A guide to magic and immortality

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: a strange occurence and back home

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Chapter 15: a strange occurrence and back home

---in an alley in the biggest city of the country---

The bastards… they got me… Even after all the struggling I’ve done they finally got me. I guess those false gods really do decide everything, including death. No matter, I’ve managed to store the truth away and it will be found one day. I could feel my life fading away and I thought that this was it…..

My eyes jolted open and all I could see was a rather short of stature man walking away. I was thoroughly confused and then I felt that my chest had closed. It had nearly completely healed. I wanted to go on after him and ask him who he was and thank him but I couldn't get up. The man was out of sight quickly enough and I wondered who he was, could he be a rogue demigod wanting to help me and going against the gods? He had to be a demigod because that wound on my chest could not be healed by normal means. But all of the demigods were under full control of the gods.

Suddenly I had a thought, a thought that would get me branded as an even worse heretic. Could it be that this is an actual god and not the tyrant of gods we have here? The thought itself felt illegal to think and it was but it seemed the most logical to me. I had to do something about this but how?


---back to the cabin in the woods---

I woke up early today and decided to first do my morning workout routine. I had started this a couple of years ago so I could also be in good shape physically since that was necessary for both fighting and it would help during experiments. My goal for the next week was to enchant my cauldron so it could conduct Mana better, helps with separating Mana, boosting Mana power, heats up by itself and can control said heat and finally making my potions better and easier to create. I had the necessary runes laid out so there shouldn’t be any problems but it’d still have to be done and cost quite a bit of Mana. The advantage was that runes for spells and runes for enchanting were exactly the same just in different combinations and different coordination runes.

The 4 basic types of runes were foundation runes which were things like water runes, fire runes, etc. they were the foundation of any spell or enchantment. Then came the connection runes which combined the various runes together. Then there were coordination runes which were the ones that shaped the effect and the way the effect would work an example would be that they would make it so that a spell would fly or go a certain distance. These also included tunes in enchanting that could make it so that a cauldron would heat quicker. Not heat up but heat quicker. Then finally there were effect runes. These runes could do various things. Two examples would be the rune that produces the heat. Another would be the rune that adds a Mana component to my water spell. Together these runes can form enchantments or spells and all of them are very important which is why I couldn’t simply create a spell with just the water rune.

I tried inscribing the runes onto my cauldron but by the 3rd enchantment the cauldron exploded. I managed to jump back but a shard of the cauldron still struck my torso. I quickly pulled it out before imbibing a potion I always keep on me for emergencies so it wasn’t that big of a threat but the reason for it exploding is a problem. I imagined that the metal couldn’t hold any more enchantments and overloaded but that meant that I’d have to drastically alter my design. I went back to the designing and a couple days later I had a more perfected design which should conduct Mana better, boost the Mana power and has a degree of heat control. While this was far less than my original goal, it'd have to do. This would also mean that I’d have to look into getting materials that could hold magic better but that’d have to wait for later. For now I had my cauldron to enchant and I started work on it once again. I used a pen I created for this exact purpose which consisted of a part of the Mana orb I got from the animal combined with a metal stick. On the stick were some enchantments I brute forced onto there with magic but it allowed me to inscribe runes by supplying it with Mana which would be led through the Mana core which led to me being able to create runes. I carefully traced out the lines of the runes, starting with the foundation rune which was water since water is the base of potions and therefore governs the runes on a potion cauldron. After that I slowly gave shape to the other runes. Everything went well and I thought everything went well.

I went to test it out by creating more healing potions and this time it went a lot better compared to before. It was easier to make potions and being able to control the heat ended up making me a lighter shade of purple potion which I could feel with my Mana sense was better and more effective than the darker purple ones. With this new cauldron I felt more comfortable experimenting and I might try to make some other potions soon. I had an idea for a potion that cures poison so that would be very useful if I ever encounter something like snake or another poisonous animal or monster. I had some more ideas for potions which I was planning on all bringing to fruition. I also want to try and make some more spells since while my current spells are powerful, they are not very versatile and the efficiency compared to simply writing it in the air is much higher. Every rune also had specific attributes that aren’t to do with their base elements. Examples would be fire being destructive and having to do with rebirth, earth having protective and calming properties and so on. This might be a bigger help when I understand them more but I was hoping to create a defensive spell by using earth and creating a healing spell with an odd combination of water and fire for cleansing and healing properties. While my common sense said that this should not work, this was magic and I could not discard that this was simply how things worked. Whatever the case, I would have to be careful. I had good healing potions so even if things go awry, I should be fine. I would be careful however.

Apart from that I also wanted to try and see if I could build a better home since my current one was… lacking to say the least. It was indefensible and badly made, a simple attack could destroy it. I had gotten physically stronger and I had a lot more Mana so I should even be able to make a stone house. I would also try and make palisades to keep out unwanted animal visitors. If I were to ever get into a dispute with my human neighbours, this would also help. While I would stand no chance against an army, I sure wasn’t going to make it easy for them either. I should also try and make some more large scale magic for that reason but that would probably be 3rd tier magic which was too advanced for the current me.

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