A life of a Mob in a fantasy world

Chapter 4: Goated Part 2

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I hummed a melodious tune as I sat atop the cart. I looked down and sighed happily as I gazed upon the old worn leather armour that old Jone's handed down to me, he said he was lending it to me and I have to make sure I give it back, but still it was nice of him to care for me like that, even if it's only to ensure I get there to sell his products at the market and to come back and give him the money from the sale. He even gave me a small sword, to protect myself, should I need to.

Fighter. the Snow Hound, was pulling the fully loaded cart without any effort, man this dog is a beast! Literally! 

I swayed back and forth as the wooden wheels rolled across the bumpy, stony, uneven ground. I could see all around me people walking past in different adventuring attires, heading off to the dungeon, some farmers harvesting crops, and some hunters off to find game. The sun is set high in the sky, there's a nice gentle breeze softly caressing my dirt-stained skin.

I was now approaching, the complicated part of my journey, when I travelled to old man Jone's farm, I went around the woods, and the path I took was narrow, with all sorts of fallen logs and other obstructions that makes it impossible for a large cart to pass through, for a lone traveller, perfectly fine and safe, as you don't want to be going through the woods, on your own, especially if you don't know how to fight. 

I gulped and gripped the handle of my small sword nervously. I've heard plenty of stories of children and adults, being killed or ambushed by one of the creatures that inhabit the Veridian woods. Luckily, it's not a large stretch of woods and is usually relatively safe as hunters usually patrol and hunt around this area, giant rats and mud worms are a staple delicacy in Unknown Town, as long as you're careful, it's rare for someone to die. 

There was a time when the mayor tried to clear this whole area of danger but the population of the creatures never seemed to go down no matter how much they were hunted. It was before they realised that these things were completely harmless to eat, now we have accepted the creatures as part of Unknown city and we also get a staple food source, we basically had no choice but to embrace and adapt to the danger and most of the time, attacks will barely happen, giant rats and mud worms are normally not aggressive creatures, the only danger comes when they can smell food, so there is a 60 per cent chance of being attacked when bringing animal products to town centre due to giant rats attracted to the taste and smell of cotton wool and the mud worms wanting to eat the fire chicken eggs. 

I gulped and sent a quick yet solemn and sincere prayer to the mighty one. Praise ye be almighty Tira, slayer of trees and grower of rocks. Please let nothing go wrong, I'm too young to be subjected to the cruelties of your terrible yet mighty world. I glanced at my companion, the mighty snow hound and hope that she could handle the vermins that roams about these cursed woods.

I scanned the woods carefully as we began to enter, the trees towered over us, their thick mighty branches, branching out in every direction, their large leaves blotting out the sky as you enter the depths of Veridian woods. The sun using the small gaps of the leaves to beam a light through allowing a little light to filter through the otherwise gloomy forest.

The turning of the wheels and each padded step of the snow hound is highlighted as compared to general quietness and the occasional chirp of small insects.

Ten minutes of intense concentration and with my anxiety through the roof has strained me mentally. Each little bit of noise causes my heart to jolt and sky rocket in intensity.

Out of the corner of my eyes, my heart skipped a beat. Blocking the road was a mud worm. This thing looked around 3ft high and it’s length was around 6ft, it was covered in spikes. 

The mud worm was covered in thick bony plates and had no eyes but had a sensitive sense of smell. The mud worm swivelled in my direction smelling the delicious food on the cart. 

“Shit!” I cursed.

Adrenaline cursing through my veins as I tugged on Fighters reins. The snow hound stopped and let out a guttural growl. Without taking my eyes off the slowly moving bug, I took the harness attached to fighter.

Immediately Fighter leaped into action as it speed towards the mud worm. The mud worm sensing danger, curled slightly, contracting into itself almost curving like a ball. With a swipe of its paw Fighter smacked the spiked fortress that was the mud worm.

I whistled as the mud worm flew towards a nearby tree, it’s spike embedded itself on one of the sturdy trunk. It was now stuck, it’s strong powerful tiny legs flailing helplessly in midair. Fighter without skipping a beat, went in for the kill. Green blood oozed as Fighter bit it’s throat.

I stood in awe and laughed wildly at how awesome Fighter was. My laughter was cut short as I saw a pack of giant rats heading my way, possibly smelling the fire chicken eggs, their favourite.

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Pulling out the sword from its scabbard somewhat clumsily. I jumped down.

“Fighter!” I screamed nervously.

The snow hound bounded quickly to my side, with its teeth bare. With a loud howl, the snow hound started glowing and then spat out a breath of winter.

The ground started to freeze as the cold wind started to travel with speed toward the six incoming giant rats. They squeaked pitifully as their paws started to freeze.

“Fuck!” I shouted out like some kind of battle cry. Adrenaline coursing through my veins as I ran forward.

Because I was rushing without considering the environment, I completely forgot about the icy ground. I slipped but luckily managed to maneuver my body slightly and using the momentum, I swung the sword diagonally.

The giant rat close to me screeched in annoyance and in pain. Its ruby eyes glowed red as it lunged forward with its oversize two front teeth.

“Shit!” I cursed, as I committed myself to the swing. The sword hit its tooth, the sword vibrates violently from hitting its tooth. I shouted as the force shot to my hand, causing me to let go of the sword. Now fully out balanced I fell on my back, the giant rat going for a second attacked narrowly missed as I fell backward.

I rolled to my side, heart beating wildly. I scrambled and growled, my mind going completely blank as I ran towards its back.

The giant rat twisted its neck to try and bite me but since its feet are frozen in place, its mobility is limited. With a loud grunt I grabbed onto it’s backed. The giant rodent bucked violently trying to shake me off but I held on tight to its fur as I kept climbing up its body. I don’t know how I’m going to hurt it because my sword was meters away from me but at least I’m safe up here from its deadly bites.

Reaching the top of its head. I started beating it down with my fist. But clearly, it wasn’t doing any damage, it only served to anger it even more. 

“Fuck! You fuck! Fucker!” I shouted as I kept on relentlessly beating the top of its head.

I looked up catching my breath after attacking it relentlessly for about five minutes. My mouth hung open as I saw Fighter watching me from the side with its tongue hanging out of its mouth.

“You bitch!”



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