A Crane Cries in Huating

Chapter 8: 3.1

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Lingering clouds, and drizzling rain;

The sky is dark and the road now difficult.[1] 

Dingquan retreated to the outer palace, wondering if the emperor would summon him again within this day. If he stayed in Yan’an Palace, he feared that it would irritate the emperor, and his family would also be displeased. He was in a dilemma, so he temporarily returned to the Yanzuo Palace, which was supposed to be the East Palace. 

Yanzuo Palace was located in the southeast of Yan’an Palace, facing the palace wall, being sandwiched between the inner and outer courts. When Dingquan was officially of age to start his studies at the age of seven, he lived here and studied until he came of age, which was at sixteen. However, due to the destruction of the palace and the extensive renovation and construction, he had to move into the West Garden. 

At first, it was said that he was residing there temporarily, but as the project continued to get further delayed for a while, Dingquan became accustomed to living in the West Garden. The renovation was finally completed two years ago, but the emperor issued no decree for him to move back there. Naturally, he was happy with not bringing this matter up as the East Palace was also not being used for purposes other than meeting the officials in the front courtyard during banquets, as even the bed chambers remained empty. For the sake of convenience, people called the West Garden the West Mansion, and consequently, this place the East Mansion. 

Due to the unexpected arrival of the crown prince, there were only a few old servants still present and working in the palace. They temporarily started a fire to cook tea, and then looked around to get a smoke screen. They were all so busy that no one even had a moment to place their hands and feet to rest. 

Dingquan, on the other hand, got up a little early today, and since he couldn’t eat well before, he was now casually taking bites of the sweet pastry the servants brought from somewhere with his clothes still the same. Then, as if having his fill, he leaned on the floor, still in those same clothes to rest, gradually falling asleep. 

In that dreamy haze, he saw a familiar face. The face of a beautiful woman with eyebrows bent like the crescent moon, eyes like that of a phoenix, and her lips red as vermilion. With those flowers which looked like they were made up of gold leaves adorning her two solemn cheeks. She was holding a small baby in her arms, gazing at him with a smile. The flowers beside that dimple were faintly lit by the smile she gave. But it vanished soon after, together with the person in question, without leaving a single hint about her presence from before. Looking around in that vast blank expanse of space, the sky started appearing like a greyish dreamland. Even though this was all taking place in a dream, even though he knew that he was dreaming, he couldn’t help but want to cry loudly. But, as if denying his wishes, no matter how much he tried to, he simply couldn’t cry or even make a sound. 

He opened his eyes in fright and found out that he was lying on his side, with his body cold as ice and his limbs feeling numb. After getting up somehow, he walked near the window and looked out of the palace hall towards the night sky. Those stars and snow felt like they were floating in the sky. But he had no clue how long he had slept or what time it was even now. When he first awoke from his sleep, he felt like his heart would leap out of his chest at any moment, and his mind also felt dizzy. As he remembered what he had just dreamed, his heart became melancholic again. 

After standing alone for a long time, he returned to his senses. As he was about to order a servant to come in and make tea, suddenly someone outside the hall spoke, “Is Your Highness in here?”

Soon after, footsteps approached. When he saw the person who entered, it was Wang Shen, the emperor’s personal secretary. 

Seeing Dingquan, Wang Shen hurriedly stepped forward and said, “I was sent by His Majesty concerning you, Your Highness. His Majesty has ordered Your Highness to go to Yan’an Palace as soon as possible.” 

Dingquan hurriedly rebutted, “Do you know the reason for the order?” 

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Wang Shen glanced at him and said in a grave voice, “I don’t know the details. He was just reading a document when he asked for Your Highness and said that he had something important to discuss.” 

Dingquan could only comply. He followed Wang Shen out of the palace gate. 

The weather wasn’t particularly cold yet, and the snow was almost like rain, melting when it touched the ground, while the stairs looked all moist and damp. Looking up at the sky, it looked ashen. Those heavy clouds looked like they were getting pressed down by the owl’s mouth[2] ridge of the main hall, making the onlookers awe and breathless. 

Dingquan suddenly asked, “What time is it now?” 

Wang Shen replied, “It’s about to be the hour of the snake.”[3] 

Dingquan endured the headache and asked, “Is Prince Qi also with His Majesty?” 

Wang Shen was stunned and said, “The two princes should be in the Empress’s Palace.” 

After taking two more steps, he finally couldn’t help but say, “His Majesty wishes to see Your Highness, but no matter what the matter is, please don’t be willful.” 

Dingquan had been hearing this from him since he was a child. He nodded for now and didn’t ask any more questions. He continued to walk with him silently.


TN Notes
↲1 From Tao Yuanming’s Dense Clouds (停云).
↲2 鸱吻 – chī wěn refers to pottery ornaments at both ends of roof ridges of Chinese-style houses.
↲3 巳时 9-11am.


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