A Fox’s System

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – Quests!

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It did take a few minutes for us to reach the counter, minutes during which the shame-play only continued further. I could hear laughs and snide remarks, later of which were aimed at my new body and Ofris’ ‘physical compatibility’ with it, could see both pitying and envious expressions and even hear a female voice cussing at me for whatever reason.

“He is popular.”
An innocent, almost childlike voice rang in my mind. 「Do you like him, too?」
「He already thinks you are beautiful, so if you try your best he will never say no!」
「He doesn’t have a ring either!」

Hearing her exclaim this little information, I couldn’t help but let my gaze wander towards the hand that still held my legs. Ofris had strong and roughened fingers, the result of years of hard work or fighting, but there was no ring to be found on any of them.

“She is right, there really isn’t a ring.”
「So you are interested after all!」
“I am not interested in him!” I protested.
「You are blushing~!」
“That- I am not!”

A long sigh forced my attention away from the fox and onto Ofris. As our eyes met I realized his face was plastered with an expression that revealed neither anger nor irritation. Instead, I found pity and exhaustion. He was honestly worried about me, so much in fact that it made me feel guilty.

“They will help you, don’t worry.” He replied weakly.
“I’m sorry ...”

I couldn't even talk back when he was looking at me like that.

「My little Rika is shy~」
“I am not shy!”
「You should be more confident with yourself! You are a fox, after all!」
“So what? You turned me into a slave! You want me to be proud of that?!”
「But you are no slave!」 The goddess protested. 「And you are not one of those weirdos! You are a fox! That is like-」 She seemed to think for a second. 「A hundred times better!」
“Better? How is that any better? There isn’t even a white tip on my ears or tail! What makes me different from some random dog?!”
“You only realize that now?!”
「I- it can’t be helped! I was so happy I forgot!」
「It is not often that I get a daughter, after all~」

Finally, there was silence. For about a minute the goddess was busy thinking of a solution, drinking hot chocolate or whatever she did when she wasn’t mocking me, then all of the sudden a green screen popped up right in front of my eyes. She had given me a quest, one that made my mood turn sour almost immediately.


『Quest-Chain accepted: A Maiden in Love

Quest 1/5: Notice me!
Objective: Have your crush call you by your name.』

“No way in hell!” I protested. “I am not doing this!”
“Doing what?” My quest target asked.
“Nothing! It is nothing!”
「But Rika! The reward is awesome!」

I tried to protest, I really did, but as soon as I had heard that one magical word, I couldn’t help but let myself be reeled in – hook, line and sinker.

「Of course there is a reward! Just look!」

She was right. Right under the quest terms there were several rewards to be found, each of them to be handed to me once I had finished all five of the quests.


『Rewards upon completing Quest:

⇒Skillset: Novice Magic (Fox Edition)
⇒Skillset: Dancing (Fox Edition)
⇒Skill: Item Box (Fox Edition)
⇒Title: A Fox’s Charm (Passive effect: Changes color of hair)

Additional Rewards for partial completion:
Quest 1: 150 Exp; Quest 2: 300 Exp; Quest 3: 450 Exp; Quest 4: 600 Exp』

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“Magic!?” That single word ran through my head. Magic meant power and freedom and was fun to boot - I guessed. And Item Box? Who wouldn't need a cool cheat in their lives? “Wait- why dancing?”
「Yes, Rika! It’s real magic!」
I couldn’t believe her generousity. “You are avoiding my question. Are you trying to trick me again?”
「I never would play with you!」
“You still remember killing me?”

I somehow managed to not shout at the goddess, keeping it all inside of my head instead, yet Ofris still seemed to realize something was off. He stared down at me with his dark green eyes, searching for the words I wasn’t willing to utter. By the time I had shut the goddess down, he had already found them in my ever-changing expressions.

“You don’t have to be afraid.” He tried to soothe my alleged anxiety. “They won’t harm you in any way.”

That was a lie and an obvious one at that, but I still tried to believe him. He had saved my life twice, once going as far as risking his own for my sake, so he wouldn’t let them hurt me or worse. But there was still a different scenario, a future that looked as sinister as the one Ofris’ former comrades had in store for me.

“They will sell me as a slave!” I protested.

Vivid images appeared in front of my inner eyes. There was a nobleman with greasy hair that ordered me around to fullfill all of his desires, including the ones you couldn’t even talk about in public, one that stole away all my dignity, leaving behind a mere shell of my former self. And there was a second scenario, one too scary, too cruel to be true. Yet it seemed too real.

Aside of noblemen only one group of men was able to spend a fortune on a mere slave: merchants. And those wouldn’t think twice before putting me or rather my body to work. There surely were brothels in this world, and if there was, they would certainly be filled by slaves, girls like me who had lost their freedom just because they looked a litte different.

When I imaginated myself in the arms of strangers three times my age, men who would simply take what they had paid for, I could no longer fight it back. My eyes were burning as countless tears gathered before rolling down my shaking skins.

“I don’t want this! Turn me back! Please!”
“I will do everything! I swear!”
「I-」 Her voice had lost all of its life, leaving behind an empty shell. 「I can’t...」
“There has to be a way!”

There wasn’t. She simply went silent, leaving me behind just as helpless as she had felt herself. There was only Ofris to save me, the very man who would seal my fate.

“What-” He stammered upon discovering my tears. “What happened?!”
“Let me go!” I begged him before I my remaining composure crumbled away. “Please!”

Ofris looked at me confused, but seeing me wail like a little girl was too much for him too handle. He immediately began moving, not towards the exit or the chairs nearby, but towards the counter instead, bypassing the three men that were still in front of us.

When we reached it seconds later, a young, maybe twenty years old girl entered my field of vision. A dark grey uniform was flattering her curves, making her look both feminine and professional at the same time. Compared to the adventurer girls I had seen before, she would look like a bank clerk instead if it weren’t for her pale brown, curly hair that gave her an appearance that was even more lively.

It was only when Ofris stepped closer to her that I realized how familar the girl looked. It was another world, she was older by a few years, wore a uniform and had a different hair-do, but she still reminded me of her. So much that it pierced my heart, giving birth to even more tears.

“Hello Risa,” he greeted her as he was slipping through the gap between the two counters and towards the door waiting behind them, “I will be borrowing one of the sickrooms.”
“Ofris?! What are you doing?! Wait!”

He didn’t wait. Without even giving her an explaination first, Ofris once again stole me away. He opened the door and carried me into a dimly lit hallway and towards the first open door he found. Before I realized, I was already sitting on a bed in midst of a small hospital-like room that had nothing to it but the bed itself, chairs and a table just big enough to fit a tea set for two.

Ofris placed a blanket over my back, went down on his knee in front of me and, while covering the rest of my body, asked me once again: “What happened? You were fine only moments ago!”

I couldn’t answer him. Not only was I unable to even speak properly, thanks to more and more tears stealing away my composure, but there was also nothing for me to say, too. Whenever I tried to speak up, to lie in his face or at least say something superficial to make him stop bugging me, I remembered those men and what they said about me, the fate lying in wait for me and the names I had received today. I remembered everything. Every single word.

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