A Final Message in these Apocalyptic Times

Chapter 3: C003 – Wait upon a clock.

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Heya, Its me again. Thanks for waiting till the evening. As we talked about before it helps if I can get out early. I prefer mornings since I like the morning dew on plants as they all sparkle like gems scattered among the grasses.
[She seems a little less enthusiastic about chatting than she was before]

Oh? My day? Yeah. One of those Unwanted people tried to grab a hold of me and steal my snack for today but when I pushed them away they tripped down a hill and I didn't see if they ended up in the river. I don't really like to think about it.
[She breathes a slight sigh]

Other than that I found a few tablets I think are painkillers that might help my ankle heal up, its almost done but if I run on it, I still feel a slight resistance. I know I know, I gotta keep it moving right so it doesn't freeze up. I'll be fine thanks for worrying about me. None of my other friends do, we'd have gone camping by now I would have thought but they haven't showed up or phoned to say they booked the place.

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[She glances in the direction of her broken phone]
Oh I forgot, they might have tried texting me then but couldn't get through. I know I was told before to always have a backup phone but its hard to pay for charging both of them constantly ya know?

I love going out glamping with my friends though, we had such a fun time. Sometimes we'd get a barbecue set up and everything, the whole shebang. We'd have packs of sausages, burgers, a whole cooler filled with buns and other stuff, sometimes we'd even need a few bottles of ketchup and other stuff like that.

Kinda wish they still invited me, I mean I know they got invited to that better Uni next year but I thought we were still friends and all that, they should have dropped in by now. It was summer only a few months ago I think?
[For a second her eyes glaze over again]

Well I'm sure it isn't their fault, they could be trying to prepare a surprise party and it's just taking all that much longer, right? You think so too Little Miss Bell? I can't wait then, I hope their surprise is worth it, I could eat 2 whole burgers at this rate if they take any longer.

Speaking of, our group is actually quite large as far as I've seen, we have a group of 9 of us, 3 girls including me and 6 guys, usually enough for us to book 3 rooms when we go out for our vaycays to different countries.

Oh I loved some of the mountain ranges, the mountainside cabins. We stayed near a lake in a sort of B&B once, I loved the look of the lake even though we were there closer to winter, the mist over the lake was magical. It rolled down from the hills like a troop coming to battle and settled for the first few hours of the morning over the lake.

I wanted to go out in a boat in the middle of that but we were told poor visibility made it harder to keep us safe so we weren't allowed out in the middle of it till midday once it had warmed up with the sun overhead.

I spent ages trying to climb in some of the trees, they had an entire climbing area set up all around the lake with one or two ziplines going all the way across it on the hardest courses. We had to wait for the mist to clear up though to make sure we could climb properly. I'd have loved to zipline it but I'm a bit afraid of heights over water. Some of the boys had no issues doing it repeatedly though.

The view was incredible in some places though, especially when we hiked further up the mountain to overlook the forest. The undamaged forests sprawling out in all directions, the chatter of the wildlife and the feel of the wind hugging me as we explored was exhilarating.

Oh sorry Wall, you've been listening to me talk for so long but I have to go rest now, I've got a big day tomorrow, some of the harvest might be ready.


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