A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 96: Chapter 92. Angel With A Shotgun (1)

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Not long after our hug, a sudden cough came from the side as the beautiful white-haired beauty stood there with an embarrassed, speechless look on her face. She undeniably looks like Kaori and not to mention, she also feels like her especially that quiet nature of hers which made me curious as to whether she actually blended herself in under the guise of an aide to look after them.


But there was an issue if she really blended herself in and stayed here for some time then who was the Kaori I met when I woke up… and also, how did I even reach that dimension after waking up… the one above the skies.


“How about we head inside for now?” Leisha suggested as the two of us nodded, taking off our shoes… or rather my shoes, and placing them at a corner as we walked inside the residence that brought an odd sense of warmth inside.


It was home, sweet home! The haven where no one could disturb me, a place where I could rest, and no one would even care… that is where we are!


The place hadn’t changed much which was expected considering only three weeks has passed over here, chances of any major changes in the house occurring in the house is little with only three weeks though it really felt like a long time for me since I spent months on that dimension where air conditioners don’t exist.


“I smell something delicious…” I mumbled while sniffing around as Leisha and the white-haired beauty giggled while Mana’s figure slowly appeared from the stairway, dressed in her comfy pajamas with her hair tied in an unusual ponytail.


Mana carried an aura of maturity with her hair tied in a ponytail, it was as if I was looking at a different person since there was never a time where Mana would tie her hair at all mainly because she likes having her hair untied.


“What are you looking at?” Mana asked as she stared at me with a smile.


“Nothing…” I answered before an elbow struck my abdomen, causing me to be surprised as the white-haired beauty averted her gaze suspiciously. I couldn’t understand what that meant but that strike was incredibly painful.


Mana tilted her head in confusion but ignored it soon after as she waved her hand while walking towards the kitchen as she said, “I’ll go prepare the dishes, please prepare the plates and cups in the meantime or else dinner won’t be served.”


In an instant, the two vanished from the spot which surprised me as I walked towards the dining room confused before the two came back with plates, kitchen utensils, and cups prepared on hand, placing them on the table as they quickly arranged them before sitting down.


All of which happened within thirty seconds which was an incredible amount of speed for many steps. I wonder what torture Mana had done to make them prepare everything autonomously at such speeds.


“Mana is a devil when we don’t listen…” Leisha suddenly whispered in a soft voice as she looked in the direction of the kitchen with shivers.


“What did she do while I was gone?” I asked before Leisha’s face paled.


“Well… there was one time where she didn’t cook any meals at all for any of us including Flora for an entire day because all of us lazed around…” she answered with a wry smile, “Not to mention… we couldn’t go out to buy any food at all since she locked all finances away from us…”


I felt shivers running through my spine hearing such torture, it brings back an odd sense of nostalgia from when we first met Leisha who was a lively glutton… though I do feel like Leisha has reverted back to her lively self while I was gone which makes me happy as she used to be super quiet in the past.

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“You shouldn’t forget to tell Ayumi about how both you and Flora managed to destroy an entire tree while playing around which was the main cause of your punishment…” Mana’s voice echoed from the kitchen as her figure came out, carrying a large pot in her hand.


The pot emitted a delicious aroma, it smelled like hotpot which made my stomach growl as footsteps suddenly came tumbling down from the stairway taking all of our attention as the little girl in the house, Flora who was in her pajamas came running down with drool on her face.


“Mwama! Flowa smells food!” she screamed while running towards Mana with a bright smile.


As expected of the glutton even when she was supposed to be asleep, she could still sense and smell food from far away. Our room should have been closed and the only gaps where the aroma of the hotpot could enter is from the little bottom gaps on our room’s door and normally that shouldn’t be enough to smell the hotpot considering how our room is far enough to make the smell weak.


“Aren’t you sleepy yet?” Mana asked as she placed the hotpot on the table before staring at Flora who started dashing towards my side while reaching her hands up.


“Flowa wants to eat first…” the little glutton answered as she looked at me with puppy eyes, asking to be fetched up which was adorable.


I didn’t take a second to hesitate, picking her from the ground and placing her on my lap as Mana looked at me with a wry smile, “You might get too fat from eating too much, who knows maybe Yui will stop looking at you once you become fat…”


All of a sudden, Flora’s face paled as she looked at the hotpot with shivers before answering in a stuttering voice, “Bu—but… There is also Sheila…” but her retaliation was immediately shot down by none other than white-haired beauty who was smiling.


“Sheila might also not look at you anymore since you won’t have any attraction.”


Flora’s face darkened as she looked at the hotpot with hesitation before turning towards me with her teary eyes, “Aywumi-mwa… Flora wants to eat…” that makes it hard to deny. I felt like I was cornered, looking at Mana who had a smile on her face… a threatening smile.


“Flora, how about this… I will let you eat a tiny bit but only a tiny bit and after that, you will have to train for half a day with Aurora… is that fine?” I looked at Flora before turning towards Mana whose threatening aura vanished as Flora hugged me tightly.


“Flowa labs Aywumi-mwa!” she said before sitting properly as she took the spoon and fork from my plate while anticipating Mana to sit down as her gluttonous face sparkled.


After a short while, Mana soon sat down as the five of us took a bow and started eating the delicious Chinese hotpot before us while drinking apple juice at times, discussing what had happened before time passed as I stood out at the garden while looking at the stars.


The door to my back opened as I looked around before the white-haired beauty stood there with a smile, walking out from the room before closing the door as she stood beside me with her silent nature. Her eyes were blue this time which made me confident about who she was as I looked up at the skies with a smile.


“It’s been a while, Kaori…”

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