A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 107: Beaking News!!!

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"So, what was the magic you used to make me float?" Amelia asked me when I took her back to Bones Manor.

"It wasn't a magic... it's kind of my natural power... I was kind of born with it" I said. I just hope that she gives up on that... no matter how much she tries no one can learn this magic.​​

"I see... so what's your real name? Are you ever going to tell me that?" Amelia asked looking at me intently. Honestly, I have wondered how long I could hide it from her but she seemed to have found out. It's not that I mind... Amelia is a smart witch so it would be kind of disappointing if she didn't figure it out. After all I gave her a lot of signs.

"Edgar Ravenclaw" I said... well now that she had asked it and we have known each other for about 5 years now, I know I can trust her.

Amelia was completely surprised when she heard me but that didn't last for long as she went into her thoughts.

"You are pretty amazing if you can take a magical oath with a fake name... so how old are you exactly?" Amelia asked me with a knowing smile. She must have some idea about my age.

"I am 11... I am going to attend Hogwarts from this term" I said and Amelia just nodded her head in confirmation. Now, a lot of people would call me stupid for revealing all these secrets to her but Amelia is one of my strongest ally and if she knows the truth she would be able to support me openly. I am not naive that I would think that everything in Hogwarts would like I have planned. Some, could still attack me even with my Ravenclaw title, after all we would be dirtying a noble name.

Amelia could give me her support during a Wizard's duel after all deaths are pretty common in those. And seeing Amelia's reaction she must have reached the same conclusion. She connected the dots as soon as I have told her my name, she was there when I gave the information to Rita Skeeter about Ravenclaw Heirs.

"Just one more question... that means when you first appeared you were only 6 years old? How did you have so much information?" Amelia asked me quite curious. There is no way in hell I would tell her that I am from another world so... Nemuri had to take responsibility for this.

"Vicky found out the plot... she was a small kid when Potters were killed and Harry Potter became the boy-who-lived, Vicky saw everything happening that night. We lived in Gordic Hollow at that time from what Vicky told me. She really became curious and started researching... I don't know how she did but she did, I was just 1 year old at that time" I pushed all the responsibilities of Nemuri, I guess Nemuri won't mind.

Amelia didn't say anything and just nodded her head. I used Legilimency and found that she believed my story.

"Then, you are also behind the economy collapse, right?" Amelia asked me.

"Ding Ding Ding... and we have a winner! I needed to take the money from Death Eaters after all you can't raise a war on empty pockets" I said and finally got up from my seat.

"But you know that a lot of businesses have closed down because of that, it would problematic for our society" Amelia said in a stern voice.

"Yes... don't worry, I am going to use that to place muggleborns and half-bloods there through Vicky. This time the pure-bloods won't be able to do anything because if they try to protest then they are losing an important business" I said... thank god I am wearing a mask or my vicious smile would have scared Amelia.

"I guess that would be good... so what's next?" she spoke with clear determination in her voice.

"For now... recruit any trusty aurors. They shouldn't be Dumbledore supporters or pureblood supremacists" I said.

"That would be kind of hard as gray supports are really small in auror force" Amelia spoke looking dejected.

"Numbers don't matter... I just want to have a few more hands when needed. I guess... I will be going, it's quite late now" I said while Amelia nodded to me. After that I apparated out.

The next day came early as when I returned I found my three lovers waiting for me in the bed. Well, it's quite easy to guess what happened after that. We only went to sleep after the sun was up...

I was the one to wake up first. Rumi was over my chest while Nemuri was on my right and Momo was on my left. This was a heavenly site I honestly didn't want to get out but I had too... it was already noon.

With some effort I slipped out of the tangled mess of limbs and used Scorgify to clean them. After, shower and getting dressed I directly went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for my girls and myself much to the elfs charging. Only after I let Lipsy help me with cooking she allowed me to stay in the kitchen.

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After sometime Momo, Rumi, and Nemuri also arrived on the table and patiently waited for breakfast.

"Hey They wrote about us in the paper" suddenly Rumi said while reading the paper. I was already setting the table to I looked from her side and saw the huge article Rita Skeeter wrote on us.


I wasn't so much interested in what she had written so I just skimmed through the article and found it upto the standard I wanted it to be. Rita had really tried hard to show us in a good light and if I know anything about this world the sheep would immediately gulp this down their throats.

"You did this right?" Momo asked me.

"Yep... this was really important... now that I have planned not to hide anymore. This would give us much more power than simple half-bloods or purebloods" I said.

"So, Nemuri did Tonks agree to join my cause of greater good?" I asked looking towards Nemuri.

"Yes... she did, after knowing the truth she didn't have much option" Nemuri said to which I just nodded my head.

Just like that it caused another storm in Magical Britain and this made everyone forget about asking questions about Harry Potter for now as they automatically expected him to arrive now that three more Ravenclaw Heirs are found. Honestly I didn't know how the people of Magical Britain reached upto that conclusion... it's pretty stupid.

[With Albus Dumbledore]

Not everyone was happy with this outcome though... one of that person was Albus Dumbledore. Before the news came about the three new Ravenclaw Heirs he was thinking about Damage Control. Losing his control over the wards and portraits was a huge blow to him. He thought he had to withstand this one more year and Vicky Ravenclaw would be out of Hogwarts and he would be given back the control of wards.

But now... it didn't seem that it was going to happen as three new Ravenclaw Heirs were coming and Hogwarts herself to give priority to Ravenclaw Heirs even if he had control of the wards. Albus Dumbledore was not stupid and neither confounded like Minerva McGonagall. He knew that it couldn't be simple as all four heirs had been living together when Minerva took the letter to them.

He had already got the information from Minerva about that. According to her the girl named Alice Croftwell now Ravenclaw was a shy and nervous girl so could use that girl as a spy for their group. According to Albus Dumbledore it would be easy as any muggleborn student always viewed him as a hero and leader of light who could do nothing wrong and with a slight effort he was sure that he could get Alice Ravenclaw under his control.

He had to do this or who will after all everything he did was for the greater good. This was the only sunshine he had for now... but what he didn't know that Alice(Momo) acted in that way under Reo's plans. Reo had already imagined that if Alice acted like that Dumbledore would surely try to get control over Momo and Momo was smart enough to be a double spy. It was risky but doable because of Momo's mastery in Occulumency, she could easily feed Dumbledore fake thoughts after all.

Dumbledore had many plans but can't be used now as Vicky Ravenclaw has the control over wards. He had plans to bring the Philosopher Stone and Mirror of Erisid here to bait Tom but he can't bring something like Philosopher Stone or Mirror of Erisid here as the wards would automatically inform Vicky Ravenclaw. He also had plans to bring Harry here and test him against Tom but now all those plans were for naught as he had no clue where Harry was.


Days passed just like that and by each passing day Albus Dumbledore was getting more and more worried. People were still believing that Harry Potter would start Hogwarts this year and he would save them from Magneto the new Dark Lord.

Dumbledore had made several plans to come out of this whole mess with minimum damage. Several of them were already put into postion so by the time when September 1st finally arrived Albus Dumbledore was quite ready to deal with this mess. Using his connections he had found out where Harry was going, he was really disappointed to know that it was Beauxbatons. He tried his very best to find out where Harry and Sirius lived but no one knew, so he had to give up for now but he was Albus Dumbledore he would get Harry in Hogwarts one way or other, after all everything he was doing was for the Greater Good.

Albus was finally brought out of his thoughts when The Daily Prophet arrived. The owl dropped the paper on his table and flew away. Albus picked up the paper with a smile on his face but as soon as he saw the huge title on the front page he felt like the ground beneath his feet caved in.


All the well laid plans made by Albus Dumbledore to get out this shitty mess was immediately shattered...

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