A Gamer and the Goddess of Karma and Balance

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 – Dungeon Crawl

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A revised version of this story will begin to appear on Patreon, for members only, in the next week or so.  It will return to 'Elf on Man' action that some readers enjoyed.  This version will continue to be updated on a monthly basis from this point forward, and be without the Elf on Male action here only.


"I want to say right, but that would be foolish. I am left handed, and should always start where I am familiar. I will go left, and if you should follow, also follow my lead. We'll get close to the room, determine the size of the room, and if there is another entrance, or hall." He said.

"Stealth? After all this?"

"Especially after all this. Do you think they believe we succeeded?" He asked. She frowned, and shook her head. "Determine the size, and see if we can peak inside without alerting those inside. If there are supplies inside, such as armor, weapons, we'll determine whether to lure them out, or just burn them out. If we burn them out, cast flames along with me, and watch it feed on each other. Then cast a wind spell. It will fan the flames, and should kill everything inside."

"Got it."

It was a well thought out plan, but Baris didn't anticipate door guards. They got close, got caught as they tried to peek in, and had to scramble back.

"CAST! FLAMES!" He shouted. She followed suit. "GUST!" The result was what Baris hoped for, but so hurriedly done that their flame spells were one after another rather then on top of each other.

"Fuck." He swore. They rushed back to the intersection. "Trouble. Get ready to retreat if this doesn't work the same way." She nodded, stood beside him, and watched his fingers.

"Three Two One" Then on queue, "FLAMES! GUST!" The flames spread from their hands into the three corridors, fed by the winds generated.

"Luckily for us, the flames are fueled by manna, and not the fuel of their fats." She nodded quickly.

"Still some red dots. Try again, or go for weapon kills?" She asked. He shrugged.

"I still need some points for my hammer skills." He looked at the gore encrusted hammer, and frowned slightly. "Mist. There. Clean." She shook her head.

"Balless Stallion! How did you do that?" His cheek twitched a bit until his lips curled up in a grin.

"I thought I could do it, so I did it. It feels like the manna takes moisture from the tunnel and turns it into water for my spell. I'm not sure what higher level spells do, but this one is simple. Maybe I should have used cleanse." He shrugged again, and she rolled her eyes.

"That's why we don't learn new magics. We use cleanse so we don't try other ways. Come on, human. Let's clear the rest of this floor." She said.

"It's Baris." He growled and swung his hammer at the wall. A goblin went splat. "Behind you, an assassin level." She stabbed passed her hip casually, and slashed sideways.

"I should have called you a small dicked stallion, as you feel more like an elf then a human, but I didn't know if you would be insulted." She stabbed over his shoulder while he reached behind her and crushed a skull with the head of his hammer.

"Small dicked, yeah. Pissed to the extreme. Elf? Do I look like a tall bad ass woman to you? You giant bitches are the epitome of deadly beauty that a lot of my people once dreamed about. Tall, muscled, dominant, and still feminine." He shook his head. "Let's clear this floor and take a short rest. We both need to solidify our levels, and I've leveled three times since I started fighting today." She grinned, while at the same time, her darker brown skin hid the slight blush she felt on her cheeks.

She watched him turn away, and sighed a bit.

No wonder Nuella likes this guy. No prejudice towards us, and finds us attractive, not like the other humans. Too bad he's not a woman. I wouldn't mind making this human my mare.

She watched him shiver, and once again wondered if Nuella had imbued him with some special observational skills, or just told him to watch his backside. She sighed again as she knew it would never happen. She would only ever fuck her Zennie, the only reason she came to this area of the world, and her sole reason for staying.


* * *


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"Finally cleared. A hundred advanced goblins. Bloody hell." Baris picked up the last of the manna crystals, and handed her a sack of them. "We may need them deeper in. You never know if they've tainted the water source." She nodded.

"Agreed. You sleep first. You look just about done in." She said quietly.

"I am. These bastards have grown like grass in the summer. Never ending." He groaned and sat down, after he handed her the sack of jerky. They were stationed in a side room, away from the stairwell that went down, and reasonably safe. It used to be a supply room before it was engulfed in flames.

The fur he had placed became his mattress and the stone his bed. He fell asleep like a candle that was snuffed.

She looked down at him with a complicated expression, and left the room for a moment. The movement of manna, and a relaxed expression when she returned might have tipped him off if he had been awake.

She couldn't allow her lust to get in the way of their dungeon crawl.


* * *


"Yawn. Not nearly enough to suit me, but enough to fix my new level." Alea grinned and stretched. "Level twenty three. My sister will have my ass if she ever finds out how lazy I've been." She heard a soft chuckle.

"An elf at your age is only a level twenty three? She should have your ass!" He grinned as her mouth dropped open. "What? Did you think I should coddle you? This dungeon exists because you were coddled, Alea." He grinned wider. "If I thought it would make any difference, I would ride your ass as well!" She blushed brightly.

"Nasty man!" She growled, but also pouted. Baris didn't realize that stallions would punish their younger brethren by actually fucking them, and humiliating them like they were a mare. It had been a few decades since the last time she'd been ridden by her sister, but she didn't relish the idea of being humiliated by her sister again, even though it sent a shiver of hunger through her.

"Well, you'll grow today. Let me tell you, I'll make sure you get off that splendid looking can of yours, and work it properly." He grinned so wide, he looked like a typical human villain, which only made her blush even more.

She didn't want to admit how she secretly wanted to be ridden by her sister again, but have it done privately. It was a perverse pleasure that younger stallions sometimes had fantasies about.

It wasn't a surprise they were a little perverse in their desires. It wasn't uncommon to have their mother a part of the mass village orgy that occurred when a colt came of age. Alea's and Aleda's mare mother was their first lover, as she took the edge off their hunger until they were in the full throes of the madness.

"Come on. There was only one goblin spawn in the last two hours, and the dungeon is no longer gathering manna to create new spawns." He said as he held out his hand. "Full Body Cleanse."

"How do you know it's not gathering manna?" She asked.

"The area has grown too lean to expand the dungeon, stabilize the lower floors, and spawn in new monsters. The last one was quite weak and feeble." He held out his hand, and pulled her to her feet.

"We're going to clear another two or more floors before we rest this time. When I get to level eleven, I'll let you take most of the kills to get you to level up more. Unless you get tired, or need to recharge, I'll back you up and keep your ass safe." She smiled a little as he handed her some jerky on a clean leather piece.

"I know you don't like it when others touch your meat, so I used cleanse on the leather, and the meat." She smiled and took a large bite. When he turned away, once again, he felt a chill run down his spine.

Baris had no clue how this simple courteous and considerate behavior turned her on.


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