A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 88: Chapter 84. Dragon

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The suspense inside the room dropped in an instant, all of us were dumbfounded… well kind of but Mom was dumbfounded that is for sure. It sounded like another one of those jokes the Goddess made up… I would also think the same had I not heard of that reason first.


“You aren’t joking right?” Mom looked at the white-haired beauty with her eyebrows frowned.


“Why would I joke around~?” the Goddess responded while raising her hands up in the air before a heavy sigh left Mom’s mouth as she threw a pillow straight at the Goddess’s face, creating a loud dust explosion.


“Among all the people I know in this world, you are the only person who can scheme stuff much better than anyone… haaa…” Mom said which confused me as she looked at me almost as if she had caught a headache.


“What’s wrong?” I asked before she sighed once more.


 “Remember when I said that even in this world, there are many scammers? Well, that person over there is the biggest uncaught scammer here… to make things simpler, you had fallen into one of her schemes as for what kind… well… you will know in the future,” she responded.


Her response only made me even more curious as she laid on the bed with an exhausted look on her face before looking at me as she scolded in an angry tone, “What? Are you staying up for the entire night? Go to bed since I will assign the final test for this session tomorrow!”


Afraid of being thrown outside, I bowed down and ran away towards the ladder where I climbed up towards my room; the room was a bit simple, there were no air-conditioning nor were there any toasters or whatsoever… it was more of an ordinary treehouse from the ancient era.


“At least the bed is comfortable…” I said while jumping towards my bed where a truckload of pillows awaited. There were two body pillows and one head pillow, all of them were made with some kind of magic which makes them super comfortable.


After diving to bed, drowsiness soon sucked me in as I closed my eyes, snoring deep into the night before the next morning soon came. The morning started out as normal, had a short breakfast with eggs and rice, took a short bath then entered my battle suit where I stood outside waiting.


Ten minutes of standing later, Mom soon came out dressed in her usual white one-piece dress; her hand was smooth as always, almost like she had never fought any battles at all; her overall figure looked fragile but what hides behind that façade is someone who could completely overthrow an entire continent by herself.


“The assessment we will have today will not be any ordinary test, it will involve fighting of monsters which is why we will be moving far away from here. Do you have all your equipment ready?” she looked at me and asked in a strict tone.


I looked down at my belt where seven daggers were placed, touched my back before confirming that the quiver and bow were there before nodding as she nodded back. Those were the only equipment I needed, for the most part, armors are useless since they only add more weight according to what she said.


“This assessment will be to test your overall ability in both defense and offense; the opponent this time will have less agility but in exchange, have the highest attack power but do remember, even if the opponent has less agility… that doesn’t mean that it is slow,” she spoke.


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“What will I fight today?” I asked while tilting my head in curiosity.


“You will find out soon, are you ready?” she asked before I nodded.


After receiving my nod, she soon flicked her finger. All of a sudden, the surroundings distorted before changing from a beautiful grass field into a gigantic ravine with lava flowing left and right. At the very center of the ravine sat a giant creature.


“Is… is…. Is… THAT A DRAGON?!” I shouted while shivering.


The creature that sat at the very center of the ravine was none other than a giant flaming red dragon; it had gigantic wings that had the width of ten trucks placed next to one another and the size of a four-story building.


“What? It’s only a dragon, this is your opponent for today… if you can’t defeat it within ten hours then you won’t get to eat even a single meal for an entire month, good luck!” Mom said before grabbing a rock as she threw it towards the dragon, creating a loud bang around the ravine as her figure vanished.


All of a sudden, shivers ran throughout my spine as two gigantic red eyes came into sight. The two eyes shone brightly before a very loud roar echoed throughout the place, not long after the roar, the dragon soon opened its wings before flapping them as I took out my dagger in a rush.


“This is definitely hell…” I mumbled while grasping the dagger on my hand tightly.


My hand felt unstable, it was trembling too much as the dragon soon levitated upwards, staring at me with deep malicious killing intent. It was as if I was looking at an emperor, an insane amount of pressure landed down on me as the dragon roared once more.


“Thy ant who decided to throw a rock to thee, such courage… do you wish to battle?” a voice echoed throughout the ravine as the dragon looked at me.


Hearing the dragon’s question, I felt a golden idea inside my head as I opened my mouth and answered, “Yes…” before widening my eyes in surprise as the word that left my mouth was different than what I wanted to say.


All of a sudden, my body moved by itself, standing up as my body suddenly pointed its finger at the dragon as my voice suddenly came out, “You mere dragon… I could kill you in a single swing! Come at me, you piece of trash! This Goddess will defeat you without even moving!”


I felt an intense amount of shivers running throughout my spine, my body trembled even more as the dragon looked at me with the deepest killing intent I had felt in this world as a super loud roar exploded throughout the entire ravine, creating cracks all around the place as the dragon’s voice echoed.


“Well then, so-called Goddess! Good luck surviving this!”


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