A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 100: Chapter 95. Intruder & Rivals.

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Amidst the wonderful dream, a sudden shiver erupted inside of me forcing me to wake up as I ran out from the room while taking my dagger with me as Kaori also came out from her room, carrying her phantom sword with her.


“You felt it as well?” I asked before she nodded.


There was a sudden chill running through my spine while we were asleep. The chill came from someone who was definitely powerful enough to cause alarms inside of me to ring… it was no ordinary aura which is why I could feel it.


“Over there…” Kaori said as she pointed her sword towards the direction of the garden, materializing a dozen more swords around her as they all of which flew towards the garden in different manners.


Following after, I threw the dark dagger on my hand while taking out the dagger Mom gave me before all of a sudden, the dagger shone as it turned into a different object surprising me. The dagger had turned into a gunblade.


“Auto-aim activated…” a robotic voice came from the gunblade before several round particles flew towards the garden, following after Kaori’s swords as all of them descended towards the garden, causing a loud explosion as blood spilled from the garden.


“Reveal yourself!” Kaori said as hundreds of swords circled the area of impact, all swords were blood in color, filled with killing intent as her eyes turned red. I felt shivers running through my spine seeing those eyes of her, her aura felt so different.


All of a sudden, a large dust cloud exploded from the area of impact as a soft whisper soon followed bringing creeps onto us, “You are lucky this time… who would expect there to be a near demigod level staying here…” before fading away as the dust cloud vanished.


“Tsk…” Kaori clicked her tongue as she flicked her fingers before all the swords vanished as she looked at me with her deep blood eyes, grasping her hand tight as if she was holding in something which made me curious before all of a sudden, her body became limp.


“Are you okay?” I asked while grabbing her as she frowned her eyebrows, staring into me before suddenly kissing me on the lips as her eyes slowly turned blue. I felt a weird sensation inside of me as her kiss became intense.


The two of us stayed at this position for a few seconds until her eyes became blue as she gently pushed me away with a wry smile, taking me back to reality as I looked at her surprised…. The kiss tasted nice… it felt warm.


“I am sorry…” Kaori said while averting her gaze as I shook my head.


“Is it some kind of side effect of using that power of yours?” I asked before she smiled wryly.


“You could say but that side effect only occurs when you are near…” she answered, “That Goddess deliberately made it that way which is inevitable… if not controlled until a certain amount… I would apparently rampage…”


I felt a bit weird inside hearing her explanation, it feels like I was expecting something else and didn’t get the response I wanted which felt weird… I couldn’t understand at all why I felt like so, I no longer held the same feelings for Kaori as in the past…


“Yo—you can feel free to do it again…” I said while averting my gaze as I continued, “As long as you don’t rampage around… it’s better than having a few people sacrifice their lives to satiate your rampage…”


All of a sudden, a flick blasted through my forehead as a warm smile blossomed on her face, “You don’t have to worry about that… rather, how should we explain that scenario to her?” while pointing at Flora who was looking from the second floor.


“Aywumi-mwa, Flora is hungry…” she said while walking down the stairs.


I was a bit surprised but quickly ran towards her as I picked the sleepy Flora from the ground, hugging her tightly as I poked her cheeks before a surprise came to sight as Flora was visibly showing her tongue out towards Kaori as if telling her who is more superior.


“To think that my little girl has become scheming…” I giggled as she turned towards me with a surprised look like a kitten showing her superiority towards a dog which was hilarious.


“Who taught you to become scheming?” I asked while pinching her cheeks as she pouted.


“Aywumi-mwa keeps on cheating against Mwama…” she replied while pouting as she looked at Kaori with disagreement. This girl loves Mana over anything else… I can tell she clearly doesn’t want anyone else to take care of her other than Mana and me.


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“Who said so?” I asked, “How about we head back to sleep now? Young girls like you still have to go to class tomorrow!” before she suddenly looked at me surprised as she shook her head, hugging my neck tightly.


“Flowa doesn’t want to go to class!” she refuted.


All of a sudden, Mana came out from the room dressed in her pajamas with her hair tied in a ponytail. Her eyes were clearly sleepy, but she still managed to force herself out of bed possibly from hearing Flora’s dislike to go to class.


“I heard some words that I shouldn’t hear… Flora, are you thinking of skipping class again?!” Mana said as she slowly walked down from the stairs, pinching Flora’s cheeks.


The little fluff ball pouted her cheeks as she looked at me with her adorable puppy eyes, but it was to no use as her cheeks were pinched even more causing her to look at Mana with her puppy eyes only to fail a third time.


“Flowa will go to class…” she said while pouting as Mana smiled.


“That’s what I want to hear!” Mana said before looking at me and Kaori with a wry smile, “Anyhow… I heard some explosions, did an intruder appear?” before the two of us nodded at the same time.


“The intruder this time was strong enough to trigger our alarms, to be exact, the presence was so thin that if it wasn’t for the fact that my presence sensing ability was set at a minimum frequency then I would have missed it…” Kaori answered with a serious voice.


“Not only that but the intruder also managed to escape from Kaori’s abilities…” I said with a wry smile as Mana frowned her eyebrows.


“That’s troublesome… let’s tell the headmaster about this tomorrow… it seems like the attackers from the capital are coming here now after His Majesty came back from the capital, from the looks of it, they will be targeting His Majesty this time…” Mana said with as all of us nodded.


“Let’s sleep for now… it’s no use thinking of something we can’t do at the moment…” I suggested before all of them nodded as we slowly made our way back to our room before stopping at the second floor where Mana kissed me all of a sudden after Kaori had left towards her room.


“Don’t expect me to not know… I have to clean up my rival’s tracks,” Mana winked, licking her lips seductively which shocked me before she walked back towards our room, leaving the stunned me alone in the hallway.

In a certain faraway place…


“You were defeated?!” a woman with red hair asked in a loud voice, surprised as she looked at another woman who had a similar red hair on her. The two looked as if twins but one of them had a stronger feel to her that was intimidating to the eyes.


“Yes… there is someone who is reaching demigod levels of strength in the city… I didn’t expect that old man to have hired someone that powerful…” the other red-haired woman said as she held down her chest which had several hundreds of wounds.


Her face was disfigured to an extent, blood dripped from her as her twin looked at her with an annoyed expression, “To think that someone powerful would appear in a tiny city like this… how troublesome indeed…”


All of a sudden, the twin looked behind her as shock filled her eyes.


“The two of you seems to have enjoyed your time…” a white-haired beauty stood there with a blood-red phantom sword in her hand. Her eyes were bloodshot as thick killing intent surrounded her; her white hair fluttered around as she looked at the two with anger.


“You can thank yourselves for not being able to take a single strand of hair from Ayu-chi otherwise I would definitely not allow any of you to reincarnate…” the white-haired beauty said as she swung her blood-red phantom sword, slicing the twins in halves.


“AAAAAHHHHHHHH!” the twin cried as their bodies were consumed in some kind of red flames, turning to ash in a few seconds as the white-haired beauty looked outwards with a frown on her eyes.


“You can reveal yourself…” the white-haired beauty suddenly whispered as another white-haired beauty appeared this time clapping her hands as the red-eyed beauty who was none other than Kaori turned around with a wry smile as she looked at the Goddess.


“As ruthless as ever,” the Goddess smiled as Kaori dematerialized her sword.


“You would definitely do the same to them if I wasn’t going to take action, aren’t you… my actual rival-in-love?” Kaori looked at the Goddess with a frown.

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