A Little Piece of the Rain

Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Lost Mother and Brother

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A white ball clutched in my hand. Just now, my brother, Clyde Nathaniel, gave it to me. A smile graced Kak Clyde's bright face.

"This is for you, Errol," said Clyde sitting facing me.

"This is for me?" I asked dumbfounded. Stop playing with toy cars for a bit.

"Yeah. I got it when I was watching the baseball game with dad."

"Oh. Home run ball, huh?"

"Yes, that is true."

"Wow, thank you, sis."

My eyes lit up as I stared at the ball. The ball is laced, then I wear it around my neck. I stood up and put my arm around Clyde's neck. Clyde carried me. We smile together in a flowery atmosphere. But, that happiness only lasted for a moment, because I heard Mother's scream.

"Errol, Clyde!" From the door that opened automatically, a red-black haired woman, entered my room. From the look on his face, you could see anxiety.

"What's wrong, Mom?" asked Clyde. His brows furrowed.

"We have to get out of here ASAP!"

"Ah, what's wrong, ma'am?"

"Do not ask again!"

Mother pulled me away from Clyde. Carry me as tight as possible. I'm only four years old, of course I don't understand what's going on. I felt only a small shock when I hugged Mother's body and I saw that Clyde was running beside Mother.

Noises and explosions echoed loudly in the afternoon. I don't know where it came from. Seeing the surroundings, people were running on the streets. Fear and panic overtook them.

From the sky, some strange objects flew. They shoot something that glows. I don't know who they are. I just watched them in awe.

"Mother, exactly what happened?" I asked pulling Mother's long hair that fell to her shoulders.

"Gollum attacked us," Mother answered. His breaths seemed intermittent.

"Gollum? What is that?"

"Mom can't explain it now. The important thing is, we have to go to the airport now!"

Mother's screams were less powerful than the sound of explosions that reoccurred. After that, I heard screams and groans of pain from people. I don't know what happened behind us.

"Gollum has entered the city!"

"Watch out!"

"Everyone, hurry up!"



I could see over Mother's neck. One by one people were devoured by something brown that jumped from the top of the buildings. Screams came back shrill, coloring the increasingly tense atmosphere.

People jostled each other, running aimlessly. So I lost Clyde because he was nowhere to be found.

"Brother Clyde!" I shouted rolling my eyes.

"Aaah!" shrieked Mother. Causing her to fall down with me "Errol, hurry and go!"

"Mother, why?"

"Hurry and go! Aaah!"


Mother was wrapped in something the color of earth. It was a long, tentacle-like thing that ended in a large, faceless head.

“Oc … Octopus?” I'm in shock. tense. My eyes are perfect. Do not know what to do.

The creature was huge. I don't know how tall he is. But, I felt the angel of death was about to pick me up because the creature launched its tentacles at me.

"Ah, Mother ... Brother!" I screamed while crying, calling the people closest to me. Hope they help me from the grip of that creepy creature.

I closed my eyes out of fear. My body was shaking violently. In my eardrums, catching the sound of explosions and feeling my body light as if floating freely in the sky.

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"Errol, Brother is here! Don't be afraid!" It was Clyde's voice.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was in Clyde's arms. "Brother!"

"The airport is over there!"

I looked ahead, found an iron bridge spanning over a fast-flowing river. The survivors, running across the bridge.

Clyde and I went down the bridge. There were people dressed in silver-black uniforms standing along the bridge. They guided the residents to reach the airport as soon as possible. I don't know who they are.

"Those people dressed in black and silver are members of Neo Skysilver, the organization that protects this world. And our father is also part of them," explained Clyde, "therefore, maybe now our father is back on duty to exterminate Gollum."

"What is Gollum, Brother?" I asked watching those Neo Skysilver guys.

"That Gollum, a genetic land monster that resembles an octopus."

"Oh. It was Gollum who attacked Mother and the people earlier?"


Brother Clyde nodded, I cried again because I remembered Mother that Gollum had eaten. Mom, sorry, I can't help you.

Suddenly, people fell off the bridge because they were hit by something long. I could see clearly, those long tentacles swelled up a lot until they detached into small balls the size of that home-run ball. The new orbs turned into faceless octopuses and stuck their tentacles on people around.

Clyde screamed. I am shocked. Clyde slipped away from me because of the huge tentacles that passed between we. My back hit the side of the bridge guardrail. Seeing Sister Clyde free fall from the bridge.

"Errol!" screamed Clyde who echoed loudly.

"Brother!" I ignored the feeling of pain in my back, trying to catch up to Clyde. But, there was a grown man who pulled my hand.

"You have to get out of here, boy!" said the man in the silver-black uniform, and black hair.

"But ... my brother fell off that bridge!"

"He will not survive."

"What? No! Brother! Brother!"

I roared. Crying profusely. Forced to be dragged and carried by the foreign man. Dear brother, I can't just leave.

I'm getting further from the bridge. Leaving sadness and pain in my heart, which carried up to the sky. Because I was evacuated with other residents by plane to the floating city in the sky.


In this floating city in the sky, this Iron Sky, I grew up under the guidance of Father who is still living with me to this day. My father who is the Commander of the Flamingo leader.

I, Errol Nathaniel, have become part of the Neo Skysilver organization. Graduate from Seattlee Aviation Academy. Work as a combat robot pilot on duty as an executor.

Executor is the nickname for pilots who are members of the Flamingo division. They are free to move anywhere to hunt down and execute Gollum who have been running rampant for the past few years. Because of that, we humans prefer to live in a floating city in order to be protected from Gollum's threats.

Over the years, I have studied Gollum. Now I know how to defeat the supposedly unlimited number of them.

"Come on, Kyle! Let's attack them!" I shouted as I pushed forward the control lever on the dashboard in front of me.

Kyle roared loudly. He was a two meter tall black leopard-shaped combat robot. Four legs. Revealing gun-shaped weapons on both sides of its body, it shot a huge jet of water towards the four-meter-tall Octopus -- Gollum -- that was rampaging around the forest.

Gollum has the ability to sense movement with sensors in his tentacles. The creatures that move around it will be eaten to be used as life energy to reproduce itself. The weakness is water because it can make it melt like soil exposed to water.

I managed to make Gollum shrink and melt. Gollum is trapped in the artificial water. Perfect time to blow it up.

"Kyle! Activate the rocket launcher!" I ordered Kyle to take out the rocket launcher that was attached to the top of his head.

Kyle roared again to answer my orders. One rocket released, and hit Gollum. Gollum's scream echoed as his body exploded violently. It shook the ground Kyle stepped on.


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