A Gamer and the Goddess of Karma and Balance

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Survival Skills

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To say it was a comedy, would also highlight how his life was a tragedy at the same time.

Baris climbed an oak tree, but with his large body, at just over three hundred pounds, it was difficult to do in a timely fashion. That didn't prevent him from the attempt.

Nor did it prevent the wolf from its attempt to turn him into food.

"OW!" Baris cried out as the wolf leaped upwards, and grabbed hold of his fleshy cheek to pull him down. His white butt did not tear open, but the teeth of the wolf embedded in his skin. The extra weight pulled Baris out of the tree, and he fell the fifteen feet from the branch to the ground, with the blue wolf cushioning his fall.

The angle was perfect. For Baris.

"Mother son of a low down no good bitch!" He swore loudly as he scrambled to his feet and put his fist up in a ready position. He frowned and groaned, not only at the pain, but the odd angle of the wolf's neck.

"What the hell. Level two?"


* * *


Baris rolled his eyes after he went through the warnings he had received through his status plate. Also, the messages about the level up.

"Fifteen hundred XP, one hundred to level up, and fourteen hundred wasted. Fuck." He swore. That would be several level ups if it just added to his total. Instead, he would need to rest up a bit in order to solidify the increase in his status.

"Okay, also there is a new skill. Hostile presence detection. Ten points to that, which leaves it in the Low novice level. If I read this correctly, Novice is for someone who has no teacher. There is novice, beginner, apprentice, journeyman, master, high master, and a few others I can't yet detect. Each has ten levels until it's mastered, and I can be considered a beginner. Okay, you know, this all makes sense." He looked at the wolf.

"Can I eat wolf meat?" He thought for several seconds, and slowly nodded. "Yeah, it must be like a wild meat." He looked at the carcass, and decided that he would eat this wolf. But how?

"I need a tool."


* * *


"Never thought I would actually get to use this kind of information. Blue stone or armor stone, a stone nearly as hard as granite, and useful for stone tools. However, it shatters rather then deforming. Maybe if I break this rock, I can get a shard that should be sharp enough." He picked up the stone that should have been much heavier then he could lift, but he managed it. He tossed it at another slab of blue stone, and grunted.

He picked it up again and threw it once more.

"Yes!" The stone broke, and a piece of it broke off that he could use as a knife. He frowned for a moment.

"I need a fire. I hope that guy wasn't trolling us ignorant computer nerds with his 'survival skills'."

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* * *


"Not impossible." Baris frowned at his hands that now had some blisters on them. "But difficult." The glowing embers from the stick he rotated on another were placed onto some dry birch bark. Baris skimmed some of the birch bark he peeled to get smaller and thinner fibers. When he put the fibers near the ember, he smiled.

"Fuck me, he wasn't trolling." He slowly fed the ember with more fibers, some shavings from a stick that he carved using the shard of blue stone, and made a small flame. It took several more minutes to feed this small flame and make it a fire, but once he had the flame, he knew what to do.

"Glad my old man taught us how to make a fire when we were young." He broke dry branches he picked up, and turned that small flame into a nice little campfire. He made it far enough away from the trees that he wouldn't cause a forest fire. After some thought, he used the bark to transfer the fire to the slab of blue stone.

"I once heard that fires could often ignite the peat in an area, and travel for long distances. I'm not sure that's true on this world, but I'm not going to roast my own ass for a wolf to find and eat me later." After he settled the campfire on the stone, he took a stick, peeled it using the shard and blackened it in the fire. He looked at the stick and nodded.

"Fresh is good, but torched is better. The fire will kill bacteria and parasites that I may not enjoy ingesting. Now, it's time to make something to eat." He took his shard, now identified as a stone knife, crude quality, and gingerly cut open the belly of the wolf.

Grunting, and growling to get his mind to grasp the idea that this was necessary, he overcame his initial nausea towards the blood and organs he pulled out of the wolf's belly, speared the liver onto the stick and put it on the fire. It was a little direct, but he didn't have a proper spit set up.

His primary purpose right now was to get some real food into his belly. As the liver roasted, and he continued to work on the wolf's meat, he managed to peel, blacken, and spear the heart, and some of the haunch. The nausea had given way to sheer naked ravenous hunger as the meat's scent rose into the air.

"Oh shit." He came to a quick realization. "What if there are other wolves that smell this meat cooking?"


* * *


"That old book was right. A knife and some wood, and you can make a spear that could save your life." The spear had been thrust into the open mouth of a grey wolf, which killed it as the sharpened oak wood penetrated the wolf's brain.

"Oh. Level three. More wasted points, but what is this? Unassigned skill points?" Baris ripped into the liver and frowned a little at the gamey flavor, but his stomach growled at him again. A not so gentle reminder that he was mad hungry, and needed to eat quickly.

"Let me see. Spear crafting. Spearmanship. Tool crafting. Hostile presence detection. Camping, with a subset of campfire creation. Cooking. Material analysis. Food Ingredient Analysis. Alchemy Ingredient analysis. That is nine different skills awakened, which gave me a skill point for each. Level ups give no skill points, and nothing has changed on my stats...no, that's wrong. All my stats have plus signs! Hitpoints will go up by two due to Strength and Endurance." Baris bit into another piece of the roasted liver, and turned over the heart and leg of the wolf. That was all the room available over the fire.

"Can I assign a point to strength? Oh!" Baris stood up right away. "I see! One strength now has a plus one, and my hitpoints have a plus three!" He sat back down. "Let me see. Hit points go up by three points per level up now. I get it. Assign one more to strength, two to Endurance. Two to Agility. Two to Intelligence, and one to Creativity. Next skill level up, I'll assign one more point to Creativity. Hm, it looks like Manna, Magical Source is ruled by Intelligence, and each will go up by three points per level up. Okay, I think I'm getting this."

Baris smiled and looked at the remainder of the blue wolf corpse, as well as the grey wolf, and his naked body.

"I need clothes. Can I make fur clothes, like in that video game?"


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