A Fox’s System

Chapter 39: Chapter 39 – Mucous me

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The smile on my lips had long faded away. Even with Fiery Ballet, this army of mucous pests was far too overwhelming in numbers to be defeatable on the long run. If things continued like they did, I would sooner or later end up trading my dress with a half-transparent slime.

It most likely wouldn't take long, as all that spinning around naturally came not only at the cost of mana consumption but also a slight dizziness that I couldn’t counter by simply spinning in the other direction. The worst side effect, however, was my inability to aim the magic. It searched for its own targets.

Given the fact that slimes that were close to each other somehow felt like protecting or getting revenge for their comrades, each spin came with the risk of luring in more and more slimes, while those closer to me didn't get attacked for another few spins. Fiery Ballet was a powerful spell, that is if you want to get aggro from every single enemy in an area.

As long as I spun around fast enough, they still couldn't reach me, but that meant I couldn't take any breaks either. Each moment spent resting meant they would close in again and, far worse, meant that the magic was canceled and I have to start it again, consuming several kills worth of mana in the process.

When I turned around to face Ofris, I found him sitting next to the campfire he and the others had built while I was busy playing this useless game. He was the one they had decided on to watch over their meal, some kind of soup and roasted meat.

They couldn't have made a worse choice. Ofris' gaze was glued to me, he didn't seem to trust my ability to fight those slimes at all! I somewhat liked him paying so much attention to me, but if it continued like this, there would only be burnt crisps to eat!

Something heavy hit my leg, punishing me for not paying attention myself. I jumped back to avoid the next attack, but the slimes didn't let me off that easily. Not just one or two, but five of them were ganking on me this time. They were slowly closing in, accompanied by the fizzing sound of dissolving fabric and leather. I could almost see them surrounding me, crashing their bodies into me, forcing me to the ground to then slowly end me. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I had to do something!

“I hope my mana will hold out a little longer…”
「It will be fine~」 
“Fiery Ballet!”

I spun around, one time, another time, a third and a fourth one. When I spun around the fifth time, the last slime changed into a messy puke-like mass – or at least it should have. Instead, I saw two foxfires flying towards slimes standing further away, each standing within groups of their comrades.

Fifteen or more of them turned around from me. I could have bet they were staring at me, but who could tell without them having a real face? It was only when they started jumping towards me, first slowly, then with increasing pace, that I realized I messed this one up big time.


Driven by panic, I jumped back and began spinning, five more times, before repeating the moves yet again. The slimes fell, one by one, but yet again I saw Foxfires go astray. Instead of saving my sorry butt, I had only added to the army charging at me seemingly at a snails' pace.

「You should run,」 Cilia suggested, barely able to hold back her laughter.
“Screw you! Screw you and your stupid magic!”
「It isn't stupid! It does exactly as it is meant to!」
“Who needs a magic that attacks random targets?!”
「Blind monks?」

A slight dizziness attacked me. I knew this symptom all too well, as it marked the end of my battle powers.


The green screen didn't hide this fact either, it showed my weakness in cold numbers, as it has done since the first time I used this command.


Name: Rika
Gender: Female
Race: Demi-Human; Sub-Race: Fox
Class: Magician
Level: 27 - 38% EXP
Titles: A Fox’s Charm, A Good Girl, Cilia’s Child, Loved Child

HP: 565/580
MP: 67/660
Strength: 49
Vitality: 116
Spirit: 131
Intelligence: 132
Dexterity: 68
Physical Attack: 117 (+0)
Magical Attack: 264 (+0)
Physical Defense: 184 (+0)
Magical Defense: 247 (+0) 

⇒Shrine Maiden’s Garments
⇒Vixen's Secrets - Item-Set 2/2: Effects: Self-Cleaning; Self-Repairing; Increases Courage when facing the opposite gender. Increases all attributes by 100% when all set-pieces are worn, up to a maximum of 5.



“Sixty seven mana? Fiery Ballet costs thirteen mana for just one Foxfire! And three more for each additional one!”

I wasn't good at math, and never had been, but even I could easily see that this wouldn't be enough to get rid of the slimes who were attacking me. 

You are reading story A Fox’s System at novel35.com

“What to do…”
「They look at you like crazy bunnies would look at a human-sized carrot.」
“What's with that weird comparison?! Wait- this is it!”
「What is it? You got a carrot? I guess they are vegetarians, after all, but do you really think it will work?」
“Just be silent …”

A giant feast of salad, carrots and countless vegetables appeared in front of me, at least in my dreams it should have. Instead, I now stared at myself, a naked, far more transparent and green version of myself. 'Her' two emerald-green eyes were staring at me questioningly.

This me was beautiful, at least for slime girl standards, but I didn't feel attracted to her, not in the slightest. Who would be attracted to themselves?! I wasn't a narcist!

The slimy Rika didn't care about my trouble. She turned towards her kin, kneeled down and spread her arms, as if to embrace them all at once. Naturally, they accepted her generous offer without thinking twice. Dozens of slimes came jumping over, each of them eager to create a family of mucous miniature Rikas. I could only watch them unite into a filthy pile of bodies and goo.

“Don't tell me…”

When I turned around, I found my immediate fear turned into harsh reality. Ofris was staring at me, or rather the me that was busy mating with the slimes. His eyes were glued to her jelly-like body, her ample bust and the tail, which was spreading droplets of slime whenever it waved around in ecstasy.

「Isn't nature beautiful?!」
“... Fo- Foxfire!”


⊱———— ❈ ————⊰


My eyes were glued at the burning pile in front of me. At least twenty slimes had been in there, twenty souls that never wanted anything else but eat, sleep and mate. It was the last of these three big dreams that marked their end, as it needed only a single fireball to ignite them all.

“They burn like cinders …
「Maybe it is because they are so lazy?」
“How does being lazy turn you highly flammable?”
「They eat plants. Maybe they turn into gases or alcohol?」
“Are they breweries or something?”
「As long as it is good for your quest, who cares~?」
“You are kind of right about that…” The feeling of dizziness attacked me once again. “I should rest for now. I have barely any mana left, after all.”
「So go to Ofris! I am sure he is eager to see you right now~」
“I will make sure he will keep silent about it!”
「That's all ok to me~! Couples should have some secrets after all!」
“Stop hooking us up!”
「But I want you to be happy!」
“Just find me a girl, then …”
「You don't want to be with Ofris?」
"He is like a father..."

That was half a lie and I knew it. After all Ofris had done to help me, he was more than just a father figure. Without him, I would be alone in this world, and most likely dead or enslaved by now. Who knew which rich guy would keep me busy in the nights if it wasn't for Ofris protecting me? I would never be free!

“If only he wouldn't look at me like this…”

When I reached the camp, Ofris was the only one still around. He greeted me with an expression that revealed both worry and relief.

It was obvious he had watched me all this time, always waiting for the moment he would jump in and save me, while hoping it would never arrive. 

“How do you feel?” He asked when I sat down next to him.
“I feel exhausted and sleepy," I confessed, “I overused my mana …”
“And your leg?”
“My leg?”

My gaze wandered down my body. He was right. I had almost forgotten about the dress. One of my boots was gone, the other one damaged beyond repair, while the dress had lost quite a bit of fabric, making it look both worn out and slightly risque.

“Let us not talk about it …”
“Be more cautious next time.”
“It won't happen again. I already have a plan on how to deal with them.”
Ofris looked at me, slightly restless. “Does it involve that 'magic'?”
“It- it works! What is wrong with it when it works!”
“I am a man too,” he protested, using more volume than he probably wanted to. “You should be more careful …”
“I never wanted to show it to you! It is that vixen's fault!”
“It is still your body!”
“... sorry.”
A sigh slipt his lips. “Just be more careful.” 

After advising me like this, Ofris went silent again. He picked up a bowl, filled it with a few ladles worth of soup and began cutting small pieces of meat into it. After about an additional minute of work, he reached me the finished meal. With all the workout I had been through today, it couldn't possibly look more delicious.

“Be careful. It is still hot.”
“Thank you, Ofris…”
“There is no need to hold back. We got enough.”

Feeling quite starved after all I have been through since this morning, I naturally didn't hold back the slightest. I did not eat just one or two, but three bowls of the soup, enjoying each spoonful more than the ones before. Ofris was a good cook.

“Thank you,” I softly said between two sips. “For being here with me.”

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