A Fox’s System

Chapter 31: Chapter 31 – A Meal Shared

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Once again, I had started playing with the stew in the bowl standing in front of me. I was hungry, that much was a given, and it tasted really good, too, but I still couldn't calm down enough to take more than a single bite every now and then.

Ofris was sitting right next to me, almost close enough to touch me, but he wasn't even paying attention. He was just eating happily without minding the weird mood surrounding him.

“How did it end up like this …”

My gaze wandered towards the brown-haired beauty sitting on the sofa that stood on the opposite side of the table. She wasn't happy being here. Not only her eyes, her whole expression and body were screaming insults at me for making her be here.

Risa wore a long, elegant dress of red and brownish colors, combined with black, heeled boots and a dark gray necklace that was decorated with three blood-red gemstones. She looked more like the young lady of a noble house than the simple woman working a counter in the town hall she actually was.

“She clearly had other plans with him.”

Sitting to her left was a far happier-to-be-here Mabel, who wore a green, long-sleeved dress and an amber-colored amulet that went surprisingly well with her hair. She looked every bit as a 'childhood friend’ she could and I really liked that.

“At least she is here with us…”

They hadn't told me much, but what I heard was enough to at least guess what had happened. Ofris had invited the two to a dinner. Being the self-centered bitch she was, Risa had never seen the possibility of it not being the start of her long-awaited romance, but rather something friends did together – and Mabel and I were two of those friends of his.

While he wasn't wearing his armored adventurers' equipment, Ofris wasn't exactly dressed up, either. He wore clean shoes and clothes, that much was a given, but they looked kind of plain. It was only his well-built body that was making the brown boots, the blue trousers and the brown vest he wore above a slightly brownish shirt look decent.

“What is he? A cowboy?!”
Ofris looked at me confused. “What is it?” He asked. “Are you not hungry?”
“I was just thinking about something.”
「Isn't this the right moment to say sorry to him?」

She was right. I would have been happier if Risa wasn’t here with us, but I couldn't change that now. And I really felt like apologizing to Ofris, even if it wasn't for that wicked quest the vixen had given me.


『Quest-Chain: A boozy night

Quest 2/3: Remorse

Description: Apologies to Ofris for embarrassing him. Telling him about this task will fail it.』

The quest demanded nothing from me, I just had to say sorry. There could be no trick hidden somewhere. There was nothing that would hinder me from just doing it now. Who cared about Risa and Mabel hearing it?!

“Ofris …”
“What is it?”
“About the day before-”
“Don't worry about it. You never drank before, did you? Just be more careful from now on.”
“But I still want to apologize! I embarrassed you!”
I glanced at Mabel’s face to find her smiling at me. “It wasn't your fault,” she answered for Ofris.
“I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I will be more careful from now on.”
“You don't have to get so nervous. Nobody is going to get angry at you.”
“You totally do not see Risa staring daggers at me, do you?” 

Risa really seemed angry. She looked as if I had brought up just the right topic to ruin her day. Luckily enough a green screen soon locked away her barely hidden grimace.

“This was all? It was that easy? I would have sworn she tricked me again!”
「I would never trick my cute Rika.」
“You totally would!”


My eyes flew over the system message.

『Quest completed: A boozy night 2/3

Accepted Quest 3/3: A healthy opportunism

Description: Tell him that, even though you are sorry, you regret nothing. Telling him about this task with fail it.』


“This Fox! Is she serious?! How can I not regret it!? I made myself look like a fool in front of those two!”
「But Rika! The rewards! Don't forget about the rewards! They are awesome!」

She didn't even give me a chance. Before I could even decide on how to get back at her, she already made the text on the screen change into the reward section.


『Rewards upon completing Quest-Chain:

⇒Skillset: Intermediate Magic (Fox-Edition)
⇒Title: Cilia's Child』


“Magic …”

I desired this magic, of course I did, especially now that I knew I would probably never be able to use normal spells like the ones Sahria had tried to teach me.

Even though she had given her best, it was all wasted effort in the end. I tried to control mana hundreds of times without even feeling a single thing. I was just unable to. I couldn't concentrate it in my hand, no matter how hard I tried.

There was no tingling feeling in my veins nor was there an uncomfortable warmth when Sahria tried to force her mana into my body. Aside from the few moments I used the fox magic, my body behaved as if it had decided to deny the very existence of magic.

You are reading story A Fox’s System at novel35.com

Shiro's magic was my only chance to gain power aside from maybe sword training and bodybuilding, which would be far too taxing for my weak body.

But was magic so precious that it could make me decide to learn it even at the cost of Ofris thinking I was mad? The answer was easy: yes. Enduring a few moments of pure shame would easily make me stronger, maybe strong enough to go on adventures and defeat monsters. It would only be a matter of time for me to become as strong as Ofris!

“No choice. I should wait for that bitch to leave and just get it over with then.”

Suddenly, a new green screen appeared in front of my eyes. The screen started blinking, once per second, and each time changed its content just slightly. A cold shiver went over my body, followed by a fiery heat and anger.


『Quest updated: A healthy opportunism

Remaining time: … 54 seconds』

It blinked again: 『... 53 seconds』

And again: 『... 52 seconds』


“This vixen…”

My eyes wandered to Ofris and Mabel. “I don’t regret going drinking with you!” I exclaimed. “I don’t regret dancing with you either! I am sorry that I made a fool out of ourselves, but I don’t regret it!”

A green screen blocked away the two of them, telling me that I had indeed finished the quest I was tasked with. A deep relief took hold of me.


『Quest Completed: A boozy night 3/3

⇒Skillset: Intermediate Magic (Fox Edition)
⇒Title: Cilia’s Child』


A comfortable warmth spread through my body as my new magic took hold of me. I felt happy, elated even. And Ofris? He immediately knew something was up. He leaned in to whisper in my ear, something that Risa obviously didn’t like.

“Was it ‘her’ again?” He asked.

I only nodded, which was more than enough for Ofris to know what was up. He raised back up, satisfied, and went back to eating the few remains of his meal. Risa however took this as a chance to send me just another of her death glares. I could only guess what she was thinking now.

“If only I could tell her she can have him…”

On paper that was easy. I could just tell her. But it didn’t seem like she was willing to listen. If anything, she would use any time I spent alone with her for just another attack. And this time I likely wouldn’t make it out with just my ears hurting.

I sighed.

“What is it?” Mabel asked.

Contrary to Risa, Mabel looked rather worried about me. I had been happy as can be just moments ago, only to start sighing the next second. Of course she realized I wasn’t feeling comfortable.

“I think I need some fresh air.”
“I will come with you!”

Ofris was about to say the same, but I immediately stopped him.

“Don’t worry, I am fine. Don’t let me ruin your evening,” I said, before turning to Risa. “Have fun, you two.”

Risa looked baffled. She hadn’t expected me to speak out to her, but it took her only a moment to realize this was her chance for at least half a dinner alone with Ofris. Soon enough a smile grew on her lips.

I, myself, escaped out of the inn, with Mabel following me right on my heels. It was only when we were outside that I could breath free. And so I did exactly that - I took a few moments just catching air.

“You look like you just escaped from a monster,” Mabel said with a laugh.
“I kind of did,” I couldn’t help but remark.
“Is she giving you a hard time?”
“She makes me feel like I stepped into her territory.”

Hearing that, Mabel fell silent. She seemed to think about something for a while, then she turned towards me with a smile.

“So… what is your territory then,” she asked.
“It- it isn’t Ofris,” I heard myself stammer. “Or men…”

She turned around, took a few steps in the direction of my temporary home and glanced over her shoulder. “How about you show me that fox magic of yours?”
My answer came immediately: “Only if you collect the cores!”
“Slimes it is then? We could search for some more challenging opponents…”
“Sounds great to me!”

Getting the chance to use my new magic as soon as possible never was the wrong choice, so naturally I happily followed after her. We separated only at the town hall itself, where she promised to come collect me in the early hours of the next day. It was only then that I realized she didn’t mean ‘right now’ or ‘this instant’.

Still, I was already looking forward to it.

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