A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 13: USJ Incident... {EDITED}

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[POV Reo]

Upon our arrival at the massive dome, which was called USJ by 'UA staff', we met with Space Hero Thirteen. Ochako squealed in joy and delight upon seeing her like she did in the canon. Aizawa looked around but didn't find All Might.​​

So he asked Thirteen about his whereabouts. Thirteen told him that he used up most of his time today, so he was now resting in the lounge. Then Aizawa turned around toward the students and decided to start our training with only him and Thirteen present.

"Well, if that's the case then..." he couldn't even finish before the lights started to flicker. Both Aizawa and Thirteen started to look around until their eyes stopped near the fountain. In front of the fountain, a black portal appeared and it started to slowly grow in size. From the portal, a hand emerged, followed by a body. The face of the person was covered by, another severed hand. As the portal grew, a lot of people started to emerge until it was a full horde.

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa shouted while he was still looking towards the group of newcomers. His usual bored and dead persona was completely gone and it was replaced by a serious look on his face.

"Is this for training? I didn't that we would be fighting too!" Eijirou said with a grin. A lot of students seemed to have similar thoughts like him.

"Don't move!" Aizawa shouted again while he put on his goggles. "Those are villains!"

"Villians?!!" The students gasped, only now they understood the meaning of the serious expression on Aizawa's face. This immediately turned their mood from excited to nervous and scared. Of course, they would be scared and nervous, even if we were training to become heroes, we have never faced a real villain. Yes, fighting against each other under other's supervision and fighting are villians are different.

I suddenly felt someone grabbed my hand which brought me out of my thoughts. Just by touch, I knew who it was. I looked towards Momo and nodded my head, she clearly understood what I meant and with a serious look on her face, she started to make iron sand for me to use.

I kept analyzing the villains that came out of the portal, none of them were important in the slightest. They were just plain and simple mob if they were going against a top hero but neither Aizawa nor Thirteen are one of them. Aizawa can fight someone one on one. Maybe take two or three enemies at once like he did in canon but he would still come short against the numbers they had brought.

More and more villains kept coming out of the portal until a particularly huge purple manlike creature with an exposed brain came out of the portal and stood beside Tomura 'The Man Child'.

I looked towards Momo who was already done with the iron sand. The iron sand immediately gathered by my feet while I started to walk forward. This seemed to have gathered the attention of most of the students and Aizawa.

"What are you doing kid? I told you to stay togeth-" Aizawa was saying but before he could finish I cut him off.

"I will handle this" I said and kept walking forward. The iron dust started to dance around me like Senbonzakura from Bleach. The students were completely shocked and stunned when they saw me controlling the iron dust in such a manner.

(Gif Here)

"Are you crazy? This isn't training. These are real villains! Just stay with the rest of the students and wait for other teachers to arrive while I hold them off!" Aizawa said as he was prepared to grab on my shoulder to stop me but all of a sudden a wall made of iron sand rose up from the ground and stopped his hand from reaching me.

"Wait for the teacher?! The villains were ready for this... did you hear the alarm? Or how did they even know that we would be here? Don't you see they wanted us here... trapped!" I said. I stopped myself at a reasonable distance from the horde of villains. This seemed to shock Aizawa and Thirteen even more.


"What are you doing Reo?"

"He is just a student. No matter how much confidence he has in himself, there is still the fact that he is only one person" Shoto said in his usual emo mode.

"Tch, that bastard gonna get himself killed" I didn't even need to look around to see who this person was. It could be the one and only Villian in making Bakugo.

"Thirteen! Protect the students and get out of here, I will go and get the kid!" Aizawa said and started to come downstairs.

"Look Kurogiri, a brat thinks he could defeat all these villians. You think All Might would show up if we kill him and the other students?" Tomura asked Kurogiri while staring at me. Kurogiri didn't give him a reply, he must be analyzing me, I knew from the anime that he was much more calm-minded and clear thinker than the 'Man Child'.

"Hahaha! They sent a kid to fight us!" A villain said and laughed. Hearing him all the others mob villains started to laugh.

I still kept hearing voices of students including Aizawa but all of them stopped when the whole building started to shake and the floor was ripped open. Metal bars were ripped out of the floor and kept floating in the air. Now, how hell should I do this? Should I just bind them or cripple them and bind them after that?

The whole student body except Momo was shocked, even Aizawa and Thirteen were shocked... maybe, I wasn't so sure about Thirteen though, with the helmet and all that.

The steel beams and iron bars were launched towards the villains before they could even blink. It was so fast that no one was even able to move a single muscle. The steel beams and iron bars hit the villains on their legs, either taking off their entire limbs or just breaking the bones.

Loud screams of several people's were heard from inside the dust cloud. As soon as the dust settled down everyone could see about 20 villians were on the ground with eaither a missing leg or a broken leg. I used the iron bars to wrap around their hands and remaining legs or legs to immobilize them completely.

"I remember you saying something about killing me?" I said and started to walk forward, again. But this time, it was different, instead of laughing or making fun of me, the villains all flinched and stepped back. Fear and horror could be clearly seen on their faces.

"What are you guys doing!? Attack him together! He is just a single student!" the 'Man Child' screamed again. He was also scared because of the display, I could clearly that see in his eyes, but his immaturity took over him.

Following Tomura's order, somehow everyone gathered courage and attacked me together but all of them were stopped by a wall made up of iron dust. I know I have Aegis Sheild too but I want to keep it under the wraps. If I only show control over metals then they would think I can only control metals. This could be useful when I am fighting against All For One. I will not risk my life so that I can hide my powers but I would keep it under the wraps as long as I can.

The villains started to curse in frustration and nothing worked against the wall made of iron sand. Once again I launched the steel beams towards the villians. After I was done with half of the mob, I started to bind their remaining limbs with iron bars I had pulled out from the ground. I kept an eye towards Tomura, Nomu, and Kurogiri. I don't want to ignore them so they could launch a surprise attack on me.

"Kurogiri, get me close to him" I clearly heard the 'Man Child' and I knew he was angry, he was completely blinded with rage now. Pish... easy for me the more angry he is. I immediately send a mass of iron dust in his direction.

I portal appeared beside my head but nothing came out of it. This seemed to shock both Kurogiri and Tomura. Tomura looked down towards his left hand and saw it was completely missing from down the shoulder. He grabbed the stump and screamed in pain and dropped on the ground rolling around.

The next attack came from Kurogiri himself as he tried to grab me but I immediately attacked his neck brace. This seemed to shock him but he was still quick enough to get out of the way.

[With the Students]

"A-Amazing" Izuku somehow stuttered out. He and the others were still speechless to see what just happened and happening right in front of them.

Everyone was shocked, stunned, they were also feeling other emotions at the same time. The two teachers were also feeling the same... they still couldn't believe that Reo took out so many villains in a matter of seconds without lifting his finger.

Momo had a proud smile on her face. Yes, Reo deserved a reward for this and he will get his reward. Things like this were going inside Momo's head.

"He is on another level" Iida spoke up.

'He is able to take on so many villains on his own and come out victorious and he didn't even seem to be trying. Even I would have to put a lot of effort to just take out even half of what he defeated' Shoto thought while gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

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"E-Everyone! Head towards the exit!" Thirteen said to the students. This seemed to bring them out of their thoughts.

"I will stay and help him, I can at least take care of those riff-raffs" Aizawa said. He knew he couldn't compare with this kind of power but decided to stay behind because of his responsibility as a Hero and the kid's teacher who was currently fighting the horde of villians on his own. He decided to join the fight so that he could at least take out some of the mob villains.

"We need to go and inform the other staff members! Iida, you are the fastest one among us, I think you should go ahead of us to inform them" Momo said taking the role of class president. Iida looked at her for a moment before nodding and rushing towards the gate.

[POV Reo]

Tch... I couldn't get Kurogiri. He seems to get out of the way. At least he will think twice before trying something again. I saw the students leaving and Aizawa joining the fight. At least he could take care of those mobs.

Tomura looked at the students running away but he knew Kurogiri couldn't do anything because he also saved himself by a hair's breadth. Tomura was still clutching his stump in pain but he somehow got up and called the creature, "Nomu". As soon as he shouted, Nomu appeared beside him. Looks like he is going to sic Nomu on me now... I think I can hold him off or maybe even immobilize it.

Tomura gestured towards Nomu using his chin. "This weapon is made to kill All Might, you stand no chance against it! So why don't you surrender and I will give you a painless death?" Tomura said with an expression like he won the whole fight.

"Yeah... sure" I said with a bland expression on my face when I suddenly had an idea. I remembered how Magneto controlled those Sentinals in X-Men Days of Future Past. The steel beams around me were immediately ripped into threads, by this time Tomura had already ordered Nomu to kill me. Nomu lunged towards me but he was stopped by the wall of iron sand.

The steel threads immediately wrapped around Nomu and started to go under his skin and muscles. Nomu screamed in pain. "What are you doing to it??!" The 'Man Child' screamed like a kid throwing tantrum. Soon all the steel threads were inside its body. I tried to control it but it wasn't moving like I wanted because it was still following Tomura's command. I guess I will just keep him immobilized. Another thing that needs to be practiced in future.

"Nomu! Why are you just standing there?! Kill him! Why aren't you following my orders!" Tomura's tantrums grew more and more. Suddenly the black portal appreaed beside him again and a voice was heard from the inside.

"It's over, Tomura. All the heros are already here, we need to leave now" Kurogiri didn't wait for Tomura's reply and engulfed him inside the smoke and disappeared.

I didn't try to stop them, if I wanted I could have stopped them easily nut doing that would have changed the plot drastically and All For One would try to hunt me down actively... he might even attack my family if needed. Small-time villains like Kurogiri would never have been a problem if the Heroes had the guts to deal with them...

My Priority was also different... I didn't want to change the plot that much before the Kamino Incident, or All For One change his plans and I can't have that. I know some of you think that I might sound stupid because I have already changed the plot but in truth, I haven't changed much... after all, all these villains would have been defeated. So, I just stood in my initail position looking around hearing the moans of pain coming from all the villains I took down. The villains Aizawa took down were knocked out cold.

"Reo! Aizawa!" A voice yelled out. I turned around to see all the students including the teachers of UA High were already here, including All Might. The students looked mostly worried because one of their classmates was fighting all those villains with the only help of Aizawa.

When all of them finally arrived here, they saw something none of them expected. All the villains were taken out and it was already over! Even the teachers were shocked, but currently my attention was only towards two people. One was obviously Momo... and the other was my Nemuri who was looking at me while licking her lips.

I also noticed that Aizawa was looking at the place from where Kurogiri whisked away Tomura with him.

[POV Aizawa]

I looked all around me and couldn't help but think 'He was able to defeat all those villians on his own without even getting a single scratch on him. Granted, they were all low-level villains, and he used his Quirk to defeat them but he still used his Quirk heavily but he still doesn't look even slightly winded. He even defeated that creature, that guy declared that it was a weapon made to kill All Might and he is still holding it back.'

Then I looked towards all those villains he defeated, all of them had some broken parts or missing limbs. 'He is pretty brutal with the villains, but he seemed to have held back' I looked towards his back while he was walking towards his classmates. I noticed that the teachers were coming towards me.

"Aizawa! Who is that kid?" Nezu asked me.

I looked at the small mouse "Itsuki Reo" I said seriously.

"Hmm... he is pretty handsome! And his costume makes him look so hot" A certain R-Rated hero decided to speak out her thoughts.

"Nemuri, this isn't time for your antics. We need to talk with the student who fought here" I said seriously, she seemed to held back but her eyes didn't say the same.

We walked towards Reo, he was currently talking with Iida and a few guys. (A/N: MC didn't start the conversation but the other boys were asking him questions). After asking him a few questions which he answered. We also came to know what his Quirk is. As All Might and I had thought, his Quirk lets him control and manipulate metals. He also told us that some villains must be still hiding around.

He also made the creature lay on the ground before binding it with more steel beams. Soon the police arrived and arrested the villians who were hiding around and also took the creature with them.

[POV Reo]

As soon as the police took away the villains I was immediately engulfed in a hug by Momo. She checked my body if I had any injuries or not.

Soon I was surrounded by other students again who started to fire off rapid questions towards me. I answered some of them and I ignored the rest. Bakugo was making snide comments about that but I didn't bother with him... he can do that all he wants.

But I was thankfully pulled out of the situation by a teacher "Reo, the principal wants to talk with you" I kissed Momo on her cheek and walked towards the small animal sitting on All Might's shoulders. I kind of guessed what he would ask or want to know.

Seeing me kiss Momo on the cheek the girls squealed while awwing.

"You guys can't be showing that kind of indecent acts on the school grounds" Iida said but was ignored by everyone.

"Damn that lucky bastard!" Denki shouted because he was clearly jealous.

I arrived in front of All Might and looked at his shoulder, Aizawa was standing beside All Might. "You needed me?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, I would like to talk with you in my office after we reach the school" Nezu said seriously. I walked back towards the students who were already boarding the bus.

The journey back was much quieter than when we were coming here. I sat beside Momo who just placed her head on my shoulders. After reaching school I was immediately called into the Principal's office. I entered the room and found Nezu and All Might were already there. Aizawa had left with the other students.

All Might looked at his limit, he must have pushed himslef too hard even if he didn't have to fight Nomu this time. "I have something urgent to do, so I will see you guys later" All Might said and rushed out of the room closing the door. Nezu gestured me towards a chair in front of him. I took the seat and looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Firstly I want to thank you for today's help, if you wouldn't have helped then we would have a lot of injured people and someone could have even lost his or her life. Now you can ask me for any request and I will accept it it's within my power" Nezu said.

"At this moment I don't have anything... I will keep the request for later" I said. Nezu also nodded in understanding.

"What you did today will also gather the attention of many villains so I wanted to have a guard for you" Nezu said seriously.

"I don't need a guard, you may think I am being arrogant or overconfident but I am not. As long as I have metals around me, I don't have anything to worry about. But my father could use a guard, he is Quirkless, and villains could use him to reach me" I told him. Let's see what he says.

"I will see what I can do, now you may leave" Nezu said. I got up from the seat and left the room. At least there was no interrogation...

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