A guide to magic and immortality

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: first steps

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Chapter 8: the first steps

The day started with my body aching all over but the healing magic had done a stellar job and the wounds were not that bad anymore. The still hurt a lot but I could manage and keep on working. My current goal was still to see if I could get some form of magic sight since that would make researching magic so much easier. Before I started my research however, I ate and drank a bit and applied new healing magic because it was mostly done by now since I slept in.

After that was done I started work on observing the Mana within this body and see if I could apply that in a less…. painful way than what I did before. As I was observing my Mana I suddenly had a revelation. I could sense some magic but it was very, very faint. I could sort of feel Mana around me at all times or when magical effects were produced but it was so faint that I never fully realised it. Now that I knew this, I could try to improve this. I have no idea how to train this though so I will need to use magic. Knowing more clearly what I needed to do should help me create magic that would not backfire though. I wrote ‘My Mana sense is amplified by 10 times on my left thumb’ and suddenly my thumb felt like I dipped it in warm water at a perfect temperature. I could feel all kinds of different types of Mana. Some felt more home-y, others felt like they were powerful but the absolute majority felt fleeting. With this new success in hand I ended the magic on my thumb and then wrote ‘my eyes can see Mana in a similar fashion as my normal Mana sense but amplified by 10 times’

When I opened my eyes I could See they weren’t colours but everywhere I could see things. They sort of resembled colours but with an infinite depth, powerful and eternal. I looked around and I could see so many different types. Different things seemed to have different types of Mana associated with them. The ground had something that I dubbed earth Mana, the air, air Mana and so on. This could mean that different people had different attunements when it comes to Mana. I looked at myself but could not spot any different Mana and the Mana I could see seemed to be sort of neutral. Curious about something I conjured a simple flame and looking at it intently I could now know why it was so expensive to cast compared to using earth spike with an earth component. There seemed to be another Mana type intermixed with fire Mana that felt like it had to do with dimensions. It was likely that conjuring things involved opening a small opening to another plane of existence and then calling something from it. The issue with this was that there might be different creatures on those planes but that was neither confirmed nor something I had to worry about since I could do nothing about it.

Continuing on with my research I started work on cataloguing different Mana types but for that I needed something to write in. From my previous life I knew that wood could be processed into paper and I hoped that magic could speed up that process tremendously since I only knew that it was a possibility but I had no knowledge of how to do it. I grabbed a stone knife I had laying around and scraped some bark off of a tree to then get access to the wood underneath. Shaving off wood scraps took a bit of time but with me living on my own, I had all the time in the world. Once I felt that I had enough scraps I used some magic to turn it into paper. It cost me less Mana than I expected and I was curious as to why, could it be that fleeting knowledge makes magic easier to cast? It would make sense since it’d focus intent more clearly , useful to note. Going back to making a notebook I needed leather to make it a full on book but I could use this to note down the different types of Mana that I could see. There were a couple basic ones that I could see such as something I dubbed nature Mana which filled many trees and the four basic elements, fire, air, earth and water. Now that I could see Mana I wanted to check the Mana density of blood. Luckily my pen still had plenty of blood in it so I simply spilt some on a random rock to then check it. There was a lot of Mana in there so it could be that Mana works as a form of energy that can be conducted by iron which would make sense but what was a bit odd was that the Mana wasn’t pure as I had thought. It was still somewhat the same as what I could see within my own body but it felt off, like something was wrong with it. It felt familiar but I couldn’t place it fully. To do more tests I made a small cut in my finger and observed the blood that flowed out and it was completely different from the blood in my pen. It was a lot less dense with Mana, more in compliance with the apparent equilibrium within the body. It also was still pure so it must be something that happens after. I continued observing and a couple minutes after it was spilled (having no way to accurately check the time was getting annoying) it started to attract a Mana type that felt… off which proceeded to mix with the pure Mana, forming a new type of Mana which I dubbed blood Mana. This blood Mana seemed to be usable to cast pretty much any magic decently well, probably because of its partial purity. The other Mana type it bonded with was confusing but that would have to wait since I had no way to research it currently. The possibilities of blood Mana on the other hand were endless since it was now clear that I wouldn’t have to worry about the blood losing Mana. This could make it excellent for rituals and large magics for which I currently don’t have the Mana yet.

Moving on with cataloguing more things I simply went around the forest and what was interesting was that certain plants had certain Mana types within it. I for example found a herb that contained healing Mana which I want to see if I can make potions with that but that’d have to wait for another time since I had no idea how alchemy would work. I was quite curious about the beast that I had encountered earlier and I might set a trap so I could study it. The new discovery of blood Mana could help if only I had a way to channel it more properly. Simply writing it down on the ground has its limits. Perhaps I could still kill it by preparing a magic that could kill it in an ambush. This would be worth trying but I’d have to come up with a plan.

Luring it would be easy, I could quite simply use another rabbit since hunting them isn’t very hard. When it comes to killing it, I could use the advantage of being able to very precisely describing the effect to kill it in a single strike. I got to work and first decided to work on the magic. I still had a decent bit of blood in my pen left but it wouldn’t be enough so I would have to find some blood from other sources, probably from a couple of small animals. I got started on the first part of the magic array which specified that it should only activate when a beast larger than me stepped on the array. I then hunted some animals to gather blood and added the attacking part of the array which I decided would be a prison of stone which would then be filled with water to drown the creature. While this wouldn’t be the nicest way to kill the beast, it would mean that it’d get my hands on a nearly intact specimen. I also added an array that activated whenever the creature inside the prison was dead for more than a minute, the prison would disappear. All of this costed me a lot of Mana and blood but luckily I could mask the blood smell so I had enough time.

The following day I added some backup arrays that were activated by me adding a couple of extra words for quick activation. These were things like earth spikes, fire bolts and other ways to secure my own safety. I then went out to get bait which I hung on a tree just above the main array.

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