A Heart’s Crown

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Channels of the Abandoned

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Bernadette saluted, a closed fist between her chest. “Sir!” she assented as she hid the empty leaf wrapping in her pocket. She was lucky she was able to change to her forester attire before chasing after her startled family.

The ranger snorted. “Only Tagrain. Now, come,” and he went off through the meadow.

But it is dangerous, warrior! Aluwein has no control over those who come through the Gates. Allura called out but she was unheeded. Tagrain’s sword and quiver were slapping along his lumbering figure when Allura turned to the child behind her.

You cannot do this. Please, Bernadette. I don’t have power over your name by the High Lady’s command to stop both of you, but you can’t just keep following him! Allura begged.

She was still sorting through courtesies when Bernadette digested the toad’s words. “I’m sorry Allura but I was given freedom to choose. And you having no faith in me hurts. I will prove it to you.” She dropped her salute and eyed the toad. “And I will prove it to everyone that I can be a forester like my father.”

She ran for the ranger, the scent of spring stinging on her knees and the fielding green a cheery recess from the thorny bushes. There had been less pain in her boot, Bernadette noticed and her breathe was fresh and stretched.

Fine, you stubborn stump! Bernadette thought she heard the toad croaked. She was still wobbling with her damaged footwear when the familiar weight on her head encouraged her on. At least I get to see you fail, the toad simpered.

Laughing for her friend gave Bernadette strength.

It was a long and peaceful sprint before they stumbled on to where Tagrain drafted his falchion. The gleam of its edges racking foreboding to the raised platform. Hitched with old and forgotten texts, the stone circle was flaunting the meadow’s vegetation, its cracks teeming with weed and vine.

The Gates, Allura whispered.

Must we be quiet? Their guest inquired.

“No, but vigilant,” Tagrain started. “As ranger, those that come through will become your burden. Escort, protect, or battle, you must have the adequate wisdom to perceive their intentions. Have prejudice and you shall face everything as enemy,” he steeled his eyes to the child. “Have doubt and you will lack faith and trust. Have no love for your forest and you shall fail.”

The responsibility parched Bernadette’s lips. “Have I no choice? My mother wishes to send the High Lady a message.”

Tagrain raised a brow. “You have the chance to decline, yes. If you have word for her, I shall guide you there.” And he sighed, “And you have spoken your true desire to become a forester. I will not stop you.”

Bernadette’s cheeks were warm but her limbs were cold. The elf had heard her declaration from a far distance. She could only make an affirmative nod.

“Other duties of a ranger may be as the same as a forester but more perilous. I appreciate your persistence.” He turned towards the opposite edge of her home’s trees. As he hid his sword, he prompted, “Come, I will lead you to the High Lady. But this time, we must tread carefully. She has her own early caller present.”

Bernadette was rooted on her soil when Tagrain had sustained his back to her, still close. His guard, cautious.

He is waiting for you, you lump! Allura hissed.

Oh! Bernadette jerked and went for the ranger. As she was but beside him, the ranger traversed onward, Barn Fegahum, his short tail.


The same as their hour of trekking, jaunting towards the canopies was long. Their moments of silence however were drowned by the unceasing breach of Bernadette’s thoughts.

Does it mean her guest is from the Gates? The girl asked the toad.

Yes. And they are no doubt a wary thing.

Bernadette’s head snapped to the ranger. It was his voice who responded.

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You heard my voice?

You have a particularly loud mind… and mouth. He chuckled thoughtfully as his face remained impassive.

But I thought if you think who you wanted to talk to, it is them who will hear you.

Faerian does not work like that, silly stump, Allura coached. All magic runs in form, or word. For us, we use eyes, mouths, anything physical, and then oaths to bind our magic. Magic is but energy present to the realm. Not looking into eyes when we mind-speak means others will hear.

But would that mean others have heard our conversation? And especially now, Bernadette reflected.

No, Tagrain took over. Before your bargain with the High Lady, yes. That is how you were easily cursed and Aluwein reaching your dreams. But now, by the High Fae’s command, we are to ignore the trivial mishap.

But that still means I’m heard! She reached for her head and grabbed the toad. Turning Allura was a struggle as the anuran was her arm’s length wide and hefty. Can you not talk through your mouth?

Obviously, no, Allura grumpily replied. I was not given your throats for a reason.

Defeated, Bernadette was about to baby carry the toad through the whole journey when it disappeared and was this time on Tagrain’s head.

“She says, ‘you had no right to man handle her,’” the elf conveyed.

“If she said that, how come I don’t hear her?” Bernadette’s attention was at the green lump on Tagrain, so she was surprised when the elf turned to her. His eyes, glowing in sunlight.

“Because, I’ve given her permission to reach in to my mind and be her vessel for the time.” Bernadette was still tied to the fae slits when Tagrain reverted to their road ahead. “How creatures will use their mediums to weave magic is up to them. You on the other hand, are young. You have much to learn and faults will be made. Aluwein understands, the whole forest does.”

Bernadette sobered. “Would that mean I will never get to learn?”

“What do you mean?” There was a tinge of sorrow in his voice.

Perceiving his golden eyes again, she explained, “Well, the Syvriche Republic do not allow the use of magic.”

Tagrain scoffed. For one, Bernadette knew this was Allura, “No wonder you are so barbaric. Using such things to hold fae creatures. Forbade, even your own priest believes—hey!’” Like stepping in, Tagrain’s tone changed, and this one was bitter as he continued, “What matter of thing did they use on Aleisten?”

Bernadette felt her goosepimples as the ranger addressed her. She was scrambling over the memory before she realized she had forgotten to tell her father of the same thing. “It was a bear trap.”

Tagrain’s brows furrowed and his lips thinned.

“And… and—and I swear!” Knowing the incoming oath, Bernadette held firm. “We, the Foresters swear to use not such despicable thing,” she thumped her palm to her chest.

Tagrain swallowed a typhoon before he was convinced. “I believe you.” When he inclined his head past their path, Bernadette realized they were at the boundary of soaring fir trees. Frozen at her feet, she felt the wave of winter wind crashing abound the stoic trunks. Belting her Forester training, Bernadette strained to hear for sound from the forest, but not a single avian chirrup sang. This was not part of the human realm.

“What is this place?” she murmured.

“This is the home of the forgotten. Aluwein’s forest.”

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