A Demon’s Life

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Resolve

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Chapter 9: Resolve

 "You went on a job?" Andiel was beyond himself. He had worried, when Darius came home a little after the sun had set. Now, his son was before him. His clothes smelt of a different washing soap than the one he used, and Andiel's mind was going to dark places the elf didn't want it to go to. 

"I did, dad. I saved a nymph from slimes," Darius said, and then tilted his head at the worried expression his father was giving him. "I even still have their nucleases." 

"Let me see," Andiel reached out and Darius placed the pouch in his hand. The elf opened the worn leather, and sighed in relief, when he indeed saw the nucleases inside. "Darius, you know that there are bad people out there, right?"

Darius nodded. Seeing as he had grown up on the streets, that was something he knew better than most. 

"I avoid them," Darius said, truthful. He could feel Andy's stare fixated on his nose. Ah, so his new father knew about his little habit by now?

"From now on, you will not go on jobs anymore, Darius," Andiel said sternly. "You are too young. You need to train, both your body and mind. If you really want to become a bounty hunter, then you need to prepare." 

"I would like to be more than a simple bounty hunter," Darius said, and bit his lower lip. "If I can make life easier for others, I will." 

Andiel smiled gently at his son, and placed a hand over the boy's hair. Now that the hair was clean and combed, it was as soft as silk. Something that the elf was sure came from Darius's demonic heritage. 

"I will make sure you get all the training you need," Andiel promised, and then brought his son into a hug. "How about you take the time to help me make some Elfide paste? I always run out of the stuff too quickly for comfort." 

Darius perked up at that. For him to make a paste would mean that he was trusted by his father. That he was strong and deserved respect! His eyes teared up, and Andiel hugged him tighter. 

 "No tears — now. I can't begin to imagine what you went through, out there. It must have left a bad taste on your tongue. I know it must have been rough," Andiel hugged his son even tighter, and felt wetness on his shirt. "But you have me. And you will always have me, son." 

Not always. Darius thought bitterly. I will be immortal, and you will die one day. 

"I know that you think now that this is an empty promise," Andiel said with a chuckle, as if reading Darius's thoughts. "But know this. As long as I am in your memories, I will never truly die. You have to make sure that you are around me more often, so you can build more memories with me. Don't grow too quickly. Give yourself time." 

"I will do my best," Darius promised, and was released. 

"Now come along. Or, are you hungry?" Andy asked, a soft smile playing on his lips. 

"The nymph gave me a sandwich," Darius told his father, and then went into the direction of the medical office. Andiel followed him. There was a crate with plants on the floor, and Andiel nodded towards them. 

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"This is Elfide," the elf said, and he picked up one of the topmost plants. "Notice how the blossoms are green? Do you see the white spots on the leaves?"

"I do," Darius said, and then reached out and took the plant. "Does it need to be crushed?"

"It does," Andiel confirmed. "Cut up and crushed. If you boil it, it becomes too acidic to treat wounds. Remember that." 

They worked in silence; their hands clad in gloves. When the plants were all turned to pastes, Darius blinked, as his father nodded to the door. 

"Go and rest. Let me think about with what I can fill up your time, so you won't sneak around," Andiel told him with a wink. Darius blushed, and made it to his room. Collapsing into the soft bed, he looked inside his pouch at the slime nucleus. This was something he had done by himself. His personal achievement. 

He knew that, had he been starving like before Andiel found him, he would have been easy prey for the slimes. They would have cornered him, and their teeth would have done light work with his flesh. Maybe not the ones in the front, but those in the back had been worthy opponents. Snapping at him, and forcing him to jump around. 

Slimes won't be the only thing I hunt...

Darius stopped and blinked at his own thoughts. No, slimes were not going to be the only thing he hunted. More things would come. Like beings that could think for themselves, and others, who were more bestial than that. 

Andy is right, I should train first. 

Darius closed his eyes, and drifted off. He dreamed of himself as a grown-up. With long red hair, one that would go the entire length of his back, and won't hinder him while he fought because he would be so fast, so nimble, that nothing could catch him unawares. He allowed himself to dream of this bright future, and the first rays of sunshine came to him far too quickly. 

The smell of something he had only sniffled from outside of houses before waffled into his nose. It was sugary, and pleasant smelling. Darius made it to the bathroom first, and took a quick shower. After he was done dressing up, he brushed his hair and tied it in a ponytail. The kitchen's door was open, and Andiel was at the stove, flipping thin bread. 

"Hey, kiddo. Pancakes for breakfast today. I have your training plan figured out," the elf told him, and Darius sat at the kitchen table. 

"What am I to do?" Darius asked, as a plate with the pancakes and a jar with jam was placed before him. Then, a cup of tea was added to the mix, and a glass of milk as well. 

"Have fun, and live a little!" His father said with a wink. 

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