A Contract Marriage With My Boss

Chapter 146: You Trusted Sarah Over Us

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Charles didn't answer any of their questions. Instead, he took a microphone and looked straight at the camera with a worried and sad expression. After a long silence, he finally said.

"You will get the answers to your questions later. For now, I need to say something. Sarah, where are you now? I'm sorry, but I've been waiting for you to come back. Are you watching this? I've been waiting for you. Can you hear me?" His eyes were filled with love and desperation. He looked gaunt and as if he was suffering from something. He looked like he was searching and waiting for her. His words sounded so sincere as if he was willing to do anything for her to come back.

When seeing it, Sarah became even sadder and started to cry. She quickly wiped her tears and turned to leave in silence, without looking back.

When the shopkeeper saw her walking away, she called out, "Miss, miss!" Not understanding what had happened to Sarah. Why was she leaving right away after watching this news?

Sarah went back to her seat and kept wiping her tears continuously. The people around her started to look at her with concern. Finally, she lowered her head and cried on her knees.

Charles had apologized to her, but was it useful? After those two days tied up in the warehouse, she had analyzed their relationship and finally understood their love. Every time Charles hurt her, he'd apologize to her, beg her to come back, and promise her that he would never hurt her again no matter what. But the minute something happened, he distrusted her and hurt her again and again. He had never kept his promise.

Just like now when she had lost her child. He had promised to trust her forever and never hurt her. But then she had been kidnapped, but rather than finding her, he had chosen to listen to Christina and believed that she had deliberately planned her abortion and then left him for money.

Now he had turned his mother into the police, and apologized to her publically on TV and asked her to come back.

But she knew Charles very well. Sarah knew Charles and the future of their marriage. There was no future between them. She had been thinking for a long time, and on the third day in the warehouse, she decided to leave Charles no matter what she was told by her kidnappers.

Whether Christina was arrested and Charles had realized his mistake and apologized to her or not, she must leave this time because Charles had no sense of security and always distrusted her. He was easily influenced by others and would misunderstand her again, even without Christina being involved in the future.

This was his own problem, not Christina's or Emma's. It was a fundamental problem. She did not expect Charles; whether Christina was in jail, and Charles had asked her to come back or not, she would not go back.

This time, she had decided to leave forever and never look back.

After crying for a while, Sarah calmed down and stopped thinking about it. She just sat there on her seat and waited for her flight to Texas. The big screen on the wall was displaying the time, second by second, getting closer to her departure and leaving all of this behind.

Time lapsed so quietly, time that would never come back. They had cried and laughed together, been happy and sad. It was all over now, and it wouldn't come back.

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After Christina was arrested, she was having one last conversation with Charles before being taken off to jail. They were alone in the room, the police waiting on the outside, ready to take her away.

Christina was still dressed in her own high fashion clothes, still having a sense of dignity, but she wasn't as confident as usual. She looked like a woman without a soul, a hollow shell. She looked calm and seemed to have accepted her fate, or maybe it was because she was used to being in the public eye and tried to remain calm.

"I never expect you, my dear son, to turn against me like this in the end!" she said in a cold tone.

Charles stood opposite her with his head hanging low, solemn as if nothing had happened. "Mom, this is not a frame-up; you are guilty!"

"No matter what I did, I am still your mother. I gave life to you and raised you. Don't you think you'll be punished for treating your mother like this?" She said in a calm yet ironic tone. Her words were filled with irony for Charles's betrayal toward her.

Sad and disappointed, Charles answered. "This is what you taught me. When you killed your grandson first and subsequently my father, I knew you didn't care about me, but disdained our relationship. How cold-hearted you are to ignore everything, including your own family, just to achieve your goal."

"You seem to know everything in detail, yet why did you pretend to be deceived and listen to us?" Christina raised her voice and became a little excited, looking at Charles coldly.

"If I hadn't done that, you wouldn't have trusted me, and the police wouldn't have found the place where Sarah was being kept. How else could I save her?"

"You've always trusted Sarah over us, but you pretended to trust us and hurt Sarah! Do you think Sarah will come back now? You hurt her deeply this time, so even if you abandoned Emma and me, Sarah would never come back, and you are left with nothing!"

Charles clenched his fists in anger. "You kidnapped Sarah. If I didn't force her to leave, she'd still have been a hostage at the warehouse by the time police arrived, which would have put her in danger. I'd rather force her to leave for her own safety. After she left, the police arrested her kidnappers without harming her. If her safety means that she leaves me for good, then that is still better than the alternative!"

"Ha-ha-ha!" Christina burst into laughter, and before she said sarcastically, "Charles, you have done so many things for this woman, but she doesn't know that. Instead, she finally left disappointed in you. I don't know whether you are smart or pathetic! Do you hate me that much that it's worth betraying me just to save that woman?"

"Mom, this is all your fault. If you hadn't ganged up with those criminals, you'd be just fine now!"

"Charles, you are so unfilial! How can you treat your mother like this? How can you do this to me?" Christina suddenly stood up in anger as if she was going to smash Charles with something.. When the police outside heard the noise, they opened the door and subdued her, but she kept shouting at Charles and scolding him for betraying her.

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