are dignified and heroic. Naturally only high-class women are worthy of it. Your status is different from the past, and we, disgraceful beings, must naturally be obliterated.”

Xiao Ying raised her eyebrows. He was completely overwhelmed by Xiao Jing Duo. The disrespectful words angered him, but Xiao Jing Duo didn’t give him a chance to attack and continued to ask: “I don’t care how you want to punish me. I just want to know in what way you are going to settle my mother. Demote your wife as a concubine or simply poison her to death? “

” Presumptuous!” Xiao Ying shouted angrily.

However, Xiao Jing Duo really saw exactly who his father was longing for. He only had fame and power in his heart, and kinship and conscience were no longer within his consideration. After getting to know Xiao Ying Bo Liang’s true face, Xiao Jing Duo also completely lost his natural admiration for his father, and simply drew a line with him: “I tell you clearly today. I am neither capable of justice for my mother now, nor do I want to care who you marry, but you better know that no matter how much you force me, I won’t call another woman mother.”

“No one!” After saying it out loud, he looked at Xiao Ying again. Then he turned his head decisively and went out.

Before crossing the threshold, he suddenly stopped, with an inexplicable smile, turned his face to Xiao Ying and asked, “Father, have you found the thief who poisoned my mother in the inn?”

Xiao Ying’s face was ashen. He stared at this villain like a knife and did not speak.

“I guess naturally not.” Xiao Jing Duo happened to be standing at the intersection of light and shadow. The sunlight that accidentally leaked into the room spread on his sharp profile face, while the other half of his face was still hidden in the shadows. His delicate face showed a little bit of strangeness. “But I don’t need to bother my father about this. No matter who the murderer is, I will never let him go. I will definitely bring this person to justice with my own hands.”



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