A Heart’s Crown

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Forester or Warrior

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Elfahen dert sjen…” the beautiful singer chirruped, painting Bernadette’s silent wake beneath the largest and tallest boles. The barks were shadowed although illumination was present in the forest, she was in.

Sangfaheim yelbot threk vark…” the lyric continued. Bernadette was in her sleeping gown. The white canvas hiding the touch of her naked toes feeling the rough roots. “Ruegelpten, nahasum cholhetn." The young forester could sense the odd warmth of the cold forest, in a dream, so Bernadette decided she was in a fae dream.

“And you are right, fegahum.” Bernadette’s surprise lunged towards the owner of the woodland speech. And standing in what could have been the pearl countenance of a sycamore, with the length of fluid silk fluttering the visage behind her, was a majesty of a woman. Floating perhaps, for she was but higher than the ground her legs would have lifted.

When she smiled, Bernadette could only melt beneath the compassion of her soft pale lips and the silver shimmer of her long straight hair. There was supposed to be fear when you bask in the presence of the fae, but with her, Bernadette felt tenderness instead.

“Yes, fegahum. You have been brave. I must now give my thanks to you,” the woman basically sang.

Bernadette gasped.

“I know it may have sound foolish in my part, to thank you, especially to a human child. But it is by my own way to ask for your forgiveness, aid, and for your protection.” No word was relented from the forester. Bernadette of course understood of the three remarks, but from a high fae possibly, the child was left empty handed.

“You need not to remember every ounce of these oaths to you, fegahum, for the blood of man and fae shall shelter your heart when it comes to so,” she went on. “Firstly, there will be no enough grace that has my child put upon you as forester. Therefore, I will sign him to you as forever companion, lest betrayal or breaking coming from you will free him from this burden. Second, by your own choice will you make friendship not only from the relationship you will have, but to my entire forest. Your intentions will be all accepted and coveted. And lastly, become my humble forest warrior. Through heart, I see no greed from you. By mind, you are only young as of this time. And as my thanks to you, shall be our loyal contract, that you of course have full will to accept or not at all.”

The humming of the woman’s song was agonizing. Bernadette’s mind had flooded in escape and such exchanges were not heard off from the foresting charters. Lost in shock and confusion, Bernadette’s eyes wobbled and glistened to terror. She did not know what to do nor to answer.

But the woman’s soft chuckle lifted the lump in her throat. “There is much time, fegahum. So much time indeed. I even offer a taste to this arrangement. I await your full response in patience. Now, worry not your ailing heart for you must need rest.”

The pearl woman had smiled with her also white teeth before the gloom of the towering trees encompassed Bernadette’s vision. Swirling around her delusion, not long until it winked out the glowing delight of the high fae’s.


She was left deep in thought in that entire early morning. Managing to snug her family’s sleeping mat, blankets, and pillow before sighing, “Aaaah.”

“You awfully sound like your father when he’s lost, deary,” Amborella murmured, making sure to lessen the sonority of a chilled dawn. “What’s wrong?”

“Its just that, I really had this bad dream mama.”

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The Foresters were not keen to sheltering under tents as a home, Bernadette’s father had tediously supplied. So, unlike the other folks who have joined the Frontier, it was the Foresters who had kept sleeping in their wooden carriage. With their other living furniture, Bernadette and her family had to wait for her dah to finish their cabin, which was much in good progress. So, Amborella had simply put down her daughters’ food bowls on the carriage floor before turning to her daughter, “What made it a bad dream, my Acacia?”

“Well, there was this beautiful lady, I think, was the same one dah had a dream about.” Unbothered by the recognition in her mother’s bronze eyes, Amborella urged her daughter to continue. “And she said that I could be her warrior. I don’t know what the other things she had mentioned about companions and friendship, but the warrior stuck, mama. Foresters aren’t supposed to be warriors, we’re guardians I think.”

Bernadette was kneeling to the carriage rear door and accepted her mother’s hand upon her bent composure. “I think that’s not bad of a deal. I hear warriors are like guardians, but warriors can choose who they can protect,” her mama patted. Amborella was the embodiment of soil and tree. For though her height could not surpass the timber of her father’s, she was the earth of her family, her brown hair and darker complexion mixing the strength she offers to her daughters.

“But I am to be a forester like dah…” Bernadette’s heart and face crumbled.

“Then you can be a forester, deary,” her mama lifted her somber chin. “And I think could means you have the choice.”

“But she also said ‘thank you.’ And she was our high fae. How was I supposed to decline?” Bernadette bit her lip.

“Then you can be a ranger. Better than just plain old forester or men-at-arms, yeh?”

“A ranger? What’s a ranger?” The occupation had somehow offered a small sun to Amborella’s growing sapling.

“That’s between a forester and warrior ain’t it? We don’t much read books deary but I think you can offer it to Lady Aluwein. A much more promising conversation.”

Once again, Bernadette’s breathe had escaped her. “You know her?”

“I really should. I think it would be bad for me if she steals your dah from me yah? I bet she was gorgeous in your dream?”

Bernadette nodded and smirked.

“And to make sure she listens to you, when she visits you again, you tell her that she needs to talk to me first, your mama before you are pushed to becoming friends with people I don’t know about.”

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