A Contracted Vassal.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Welcome to the V. (Part 2)

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Sayuri and Ayato walked through a wide, dimly lit hallway. The hallway was rather busy with people walking up and down it. Most of them are eyeing Ayato because they were present during the trial and weren't pleased with the result of it.

Ayato nervously said, "Well, I don't feel uncomfortable what so ever." as he looked over his shoulder.

Sayuri replied, "Just ignore them; it's not like they can attack you. Well, not here at least."

"Oh gee, that sure makes me feel better."

Sayuri replied, "No problem."

Ayato thought to himself, "So she doesn't pick up on sarcasm either? What a strange girl."

In a monotone voice, Sayuri said, "So now that you're a member of V. There are some things you're required to know. V. isn't recognized by any governments or by any religious institutes. To the government, the supernatural doesn't exist, and to the religious nutjobs, the way we gained our abilities is considered taboo. We are the black sheep."

"Well, there's no way the government could go on national television and say, "Hey everyone, ghosts are real and these people here are going to protect us from them."

"That is correct, but we still managed to keep our secrecy by employing illusionary tactics that would fool people without the ability to see the spirits." which includes this 30-story building that we're currently on the inside of. On the outside, it appears to be nothing more than a two-story office building that handles customer complaints, but in reality, we're in this massive building training while we observe the surrounding areas for potential threats.

Ayato sighed and asked, "Do we get paid for this or something? I don't want to think of this as volunteer work."

Sayuri replied, "That's exactly how you're required to think about it, but in your case, you don't have a choice." As long as V. is keeping an eye on the spirit who issued your contract, you'll always be bound here, until otherwise."

Both of them kept quiet after that, and they just kept walking. After a bit, the pair approached a room, and Sayuri said, "This is where we will gauge your current skills and rank you accordingly."

The large ice-grey metal door automatically opened by sliding to the left, and they entered the spacious circular room, which had a few people already inside of it.

A male's voice said, "Sayuri, what's shaking?" as he approached her.

Sayuri seemed to brush off the greeting and said, "Good day to you, Maritaka."

A dejected look crept up on Maritaka's face as he tried to play it off by passing his fingers through his short, burnt orange-colored hair.

"So I see you have a new recruit with you."

"Yes," That's correct. I would like him to be tested and ranked as soon as possible."

Maritaka eyed a somewhat nonchalant Ayato, who seemed to be in his own world.

"We can begin the test now, so if you comply, step on the lower platform of the room."

Ayato broke out of his daydream and said, "Oh you're speaking to me..." then he walked and stepped on the lower platform.

Sayuri folded her arms in a manner that resembled a crossed parent and asked, "Who will be the vassal assessing him?"

A deep voice replied, "I will gladly do it."

Both Maritaka and Sayuri were surprised by the volunteer. However, Ayato was the most surprised out of the three of them. He gaped at the 6'4 volunteer who was jacked. One can say he looked like a beast of a man.

Maritaka nervously waved his hands, "Major, there's no need for that. I'll do it."

Major slightly rotated his neck while saying, "I am not going to hurt the kid."

Ayato said to himself, "I think hurt might be getting off easy." "This guy looks like he could potentially kill me."

Maritaka turned to Sayuri, "Uh, will you permit that?"

"I don't see any issue with it, so Major, you're free to do so."

Major flashed a confident smile and thanked Sayuri, then stepped onto the same platform as Ayato, who looked a bit frightened.

Maritaka said, "Alright, for this assessment, you will be transported to a forest where you'll be tasked with tagging Major once on any part of his body. Sayuri and I will be observing the situation from a safe distance."

After that was said, there was a flash of light and both people were transported into a thick empty forest. Ayato said, "Well, this might be a pain."

Major exclaimed, "Let's get this party started." Then he summoned his relic, which was a silver dual-handed 5 foot long gatling gun, and began to fire at Ayato, who quickly shielded himself from the hail of fire behind a tree.

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The onslaught continued as Ayato said in his mind, "Well, I might as well throw in the towel. There's no way I can get past that without being shot at least 20 times."

He slightly peeked his head out from behind the tree and quickly pulled it back when one of the bullets bit the side of the tree that was near his eye.

"Ok, now I am really pinned down. I can summon my relic, but what good is a blade against something with that much firepower?"

"I am getting bored over here!" shouted Major as he stopped firing.

Ayato muttered under his breath, "There's no way he can get me through the tree, and if he approaches, I can always take advantage."

"Second Wave!"

The sound of gunfire recommenced, but this time it was redirected from the top of the tree and was slowly being aimed downwards. The bullets of the gatling gun tore through the green leaves and then began to eat away easily at the bark of the tree. The bullets this time packed more of a punch. Ayato kept close to the ground as the hail of bullets, which tore through the tough tree bark like butter, began to come down on him.

He took a deep breath and summoned his relic. His side sword appeared in his right hand, and he made a run for it from the left side. However, Major switched targets almost effortlessly and fired towards him. Ayato swung his sword in an attempt to cut some of the ammunition in half, and it somewhat worked out, but a few missed the narrow blade and grazed him about the body as he rolled behind a large boulder this time.

Ayato panted and said, "This is actually a pain, just like I predicted." A bit of bright red blood ran down his left cheek from the bullet gaze, and the left shoulder side of his dress shirt was stained with blood due to being gazed on there as well.

"I just need to tag him and this nightmare is over, but the second I show myself again, he's going to be ready. Also, that gatling gun doesn't need to reload, it seems to be powered by our spiritual arcane. I can always try that quick step I used on the crab like witch. Something like that may give me an opening."

Major shouted, "Hey kid, this is no fun if you hide all the time."

Ayato shouted back, "Well, excuse me for having the common sense to duck for cover at the sight of a projectile weapon."

Major chuckled, then placed the barrel of the gun on his right shoulder and said, "Let's settle this western duel style. We'll stand 8 feet apart from each other. If I manage to tag you with any of my non-lethal bullets, then I win. If you can tag me with your sword or any of your limbs, then you win."

Ayato sighed and revealed himself from behind the boulder.

"Well, that sounds like a better solution than me sitting here and you playing target practice."

"Great, it's settled then."

Both men walked until they were 8 feet apart from each other. Ayato tightly gripped the hilt of his blade while Major raised the gatling gun to his lips and gave it a kiss.

"This pretty lady has never missed her target, so prepare yourself."

Ayato pointed his blade at Major and said, "First off, that's unsanitary, and secondly, that's creepy."

The two opponents faced each other and prepared themselves. Ayato focused his vision on Major, who just smirked because all he had to do was stand pretty and shoot.

Ayato dug in his pocket and pulled out a silver coin. "We'll start at the flip of this coin."

Major agreed to it.

He then flipped the coin high in the air, and Major's eyes followed it. Ayato instantly performed his quick step towards Major, who immediately pointed his gun and began firing. Ayato swung his blade and managed to cut some of the bullets in half, then attacked with a downward slash after he got close enough to Major's personal space. Ayato had a smug look on his face as he brought the sword down.


Major managed to block the attack with the barrel of the gun and said, "You really think you could get me like that?"

While still crossing weapons, Ayato replied. "Possibly, but we're at a stalemate where I have the advantage because all I have to do is reach in and touch you."

Major laughed and said, "Guess again." He then swept Ayato's feet.


Ayato fell back first on the muddy forest ground. His sword flew out of his hand, and Major pressed the barrel of the gun against his chest.

"I think this is a checkmate kid."



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