A Journey To Remember

Chapter 4: A walk through the night.

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Rose didn't realize it but she had dozed off In Quartz arms, she awoke due to a nightmare, it was still the dead of night, practically pitch black outside. 

Rose got up from the bed she was placed in, everyone else was asleep, she had got dressed, with a shirt overlapped by a sweater, ripped up jeans, and obviously, some shoes, specifically high top shoes. 

Rose took a deep breath as she silently opened the door and walked out. 

Rose went to the city, it was practically empty, besides a few cars passing by and a few people chatting with others. 

Rose looked around, she liked the city at night, it was nice and quiet, unlike the usual busy days, she liked the streetlights, cause they had just enough brightness to not be too annoying. 

She looked into a alley, with around three dudes sitting in. 

She ignored it, she didn't want part of whatever the hell was going on there. 

But, they saw her and told her ”Hey! Stop!“ 

[What have I just gotten myself into?] 

Rose wasn't scared at all, and well, if it had to resort to violence she was more than happy to defend herself from these thugs. 

”What the fuck were you looking at?“ these dudes all looked like retards to Rose as she laughed to herself ”Maybe y'all? What else is in that alley?“

The thugs looked at her as the one in the middle shouted ”Stop being so smart with us, bitch!“ Rose was already getting annoyed. 

”Yeah, yeah, yeah y'all are just so scary, huh?“ Rose said that in the most mockingly manner she could. 

It was obvious it pissed them all off. 

”Let's see how long you keep that attitude.“ Rose looked at them and as said, she was ready for a fight. 

[Do these guys think there scary?] Rose laughed to herself. 

And finally, one of the three guys tried to punch Rose, but being the Sly Fox she was she simply dodged it as she punched him, breaking his nose. 

Rose wasn't gonna be a push over to some random thugs in a alley, hell, they looked like they were barely 17. 

”You're gonna fucking regret that!“ a thug yelled, obviously trying to seem menacing, it was clear that Rose didn't seem even slightly scared. 

”Am I now?“ another thug tried to punch her, however, Rose dodged to the side as she tripped him, kicking his stomach. 

The other two thugs obviously were scared as they both pulled out knives. 

”A knife so soon? Damn, how weak.“

They both tried slashing at her she grabbed one of there arms and stabbed him with his own knife, ripping it out and stealing the knife. Then cleaning the blood off the blade onto her sleeve. 

”See? Now it's fair.“ The final thug looked as if he was gonna be the strongest, most experienced. 

The thug slashed at Rose slightly slashing her cheek, which pissed Rose off thinking of how she just got slashed by some low-life thug. 

Rose grabbed his arm when he tried to slash her again and flipped him over before shoving the knife into his back. 

The thug she kicked fled the scene, which made her laugh [Ah, what scary guys.] Rose fixed her sweater. 

She yelled to the fleeing thug, ”Too slow, buddy, maybe next time, yeah!?“

Rose Looked around, before slowly walking away from the scene, The thugs blood was mostly all over her sweater. 

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”dammit this is my favorite sweater too! Fuckers...“ 

She walked back home, slowly, thinking if that thug that ran away told some friends, she laughed to the thought. [If he told some thug friends, well, it'll be fun next time I see them.] 

She walked through the door of the house as she looked at Ashley and Quartz who looked at her wide-eyed. 

”Rose! What the hell happened!?“ Quartz yelled, fully concerned. 

Rose gave a slight laugh as she smiled. 

”Ah, a couple thugs tried to jump me, it's fine though. This blood isn't mine. Well besides-“ Rose wiped the blood on her cheek. ”This little cut, but it's small, it'll be fine.“ Rose took her sweater off. ”Gonna need to wash this now though.“

Ashley yelled ”Damn you must've fucked them up, huh!?“ 

Rose giggled. 

”They were far too slow well, besides the single one that managed to slash my cheek, one of them however, Ran away... I wonder how that'll turn out?“ 

Ashley laughed ”Guess they were just to slow for a Sly Fox such as yourself.“

Rose laughed alongside Ashley ”Probably.“

”Hey though, Ashley, is John awake at all?“ 

Ashley looked back to whatever she was doing before Rose walked in. 

”Yeah he's just in his room as always.“ 

John yelled from the other room ”Hey! I heard that!“ Rose walked over to Quartz. 

”Hey you still have the stuff to rid of blood stains?“ Rose tossed him the sweater. 

Quartz caught it ”Yeah! I can get it cleaned here in a bit.“

Rose smiled to Quartz ”Thank you, Quartz, Very grateful.“ 

Quartz gave a big smile, as he happily told Rose ”You're welcome, Rose!“

Rose hugged Quartz then walked to John, in his room. 

”What's up, John?“ 

”Ah, nothing much really, Rose. Just sorta fucking around.“

”As always, huh?“

”Exactly, as always. Also I heard y'all talking about blood what happened?“

Rose shrugged. ”Some low-life thugs tried to jump me, but they were weak, so yeah.“

”Well, damn. Good job, Rose.“ John laughed. 

”Thank you, John.“ Rose slightly laughed alongside John. 

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